Civil NCEES Handbook

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NCEES errand ead ag engineers and surveyors This document may be printed from the NCEES Web site for your personal use, but it may not be copied, reproduced, distributed electronically or in print, or posted online without the express written permission of NCES. Contact for more information. Copyright ©2021 by NCEES®. All rights reserved, AILNCEES material is copyrighted under the laws of the United States. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior writen permission of NCES. Requests for permissions should be addressed in writing to Second posting November 2021 INTRODUCTION About the Handbook The Principles and Practice of Engineering (PE) Civil exam is computer-based, and NCEES will supply all the resource ‘material that you are allowed to use during the exam. Reviewing the PE Civil Reference Handbook before exam day will help you become familiar with the charts, formulas, tables, and other reference information provided. You will not be allowed to bring your personal copy of the PE Civil Reference Handbook into the exam room, Instead, the computer-based cxam will include a PDF version of the handbook for your use. No printed copics of the handbook will be allowed in the exam room, The PDF version of the PE Civil Reference Handbook that you use on exam day will be very similar to this one, However, pages not needed to solve exam questions—such as the cover and introductory material—may not be included in the exam version. In addition, NCEES will periodically revise and update the handbook, and each PE Civil exam will be administered using the updated version, ‘The PE Civil Reference Handbook does not contain all the information required to answer every question on the exam, Theories, conversions, formulas, and definitions that examinees arc expected to know have not been included. The hhandbook is intended solely for use on the NCEES PE Civil exam, Other Supplied Exam Material In addition to the PE Civil Reference Handbook, the exam will include searchable PDF versions of codes and standards. A list of the material that will be included in your exam is shown on the exam specifications. Any additional material required for the solution of a particular exam question will be included in the question itself. You will not be allowed to bring personal copies of any material into the exam room. To familiarize yourself with the format, style, and navigation of a computer-based exam, visit the Exam Resources section on the NCEES YouTube channel Updates on Exam Content and Procedures CEES org is our home on the web. Visit us there for updates on everything exam-related, including specifications, exam- day policies, scoring, and practice tests Errata To report errata in this book, send your correction through your MyNCEES account. Examinces are not penalized for any errors in the Handbook that affect an exam question, CONTENTS 12 13 Units 1d 12 Distinguishing Pound-Force from Pound-Mass Fundamental Constants. Conversion Factors. Mathematics .. 13.1 Straight Line 13.2 Quadratic Equation 1.3.3. Quadrie Surface (SPHERE) 1.3.4 Difference Equations . 13.5 Logarithms 13.6 Trigonometry 1.3.7 Mensuration of Areas and Volumes 1.3.8 Conic Sections Engineering Probability and Statisties 1.4.1 Dispersion, Mean, Median, and Mode Values 1.42 Statistical Quality Control Staties 15.1 Force 1.5.2 Resultant (Two Dimensions) 1.53 Resolution of a Foree . 1.54 Moments (Couples) 155 Systems of Forces: GINFERING. 5.00 020.222000000eseee 156 157 158 159 15.10 15.11 15.12 1.6 Mechanics of Materials 16.1 162 163 164 165 1.66 167 168 1.7 Engineering Economics 174 17.2 173 174 175 17.6 197 178 179 1.7.10 Centroids of Masses, Areas, Lengths, and Volumes ....6...000sssceeeeeeees ceeeeeeeeee 20 ‘Moment of Inertia Friction... Screw Thread Belt Friction Stativally Determinate Truss... 5.0 ....000000cccvcseseeeeeeeeeesevvssesereeeeeeeeeeeese 22 Concurrent Forces... 66... eee cvvveeeeeeeeeee cect tee ttt tneeee ceeeeeeeeees BB Uniaxial Stress-Strain. Definitions. ‘Thermal Deformations Stress and Strain... Torsion ooo vccccceeeeeeeeeevvsseeeeeeeeees cect tee ttt tneeee ceeeeeeeeee 30 Torsional Strain... eee cece ccvvveeeeeeeeee cect tet e et etttneeee ceeeeeeeeee 30 Beams... Columns . . Nomenclature and Definitions . Nonannual Compounding. ......660cececeeeees cette Breakeven Analysis o....000ccccseeeeesseeees cette i Depreciation Book Value Capitalized Costs, Rate-of Return .. Benefit-Cost Amalysis.......66ccssseceeeeeeees cect tee e teen ttneeee cece eeeee 39 Interest Rate Tables. 