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Hydrol. Process. 25, 915– 925 (2011)

Published online 8 October 2010 in Wiley Online Library
( DOI: 10.1002/hyp.7876

Development and application of a physically based landscape

water balance in the SWAT model
Eric D. White,1 Zachary M. Easton,1 * Daniel R. Fuka,1 Amy S. Collick,2 Enyew Adgo,2
Matthew McCartney,3 Seleshi B. Awulachew,3 Yihenew G. Selassie4 and Tammo S. Steenhuis1
1 Department of Biological and Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA
2 Department of Water Resource Engineering, Bahir Dar University, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
3 International Water Management Institute, Nile Basin and East Africa Office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
4 Amhara Regional Agricultural Institute, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia

Watershed scale hydrological and biogeochemical models rely on the correct spatial-temporal prediction of processes governing
water and contaminant movement. The Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model, one of the most commonly used
watershed scale models, uses the popular curve number (CN) method to determine the respective amounts of infiltration and
surface runoff. Although appropriate for flood forecasting in temperate climates, the CN method has been shown to be less
than ideal in many situations (e.g. monsoonal climates and areas dominated by variable source area hydrology). The CN
model is based on the assumption that there is a unique relationship between the average moisture content and the CN for
all hydrologic response units (HRUs), and that the moisture content distribution is similar for each runoff event, which is not
the case in many regions. Presented here is a physically based water balance that was coded in the SWAT model to replace
the CN method of runoff generation. To compare this new water balance SWAT (SWAT-WB) to the original CN-based SWAT
(SWAT-CN), two watersheds were initialized; one in the headwaters of the Blue Nile in Ethiopia and one in the Catskill
Mountains of New York. In the Ethiopian watershed, streamflow predictions were better using SWAT-WB than SWAT-CN
[Nash–Sutcliffe efficiencies (NSE) of 0Ð79 and 0Ð67, respectively]. In the temperate Catskills, SWAT-WB and SWAT-CN
predictions were approximately equivalent (NSE >0Ð70). The spatial distribution of runoff-generating areas differed greatly
between the two models, with SWAT-WB reflecting the topographical controls imposed on the model. Results show that a
water balance provides results equal to or better than the CN, but with a more physically based approach. Copyright  2010
John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

KEY WORDS SWAT model; water balance; Ethiopia; monsoonal climate; New York; runoff; variable source area

Received 19 April 2010; Accepted 19 August 2010

INTRODUCTION is therefore not suitable for regions where the rainfall

rate seldom exceeds the saturated conductivity of the
Non-point source runoff can contribute significant quan-
soil, such as in the northeastern part of the USA (Wal-
tities of nutrients, chemicals, and sediments to stream
ter et al., 2003). As a result, the empirically based CN
and water bodies. To locate these ‘non-point’ sources of
method is the most commonly used runoff routine in the
pollution in a landscape, many watershed managers and
SWAT model (King et al., 1999; Gassman et al., 2007).
researchers frequently use distributed watershed models.
SWAT and other CN-based models are frequently used in
One of the most commonly used watershed scale models
watersheds around the world with little recognition that
is the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Soil and the underlying runoff calculations were neither developed
Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) (Arnold et al., 1998). nor validated for these regions (Gassman et al., 2007).
SWAT, like any water quality model, must first accu- Indeed, CN models have commonly been applied in
rately simulate the hydrologic processes before it can the Blue Nile basin of Africa. Located in the monsoonal
realistically predict pollutant transport. Many different climate of the Ethiopian Highlands, the temporal runoff
approaches to modelling the hydrologic processes have dynamics in the Blue Nile basin are poorly captured by
been presented in the scientific literature over the past the CN method, which assumes that the moisture content
several decades, but SWAT currently uses two meth- distribution of the watershed is similar for each runoff
ods to model surface runoff: the curve number (CN) event (Collick et al., 2009; Steenhuis et al., 2009). Pre-
(USDA–SCS, 1972) or the Green–Ampt routine (Green vious work in the Blue Nile basin has shown that for a
and Ampt, 1911). The Green–Ampt method is a physi- given amount of rain, runoff volumes will vary through-
cally based infiltration excess, rainfall–runoff model, and out the rainy season. Liu et al. (2008) demonstrated that
in the Ethiopian Highlands, less runoff was generated at
the beginning of the rainy season as compared to the
* Correspondence to: Zachary M. Easton, Department of Biological and
Environmental Engineering, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA. same rain volume at the end of the season. Liu et al.
E-mail: (2008) showed that when a 10-day watershed discharge

Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

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is plotted against effective precipitation (i.e. precipitation To determine what portion of a watershed is produc-
minus potential evapotranspiration) there was no relation- ing surface runoff for a given precipitation event, the
ship until approximately 500 mm of effective precipita- reinterpretation of the CN method presented by Steen-
tion. Once 500 mm of effective precipitation had fallen, huis et al. (1995) and incorporated into SWAT by Easton
there was a relatively strong, linear relationship, indicat- et al. (2008) assumes that rainfall infiltrates when the
ing that the proportion of the rainfall that became runoff soil is unsaturated or runs off when the soil is satu-
was constant during the remainder of the rainy season. rated. It has been shown that this saturated contributing
Of course, this relationship can be partially explained area of a watershed can be accurately modelled spatially
by channel losses in the early monsoonal period, or by by linking this reinterpretation of the CN method with
the filling of landscape depressions that must become a topographic index (TI), similar to those used by the
linked prior to the outlet hydrograph responding. How- topographically driven TOPMODEL (Beven and Kirkby,
ever, in another, similar Blue Nile watershed, Ashagre 1979; Lyon et al., 2004). This linked CN–TI method
(2009) found that the 5-min rainfall intensity very rarely has since been used in multiple models of watersheds in
exceeded the measured soil infiltration capacity, and the northeastern part of the USA, including the general-
thus assumed excess saturation runoff was the dominate ized watershed loading function (GWLF) (Schneiderman
runoff-generating mechanism. These dynamics cannot be et al., 2007) and SWAT (Easton et al., 2008). Although
predicted by the CN, and are, in fact, in direct con- the reconceptualized CN model is applicable in temper-
trast to the CN approach, which assumes no correlation ate US climates, it is limited by the fact that it imposes
between antecedent precipitation and a watershed’s maxi- a distribution of storages throughout the watershed that
mum retention beyond 5 days (USDA–Natural Resource needs to fill up before the runoff occurs. Although this
Conservation Service (NRCS), 2004). limitation does not seem to affect results in temperate
Many have attempted to modify the CN model to climates, it results in poor model results in monsoonal
work better during monsoonal climates, by proposing climates.
various temporally based values and initial abstractions. SWAT–VSA, the CN–TI adjusted version of SWAT
For instance, Bryant et al. (2006) suggested that a water- (Easton et al., 2008), returned hydrological simulations
shed’s initial abstraction should vary as a function of as accurate as the original CN method; however, the
storm size. Although this is a valid argument, the intro- spatial predictions of runoff producing areas and as a
duction of an additional variable reduces the appeal result the predicted phosphorus export were much more
of the one-parameter CN model. Kim and Lee (2008) accurate. Although SWAT–VSA is an improvement upon
found that SWAT was more accurate when CN values the original method in watersheds where the topography
were averaged across each day of simulation, rather than drives flows, ultimately, it still relies on the CN to model
using a CN that described moisture conditions only at runoff processes and therefore is limited when applied to
the start of each day. White et al. (2009) showed that the monsoonal Ethiopian Highlands.
SWAT model results improved when the CN was changed Water balance models are relatively simple to imple-
seasonally to account for watershed storage variation ment and have been used frequently in the Blue Nile
due to plant growth and dormancy. Wang et al. (2008) basin (Johnson and Curtis, 1994; Conway, 1997; Ayenew
improved SWAT results by using a different relation- and Gebreegziabher, 2006; Kim and Kaluarachchi, 2008;
ship between antecedent conditions and watershed stor- Liu et al., 2008; Collick et al., 2009; Steenhuis et al.,
age. Although these variable CN methods improve runoff 2009). Despite their simplicity and improved watershed
predictions, they are not easily generalized for use out- outlet predictions, they fail to predict the spatial loca-
side the watershed they are tested mainly because the tion of the runoff-generating areas. Collick et al. (2009),
CN method is a statistical relationship and not physically and to some degree Steenhuis et al. (2009), present semi-
based. lumped conceptualizations of runoff producing areas in
In many regions, surface runoff is produced by only a water balance models. SWAT, a semi-distributed model,
small portion of a watershed that expands with an increas- can predict these runoff source areas in greater detail,
ing amount of rainfall. This concept is often referred to assuming that the runoff processes are correctly mod-
as a variable source area (VSA), a phenomenon actually elled.
envisioned by the original developers of the CN method In this study, we develop and test a CN-free version
(Hawkins, 1979), but never implemented in the original of SWAT based on a simple water balance approach.
CN method as used by the Natural Resource Conser- We utilize the spatial adjustments as proposed by Lyon
vation Service (NRCS). Since the methods’ inception, et al. (2004) and implemented by Easton et al. (2008),
numerous attempts have been made to justify its use into SWAT–VSA, and replace the CN method with a
in modelling VSA-dominated watersheds. These adjust- water balance to predict runoff. This new version of
ments range from simply assigning different CNs for wet SWAT, SWAT-WB, calculates runoff volumes based on
and dry portions to correspond with VSAs (Sheridan and the available soil storage capacity of a given soil, and
Shirmohammadi, 1986; White et al., 2009) to full rein- then partitions excess moisture to runoff and infiltrating
terpretations of the original CN method (Hawkins, 1979; fractions. This can lead to a more accurate simulation of
Steenhuis et al., 1995; Schneiderman et al., 2007; Easton where and when the runoff occurs in watersheds dom-
et al., 2008). inated by saturation-excess processes. Both the original

Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 25, 915–925 (2011)

