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A Dozen Documents and Papers

A Dozen by Philip Reed

Documents and Papers

Where books and scrolls are quite valuable treasures that any Appraise Information: DC 19. The painting is by the
adventurer will usually instantly assume can be sold for a prof- renowned drow artist Kel’kathkata and was painted around the
it, individual sheets of parchment or vellum that are covered in same time as his masterpiece, “Final Stand.” This painting is
mundane writing – that aren’t scrolls – tend to be considered over one thousand years old and only one of a dozen
nothing but trash. I’ve personally always enjoyed treasures that Kel’kathkata paintings still in mint condition. Kel’kathkata
are not immediately recognizable as valuable but, rather, force works are highly prized by art dealers and the wealthy.
the player characters to take some time researching their find. Value: 5,250 gp (5,100 gp for the painting, 150 gp for the
My previous PDFs of treasures, 101 Mundane Treasures and wooden tube).
Another 101 Mundane Treasures, greatly show this type of Special Rules: None. Collectors can find another
thinking but even then they are packed with item after item that Kel’kathkata painting in Forbidden Arcana: Kelust’s Tower.
is instantly recognizable as something of value.
A Dozen Treasured Documents is a PDF of nothing but
scraps and pieces of paper (and one metal document). Use these
Appearance: A vellum sheet, written in a flowing script and
treasures sparingly, mixing them in amongst more common
signed by Vesavalleus, Head Undertaker (the signature is obvi-
treasures. Also, so that the players don’t instantly assume that
ously in a different hand than the rest of the text). This elegant
every parchment sheet they find is worth a mountain of gold, be
certificate proclaims that one Miranda Festak was cremated in
certain to include documents that are little more than trash.
the city crematorium seven weeks earlier.
Always keep the players guessing!
Appraise Information: DC 15. The sheet has no practical
“THE BATTLE OF BLACK GATE” value though Festak’s family may pay a few gold coins for it as
a lasting record to one of their own. A Gather Information
Appearance: This giant painting measures eight feet by check (DC 14) reveals that Miranda Festak is survived by Justin
seven feet and depicts a massive battle between human soldiers Festak, a brother who works as a cargo handler on the city
and twisted, unidentifiable sea creatures. The painting, when docks.
found, is tightly rolled and stored within a massive wooden Value: None.
tube. Engraving on the tube identifies the work as “Black Special Rules: None.

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A Dozen Documents and Papers


Appearance: This small brass plate, roughly six inches
square, grants the owner permission to vote in the elections of a BENEFITS
great city by the sea. The date on the plate is current and the Access to Funds: The member has potential access to an
engraving indicates that the possessor of the plate may vote in almost unlimited amount of funds. To acquire these funds be
any elections held over the next twenty years. must initiate a trading venture and issue trade sharers for sale
Appraise Information: DC 15. The exact city in question to guild members. An adventure into a dragon’s lair is not
will depend upon your campaign world. Not all cities allow vot- considered a trading venture and will not be financed.
ing and typically those that do allow only the wealthy and pow- Access to Information: Within the guild, a member can
erful to participate in the practice. present himself at any guild hall (usually the most elaborate
Value: None outside of the city in question though the brass building in the center of every major town) and request
could be melted down in which case it would be worth a few sil- information about the local area. The information will be
ver coins. In the city in which the plate is used its value could be given freely to members, whereas a nonmember would have
anywhere from a few gold pieces to hundreds of gold depending to pay a steep price for the information.
upon how difficult it is to be granted permission to vote. Good Reputation: Within the guild, members enjoy
Special Rules: None. Voting and political intrigue can intro- good reputation. All reactions to the member receive an
duce a completely new form of play to your sessions. DMs and automatic shift of one place in his favor. Nonmember mer-
players interested in political action are encouraged to hunt chants know of the guild and treat guild members with
down resources and references pertaining to medieval politics. respect.

GUILD MEMBERSHIP PAPERS Special Rules: A member of the guild is granted access to
funds, information, and enjoys the benefits of a good reputation
Appearance: Several sheets of parchment collected in a with other guild members (see box).
small wooden case, each stamped with the seal of the Roshanta
Trading Guild and bearing the signature of the guild’s account-
ant, these papers proclaim the possessor to be a member in good
standing of the Roshanta Trading Guild. Furthermore, the pos- Appearance: This scrap of parchment bears the official seal
sessor is to be granted all of the privileges and benefits of one of the Roshanta Trading Guild and promises the bearer 10 gp.
accorded the rank of “banker” in the guild. The letter is only a few weeks old and made out to Victor
Appraise Information: DC 18. This collection of papers is Smithfield, proprietor of Smithfield’s Chocolate House (see p. 6
much like any other set of guild membership papers. This spe- or
cific set of papers is for the Roshanta Trading Guild, a merchant Appraise Information: DC 12. This letter would be difficult
guild that grew from a family of the same name. The guild is to cash in without Smithfield’s signature. The letter must have
quite large, with members and offices in almost all of the larger been stolen or lost.
cities in the known lands. Value: 100 gp.
Value: 3,000 gp. Membership in the guild is quite expensive.