0000000000 ceeceeeeeeeecessstseeeeeeeeeetetttteserrteeseereeeere 40 2 CONSTRUCTION ......000ccscssceeeeeeseeesesssseeeeeeeeeseeeessssessseeeesessesstssseeees AT 241 Barthwork Construction and Layout. 2.1.1 Excavation and Embankment. 2.1.2 Barthwork Volumes. . 2.4.3. Site Layout and Control .........eeeec cv veeeee cect tee ttt tneeee 2.1.4 Barthwork Balancing and Haul Distances ......... cect tee e teen ttneeee ceeeeeeeeee ST 2.1.5 Site and Subsurface Investigations......6.66 66 ccceeee cece eve eseeeeeeeeet ete ettereeeeees 52 2.2. Estimating Quantities and Costs. ...6.66000ce cess eee esteseeeeeeeee eect ttteseeeeeeee errr rene SB 2.2.1 Quantity Takeoff Methods 2.000 6cc cesses cette 2.2.2 Cost Estimating, 2.2.3 Cost Indexes 2.3 Construction Operations and Methods 2.3.1. Crane Stability .. 23.2 Dewatering and Pumping.....0600c0cceeeeeeee cette cee 23.3 Equipment Operations oo... ..6ccceeceteeecee cette cece 65: 23.4 Pile Dynamics..00 00.0 ccccccceeeeseeeee sete etteeettteeettseeees 24° Scheduling 24.1 Critical Path Method (CPM) Network Analysis 2.4.2 Resource Scheduling and Leveling 243 Time-Cost Trade-Off 0000.0 cceecetteeecee cette 2.5. Material Quality Control and Production. ..........0005 cette cere 2.5.1 Material Properties and Testing ........66.000008 cette cee 2.5.2. Conerete Proportioning and Placement . 2.5.3 Concrete Maturity and Farly Strength Evaluation . 2.5.4 Soil Stabilization Methods .. 2.6 Health and Safety 2.6.1 Safety Management and Statistics «2.06 ...0006 cette 2.6.2. Work Zone and Public Safety.........600eeeccee cote tttee tee cee TT GEOTECHNICAL... ..ececeeeesseeeeesseeetsseeeeteeeetiseeerteeestseeestiseeeeteeesseeee TB 3.1 Lateral Earth Pressures. 3.11 AtRest Coefficients... 3.1.2 Rankine Earth Coefficients. . 3.1.3 Coulomb Barth Pressures ....060 60 60cceceeeeeee cect tee ttt tneeee 3.1.4 Load Distribution from Surcharge ....000...00006 cect tee e teen ttneeee 3.1.5 Pseudostatic Analysis and Earthquake Loads. ...... cect tee ttt tneeee 3.2 Consolidation ..........eecee cece vseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeecttesteeeeeeeenneeees 3.2.1 Normally Consolidated Soils . . 3.2.2 Overconsolidated Soils 3.2.3. Time Rate of Settlement 3.2.4 Settlement Ratio for Overconsolidation........... cect tee ttt tneeee 3.3. Effective and Total Stresses .......6666csecceeeeeeees cect tee e teen ttneeee ceceeeeeeee BD 3.3.1 Shear Strength — Total Sttess 6.6.6... 66s beeeeee cect tet e et etttneeee ceceeeeeeee BD 3.3.2 Shear Strength Effective Stess..000000006.60cc00ccccceeseeeeeeeeeeeeettrrreeeeeeeeees 98 3.3.3. Undrained Shear Strength of Clays 3.3.4 Drained Shear Strength of Clays 3.4 Bearing Capacity 3.4.1 Bearing Capacity Theory 3.4.2 Bearing Capacity Equation for Concentrically Loaded Strip Footings... 3.43 Frost Depth 3.5 Foundation Settlement ..... 3.5.1 Stress Distribution... 3.5.2 Settlement (Elastic Method)... . 3.5.3. Settlement (Schmertmann’s Method) . ... 3.6.1 Stability Charts 3.6.2 Translational Failure. . 3.6.3. Rock Slope Failure... 3.64 Infinite Slope. 3.6.5 Ordinary Method of Slices... 3.6.6 Slope Stability Guidelines 3.7 Soil Classification and Boring Log Interpretation 3.7.1 Subsurface Exploration and Planning. .. 3.1.2 Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) 3.13 AASHTO Classification System, 3.74 Rock Classification... 3.8 Material Test Methods ..... 3.8.1 In Situ Testing, 3.8.2. Atterberg Limits ..... 3.8.3 Weight-Volume Relationships . 3.84 Gradation Tests...... 3.8.5. Petmeability Testing Properties of Soil and Rock ... 3.9 Compaction: Laboratory and Field Compaction 3.9.1 Laboratory Compaction Tests. . 3.9.2 Field Compaction... 3.9.3 Compaction Equipment 3.10 Trench and Excavation Construction Safety ... 3.10.1 Determination of Soil Type. . .. 3.10.2. Slope and Shield Configurations 93 95) 95 96 - 100 - 100 - 101 - 104 - 106 - 106 - 109 - M0 <1 12 113 4 14 6 124 - 126 - 130 - 130 - 138 - 139 - 142 - 145 - 152 - 152 = 154 - 155 - 157 - 157 - 158 3.10.3. Slope Configurations: Excavations in Layered Soils . 