CN method used by SWAT and the new water balance Water balance approach
(SWAT-WB) method are tested on two watersheds that A daily soil–water balance was used to determine the
vary widely in climate, geology, and data availability: saturation deficit (and by extension the runoff volume)
one in the monsoonal Blue Nile basin in Ethiopia and of each HRU by SWAT instead of the CN method.
one in the Catskill Mountains of New York. Although SWAT’s soil moisture routine greatly simplifies
processes that govern water movement through porous
media (in particular, partly saturated regions), for a daily
MODEL OVERVIEW basin scale model the approach is generally acceptable
(Guswa et al., 2002). In SWAT, the soil moisture levels
SWAT is a basin-scale model designed to simulate hydro- are estimated by considering several processes: plant
logical processes, nutrient cycling, and sediment trans- uptake of water, macropore and micropore drainage,
port throughout a watershed. SWAT has been applied evaporation, redistribution between soil layers, lateral
to catchments ranging from 0Ð015 km2 (Chanasyk et al., drainage, and drainage of groundwater. A full description
2003) to as large as 491 700 km2 (Arnold et al., 2000). of the equations used and their general applicability is
To initialize the model, SWAT requires soils data, provided in the official SWAT documentation (Neitsch
land use/management information, and elevation data to et al., 2005) as well as in numerous articles in the
drive flows and direct sub-basin routing. The hydrologic scientific literature. Thus, the model already provides
response unit (HRU) is the smallest unit in the SWAT a convenient platform that can be expanded upon in
model and is used to simulate processes such as runoff, order to determine the surface runoff via a water balance.
infiltration, plant dynamics (including uptake of water SWAT’s existing soil moisture routines are then used by
and nutrients, biomass, etc), erosion, nutrient cycling, and SWAT-WB to determine the degree of saturation deficit
leaching of pesticides and nutrients. Traditionally, HRUs for each soil profile for each day of simulation. This
are defined by the coincidence of soil type (Hydrologic saturation deficit (in mm H2 O) is termed the available
Soil Group, USDA 1972) and land use. The predictions soil storage, i and is a function of the soil properties
from each HRU are aggregated for each sub-basin, and and watershed moisture state
routed through the internal channel network. Simulations
require meteorological input data including precipitation, i D EDCi εi  it di 2
temperature, wind, humidity, and solar radiation. All
these inputs are initialized using the ARCSWAT (9Ð2) where EDCi is the effective depth of a given soil profile
interface (Olivera et al., 2006). More details on SWAT i (unitless), εi the soil porosity (mm) of a given soil
can be found at i, it the volumetric soil moisture of a given soil i, for
each day, t (mm), and di the soil profile depth of soil
i (mm). The porosity, εi , is a constant value for each
Original CN approach soil type, whereas it varies in time and is determined
Historically, when initializing SWAT, a CN is assigned by SWAT soil moisture routines. The effective depth
for each specific land use/soil combination in the water- coefficient, EDCi , a parameter ranging from 0 to 1,
shed, and these values are read into the model. SWAT is used to partition soil moisture in excess of εi into
then calculates the upper and lower limits for each CN infiltrating (groundwater) and runoff fractions (including
following a probability function described by the NRCS rapid shallow interflow). By including this adjustment
to account for varying antecedent moisture conditions to the available storage, the amount of water able to
(CN–AMC) (USDA–NRCS, 2004). SWAT determines a infiltrate each day is controlled by the EDCi . EDCi is
CN for each simulated day by using this CN–AMC dis- spatially varied based on a saturation probability defined
tribution in conjunction with daily soil moisture values by a soil wetness index (Easton et al., 2008). EDCi
determined by the model. This daily CN is then used to values approaching 1 are assigned to regions expected
determine a theoretical storage capacity, S, of the water- to produce little saturation-excess runoff, whereas values
shed for each day. This storage, S, is then indirectly used approaching 0 indicate an area likely to produce large
to calculate runoff volume, Q, via saturation-excess runoff volumes. This spatially adjusted
available storage is then used to determine what portion
P  Ia 2 of rainfall events will infiltrate and what portion will
QD 1 runoff, qi (mm)
P  Ia  C S

0 if P < i
where S is the watershed storage, P the precipitation, and qi D 3
P  i if P > i
Ia the initial abstraction. All terms are in millimetre of
water, and by convention Ia is assumed to be equal to The available storage, i , is calculated each day prior to
0Ð2 ð S. The problem with SWAT, and other CN-based the start of any rain event. Once precipitation starts, a
models, is that runoff is calculated via Equation (1) prior portion of the rain, equal in volume to i , will infiltrate
to any infiltration occurring in the watershed; thus the the soil. If the rain event is larger in volume than i , the
model directly assumes an excess infiltration approach to soil profile will saturate and surface runoff will occur.
the runoff generation. If the rainfall is less than i , the soil is unsaturated and

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there will be no surface runoff and SWATs’ internal soil

moisture routing will calculate the flux.
The model is available online at http://soilandwater.

