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Day 1
Welcome back to school!

SCHOOL YEAR 2022-2023

Mask up

Keep distance

Wash hands

Have fun!
1. Have the students sit or stand in a

2. Clap a simple rhythm that can

easily be repeated continuously.

Rythms 3. Tell the students to join in with the

same rhythm until the entire class is

clapping together.
4. Once all students have caught on,

you can stop the rhythm, and clap a

different rhythm.
What happened during this game? How

did it make you feel when we were all

clapping the same rhythm together?

How is listening to each other important

for this game?

How can we apply these listening skills

to other things we do together?

Desert Island
1. Divide the class into four groups

2. As they are standing in their groups of four, say:

“Imagine you are on a deserted island, and there is

water all around you. What will you need to be safe

there? What would you need to survive?”

3. Instruct the learners to use masking tape (or

string) to create an imaginary island at the center of

their circle.
4. When their islands are ready, give learners fifteen

minutes to scout the room for “found” objects they can

use for their group sculpture

5. Allow the groups to create their islands with

everything they need to feel safe and to survive, using

recycled or natural objects to represent these.

6. They can also use paper and pens to draw some items

or people they are unable to represent through their

natural or found objects.

7. When learners are finished, let them give their island

sculpture a title and put this at the base of their


8. When everyone has finished, let the class roam around

(in silence) looking at the various sculptures. Remind

learners to respect and hold judgment, and instead be

curious and appreciative.

9. Let them know they can share their work with the class

if they would like to. Groups can assign a leader to speak

or have each member tell the story of their sculpture.

1. What is the title of your piece?

1. Tell us about each item in your desert

island and how each one helps you to
survive and/or feel safe
Wrap Up Discussion
Talk about the importance of safety and what

steps they can take when they don’t feel safe

in their bodies or in their environment. Stress

that the most important thing is to tell another

adult they can trust (at home or in school) when

they do not feel safe. For older learners, you

may want to discuss the referral system or

protocol for reporting any unsafe incidents.

To close, you may ask the learners how it was

working with their classmates to keep their

island safe

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