3.10.4 Excavations Made in Type A Soil 3.10.5. Excavations Made in Type B Soil 3.11 Geotechnical Instrumentation, 3.12 Ground Improvement 3.12.1 Types of Ground Improvement. 3.12.2. Grouting .. 3.12.3 Vibrocompaction. .... 3.12.4. Dynamic Compaction. 3.13 Geosyntheties ... 3.13.1 Types of Geosynthetics: 3.13.2 Filter Criteria 3.13.3. Strength Criteria 3.13.4 Flow Rates 3.13.5. Reinforced Walls and Slopes . . 3.13.6 Geofoam . . 3.14 Earth Dams, Levees, and Embankments 3.15 Landfills 3.16 Groundwater and Seepage .. 3.16.1 Datey's Law 3.16.2. Permeability of Various Sands . 3.16.3 Flow Through Soil... 3.164 Flow Nets . 3.16.5. Flow Through Soil... 3.17, Problematic Soil and Rock Conditions. 3.17.1 Reactive and Corrosive Soils .. 3.17.2 Corrosion of Buried Steel 3.17.3. Frost Susceptibility... 3.18. Barth Retention — Anchored Walls ... 3.18.1 Ground Anchor Components and Types. . 3.18.2. Potential Modes of Failure... 3.18.3 Anchor Loads 3.18.4 Anchor Capacity 3.18.5 Corrosion Protection. . 3.18.6 Load Testing - 159 - 160 - 161 - 162 = 166 = 166 - 167 - 169 - 170 - 170 - 170 172 173 - 175 176 = 184 = 185 - 190 - 193 - 193 - 194 - 194 - 196 197 = 203 = 203 = 204 = 205 = 206 = 206 - 207 = 209 -2U1 224 216 3.18.7. Settlement. 3.19 Pavements. 4 STRUCTURAL... 4.1 Structural Analysis, add 4h2 443 414 ats 41.6 4a7 42 Steel Design .... 424 422 423 43° Conerete Design . 43.1 43.2 Influence Lines for Beams and Trusses Moving Concentrated Load Sets ........000c005 cette Beam Stiffness and Moment Carryover... cette ‘Truss Deflection by Unit Load Method «2... cette Frame Deflection by Unit Load Method. . ‘Member Fixed-Fnd Moments (Magnitudes) ‘Moment, Shear, and Deflection Diagrams Fastener Groups in Sheat .......00sccccseeees cette Steel Sheet Pile Properties ....066..sceeeeeecee cette Basic Welding SymbOIS .......600eeeecceeees cee ttee tte Reinforcement Properties Design Provisions... . 217 = 218 232 = 232 = 232 =. 232 =. 232 233 = 233 = 234 = 234 =. 255 =. 255 =. 256 -. 257 - 258 5 TRANSPORTATION. «.....500c0cccsssssseeeeeeeseessssssseeeeeeeeeeeeesssssseeeeeeeeeeeees = 264 5.1 _ Traffic Engineering (Capacity Analysis and Transportation Planning) .......60.0.005 SL 512 5.13 514 55 5.2. Horizontal Design. 5.2.1 5.2.2 5.23 5.2.4 5.2.5 5.3. Vertical Design... 53.1 54 Signal Design ... 54d Uninterrupted Flow (e.g. Level of Service, Capacity). ....0.6.ccccceeeecseee Street Segment Interrupted Flow (¢.g., Level of Service, Running Time, Travel Speed) .... ‘Traffic Analysis (e.g., Volume Studies, Peak Hour Factor, Speed Studies, Modal Split), Accident Analysis (e.g., Conflict Analysis, Accident Rates, Collision Diagrams). .. Traffic Forecast. . Basie Curve Elements (e.g. Middle Ordinate, Length, Chord, Radius) ......... Layout of Two-Centered Compound Curves ...... cect tee e teen ttneeee Layout of Three-Centered Compound Curves... Layout of Reverse Horizontal Curves Between Parallel Tangents. Method of Designating Directions ............005 Symmetrical Vertical Curve Formula... Dilemma Zones, . - 258 - 261 264 = 264 = 266 - 267 - 269 2.270 2 220 2274 2275 276 276 2278 2278 2.279 2279 S42 OFBES coe e cece ese et teertteeee cette cece eee 280 5.5. Geotechnical and Pavement... ..0000eeccceeeeecee cee ttteee tee cee eeeeees 281 5.5.1 _ Relative Soil Density . 281 5.5.2 Plasticity Index... -281 5.5.3. Shrinkage of Soil Mass. 282 5.54 Soil Compaction... = 283 5.5.5. Asphalt Mixture Design ....0....00000eccceee cette cee ees 283) 5.5.6 Structural Design of Flexible Pavement. ........6. cote tttee tee ween 28 5.5.1 Predicting Truck Traffic Volumes. 288 5.5.8 Monthly Adjustment Factor . 288 5.5.9 Traffic Growth Rate .. = 289 6 WATER RESOURCES AND ENVIRONMENTAL .....600000cccceeeeeeeeeesssseeeeeeeeeseeeessees 200 6.1 Fluid Mechanics. - 290 6.1.1 Constants, cette - 290 6.1.2 Density, Specific Volume, Specific Weight, and Specific Gravity .......0.6.005 6.1.3. Stress, Pressure, and Viscosity . 6.1.4 Characteristics of a Static Liquid 6.1.5 Chemistry . 6.1.6 Population Projection .......6ccseeeceeeeeeee cette 6.2 Hydraulics... e ec cte eet eet seeettteetttteettteeeerreeees 6.2.1 Principles of One-Dimensional Fluid Flow .......- cee ttee tte 6.2.2. Fluid Flow Characterization. 6.2.3 Consequences of Fluid Flow (Circular Conduits) . 