HRU definition
Traditionally, HRUs are defined in SWAT as being
unique occurrences of soil type, land cover, and slope
class. Any parcels of land within one sub-basin that share
the same combination of these three features will be con-
sidered one HRU. SWAT models all landscape processes
for each unique HRU in the watershed independently of
position within each sub-basin. In basins dominated by
VSA hydrology, this HRU definition has been shown to
be less than ideal for describing the spatial and tempo-
ral evolution of hydrological processes (Schneiderman
et al., 2007; Easton et al., 2008). In VSA watersheds, Figure 1. Wetness classes for Gumera, Ethiopia
runoff-generating areas are likely to occur in portions of
the landscape with shallow, low conductive soils, large
contributing areas, mild slopes, or any combination of
the three. Although SWATs’ inclusion of slope classes
in HRU delineation begins to address these issues, there
is currently no way to include upslope contributing area
while defining HRUs. To correct for this, a TI was inte-
grated with existing soils data to create a soil TI (STI),
which is then used in the SWAT-WB HRU definition
process (Easton et al., 2008).
TIs and their various derivatives have been used to
model runoff-contributing areas for quite some time (e.g.
TOPMODEL; Beven and Kirkby, 1979). Recently, soil
TIs have been incorporated into CN-based watershed
models for use in VSA-dominated regions (Lyon et al.,
2004; Schneiderman et al., 2007; Easton et al., 2008).
SWAT–VSA integrated a STI into SWAT in order to
Figure 2. Wetness classes for Town Brook, located in the Catskill
improve delineation of runoff-generating areas and the Mountains of New York State
subsequent nutrient loads in the Catskills Mountains of
New York (Easton et al., 2008). SWAT–VSA provided are the result of either a large contributing area or small
more accurate predictions of runoff source areas (as values for slope, soil depth, or saturated conductivity, and
validated by distributed measures in the watershed) than therefore are indicative of areas with a higher probability
the original SWAT; thus, we included an HRU definition for saturation.
process similar to SWAT–VSA in SWAT-WB. Following the process outlined for SWAT–VSA (Eas-
To initialize SWAT-WB, the first step was to create ton et al., 2008), an areally weighted STI (e.g. wetness
a soil TI for the watershed being modelled. The STI is classes) is used to represent a location’s likelihood to sat-
defined as (Beven and Kirkby, 1979; Beven, 1986) urate. Although using the individual STI values directly
  is, in theory, possible, in practice this would introduce far
 D ln 4 too much complexity and computational time to model
T0 tan ˇ
initialization, calibration, and scenario runs. The wetness
The upslope contributing area, ˛, and the slope, tan(ˇ), classes determined for the two watersheds used in this
are both obtained from a DEM, whereas the lateral study are shown in Figure 1 for the Ethiopian watershed
transmissivity of the soil profile, T0 , when water table and Figure 2 for the New York watershed. This wetness
intersects the soil surface (Beven, 1986) is a function class map is then substituted for the soils map in the HRU
of the soil layer depth, D, and soil layer saturated definition process. Although the wetness classes can be
hydraulic conductivity, Ks , (e.g. T0 D Ks0 ð D0 ), and are used in HRU delineation instead of a soil map, SWAT still
obtained from soil information. We utilized the D-infinity requires specific soil properties associated with the soils
algorithm in TauDEM (Tarboton, 1997) to determine the map (e.g. SSURGO database). Thus, in SWAT-WB, soil
˛ parameter. We assume that the STI values relate to properties required by SWAT were areally weighted and
a location’s likelihood of saturation and therefore the averaged for each wetness class. This practice will not
likelihood to contribute surface runoff. Higher STI values drastically affect model results for two reasons. First, in

Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 25, 915–925 (2011)