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A Dozen Documents and Papers
two separate countries, gives the bearer permission to pass
FORGED DOCUMENTS freely between the countries without the necessity to pay border
As you know, all of the treasures in this PDF are sheets of crossing fees, taxes, or other duties.
paper or parchment with writing on them. This writing is Appraise Information: DC 15. The exact countries this let-
what makes these sheets of parchment treasures and, as ter grants permission to travel between will be the decision of
many have in the past, these treasures may prove to be for- the DM. The countries need not be openly warring but they
geries. should most certainly be on unfriendly terms.
The Forgery skill is of particular importance to one who Value: 20 gp at a minimum. The exact value may fluctuate
would choose to make a living by selling forged documents. on a daily basis with the value rising as high as 1,000 gp during
In addition to the modifiers found in the Player’s Handbook times of open warfare. Anyone caught using a letter of transit
two other factors modify the DC when forgery is attempted. illegally acquired (or, worse yet, a forgery) is immediately con-
Condition Forgery Check Modifier sidered a criminal and seized by authorities.
Forger has access to an official document+4 Special Rules: Using a letter of transit can be as simple as
Document requires an official stamp or wax seal -2 showing it to the proper authorities and as difficult as a
Diplomacy check. Entering or leaving a country during a time
of war – at an official point – can be a tense, nerve-wracking
Special Rules: Many merchants – foreign and domestic – encounter; especially if the individual entering or leaving is
prefer to carry letters of credit in various denominations (at transporting something illegal. DMs are encouraged to use the
least 100 gp). Letters of credit are backed by actual gold coin idea of border crossing as a way of springing a new trick on the
issued by various organizations in return for a fee, usually PCs. Imagine the concern and confusion as the PCs find them-
between 2% and 5%. They can be generic (transferable) or selves stopped by armed guards who ask for their papers.
assigned to a specific individual (non-transferable), but all fea- Identification papers, obviously, could also be introduced into
ture the signature of the issuer as well as the organization’s, or your campaign.
individual’s, stamp. This is actually a rudimentary form of
banking wherein the organization backing the letter of credit MERCENARY PAYMENT
keeps the funds in its safes until such time as the letter of cred-
it is redeemed. Most letters are generic and function much like
bank notes; those that have a specific bearer named can only be Appearance: This parchment card, roughly the size and
cashed by that individual (or someone impersonating them). weight of a playing card, is decorated on one side with the
Many letters have been circulating for years, changing hands image of a shield and skull. The other side bears the signature
multiple times without ever being cashed. of Otto Selvaka and states that whomsoever presents this card
to the Steel Shields’ paymaster must be paid 20 gold pieces.
LETTER OF TRANSIT There is no other information on the card.
Appraise Information: DC 14. This card is a payment
Appearance: This folded parchment sheet is stored careful- voucher from the Steel Shields mercenary company. The com-
ly within a small leather case that is held closed with a length pany is still in service and usually has around 100 men, elves,
of silk rope. The parchment, stamped with the official seal of and dwarves in its ranks.