6.2.4 Flow in Conduits (Cireular or Noneireular) 6.2.5 Hydraulic Flow Measurement ........000eeecc0e cette 6.26 OFFICES eee eevee cette ee ttteetteee tt ttee erties e teens 6.2.7 Spillways. cites 6.3 Closed Conduit Flow and Pumps....00.0.0000eeeecee cee tttee tee 6.3.1 Hazen-Williams Equation 6.3.2 Darey-Weisbach Equation (Head Loss) 6.3.3 Minor Losses in Pipe Fittings, Contractions, and Expansions . 6.3.4 Pipe Bends, Enlargements, and Contractions....... cette 6.3.5 Fire Hydrant Flow. ... 6.3.6 Flow Through a Packed Bed..........0000c00008 cette 63.7 Water Hammer 63.8 63.9 6.3.10 Pipe Network Analysis (e.g., Series, Parallel, and Loop Networks) 64° Open-Channel Flow Pump Application and Analysis, Including Wet Wells, Lift Stations, and Cavitation Lift Station Pumping and Wet Wells. .....0..0.005 cee ttteee tee 6.4.1 Conservation of Energy 64.2 Specific ENEIBY. cece eevee estes eteeeetteeettteeerteeees 6.4.3 Normal and Critical Flow 6.4.4 Momentum Depth Relationship ........00..00005 cette 6.4.5 Steady Uniform Flow. 6.4.6 Hydraulic Classification of Slopes 6.4.7. Gradually Varied Flow : 6.4.8 Rapidly Varied Flow and Hydraulic Jump ........+ cette 6.4.9 Composite Slopes Channel Profiles ..........0005 cette 6.4.10 Stormwater Collection and Drainage ...........0+ cette CI 6.5.1 Storm/Flood Frequeney Probabilities. . 6.5.2. Runoff Analysis . 6.5.3 Rainfall Intensity, Duration, and Frequency. 6.5.4 Time of Concentration 0.0.66 ccseeceeeeeecee cette 6.5.5 Hydrograph Development and Applications, Including Synthetic Hydrographs..........66c0006. 391 6.5.6 Rainfall Gauging Stations... ...0 6.6 cco ee veces cette etteeees tees esseeeeeseeee sce: 398 6.5.7 Stream Gauging oe. 6 cscceecceeeecseeeeecee 6.5.8 Depletions (e.g., Evaporation, Detention, Percolation, and Diversions) .. 6.5.9 Stormwater Management (e.g., Detention Ponds, Retention Ponds, Infiltration Systems, and Swales) . 406 6.6 Groundwater and WEIS... 0.600 ccccceeeecteteee eset etteeentteeenteeens 6.6.1 Groundwater System and Hydrologic Budget ...... cee ttee tte 6.6.2 AQUIEEDS o.oo eevee eect ee ttteetteet tt tet rt tteeeerteeees 6.6.3 Groundwater FIOW 6.6666. ccccceectteeeenee cee ttee tte 6.6.4 Well Analysis ~ Steady State .. 6.7 Water Quality 6.7.1 Mass Calculations. ........ 6.1.2 Biochemical Oxygen Demand ........600000008 cette 6.1.3 Oxygen Dynamics (Microbial Kinetics)..........+ cee tttee tee 6.1.4 Monod Kinetics ~ Substrate Limited Growth, ...... cette 6.1.5 Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) 55.00.55 cette 6.7.6 Biological Contaminants (Partition Coefficients). ... 617 Risk Calculation ..... 6.8 Wastewater Collection and Treatment 68.1 68.2 683 6.8.4 68.5 6.8.6 68.7 68.8 68.9 6.8.10 68.11 Wastewater Collection Systems ‘Wastewater Flow Rates. Wastewater Testing... Preliminary Treatment Primary Treatment ... Nitrification/Denitrfication ... Phosphorus Removal . Solids Treatment, Handling, and Disposal Digestion. . Disinfection, Advanced Treatment. . 6.9 Drinking Water Distribution and Treatment. ... 69.1 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 69.10 69.11 69.12 Drinking Water Distribution Systems. ... Drinking Water Treatment Process ‘Activated Carbon Adsorption . . Air Stripping Hardness and Softening Sedimentation Taste and Odor Control. ‘Membrane Filtration. . Ultrafiltration Disinfection, Including Disinfection Byproducts.... Removal and Inactivation Requirements . ‘Typical Removal Credits and Inactivation Requirements for Various Treatment Technologies 2431 2432 2436 2436 2437 2437 439 2482 2482 2.453 2.485 2487 2487 2 458 2 458 2 459 468 470 2473 24th 2.475 . 476 1478 1478 2481 2481 1 GENERAL ENGINEERING 1.1 Units 1.1.1 Distinguishing Pound-Force from Pound-Mass This handbook uses the Intemational Systems of Units (SI) (metric) and the U.S. Customary System (USCS). In USCS nits, both force and mass are called pounds. Therefore, one must distinguish the pound-force (Ibf) from the pound-mass (bm). Ifthe exam question is presented in USCS units, it may be necessary to use the constant g, in the equation to have a consistent set of units. ibe = 32.174 omeft see me where Fisin bt mis in Tom aisin 8, see? - bon BAA Sac? ‘©2021 NCEES 1 Chapter 1: General Enginee 112 SETRIC PREFINES COMMONLY USED EQUIVALENTS Maliple Prefix Symbol coe 0 alto 3 1" femo £ ft gatton ot water weighs s.34Ibr 1? pico P 1 cubic foot of water weig 624 bt 10° nano 2 Teubic inch of mercury weighs 0.491 tbe wee mio ——Irhemass