vertisols (3%), with minimal areas classified as urban

(>1%) (FAO-AGL, 2003).
Precipitation and temperature data were gathered from
the National Meteorological Agency of Ethiopia for
the Debre Tabor, Bahir Dar, Addis Zeman, and Nefas
Mewcha stations, the closest gauges to the Gumera
basin. The average annual precipitation from 1994 to
2005 was 1470 mm (data courtesy of the Ethiopian
Ministry of Water Resources; MoWIR, 2002), with
average potential evapotranspiration losses of 1220 mm.
Daily precipitation and temperature data from 1992 to
2003 was used for model calibration and validation. Other
required climatic data included relative humidity, wind
speed, and solar radiation. These data were obtained
for the nearby city of Bahir Dar through the United
States National Climatic Data Center (NCDC, 2007). The
Figure 3. Elevation of the Gumera basin, located east of Lake Tana in SWAT-WB model included 656 HRUs in 25 sub-basins,
the Ethiopian Highlands whereas the SWAT-CN model included 117 HRUs in 24
Ethiopia, soil survey information is rare or nonexistent,
and, to our knowledge, no defined database exists that Town Brook watershed, Catskills, New York. SWAT-
would contain the parameters needed by SWAT. Thus, WB was also tested on the Town Brook watershed
SWAT-WB utilized the UNFAO’s World’s Soil map (sup- (Figure 2) in the USA, a 37 km2 sub-catchment of
plemented by literature values) as the base map (FAO- the Cannonsville reservoir basin. The region is typified
AGL, 2003), which classifies only five distinct soil types by steep-to-moderate hillslopes of glacial origins with
in all of the 1270 km2 Blue Nile sub-catchment that was shallow permeable soils, underlain by a restrictive layer.
modelled. We assume that these soils data, with such a The climate is humid with an average annual temperature
course spatial resolution, will not be adversely affected of 8 ° C and average annual precipitation of 1123 mm.
by the averaging process used in SWAT-WB. Second, Elevation in the watershed ranges from 493 to 989 m
in New York, where information on soils is more read- above mean sea level. The slopes are quite steep with a
ily available, soil formation (in glaciated areas) is at least maximum of 91%, and a mean of 21%. Soils are mainly
partially driven by topography (Page et al., 2005; Sharma silt loam or silty clay loam with soil hydrological group
et al., 2006; Thompson et al., 2006; Easton et al., 2008). C ratings (USDA–NRCS, 2000). Soil depth ranges from
Therefore, averaging across topographic features with the less than 50 cm to greater than 1 m and is underlain
wetness index should not pose any problems. by a fragipan restricting layer (e.g. coarse-loamy, mixed,
active, mesic, to frigid Typic Fragiudepts, Lytic or Typic
Watershed descriptions
Dystrudepts common to glacial tills) (Schneiderman
Gumera watershed, Blue Nile basin, Ethiopia. SWAT- et al., 2002). The lowland portion of the watershed
WB was tested on the Gumera River watershed, a is predominantly agricultural, consisting of pasture and
heavily cultivated region in the Ethiopian Highlands. row crops (20%) or shrub land (18%), whereas the
Located approximately 30 km northeast of Bahir Dar upper slopes are forested (60%). Water and wetlands
(11Ð83 ° N, 37Ð63 ° E), this 1270 km2 watershed drains comprise 2%. Impervious surfaces occupy <1% of the
into Lake Tana, the headwaters of the Blue Nile River watershed and were thus excluded from consideration in
(Figure 3). Land use in the Gumera watershed consists the model. Several studies in this watershed or nearby
of 96% mixed agriculture and 4% brush (or pasture). watersheds have shown that VSAs control overland
Elevation determined from a 75 m DEM ranged from flow generation (Frankenberger et al., 1999; Mehta et al.,
1797 to 3708 m above sea level with slopes ranging 2004; Lyon et al., 2006; Schneiderman et al., 2007;
from 0 to 79%. Temperatures in the basin show large Easton et al., 2008) and that infiltration-excess runoff
elevation (9–25 ° C) and diurnal variation, but small is rare (Walter et al., 2003). The SWAT-WB model
seasonal changes. The annual average temperature is included 180 HRUs in three sub-basins, whereas the
18 ° C (Conway, 2000). The climate of the basin is tropical SWAT-CN model included 172 HRUs in the three
highland monsoonal with the majority of the rain falling sub-basins.
between June and October. Rainfall amounts decrease
from the southwest to the northeast with approximately
80% occurring between June and October. Predominant Model calibration
soils were gathered from the FAO World Soil map and To calibrate both the SWAT-WB and SWAT-CN mod-
were classified as haplic and chromic luvisols (58 and els for Gumera and Town Brook, we utilized the dynam-
22%, respectively). Other soils present in the basin were ically dimensioned search (DDS) algorithm (Tolson and
eutric fluvisols (8%), eutric leptosols (8%), and eutric Shoemaker, 2005). The DDS calibration routine allows

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for parameters to be calibrated at the watershed, sub- piezometers on index class six, 32 on index class 10, etc).
basin, HRU, or wetness class level, which in turn allowed To compare measured water table heights with SWAT-
for EDC to be calibrated separately for each wetness CN water table heights, we averaged across land use;
class. Because there is no information at the wetness class there were 4–32 measurements per land use. SWAT (and
level on runoff generation, we forced the calibration to SWAT-WB) reports soil water in millimetre of water
maintain a pre-imposed distribution of EDC values that integrated over the soil profile (i.e. cumulative water
roughly correlated with the STI (e.g. higher STI wet- depth for all soil layers). Thus, we converted the model-
ness classes had lower EDC values, whereas lower STI predicted soil water to an equivalent depth by dividing
wetness classes had higher EDC values). For SWAT-CN, by the SSURGO reported porosity and assuming the
the CN was calibrated for each unique soil/land use type SSURGO reported soil depth represented the depth to the
instead of the EDC. Eleven other parameters were cal- restricting layer. According to the SSURGO data base,
ibrated in both models. These 11 parameters relate to the depth of the local restricting layer is 1Ð2–1Ð4 m.
surface and groundwater interaction, soil water, evapo-
ration and plant uptake, and soil water holding capacity. Model evaluation
Models were calibrated to minimize the root mean square Criteria used to assess the ability of the models to
error (RMSE).
predict discharge in Gumera and Town Brook included
Streamflow at the Gumera watershed outlet was cali- a visual comparison between the modelled and the
brated over a period of 8 years, from 1996 to 2003, and
observed hydrographs, Nash-Sutcliffe model efficiencies
streamflow in Town Brook was calibrated from 1998 to (NSE) (Nash and Sutcliffe, 1970) and the RMSE.

