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Eleventh Grade - English

Name: Workbook A
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Lesson 1: What´s the healthiest option?

1 Activity
Determine whether the following statements are true
Read the following conversation. or false.
A: My doctor told me that I need to quit smoking 1. The doctor told Ryan that he needs to quit
and start getting more exercise. He said that I smoking and exercise.
should try to go walking once a day.
True/ False
B: So have you been walking a lot?
2. Ryan has exercised as often as his doctor told
A: Yes, I haven’t been walking every day but I go for a him too.
walk at least three times a week.
True/ False
B: That’s a goods start. Where do you go walking?
3. Ryan goes walking to the top of the hill.
A: I’ve been walking from my house to the top of the
hill. It takes me about a half hour to get up there. True/ False
Then I sit down and have something to drink at 4. Quitting smoking has been easier for Ryan than
the store and then walk home. walking.
B: That’s a good walk. Do you feel any better? True/ False
A: Yes, I do. Walking makes me feel good, that is 5. Manuel says that it was hard for him to quit
the easy part. Quitting smoking has been more smoking too.
difficult. I have gone three weeks without a True/ False
cigarette now.
6. Ryan takes a few minutes to get the top of the hill.
B: I remember when I quit smoking. It was hard for True/false
me, too.
7. That kind of walk makes Ryan feel better.

8. The lack of exercise and smoking is good for

anyone´s heath?

Eleventh Grade - English


2 Activity Activity 3
Complete the following sentences using the words given below. Look at the image of the nutrition facts label and answer
the questions below.
cholesterol calcium vitamin
low- fat sodium

1. ______________
Vitamin can be found in carrots
and is good for the eyes.
2. Low - Fat
We started buying ______________ milk
because James is overweight.
3. After seeing my blood test, the doctor says I have
too much ______________.
4. Greg has high blood pressure so he
tries to avoid salty foods that are high in
5. It is important to have enough
______________ in your diet so that you
have strong bones.

1. How many grams of total fat are in one serving of
this product?
228 grams
2. What percentage of you daily value of sodium is
in each serving?
470 mg
3. Does this product contain dietary fiber?
it doesn't
4. What percentage of your daily value of vitamin C
is in each serving?
5. How many grams saturated fat should someone
on a 2,000 calorie diet consume per day?
20-25 grams

English - Eleventh Grade

Lesson 2: What do you usually have for breakfast?

1 Activity Activity 3
You can change the order of a conditional sentence and the The sentences below are incomplete. Complete each
meaning remains the same. Rewrite the following sentences sentence using one of the phrases in the box below.
changing the order of the phrases. Remember that you may
need to make minor changes such as adding or removing if you do your homework
a comma. I will make breakfast
1. Dianna will watch the kids if you need to go. if we go visit my aunt and uncle
if she goes to the market
If you need to go,
we will come back tomorrow to pay the water bill
Diana will watch the kids.
2. If I find your phone, I will save it for you. , if we go visit my aunt
1. We will see my cousins _______________
I will save it for you, and uncle.
If i find your phone.
_____________________________ I will make breakfast
2. If I wake up early, ___________________
3. I will give you a ride to the bus stop if you want to
leave right now. _____________________________.

you want to leave right now, 3. You will pass the class ________________
, If you do your homework

will give you a ride to the bus stop. _____________________________.
4. Janet will buy some tomatoes and onions
4. If the doctor says that your diabetes is getting
worse, you will have to go on a diet. , If she goes to the market.
You will have to go on a diet,If the doctor _____________________________.
says that your diabetes is getting worse.
_____________________________ 5. If there is a long line at the bank, __________
5. If you pass the bakery, will you buy me some we will come back tomorrow to pay the water bill.
French bread?
Will you buy me some French bread,
If you pass the bakery?
6. Frank will want to see Granddad if he comes to
visit us.
If he comes to visit us, Frank will want
to see Granddad.

Eleventh Grade - English

Lesson 3: How do you like your coffee?

Esta actividad no se va a realizar.

1 Activity Activity 2
Esta actividad no se va a realizar.
The sentences in this activity express a desire for change. The sentences below describe a present situation. Respond
Rewrite the following sentences to include “wish” and to these situations by expressing discontent. Your answer
“would” to express a desire for change. Begin each sentence should begin with “I wish” and include “could/was/were/
with “I wish”. have” or “had”.
1. You don’t come visit me. 1. There is an exam this afternoon.
_____________________________ _____________________________
I wish i have more time to study my notes.

_____________________________ _____________________________
2. The wind won’t stop blowing. 2. I can’t make cookies without using butter.

_____________________________ _____________________________
I wish i had some butter to make grandma's

_____________________________ _____________________________
3. The bus never stops near our house. 3. It is expensive to spend the night in a hotel.

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
4. Jim won’t pick us up from school. 4. John has to stay home to watch his little brother.

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
5. My kids never clean up their mess. 5. They are living on the other side of the city.

_____________________________ _____________________________
_____________________________ _____________________________
6. My husband is unfaithful. 6. We can’t see the sunset from here.

_____________________________ _____________________________
we wish we were at the top of the hill.

_____________________________ _____________________________
7. I have more time to myself. 7. I pick up my neighbor´s trash.
_____________________________ _____________________________
I wish i could not pick up neighbor's trash.