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A Dozen Documents and Papers
Value: 20 gp but may only be exchanged with the Steel Appraise Information: DC 15. Slavery, while illegal in
Shields’ paymaster. Others who know of the mercenary compa- some territories and countries, is most certainly legal in others.
ny may be willing to accept the card as payment for some goods The specifics of the slave are left to the concern of the DM, as
or services. is the decision of whether or not slavery is to be a part of the
Special Rules: Several mercenary companies across the campaign world. Many DMs and players look down upon the
lands pay their men with these cards. Such cards are frequently inclusion of slavery into game play and while it was a fact of life
lost, stolen, used in gambling, or traded away. Tracking down for thousands of years it is most certainly a distasteful subject.
this specific mercenary company may not be worth the effort for Value: The exact value of a slave will depend upon age, sex,
such a small sum. race, health, and skills. A goblin warrior, for example, could be
expected to be worth 50 gp while a young human boy would be
T HE O RATION OF worth only 15 gp.
Special Rules: None. Slavery is a touchy subject that
T HERANGA THE W ISE requires a careful hand when implementing it into a campaign
Appearance: This ragged sheet of parchment is yellowed with world. Mature DMs and players should have no difficulties with
age and one side shows signs of fire damage. The sheet is covered slavery in games and, in fact, good-aligned adventurers may
on both sides with what appears to be the writing of a quick, ill-at- take it upon themselves to fight legal and illegal slavery.
ease hand and is a speech proclaiming victory over some dragon
horde. The poor penmanship and damage to the paper makes it dif-
ficult to read (Decipher Script check DC 20).
Appraise Information: DC 25. While this appears to be the OF K ’ EL KATHKATA
ramblings of a madman or perhaps the fiction of a crazed author, Appearance: A parchment sheet with a small, elegant sketch
this is in fact the original copy of a great speech give by the sage of a castle signed “Kel’kathkata the Masterful.” The sheet has
Theranga some one thousand years ago. Following the devastation been folded and unfolded many times and shows signs of water
of nearly 100 dragons, Theranga convinced the people of dozens damage. Parts of the sketch and the signature are smudged but
of villages to bind their lives together so that they could better for the most part the work is clearly visible.
defend themselves and their homes. This is a truly valuable sheet Appraise Information: DC 30. This is a very difficult item
of paper to anyone who understands its meaning and history. to identify. Art specialists will immediately suspect the docu-
Value: 550 gp. ment’s worth but only careful study and research will prove it to
Special Rules: None. be an authentic signature of the long-dead drow artist.
Value: 1,500 gp. Signatures of Kel’kathkata surface from
P APERS OF O WNERSHIP time to time but most do not include sketches. A simple signa-
ture is worth 500 gp.
Appearance: These four sheets of bleached parchment are
the properly filled-out forms granting the holder of the papers Special Rules: None.
complete legal ownership of a single slave. The slave is
described in detail and named and the image of the slave’s brand
– and location of the brand on the slave’s body – is included on
the final sheet.

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A Dozen Documents and Papers

STATUTE OF LABORERS Special Rules: None. DMs may choose to make such a paper
current and legal, in which case even PCs will be forced to abide
Appearance: This large sheet of parchment is dull brown in by it. The issuing of such a statute does not make the issuer evil
color and 20” square. Handwritten, this is a declaration from the or immoral – this is just government at work in ancient times.
courts ordering the lower classes to perform their duties, be they
fieldwork, baking, animal handling, smithing, or any other task
the nobles and wealthy rely on others for. The paper states that
anyone shirking his responsibility will be beheaded without Appearance: A single sheet of bleached parchment, stamped
trial. with the official seal of Soar Sails, a thriving sailcloth business
located in one of the largest port cities in the realms. This cer-
Appraise Information: DC 12. This is just one of many such
tificate, like many others, is traded, bought, and sold by the
declarations that have been passed over the years. This specific
stock-jobbers and men of influence in most large cities. To most
statute was issued some five hundred years ago and has value
adventurers this stock certificate will prove worthless but there
only to collectors of antique documents or a legal library. There
are some who choose to delve in financial adventure.
is a good chance that the authority that issued the paper no
longer exists. Appraise Information: DC 18. A Profession (Stock-Jobber)
check is required to know when to sell the certificate in order to
Value: None. 100 gp to a collector or library.
get the best value for the parchment sheet. See special rules for
information on buying and selling stock certificates.
TOCK OBBER ) Value: 50 gp. To one versed in the trade of the stock-jobber
this parchment sheet can be worth a lot more (or, on bad days,
This skill covers the profession of buying and selling less).
stocks and issues. It is treated like all other Profession skills. Special Rules: The actual value of this (and any other) stock
Stock certificates are usually sold in an area where stock- certificate depends on the current financial situation of the city
jobbers congregate (any number of taverns or inns in the and the company who issued the certificate. While some DMs
city). The buyer and seller each make Profession (Stock- may find it enjoyable to keep track of market fluctuations and
Jobber) checks to determine which party benefits from the the many subtle nuances that affect stock values, most will let
transaction. If the buyer’s check is higher reduce the printed everything rest on a single Profession (Stock-Jobber) check (see
value of the stock by 2 gp per point of difference between box).
the checks. If the seller’s check is higher increase the print- NOTE: The DM can easily invent additional stock certifi-
ed value of the stock by 2 gp per point of difference between cates for any number of businesses located in and out of the city.
the checks. The only important information is the name of the company
Example: If the buyer rolls an 18 and the seller a 12 the issuing the certificate and the value.
value of the stock would be reduced by 12 gp. If the seller’s
check was 22 and the buyer’s 10 the value of the stock would
be increased by 24 gp.
If the checks tie the stock is sold at the printed value.
Stock may never be decreased in value to less than 0 gp.