Model validation RESULTS

Streamflow data from 1992 to 1995 was used to val-
Both the SWAT-WB and SWAT-CN models were ini-
idate the Gumera model. For Town Brook, streamflow
tialized with the same input data, and calibrated and
data from 2002 to 2004 was used to validate the model.
validated using the same automatic procedure for both
To test SWAT-CN’s and SWAT-WB’s abilities to cor-
the Gumera and Town Brook watersheds. Thus, a com-
rectly predict distributed hydrology, we used measure-
parison of the model outputs is warranted.
ments by Lyon et al. (2006) of height of water table above
the restricting layer for a section of the Town Brook
watershed. Briefly, 44 pieziometric data loggers, installed Gumera basin
to depths of 50 cm, recorded the water table depth in The SWAT-WB-predicted streamflow was significantly
15 min intervals from April 2004 to September 2004. different (based on paired t-test) from the SWAT-CN-
The field site encompassed five wetness index classes predicted streamflow, with SWAT-WB returning sig-
(Figure 3) and three land use types: pasture (PAST), nificantly more accurate results than the SWAT-CN
shrub (RNGB), and mixed forest (FRST). To compare model of the Gumera watershed (Figure 4). SWAT-
the measured and SWAT–VSA water table heights, the WB predicted streamflow with a daily NSE D 0Ð77 and
piezometer data were averaged across index classes; there RMSE D 2Ð42 for the calibration period and NSE D 0Ð81
were between 2 and 32 piezometers per index (i.e. two and RMSE D 2Ð47 for the validation period (Table I

(a) 30
Observed y = 0.86x + 0.084
25 R2 = 0.74
Water Balance
Discharge (mm)


20 20


0 10 20 30
(b) 30
Observed 30
Curve Number
Discharge (mm)



10 10
y = 0.87x -0.065
5 r = 0.64
0 0 10 20 30
Jan-95 Jan-96 Jan-97 Jan-98 Jan-99 Jan-00 Jan-01 Jan-02 Jan-03 SWAT-CN

Figure 4. Observed and modelled streamflow for Gumera using (A) SWAT-WB and (B) SWAT-CN

Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 25, 915–925 (2011)

Table I. Model statistics for daily streamflow in Gumera basin


Calibration Validation Calibration Validation

NSE 0Ð77 0Ð81 0Ð64 0Ð63

RMSE 2Ð42 2Ð47 2Ð67 2Ð72
Percent difference 6Ð7 16Ð5
a Same input as SWAT-WB.

Figure 5. Spatial distribution of surface runoff in Gumera modelled by (A) SWAT-CN and (B) SWAT-WB

and Figure 4). SWAT-CN was less accurate predicting Town Brook watershed
streamflow, with a daily NSE D 0Ð64 and a RMSE D The SWAT-WB results for Town Brook were compared
2Ð67 for the calibration period and NSE D 0Ð63 and with the results from SWAT-CN. SWAT-WB-predicted
a RMSE D 2Ð72, for validation (Table I and Figure 4). streamflow agreed well with measured flow, the cali-
The percent difference between measured and mod- bration NSE was 0Ð77 and the RMSE was 2Ð09, the
elled flows was substantially smaller for SWAT-WB validation NSE was 0Ð79 and RMSE was 2Ð07. Pre-
(6Ð7%) than for SWAT-CN (16Ð5%). These SWAT- dicted streamflow for the SWAT-CN Town Brook model
CN results are similar to those of Setegn et al. (2008) resulted in a daily NSE of 0Ð75 and a RMSE of 2Ð12
who modelled streamflow of the Gumera watershed with for calibration, and a NSE of 0Ð78 and a RMSE of 2Ð14
SWAT-CN. Their model predicted streamflow with an for validation. The SWAT-WB and SWAT-CN-predicted
NSE of 0Ð61. Validation results for their model returned streamflows were not statistically different (based on a
an NSE of 0Ð61 similar to our results for SWAT- paired t-test). The percent difference between measured
CN. and modelled flows was similar for both SWAT-WB
Perhaps more interesting is how SWAT-WB and (5Ð6%) and SWAT-CN (6Ð2%). Visual comparison of
SWAT-CN differ in the predicted distribution of runoff in SWAT-WB’s hydrograph with the measured hydrograph
the watershed. For one storm in October 1997 (104 mm (Figures 4 and 6) indicates that the model performs well
of rain), SWAT-CN predicted that all HRUs within the for the Town Brook watershed, a fact supported by the
watershed would contribute runoff, with a minimum reasonably high daily NSE values of 0Ð77 and 0Ð79 for the
depth of 17 mm of runoff and a maximum of 71 mm calibration and validation periods, respectively (Table II).
(Figure 5A). For the same storm, SWAT-WB predicted Comparing the SWAT-CN and SWAT-WB-predicted
that some HRUs would produce no runoff, whereas oth- water table heights with those measured by Lyon
ers produced as much as 97 mm of runoff (Figure 5B). et al. (2006) shows that the SWAT-WB-predicted soil
Both models predicted some surface runoff for some water table height agreed with measurements across the
upland areas, but SWAT-CN predicted much less runoff monitored hill side in the watershed with r 2 D 0Ð68
being generated in the low-lying, flatter areas near the (Figure 7A). There was a slight tendency for SWAT-
watershed outlet, where SWAT-WB predicted the most WB to under predict water table height for large water
runoff. At the watershed outlet, 16Ð5 mm of flow were table heights (Figure 7A), and slightly under predict
measured. SWAT-WB predicted the outlet flows to be small water table heights. SWAT-CN, however, systemat-
15Ð9 mm, whereas SWAT-CN substantially under pre- ically under-predicted water table height for all conditions
dicted the flows (9Ð42 mm). (Figure 7B).

Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 25, 915– 925 (2011)
922 E. D. WHITE ET AL.

(a) 60 60
y = 0.79x + 0.511
Observed r2 = 0.72
Discharge (mm) 50
Water Balance



10 0
0 20 40 60
(b) 60
50 y = 0.72x + 0.543
Discharge (mm)

Curve Number r2 = 0.66



20 20

0 0 20 40 60
Oct-98 Apr-99 Oct-99 Apr-00 Oct-00 Apr-01 Oct-01 Apr-02 Oct-02 Apr-03 Oct-03 Apr-04

Figure 6. Observed and modelled streamflow in the Town Brook watershed using (A) SWAT-WB and (B) SWAT-CN

Table II. Model statistics for daily streamflow in Town Brook


Calibration Validation Calibration Validation

NSE 0Ð77 0Ð79 0Ð75 0Ð78

RMSE 2Ð09 2Ð07 2Ð12 2Ð14
Percent difference 5Ð6 6Ð2
a Same input as SWAT-WB.

(a) (b)
1500 1500
SWAT-WB Water Table (mm)

SWAT-CN Water Table (mm)

1300 1300
10 Mixed Forest
9 Pasture
1100 8 1100 Shrub
900 6 900 R2 = 0.57
R2 = 0.68
700 700

500 500
500 700 900 1100 1300 1500 500 700 900 1100 1300 1500
Measured Water Table (mm) Measured Water Table (mm)
Figure 7. Relationship between (A) SWAT-WB and (B) SWAT-CN predicted water table heights above the restricting layer by index class (SWAT-WB)
or land use (SWAT-CN) and the measured water table heights for March–September 2004 from Lyon et al. (2006). Individual measured points within
an index class or land use represent the average of the pieziometic measurement within the respective classes for a single day

Similar to the Gumera results, differences in the of the wetness classes in the low lying areas of the
spatial distribution of runoff are evident when an event watershed would be saturated at the start of this event,
from November 2003 is compared between the Town leading to these low-lying wet areas producing nearly
Brook models (Figure 8A and B). As expected, SWAT- identical volumes of runoff (i.e. almost the entire volume
CN predicts some surface runoff from the majority of of precipitation).
the watershed and it is clearly driven by differences
in land use, whereas SWAT-WB predicts substantial
portions of the watershed producing no surface runoff, DISCUSSION
not surprising considering the emphasis the model places
on topographic position as it pertains to runoff generation. Clear improvements were made to SWAT in the Ethiopian
For this particular storm, SWAT-WB predicted that most watershed by removal of the CN; however, the results are

Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 25, 915–925 (2011)

not as definitive for the Town Brook watershed in New than drier areas. In addition to the fact that SWAT-CN
York State. Although SWAT-WB has substantially higher predicts a nearly uniform runoff volume for the entire
model accuracy for the calibration period, it has similar watershed, there are two other points of interest that
accuracy during validation as SWAT-CN. By comparing should be discussed. First is the fact that SWAT-CN
the hydrograph from the Town Brook outlet (Figure 6) predicts that the area nearest Gumera’s outlet produces
and the model statistics, it is clear that SWAT-WB gen- the least amount of surface runoff, exactly opposite of
erally performs as well as SWAT-CN. Thus, in cases SWAT-WB’s results, which predict that this area pro-
where rainfall is evenly distributed throughout the year duces high runoff volumes. These differences between
both models perform equally well in predicting discharge. the models can be explained by the inclusion of slope
However, we would argue that the water balance method in the HRU delineation (and therefore EDCi calibration).
captures the processes controlling runoff generation real- Again, holding with VSA principles, SWAT-WB assumes
istically. In Town Brook, Easton et al. (2008) showed that that these flat, near-stream regions will wet up and con-
the inclusion of the STI-based wetness index better cap- tribute the most runoff, because of reduced lateral flow
tured the spatial distribution of water table depths and, by (due either to shallower slope reducing the hydraulic gra-
extension, runoff producing areas. SWAT-WB provided a dient, or perhaps more importantly the accumulation of
similar level of accuracy in predicting water table heights interflow from upslope areas), whereas SWAT-CN treats
(Figure 7). While we have no distributed runoff data for these HRUs the same as any upland region with the same
either of the watersheds, including the wetness index in soil and land cover. The second interesting point is that
SWAT-WB resulted in what appears to be more a realis-
both models predict that certain upland regions generate
tic distribution of runoff generating areas than SWAT-CN.
a significant portion of surface runoff from the test storm,
Indeed, in VSA-dominated watersheds, runoff generation
but for different reasons. These soils have a low saturated
is closely related to soil moisture levels (as controlled by
conductivity; for SWAT-CN, this results in a high CN and
perched water table levels), which in turn is governed, to
for SWAT-WB an increase in STI values, both of which
a large extent, by topographic position. In many SWAT-
CN applications, the location of an HRU within each increase runoff.
sub-basin is not a concern and thus, any locations that SWAT-CN and most other watershed models have
share land use and soil are treated identically, regardless been developed for temperate climates where rainfall is
of its topographic position and the corresponding likeli- generally well distributed throughout the year. Utilizing
hood to produce runoff. In SWAT-WB, STIs were used models developed during a temperate climate for Ethiopia
to link HRUs by similar topographic position, provid- conditions, with a monsoonal climate, is problematic.
ing model users the capability to examine intra-watershed Temperate models assume that there is a nearly unique
runoff dynamics. relationship between precipitation amounts or intensity
This difference in spatial distribution of runoff- and runoff generated. This is not the case for Ethiopia as
generating areas predicted by SWAT-WB and SWAT-CN demonstrated by the results of Liu et al. (2008) where for
is clearly demonstrated for both Gumera (Figure 5) and three watersheds with more than 16 years of record, the
Town Brook (Figure 8). For the same large storm event in rainfall relationship was far from unique. The first rains
the Gumera basin (Figure 5), SWAT-WB did not generate after the dry season all infiltrate and nearly no runoff
surface runoff for all HRUs, whereas SWAT-CN pre- is generated. As the rainfall season progresses more and
dicted that the entire watershed would contribute surface more rainfall becomes runoff. Because the intensity of the
runoff more or less evenly. Due to the imposed topo- rain did not affect the runoff amounts for a given storm,
graphical controls, SWAT-WB predicted that the wettest Liu et al. (2008) concluded that the runoff mechanism
portions of the watershed would contribute more runoff was dominated by excess saturation processes.