_____________________________ _____________________________

English - Eleventh Grade


3 Activity

Identify the cooking method in each image and fill in the barbecue fried
blank in the corresponding sentence using one of the words
in the box below. steamed bake

3. fried
My mom makes great __________ chicken.
1. Jenny likes make __________
steamed broccoli.

2. On the 4th of July, many American families cook 4. On

O Thanksgiving
Th k we always
l __________
hotdogs and hamburgers on the __________. a turkey.

4 Activity

Complete the following sentences with the words given below.

had could
would were

1. Would
My aunt wishes that we ______________ 3. had
He wishes that he ______________ not
visit her more often. missed class so much this year.
4. were
I wish that we ______________ at home
2. Could
I wish I ______________ go out with you right now.
guys but I have to stay home tonight.

Eleventh Grade - English

Lesson 4: How do you prepare that?

1 Activity Activity 2
Esta actividad no se va a realizar.
Read the following conversation.
The following sentences contain food items and
A: Hi, Betty. Are you going to the meeting this evening? ingredients. Listen carefully to each sentence and fill
B: I hope so, Angela. First, I have to pick Rachel up in the blanks with the words you hear.
from school in the afternoon and then I have to go
to the bank. 1. My mom always put a pinch of
A: If you can’t go to the meeting I will call you after it
_________________ in the lemonade.
is over to tell you what happened.
B: That would be great. If I get out of the bank before 2. Do you take your coffee with
4:00, I will definitely go to the meeting. If not, call
me later. _________________ or
Answer the questions according to the previous conversation.
3. I had _________________ fish for lunch.

4. Jaime likes to have a glass of

1. What is the first thing that Betty has to do this
afternoon? _________________ with his dinner.
She has to pick Rachel up from school.
_____________________________ 5. I like to drink hot _________________
_____________________________ when the weather is cold.
2. When will Betty go to the bank?
After she pick rachel up from school.
6. When there are a lot of tomatoes, my
mom always makes a big pot of spaghetti
3. What will Betty do if she gets out of the bank
before 4:00? 7. I like eating _________________ potatoes
she will definitely go to the meeting.
_____________________________ with butter, _________________, and salt.

4. If Betty can’t go to the meeting, when will Angela 8. I usually put _________________ and
call her? _________________ on my salads.
She call her later.

English - Eleventh Grade

3 Activity

The images below show the order of that Sandy’s activities in the morning. Complete the sentences below with the words in the
box and rewrite them in the correct order below.

after then First Sandy wakes up in the morning,

first while
her mom is already making breakfast.
__________ Sandy and her mom eat, Sandy After Sandy and her mom eat, Sandy washes
washes the dishes.
the dishes.
__________Sandy wakes up in the morning,
her mom is already making breakfast. _______________________________
Then she gets ready for school.

__________ the bus comes that will pick _______________________________
while the bus comes that will pick.
her up.
__________ she gets ready for school.

Complete the sentences using your own information.

1. When I get up in the morning the first thing I do is _________________________.

Hug my pet Kyara
take a shower
2. Then I go to bathroom and I _________________________.
3. ____________________________
a bowl with milk and cereal is what I like for breakfast.
4. Usually, at noon, I eat ________________________.
steak, rice with a fresh salad

5. I always go to bed at _________________________.

eleven o'clock

6. I don´t go to the bed. Until I _______________________.

Wash my teeth

Eleventh Grade - English

Lesson 5: Where’s the cookbook?

1 Activity Activity 2
Esta actividad no se va a realizar.
Read the following conversation.
Listen to the following sentences and fill in the blanks
with the words you hear. A: What do you want to have for lunch today, Adam?
B: Let’s have barbecued shrimp for lunch. I could
1. An ________________ has eight legs and pick up some shrimp from the supermarket on
no bones. my way home from work.
2. The State of Maryland is famous for their blue A: That would be great. Also, buy some green beans
________________. and broccoli so that I can make some steamed
3. The people who live near the river catch vegetables.
________________ using nets. B: Ok, I’ll be home around 11:30.
A: I’ll see you then.
4. ________________ have tentacles like the
octopus but they have a different shape.
Answer the questions according to the previous
5. People dig _________________ up out of conversation.
the ocean floor.
6. ________________ are like lobsters but 1. How does Adam want his shrimp cooked?
much smaller. _____________________________
He want barbecued shrimp.

3 Activity 2. Where will he buy the shrimp?
In the supermarket.
Complete the following sentences with the word “unusual”
or “usually”. _____________________________
3. What vegetables will they steam?
1. My grandparents ________________
usually go
to church on Sundays. _____________________________
Green Beans and Broccoli.

2. It is ________________
unusual to see so many _____________________________
people in the library.
4. What time will Adam get home?
3. My brother never wakes up early, it is
unusual to see him before _____________________________
eleven and thirty.
8:00 a.m.
4. There are ________________
usually people
selling food in the park. 5. Where will they meet for Lunch?

5. I ________________
unsual get home from work _____________________________
Adam's House.
around 6:00 p.m.
6. It is very ________________
unusual for there to be
rain in January.

English - Eleventh Grade

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