of cube mete of wateris 1,000 kilograms Wo es fimeLis 8.34% 10- Ibggal ww deci a 1 ie ee ‘TEMPERATURE CONVERSIONS wo Kilo k ce olaecis iw a x F<1800)432 i we Q *C=(F-22y18 10" tera r RAF 459.69 10" pete P kK ="C +2735 10" exa E Fundamental Constants ‘Quantity, ‘Symbol ‘Value ] Tavily acceleration @tandard) metre z 93807 | gravity acceleration (standard) USCS @ 374 | ‘molar volume (deal gas), T= 273.15 Kp = 1013 KPa Vm ala ] je2021 NCEES 2 Chapter 1: General Engineering 1.2 Conversion Factors Multiply By To Obtain Multiply By To Obtain os B50 sa Bc) ile) vari Smenicc (im) 760 Sree he } ome fe coal bn sms Om 3 1 eon Sm coed ter it an he ro coed Boo fer as Bisa SMa kiggam 220s pound msm) . te Sates Eom od ver bead rh Homicram 3a me co oer oi ive eat io erste 2 palon-< Kops) 1s Ia be ass ate) Elomi) at tence) be Bomiet Elomi a) hv san ue be mm hte i tre (hee bite Shox10+ ——hameponse Bisorawny lath a bor oan won ie oa te Bune oats ie Bt hou jeg) Ent) ‘co te cicic(ea 36h 102 tw x nae von 09) s (Seco! ete a aes a) reer) sie iw Sine the sara) C aed fiees.ti9 Scninserm) 32810 ay t ww S co ase ap Teco zis nin (cn) Crepe) 004 pra (Pe) ts 136 10S pin cpm Spee Bins) Sree Bas Benen sett) saat text) a as) = “iot ve ie winend (ci) nt? len gaflody ecm) sco) Ha etn ini) er ee on fis) Sho art en) aus mune) ‘aos Str) ‘mile/hour (mph) 88.0 ‘f’min (fpm) fo1@ nose co oo v9 * nets (a) hocne Stee to: forto tan m= Enartto deme yoonsietoy —tans10 Ba nee Sree? Klowatsir a) sero (9) ozs we nar oat iene ed reo) 1 tea fle 1.356 {joule () a= ors76 febE Ebtee Usini0——fomspower i) xo : fae elon US.tig 385 ery pose Po) 980.105 mosphere om) Bliss) as n fe 1 sea 0) Btnnsofwacr 83483 Poxnds oF ae Pesca) io pave tne) Eerw: loadin pound berevdp) as Ei) hectare rxaot ‘square meters (n") we a N tae aries = Bee 13s Rew cpm) aa Buia ips oss so we her eata) hp 33,000 (fe-lbi)'min psi 2 arn 2 Si ge ms bine ate She bats fe = ass ms Soe isete be ‘hp-br 2.68 « 10 joule () ‘radian (md) {she degree bear ose kh sug ound-mas hm) inch Gin.) 2.540. ‘centimeter (em) woke ls otle ose = , forme 1300 ino o roe mormo ose Bam 6 r to ci) Ehogam te) in of 0 ‘oa24se am ton (shor) poud-fores (Ib) wate) sap Brute v Sisto! Romepones i) ‘©2021 NCEES Chapter 1: General Enj 1.3. Mathematics 1.3.1 Straight Line The general form of the equation is Ax+By+C=0 The standard form ofthe equation is yems+b which is also known as the slope-intercept form. The point-slope form is Y=9= m=) Given two points, the slope is m= O2-e=*) ‘The angle between lines with slopes m, and m, = arctan [(m,~m,)(1 + m,+m,)] ‘Two lines are perpendicular if m, =—L/m, ‘The distance between two points is 1.3.2 Quadratic Equation 0 aes bet x= Roots = 22/5 = 4ac 1.3.3 Quadric Surface (SPHERE) The standard form of the equation is =hP+ V— P+ = mp =P with center at (A, km). Ina three-dimensional space, the distance between two points is {mums nono lanak d= Jy ax) + (a) + > 2 1.3.4 Difference Equations ‘Any system whose input n() and output y() are defined only atthe equally spaced intervals s()=9 =p can be described by a difference equation. tan je2021 NCEES 4 Chapter 1: General Enj First-Order Linear Difference Equation Ai vier = t y(t) 1.3.5 Logarithms The logarithm of x to the Base bis defined by log, (x) where bx Special definitions for b= e ot b= 10 are: Inx, Base=e log x, Base = 10 To change from one Base to another: log, x= (log, )/(log, >) ©, Inx= (logy, x)logig) = 2.302585 (logo) Identities Jog," Jog = ¢ log x;x°= antilog (clog) Jog.xy=logx+ log y Jog =1 Jog =0 log.x/y = log x log y 1.3.6 Trigonometry ‘Trigonometric functions are defined using a right triangle, sin @=y/r, cos = x/r tan 8 = yi, cot = x/p ese O= rf, see O= rie law of Sines 2 = b__ _¢ 1361 law ofsines 525 shy = sc ‘ Law of Cosines a @= 6+ A-2be cosd =a? +A-2ac cos B @ +P 2ab eos C je2021 NCEES 5 Chapter 1: General Engineering Law of Tangents tanfy(a-p)] tanf(a+9)] Identities cos 0 = sin (8 + 1/2) =—sin (0 ~ x/2) sin 0 = 60s (8 ~ 1/2) =—c0s (8 + n/2) ese @= Lisin 0 sec = eos @ tan 0 = sin O/cos @ cot 0 = tan 8 sin? @ + cos’ 0 =1 tan? 0-1 sec? co +1 = esc? sin («+ B) = sin 01 cos f+ cos «sin cos (« + B) = cos ot cos fb - sin a sin f sin 2a.=2sin a cos a cot 2a = (cot? a — 1)/(2 cot «) tan (a+ B)= (tan + tan By (1 —tan tan) cot (a+) = (cota cot —IMeot a + cot) sin (4B) =sin a cos ~c0s a sin 0s (a1) = c0s a cos B + sina sin B tan (a B) = (tan o-~ tan f)/(1 + tan a tan 8) cot (0.