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A Dozen Documents and Papers


“The divine drink which builds up resistance & fights fatigue.
A cup of this precious drink permits man to walk for a whole day IN THE REAL WORLD
without food.” As difficult as it may be to accept, there was a time only
–Hernando Cortez 300 years ago when chocolate was a valuable trade good,
nearly worth its weight in gold. Discovered in the New
NOTE: This short article was originally presented free on World, chocolate was transported to Europe where it quick-
my website. I’ve included it here so that readers have a cleaner ly became an expensive luxury enjoyed only by the most
copy to print if they so choose. powerful men and women of the time. The cocoa bean, for a
time, rivaled coffee and opium and entire ships of the beans
This elegant establishment, as richly decorated as any posh made their way to Europe where the beans brought in con-
restaurant, sits deep within the heart of the wealthy merchant siderable sums of money.
district of the city. A single story in height with a stone roof and
In 1657 the first chocolate house opened in London.
rock walls, Smithfield’s Chocolate House is a place in which the
Several more rapidly sprang up and it is important to note
wealthiest and most powerful men in the city may congregate to
that these first chocolate houses were opened before the first
discuss politics and business while politely sipping from a dish
coffee houses. Chocolate remained such a valuable com-
of thick, hot chocolate.
modity for almost two hundred years that even after coffee
Smithfield’s Chocolate House is a small, cramped business houses were opened the elite and wealthy, for the most part,
that is kept well lit and clean. A dozen small tables, each with remained within the walls of the chocolate houses – the
two chairs, and three larger tables at which up to ten men may lower value of coffee made the coffee houses the meeting
sit, dominate the public room of the building. A small podium place for the masses.
near the door is attended by Victor Smithfield [male human,
A large number of websites and books devoted to trade
Exp4, hp 17] himself and Smithfield greets each and every
and economics of the sixteenth through eighteenth centuries
entrant to his establishment and directs them to a table.
are available for DMs interested in expanding the role of the
Smithfield will allow only the most elegantly dressed men (and
cocoa bean in their game.
some women) to enter. Anyone Smithfield deems inadequate or
undeserving of visiting his chocolate house will be turned away
– troublemakers who insist on entering will be set upon by two within his chocolate house.
roughs [male human, War 5, hp 24] Smithfield employs for At any time there are usually a dozen to two dozen customers
just such occasions. in the chocolate house. Any number of them may have body-
In addition to Smithfield and the two roughs there are four guards with them or waiting just outside the building. Anyone
boys between the ages of 10 and 16 working in the chocolate attempting to disrupt or disturb the discussions of gentlemen
house. These boys prepare (in a small, back room) and serve the enjoying the chocolate house’s elite atmosphere and excellent
drinks and snacks of those visiting the chocolate house. It must chocolate will rapidly find themselves surrounded by any num-
be noted that Smithfield does not allow girls or women to work ber of skilled men-at-arms.

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A Dozen Documents and Papers
Services and Prices Adventure Hooks
The primary offering in Smithfield’s Chocolate House is, of While the idea of a chocolate house may not immediately bring
course, a dish of hot chocolate. Smithfield’s chocolate dish is made of to mind adventure, there are a few interesting adventures that could
ground cocoa beans, milk, and a dash of sugar and vanilla – customers be devised around chocolate houses and chocolate itself. DMs
may request more or less sugar. The ingredients are mixed and heat- should take these few hooks as inspiration for their own adventures
ed and then poured from cup to cup until thick, dark foam collects on (or even simple encounters within a much larger adventure).
the top. This is then poured into a small saucer and served to the cus- The Case of the Stolen Cocoa: Smithfield keeps his cocoa
tomer. Adish of chocolate prepared in this manner costs a single gold beans in the preparation room within a large, locked chest. At any
piece. A mug of this chocolate is also offered, costing 5 gold pieces. time he will have between 100 gp and 500 gp worth of cocoa beans
Most customers purchase single dishes of chocolate since it is con- within this chest and leaves a guard with the chest at all times.
sidered rude to drink chocolate as if it were a cheap beer. Upon entering the chocolate house one morning Smithfield finds
A stronger, bitter-tasting chocolate dish is also offered. This drink, his guard dead and the chest smashed open – all of the cocoa beans
made of water and crushed cocoa beans, is concocted in almost the are gone. Smithfield is desperate to get his cocoa beans back and
same manner as those tribal cultures who first discovered the cocoa will pay a handsome reward to any adventurers who manage to
bean and its uses. A dish of this chocolate is 5 silver pieces. This track down the criminals and return his cocoa beans.
chocolate is not offered in a mug. Caravan Escort: Cocoa beans are typically brought to the city
Other offerings include a number of small cookies and cakes and by boat but a rumor of pirates has forced many cocoa traders to
cups of hot coffee. Some customers prefer to mix their dish of choco- bring their goods in by land caravan. Smithfield – or any number
late with a cup of coffee. The coffee is made on the premises and of other dealers in chocolate – would like to hire adventurers to
Smithfield has the cakes and cookies delivered twice a day from a protect the caravan.
nearby bakery.

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A Dozen Documents and Papers is copyright © 2004 Philip Reed. All text in this book is designated as open game content. You may not distribute this PDF
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