Evaluation Tool

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2725122, 6-44 AM EVALUATION OF ONLINE CAPACITY BUILDING FOR NEWLY HIRED TEACHERS EVALUATION OF ONLINE CAPACITY BUILDING FOR NEWLY HIRED TEACHERS We are interested in your feedback about the content and process of the activities. Please take a moment to give us your opinion on this evaluation form. Your feedback will help us enhance our program and its conduct in the future. * Required 1. Email* 2. FULLNAME(Surname, First Name,MI.) 3. DISTRICT * Mark only one oval. ) district 1 ) District 2 District 3 () District 4 >) district § >) district 6 district 7 ) District 8 ) District 9 ) District 10 hips docs. google. comiformstat NPYUHYSCXSYANECAXBHQ067LGyizwOQTPmNLgSeTvélodt 2128122, 6:44 AM EVALUATION OF ONLINE CAPACITY BUILDING FOR NEWLY HIRED TEACHERS 4, Name of School * Mark only one oval. (_) Camarines Sur National High School Balatas Elementary School Naga Central School 1 (_) Naga Central School 2 and SPED Center (C_) Tinago Central Schoo! (—) Tinago National High School (_) Sabang Elementary School __) Sta Cruz Elementary School Jose Rizal Elementary School (—) Naga City School of Arts and Trades () Tabuco Central Schoo! (_) Mabolo Elementary School () Triangulo Elementary School (—) Naga City Science High School Julian B. Meliton Elementary School Concepcion Grande Elementary Schoo! ( br. Domingo Abcede Elementary Schoo! (—_) Mac Mariano Elementary School (—) Calauag Elementary School (—) Del Rosario Elementary School ) pel Rosario High Schoo! >) Don Manuel Abella Elementary Schoo! () Cararayan National High Schoo! (_) San Rafael Elementary Schoo! (_) Villa Corazon Elementary School R.V. Maramba Elementary School Pacol Elementary School () Grand View Elementary Schoo! hips docs. google. comiformstat NPYUHYSCXSYANECAXBHQ067LGyizWOQTPmNLgSeTvéledt an 2725722, 6.44 AM EVALUATION OF ONLINE CAPACITY BUILDING FOR NEWLY HIRED TEACHERS () Leon @, Mercado High Schoo! ( Carolina Elementary Schoo! () Carolina National High School (—) Panicuason Elementary School San Isidro Elementary School Teodora Moscoso Elementary School () Morada Ramos Elementary School (—) Sta Cruz National High School () San Isidro National High School () Yabu Elementary Schoo! (—) Balatas National High School 5. Sex* Mark only one oval. © male © Female () other: hips docs. google. comiformstat NPYUHYSCXSYANECAXBHQ067LGyizwOQTPmNLgSeTvélodt 2128122, 644 AM EVALUATION OF ONLINE CAPACITY BUILDING FOR NEWLY HIRED TEACHERS 6. Session and Facilitator Rating * ‘Mark only one oval per row. Strongly i Strongly Dicagree Disagree Agree Sen Session ended on time oO oO oO x Topic was relevant to my area of work oO Oo Oo Oo Objectives of the session were — — _ _ oO > > achieved VY oO 0 Activities were relevant to what I might C C oO be expected © OO 0 The time alloted for the sessions were sufficient for me to absorb or oOo oO Oo accomplish outputs. The organization and sequence of oO Oo CO OC topics facilitated by learning The facilitators/speakers stimulated my interest in the subject matter. 0 0 0 0 The speakers /facilitators CO — D demonstrated mastery of topic CO CO i) The speakers/acilitators encourage - C C participation. © OO 0 The speakers/facilitators explained the topics in an understandable level/in a oO Oo oO a clear and effective manner. The facilitators/speakers answered questions clearly and completely. OC Oo CO 0° The facilitators skills on the use of delivery support materials(the use of oO Oo Oo Oo slide decks) aided my learning. The participants were able to , demonstrate their learning Oo CO 0 The speakers/facilitators demonstrated i) CO oO oO hips docs. google. comiformstat NPYUHYSCXSYANECAXBHQ067LGyizwOQTPmNLgSeTvélodt 2128122, 6:44 AM EVALUATION OF ONLINE CAPACITY BUILDING FOR NEWLY HIRED TEACHERS a positive attitude Give any major benefits you received from the sessions. 8. What is your Overall Assessment ? * Mark only one oval. —_) OUTSTANDING COMMENDABLE >) FULLY saTisFAcToRY (nes IMPROVEMENT hips docs. google. comiformstat NPYUHYSCXSYANECAXBHQO67LGyizWOQTPmNLgSeTvélodt sr 2128122, 644 AM EVALUATION OF ONLINE CAPACITY BUILDING FOR NEWLY HIRED TEACHERS 9. Program Objectives, Content and Result * ‘Mark only one oval per row. stony Strongly Disagree Disagree Agree SN Program Objectives were fully achieved (>) Oo oO oO Program content was sufficient to meet CO the objectives CO Oo CO OO The pacing and duration of the program - . were just right oO Oo CO O° The program content introduced new and relevant ideas that are useful for = oO 5 personal, interpersonal and © CO oO organizational advancement This program is highly recommended to _ ») OQ others oO oO oO 10. Administrative Arrangements * Mark only one oval per row. Strongly Strongly Di A Disagree PSAstee ABTEE Acree Program was well prepared and managed Oo OC °O ‘The registration Process was organized and 0 0 0 0 system: Relevant information(registration,weblinksessionsete — (_) Oo CO Oo ) were available and accessible. ‘The members of the secretariat were efficient, response - able and courteous in oO oOo CO Oo answering concerns via email/phone call hips docs. google. comiformstat NPYUHYSCXSYANECAXBHQO67LGyizWOQTPmNLgSeTvélodt ar 2128122, 644 AM EVALUATION OF ONLINE CAPACITY BUILDING FOR NEWLY HIRED TEACHERS 11. How would you rate your experience with technology aspect of the virtual learning platform? * Mark only one oval per row. Deena lsagree Agree Sonal With high quality audio oO oO Oo oO With high quality video oO ¢ CO With strong Internet Connectivity Oo O OO oO With high Interactivity Oo oO Length of session was just right -) i) oO feteadaigewnree = OQ QQ Q O Platform used was appropriate oO Oo oO oOo 12. Comments/suggestions for improvement of program managementloperations * ‘This content is neither cteated nor endorsed by Google. Google Forms hips docs. google. comiformstat NPYUHYSCXSYANECAXBHQO67LGyizWOQTPmNLgSeTvélodt m

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