~ f) = (cot a cot + I) (cot B— cot a) sin (a/2) = £41 — eos.a)/2 0s (a2) = 4/1 + cos a2 tan (a/2) = +/1 = cosa) + cosa) cot (1/2) = +/+ eosa)/(I — cosa) sin 0 sin B = (1/2)[e0s (ce B)—e0s (a BY] £08 «cos B = (1/2)[e0s (a) + 608 (a+ BY] Chapter 1: General Engineering sin o 00s f= (12)fsin (a+ fl) + sin (=) sin + sin = 2 sin [(1/2)(a + B)] cos [(1/2)(a.-) sin a —sin B =2 cos ((1/2)(at + B)] sin [(1/2)(0—)] cos at + c0s = 2 cos [(1/2)(a + B)] cos [(1/2)(ce— B)] cos at — cos 8 =~ 2 sin {(1/2)(a + B)] sin [(1/2(a—B)} 1.3.7. Mensuration of Areas and Volumes: Nomenclature A total surface area Pe perimeter V= volume Parabola A> 2bh/3 b A= bhi3 b Ellipse A=nab Prgpror= 2242 1+(u2Pa2 +(e x vay at P= nat b)| M12 x 14 x 3/6) 2° + (1/2 x 14 X 316 x SI8) a H(L/2 x 1/4 x 3/6 x 5/8 x 7/10) A194 je2021 NCEES 7 Chapter 1: General Enj where a= (a-b)la+b) Source: Gieck, K. and R. Gieck. Engineering Formulas. Gieck Publishing, 1967, Circle A> area of a circle = xr? (C= ciroumference = 2nr= nd Circular Segment A ino) 2 6 =sir= 2{arecos|(r-d)ir]} 8 ISINRADIANS. Source: Gieck, K. and R, Gieek, Engineering Formulas, Gieck Publishing, 1967, Circular Sector A=OP/2= sri2 @=sir ISIN RADIANS. Source: Gieck, K. and R. Gieck. Engineering Formulas. Gieck Publishing, 1967 je2021 NCEES 8 Chapter 1: General Enj Sphere V= arr = nd 16 Souree: Gieek, K. and R, Gieck. Engineering Formulas. Gieck Publishing, 1967, Parallelogram P=2Ua+b) o d= a’ +B 2ab(cos$) S dha Ver PF Dalles) 4 TS 4, a+ d= 2a" b°) pa, A= ah= ablsing) |__| Ifa~b, the parallelogram is a rhombus. source: Gieck, K. and R. Gieck. Engineering Formulas. Gieck Publishing, 1967., Regular Polygon (n equal sides) 5 = 2[tan(o/2) A= (nsr)2 Souree: Gieek, K, and R, Gieck. Engineering Formulas. Gieck Publishing, 1967, je2021 NCEES 9 Chapter 1: General Enj Prismoid V = (Wi6)(4 + Ar + 44) Souree: G Right Circular Cone v=(nPa)is A> side area + base area = tr(r-+ VPP) Ae dy= 2? Source: Gieck, K. and R. Gieck. Engineering Formulas. Gieck Publishing, 1967 Right Circular Cylinder v= = adh na ae A= side area + end areas = 2nr(h+r) Source: Gieck, K. and R. Gieck. Engineering Formulas. Gieck Publishing, 1967. 1.3,7.13 Paraboloid of Revolution N47 ot Source: Gieck, K. and R. Gieck. Engineering Formulas. Gieck Publishing, 1967. je2021 NCEES 10 Chapter 1: General Enj 1.3.8 Conic Sections = eccentricity = cos O/(cos ) Source: Gieck, K. and R. Gieck. Engineering Formulas. Gieck Publishing, 1967 [Note:" and inthe following cases, are translated axes] Case 1: Parabolae=1. p Center at (i, k) is the standard form of the equation, When h = k= 0, Focus: (p/2, 0); Directrix: x= —p/2 Source: Brink, RW. A First Year of College Mathematics, D. Appleton-Century Company, Ine. (Prentice Hall), 1937, Case 2: Ellipse e <1 en? = b? je2021 NCEES u Chapter 1: General Enj Center at (f, &) is the standard form of the equation. When h= Eccentricity: ¢ = fi — (Ba) = ela b=ayi-e Focus: (+ ae, 0) Directrix: x= +ale Source: Brink, RW. A First Year of College Mathematics. D. Appleton-Century Company, Inc. (Prentice Hall, Case 3: Hyperbolae > 1 (y= Yr F (0.5) (6.0) /| hk (a,0) Center at (h, &) is the standard form of the equation, When h = k = 0: Eecentricity: e = /1 + (%/a’) = ela baaye’ Focus: (+ ae, 0) Directrix: x= + ale Source: Brink, RW. A First Year of College Mathematics. D. Applelon-Century Company, Inc. (Prentice Halb, 1937, 13.8.4 Case 4: Circle e=0 8+ 9-8 Center at (h, k) is the standard form of the equation with radius y (x Pea je2021 NCEES n Chapter 1: General Enj Length of the tangent line from a point on a circle to a point (x’,y P= (IP +0'-WP-P Source: Brink, RW. A First Year of College Mathematics. D. Appleton-Century Company, Ine. (Prentice Hall, 1937, 1.4 _ Engineering Probability and Statistics 1.4.1 _ Dispersion, Mean, Median, and Mode Values IfX,, Xp, -.., Xyrepresent the values of a random sample of n items or observations, the arithmetic mean of these items or observations, denoted , is defined as X= (Um Xi + X2*+Xn)=(I/n) UX a ¥-~ p for sufficiently large values of. ‘The weighted arithmetic mean is Doki Dy where LX,= value of the ith observation, and 1w,= weight applied to X, ‘The variance of the population is the arithmetic mean of the squared deviations from the population mean. If is the arithmetic mean