Figure 8. Spatial distribution of surface runoff in Town Brook modelled by (A) SWAT-WB and (B) SWAT-CN

Copyright  2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Hydrol. Process. 25, 915– 925 (2011)
924 E. D. WHITE ET AL.

Water balance models are consistent with saturation CONCLUSION

excess runoff processes because the runoff is related to
Daily modelling of stream flow and surface runoff in a
the available watershed storage capacity and the amount
monsoonal watershed was improved by the replacement
of precipitation. The implementation of water balances
of the CN method with a simplified water balance
into runoff calculations in the Blue Nile basin is not a
routine in the SWAT model. SWAT-WB uses calculated
novel concept and others have shown that water balance saturation-deficit values with an EDC to partition rainfall
type models often perform better than more complicated into surface runoff and infiltrating water. This EDC-based
models in Ethiopian type landscapes (Johnson and Curtis, water balance method is analogous to other tank models
1994; Conway, 1997; Ayenew and Gebreegziabher, 2006; that have been successfully applied in monsoonal regions
Liu et al., 2008). However, these water balance models SWAT-WB was as accurate in predicting discharge
are typically run on monthly or yearly time steps because at the outlet as the CN method in a watershed that
the models are generally not capable of separating base-, experiences evenly distributed rainfall throughout the
inter-, and surface-runoff flows. To truly model erosion year (e.g. for conditions the CN was developed and tested
and sediment transport (of great interest in the Blue Nile under). However, SWAT-WB predicted the distribution
basin), large events must be captured by the model and of water table heights on a hillslope in the watershed
daily simulations are required to do so. Thus, SWAT-WB significantly better than SWAT-CN, giving us increased
not only maintains a water balance but also calculates confidence that the spatial distribution of runoff dynamics
the interflow and the base flow component, and gives are more realistically captured.
a reasonable prediction of peak flows. SWAT-WB is These results indicate that SWAT performs better
therefore more likely to be capable of predicting erosion in saturation-excess-controlled areas when a simple
source areas and sediment transport than either SWAT- saturation-deficit water balance model is used to calculate
CN or water budget models with monthly time steps. runoff volumes. With this physically based and easy-to-
Indeed, Tebebu et al. (2010) found gully formation and use model, effective water and land management schemes
erosion in the Ethiopian Highlands to be related to water will be easier to successfully implement in watersheds
table levels and saturation dynamics, which SWAT-WB dominated by saturation-excess runoff generation, partic-
reliably predicts (Figure 7 for Town Brook). ularly data-poor regions where use of the CN method-
During initial development of SWAT-WB, we encoun- ology has not been validated. For instance, the model
tered the same issue of fractionating excess moisture into has direct application to identification and delineation for
runoff and base flow components. When the entire soil hydrologically sensitive areas in watersheds dominated
profile depths were used to calculate the available stor- by VSA hydrology.
age, i , almost all precipitation became base flow. If only
the uppermost soil layer was used nearly all precipitation
became surface runoff. To address these issues, and to ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
allow for SWAT-WB to be applied at a daily time step, it
We thank the Amhara Regional Agricultural Research
became evident that a new parameter, in addition to soil
Institute (ARARI), the Ethiopain Ministry of Water
depth and moisture content, would need to be added to the
Resources (MoWR), the International Water manage-
equation used to calculate i . Although this new parame- ment Institute (IWMI), and the Eastern Nile Technical
ter, EDC, is calibrated, it should be noted that, in theory, Regional Office (ENTRO) for providing data.
this parameter is physically measureable in the field or
perhaps from base flow-separated runoff (Easton et al.,
2010), whereas the CN remains largely a theoretical cal- REFERENCES
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