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A mirage sold as a panacea for the unorganised sector

The labour codes will only better India’s ‘ease of doing business’ ranking instead of improving conditions of employment
undefined future. They may also not seem to have figured big in the Labour Minister announced a
Mohan Mani & Babu Mathew
be allowed access to underutilised election rhetoric before the Bihar floor wage of ₹178 per day in 2019;
Employees’ State Insurance Cor- Assembly election. The political and more recently the Finance Mi-

n an interview with The Hindu poration hospitals — and even that promises there are more basic — to nister announced ₹202. This is on-
in October this year, the Union only on payment of a usage provide jobs rather than job ly a little more than half the ₹375
Labour Minister claimed that charge! The most ubiquitous work- regulation. per day recommended by the La-
the four labour codes would gen- ers we encounter in our daily life — While introducing the new bour Ministry’s Expert Committee
erate employment and secure the our domestic help, or the street codes, the government also did on Wage in 2019; and also lower
basic rights of the workers. He also vendor, or even the paper boy away with a number of existing than the poverty line family ex-
claimed that the labour codes seek who delivers the morning new- cess-based welfare schemes. penditure estimated by the go-
to universalise the right to mini- spaper home — are all left out of These included the Beedi Workers vernment-appointed Rangarajan
mum wage of workers and social reckoning of this universal Welfare Board, covering an esti- Committee in 2011, corrected for
security entitlements. These ap- coverage. mated five lakh home-based wo- inflation. This ‘floor wage’ should
pear to be extremely positive steps What does ESI coverage mean men workers. Even to this day, ol- more aptly be called the below po-

from the perspective of all work- for the remaining 20% of the work- der beedi workers in the erstwhile verty line, or BPL wage. It can only
ers. Why, then, have the labour ers? In 2016, the ESI covered 2.1 South Kanara district of the Ma- serve to pull down wages, far from
codes not been universally wel- crore workers; this increased to ers, the membership would furth- dras Presidency credit the educa- shoring up the wage level.
comed by workers and their or- 3.6 crore by March 2019. The ESI er increase to around 10 crore tion schemes available to them to The true colours of the govern-
ganisations, with even the Bharati- employed around six doctors per workers: a three-time increase ov- the Board, which they say, ena- ment are clearly revealed. These
ya Janata Party-affiliated Bharatiya one lakh beneficiaries in 2016, as er the membership in 2019. The bled their children to escape the codes, which also include various
Mazdoor Sangh opposing the against the World Health Organi- available capacity of the hospitals pernicious bind of poverty. The measures restricting the unions’
codes? What are the reasons for zation norm of 100 doctors; the and dispensaries would evidently workers also had access to free dis- right to strike and relax norms for
this cold reception to what the BJP proportion of doctors to benefici- be inadequate. The hope of ‘unde- pensation in the hospitals run by factory closure, serve to improve
claims is a game changer for all aries would have further fallen rutilised hospitals’ being made the Board. With the new codes, the ‘ease of doing business’ rank-
workers in the country? with the expanded membership. available to the informal sector is the beedi workers will forego ing instead of improving the condi-
The ESI would have needed to ur- mere populist kite-flying. these facilities in exchange for an tions of employment. The popular
Universal social security gently increase doctor and para- There is another side to this pic- undefined promise of universal so- children’s fairy tale, ‘The Empe-
Let us first look at the claim of un- medical strength, for which it ture. The ESI coverage follows the cial security. ror’s New Clothes’, shows up the
iversal social security. The codes would need more resources. Ho- map of industrial growth in the Emperor as wearing nothing. For
mandate benefits of Employees’ wever, in the interest of ‘ease of country. Thus, in industrialised Promise of miminum wage the unorganised sector workers,
State Insurance (ESI) and Provi- doing business’, the employer States like Karnataka and Tamil The second claim for universal the labour codes provide a similar
dent Fund (PF) only for workers plus employee contribution to the Nadu, the ESI covered around 20% coverage was of the minimum story; a set of fairy tale promises
belonging to establishments em- ESI was reduced from 6.5% to 4% of the population as beneficiaries wage. According to the Union La- that are nothing but a mirage.
ploying 10 workers or more. This from July 2019. The decision to re- in 2016; the corresponding figure bour Minister, at present only
leaves out nearly 80% of all Indian duce the contribution rate at a was just 0.7% for Bihar. Surely the around 30% of all workers get co- Mohan Mani is a researcher with the
workers — the informal sector — time when the need for the ESI possibility of scaling up coverage vered under the various minimum Centre for Labour Studies at the National
from the ambit of these benefits. was to increase expenditure on is a remote possibility in Bihar, gi- wage schedules. The govern- Law School India University; Babu
These workers have to be satisfied medical care surely appears coun- ven the very low base at present. It ment’s remedy in the codes is to Mathew is Professor and Director, Centre
with a promise of some special ter-intuitive. With the new codes is not surprising that the granting include a floor wage covering all for Labour Studies at the National Law
schemes for them in their as yet seeking to cover 20% of all work- of universal social security does workers. At various instances, the School India University

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