ofa discrete population of size N, the population variance is defined by Standard deviation formulas (assuming statistical independence) are Spoputton = UNI E(X— Hy sum = vot FOR. HOR series = VR Omen Te oduct = VA? +B? op je2021 NCEES B Chapter 1: General Enj The sample variance is st=[n-D)E(a-¥P mi The sample standard deviation is yh (n EC xP ‘The sample coefficient of variation = C) ‘The sample geometric mean = "fX Xa Xs. The sample root-mean-square value = ¥f(\in)X? x vi When is even the median isthe average of the (8) and (2-1) items, The mode ofa set of data is the value that occurs with the greatest frequency, The sample range R is the largest sample value minus the smallest sample value. 4 Chapter 1: General Engineering Unit Normal Distribution (w= 0, o=1) C\ N x i) Feo, Re), 2h), We 00 0.3989 0.5000 0.5000 1.0000 0.0000 ot 0.3970 0.5398 0.4602 0.9203 0.0797 02 03910 0.5793 0.4207 sais 0.1585 03 0.3814 04179 03821 0.7642 0.2338 04 0.3683 0.6554 03446 0.6892 03108 0s 03821 o.o1s 0.3085 0.71 0.3829 06 0.3332 0.7287 0.2743 os4xs oasis 07 03123 0.7580 0.2420 0.4839 ost61 08 0.2897 0.7881 o2n9 0.4237 05763 09 0.2661 08159 o.1841 0.3681 0.6319 Lo 0.2420 0.8413 0.1987 03173 0.6827 LI 0.2179 0.8643 0.1357 0.2713 0.7287 LR 0.1942 o.ssa9 ots} 0.2301 0.7699 1B 0.1714 0.9032 0.0968 0.1936 0.8064 14 0.1497 09192 0.0808 0.1615 0.8385 Ls 0.1295 0.9332 0.0668 0.1336 0.8664 16 0.1109 0.9452 0.0548, 0.1096 0.8904 uy 0.0940 osss4 0.0446 0.0891 09109 Ls 0.0790 0.9641 0.0359 oon9 09281 19 0.0656 09713 0.0287 0.0574 0.9426 20 0.0540 ost. 0.228 0.0455 o.9sas 21 0.0440 0.9821 0.0179 0.0357 0.9643 22 0.0355 0.9861 0.0139 0.0278 0.9722 23 0.0283 0.9893 o.o107 0.0214 09786 24 0.0224 ogo1s. 0.0082 0.0164 0.9836 25 0.0175 0.9938 0.0062 0.0124 0.9876 26 0.0136 0.9953 0.0047 0.0093 0.9907 27 0.0104 0.9965 0.0035 0.0069 0.9931 28 0.0079 0974 0.0026 0.0051 0.9949 29 0.0060 0.9981 o.019 0.0037 0.9963 30 0.0044 0.9987 0.0013 0.0027 0.9973 Fractiles 1.2816 0.1755 6.9000 0.1000 0.2000 0.8000 1.6449 0.1031 0.9300 0.0500 0.1000 0.9000 1.9600 0.0584 0.9750 0.0250 0.0500 0.9300 2.0537 0.0484 0.9800 0.0200 0.0400 0.9600 2.3263 0.0267 0.9900 0.0100 0.0200 0.9800 2.5758 0.0145 0.9950 0.0050 0.0100 0.9900 je2021 NCEES 1s Chapter 1: General Engineering 1.4.2 _ Statistical Quality Control Average and Range Charts ” ab Dy De 2 | L880 0 3.268 3 | 1023 0 2374 4 | ono 0 2282 s | 0377 0 214 6 | oss 0 2.004 7 | 049 0.076 1924 s | 0373 0.136 L864 9 | 0337 0.184 Lsl6 10 | 0308 0.223, am where x, 3n individual observation n =sample size of a group k= number of groups R_ =range, the difference between the largest and smallest observations in a sample of size m ‘The R Chart formulas are: CLR=R UCL p= D4R ECLR=DsR The X Chart formulas are: CLya UCLy=X+ AR LCL =X-A2R je2021 NCEES 16 Chapter 1: General Enj 1.4.22 Standard Deviation Charts Uchy =F as Ch x= ® LCLy =X-A3S UCLs = By cls=8 BS Approximations ” Ay By By 2 | 2659 v 3.267 3 | 1954 o 2.568 4 | 1628 0 2.266 5 | 1427 0 2.089 6 | 1287 0.030 1.970 7 | Las2 o.119) 1.882 8 | 1099 0.185 1815 9 | 1.032 0.239 1.761 10 | 0975 0.284 L716 The following table and equations may be used to generate initial approximations 6-R/d 6-5 /ee op he os avi where @ an estimate of of the items indicated. n dy ds 2 | 0.1979 1128 0.853 3 | 08862 1.693 0.888 4 | 09213 2.059 0.880) 5 | 09400 2.326 0.864 6 | 0951s 2.534 0.848 7 | 0.9594 2.704 0.833 8 | 0.9650 2.847 0.820 9 | 0.9693 2.970 0.808, 10 | 09727 3.078 0.797 Gq = an estimate of the standard deviation of the ranges of the samples Gy =aneestimate of the standard deviation of the standard deviations of the samples uv Chapter 1: General Engine: Probability and Density Functions: Means and Variances Variable Equation Mean Variance Binomial mal Cooticient (Sram Binomial dosinp)=(“)p"- py »p np(-p) Hyper nlxi nn r { =. nr rN ~r)n(N~n) Geometric Mecnna-()} X “w= Poisson d a Geometric gs p)=p (1 - py up (py? Negative es ' “-pY ip rp Multinomial | f(s» pi mp, a) Uniform fit) = 1b —a) (at by2 (b-ay'/t2 Gamma af ap? Exponential B Weibatl Bier fla +a ‘Normal ¥ o ifasx 0.1) shafts J where J = polar moment of inertia 1.6.6 Torsional Strain ‘toe limit (olde) = r(dgice) The shear strain varies in direct proportion to the radius, from zero strain at the center to the greatest strain at the outside of ‘the shaft. dbide is the twist per unit length or the