Acumulativa Inglés 2 P Octavos 2022. 2

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Curso: OCTAVO_____ Área: INGLÉS Profesor: LIZ ALBA
La siguiente prueba es opción múltiple. Lea atentamente cada pregunta y diligencie la hoja de
respuesta. Marque con su nombre ambas hojas y entréguelas al final. Llene la rejilla personal y
social al final de la hoja. Total 40 preguntas, cada una vale 2,5 puntos.

Responda las preguntas de la 1 a la 8. Una la información con los personajes.

En las preguntas de la 1 – 8 marque en su hoja de respuestas las opciones A -I.

1. German mathematician famous for relativity theory A. Isaac Newton

2. Mexican painter famous for her portrays B. Pablo Picasso
3. Colombian writer who won a Nobel Prize C. Stephen Hawking
4. Spanish painter who was famous for cubism D. Frida Khalo
5. Italian artist who painted Mona Lisa E. Albert Einstein
6. English physicist famous for his theories about the universe F. Leonardo Da Vinci
7. English mathematician famous for the laws of gravitation G. Gabriel García Márquez
8. Famous French fashion designer famous for her style H. Coco Chanel

Responda las preguntas de la 9 a la 19. Lea el texto y complete los espacios.

En las preguntas de la 9 - 19 marque en su hoja de respuestas las opciones A, B, o C.


Over 100 years ago, people only 9.____ about flying. The Wright brothers, Wilbur and Orville, 10.___
dreamers who 11.____ the world. Wilbur Wright 12.____ born in 1867 and Orville was born in 1871. In
1878, they received a paper flying toy from their father. They 13.____ with kites and started to think
about the possibility of flight. When they were older, they started a bicycle business. They used the
bicycle shop to design their airplanes. In 1899, they constructed their first flying machine—a kite made
of wood, wire, and cloth. It 14.___ no pilot. Because of wind, it was difficult to control. They continued
to study aerodynamics. Finally Wilbur designed a small machine with a gasoline engine. Wilbur
15.____ to fly the machine, but it crashed. They fixed it and 16._____ it for the first time on December
17, 1903, with Orville as the pilot. The airplane remained in the air for twelve seconds. It 17._____ a
distance of 120 feet. This historic flight changed the world. The Wright brothers offered their invention
to the U.S. government, but the government rejected their offer at first. The government 18._____ that
these men invented a flying machine. Finally, President Theodore Roosevelt 19._____ their claims and
offered the inventors a contract to build airplanes for the U.S. Army

9. a. dream 10. a. was 11. a. changed 12. a. was 13. a. plays 14. a. haved
b. dreams b. were b. change b. were b. playes b. had
c. dreamed c. are c. changes c. are c. played c. haves

15. a. tryed 16. a. flyed 17. a. travels 18. a. not believed 19. a. investigated
b. tried b. flew b. traveled b. didn’t believe b. investigate
c. tryied c. flown c. travel c. didn’t believed c. investigates

Responda las preguntas de la 20 a la 23. Responda falso o verdadero según la lectura anterior.
En las preguntas de la 20 – 23. Marque en su hoja de respuestas las opciones A o B.
20. Wright brother 21.the first machine 22. They created only 23. U.S government
built the first rocket had an engine one machine supported them.
A. true a. true a. true a. true
B. false b. false b. false b. false
Responda las preguntas de la 24 a la 28. Escoja el pasado de los verbos irregulares.
En las preguntas de la 24 – 28. Marque en su hoja de respuestas las opciones A, B o C.
24. go 25. do 26. eat 27. buy 28. sleep
a. goed a. did a. eated a. buyed a. sleeped
b. went b. doed b. ate b. bought b. sleept
c. wented c. done c. eaten c. buohtg c. slept

Responda las preguntas de la 29 a la 34. Complete las conversaciones.

En las preguntas de la 29 - 34 marque en su hoja de respuestas las opciones A, B, o C.

29. Where were you? 30. How often do you do 31. When was she born?
A. Fine, thank you exercise? A. On Sunday
B. I live in Giron A. Yes, I am B. in 1991
C. at home B. Every day C. in the afternoon
C. at 7:30 am

32.Who was your 33. What do you do when you are 34. Who was Frida Khalo?
best friend? sad? A. an artist
A. I love my mom A. I live in a house B. a writer
B. Sarah B. I cry C. a singer
C. Soccer C. I went to the park

Responda las preguntas de la 35 a la 40. Lea el texto y responda las preguntas.

En las preguntas de la 35 - 40 marque en su hoja de respuestas A, B o C.

Last Sunday and Saturday, Vicky and Tim went to Daisy’s house. When they were in the
house, they said: let’s go the forest to walk some hours and have an adventure. First, they had
their camera and took some excellent pictures of the trees, they were excited because it was a
special and beautiful place. Suddenly, it started to rain, the children run because it was a bad
weather for the activities. They couldn’t finish their adventure, so they decided to go home
and watch a movie about forests.

35. When did they go to 36. What was the first 37. How did they feel in the forest?
Daisy’s house? activity? A. They were sad
A. In the week A. They took photos B. They were surprised
B. On weekend B. They run in the forest C. They were happy
C. in the month C. They excited
38. What is a synonym 40. What was the movie about?
39. why did they go home? a. animals
for “weather”
a. because they were tired b. the jungle
A. climate
b. because they were bored c. the forest
B. River
c. because it started to rain
C. Forest

Lea la rejilla y asigne una nota de 10 a 100 para cada aspecto. Promedie cada nota al final.


1. Asiste e ingresa puntualmente a clase 1. Es respetuoso con el docente y sus
(después del descanso o el almuerzo). Si compañeros. (no dice malas palabras
no asiste, presenta excusas a tiempo y se en inglés o español, no interrumpe
pone al día en los compromisos clases, no ofende ni molesta a sus
académicos. compañeros)
2. Trabaja en clase de forma responsable 2. Cumple con las reglas de clase.
y siempre entrega las actividades Tiene buen comportamiento, ayuda
completas y a tiempo. a mantener el orden, no fomenta
3. Desarrolla por si mismo los trabajos y 3. No ha firmado observador por
tareas. No copia los trabajos ni tareas de mal porte de uniforme, indisciplina,
otros estudiantes. desorden o por no trabajar en clase
4. Estudia y repasa los contenidos vistos 4. Busca ayuda del profesor o de
en clase. Se prepara para los quizes y otras fuentes para resolver sus
acumulativas con anterioridad. No copia dudas y no le copias las respuestas a
ni hace fraude en quizes o evaluaciones. los demás, ni usa el traductor.
5. Es ordenado con el cuaderno y los 5. No ha recibido ningún llamado de
trabajos. Tiene el cuaderno al día y todas atención verbal en clase por
las actividades completas. indisciplina, desorden, levantarse
del puesto, uso de celular,o por no
trabajar en clase.

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