rate of twist. tee= Gre = Gr(dolae) T = G(avias) [ ad = Gr(dgide) ¢ sar where 6 = total angle radians) of twist T= torque = length of shah Tie gives the twisting moment per radian of twist. This is called the torsional stiffness and is often denoted by the symbol k ore. je2021 NCEES 30 Chapter 1: General Enj For Hollow, Thin-Walled Shafts T Tagt where f= thickness of shaft wall Ap, = atea of a solid shaft of radius equal to the mean radius of the hollow shaft 1.6.7 Beams Shearing Force and Bending Moment Sign Conventions 1. The bending moment is positive if it produces bending of the beam concave upward (compression in top fibers and ‘tension in bottom fibers). 2. The shearing force is positive ifthe right portion of the beam tends to shear downward with respect to the left. Source: Timoshenko, S. and Gleason H, MasCullough, Elements of Sength of Materials. 144. Van Nostrand (Wadswort), 1954, The relationship between the load (1), shear (V), and moment (§M) equations are: a(x) a w(a) aMx) vk n= ["-wlae My-M= [ae Ie, y, Stresses in Beams ‘The normal stress in a beam due to bending: 6 =-My/t where M_ = moment at the section J =moment of inertia of the cross section y= distance from the neutral axis to the fiber location above or below the neutral axis je2021 NCEES 31 Chapter 1: General Enj ‘The maximum normal stresses in a beam due to bending: o =4Meit where € = distance from the neutral axis to the outermost fiber of a symmetrical beam section o =Mis where 5 elastic section modulus of the beam s=He ‘Transverse shear stress: ty = VOKID) where V = shear foree Q = A'y' = first moment of area above or below the point where shear stress is to be determined Source: Hibbele, RstllC, Mechanics of Materials 10 ed, Pearson, 2015, pp. 386387 where A’ =area above the layer (or plane) upon which the desired transverse shear stress acts ¥’ = distance from neutral axis to area centroid b= width or thickness of the eross section ‘Transverse shear flow: q =v Composite Sections The bending stresses in a beam composed of dissimilar materials (Material 1 and Material 2) where E, > E, are: oy) =-aMy/ty 0, =—Mylly where J = moment of inertia ofthe transformed section n= modular ratio B/E Ey, = elastic modulus of Material | Ey, = clastic modulus of Material 2 |) =distance from the neutral axis to the fiber location above or below the neutral axis je2021 NCEES 2 Chapter 1: General Engineering ‘The composite section is transformed into a section composed of a single material. The centroid and then the moment of inertia are found on the transformed section for use in the bending stress equations. cowposite SECTION waveRALt [TESA] LN arena (6, bt by rm» | je2021 NCEES 3 Chapter 1: General Engineering quod q parudoy “0002 m8EL()8 rn) andZh (18 x8) ye Fao (om "0 (r+ eTe-e -0 (ow Pep = (001 J0 041)" (wD. LEB 0 ITIL ay "Id "d~ “INANOW WANDXYA AuNd OUST NOUOaTaaq 34018 suoysayaq pue sadojs weag parioddns Ajduiis 34 ‘INSNOW NNWDXVA NOUOaTHaO 3401S Chapter 1: General Enj 1.6.8 Columns Critical axial load for long column subject to buckling: Euler's Formula where @ =unbraced column length: K = effective-length factor to account for end supports Theoretical effetve-length factors for columns include: Pinned-pinned, K = 1.0 Fixedsined, K=05 Fixed-pinned, K=0.7 Fixed-iee, K=20 Critical buckling stress for long columns: Pa a2 eA (Kur? where = ris of gyration = TA effective slendermness ratio for the columa 36 Chapter 1: General Enj ering 1.7 _ Engineering Economics Fader Name Gane Si CT Single Payment - Seer [Perm | PU Single Payment |,» gi, oh crvam | Rua" Taio Se mam Sinking Fund todgiven | 9123 naif’ | wRr%em Tails Compound Amount to F given A AAA AA (FIA, i%, n) aiform sees ; Present Worth to P given A 4E AE | eA itm elt. Capital Recovery toAgivenP | f'?2 "| yp, ix6.n) Unio Gradient Sane Present Worth wrenee | aT | raven 23 0 . ‘Uniform Gradient - FutreWorbh | wm FgivenG 16,06. Thifom Gade ‘Uniform Series tod given G ° (AGG, 1%, 0) 123] ¢ che + FIG=(FIA=nyi=(F/A) * (A/G) 1.7.1 Nomenclature and Definitions A Uniform amount per interest period B Benefit BY Book value © Cost 4 Inflation adjusted imerest rate per interest period D,, Depreciation in year EV Expected value PF Puture worth, value, or amount 37 Chapter 1: General Enj fF General inflation rate per interest period G@ Uniform gradient amount per interest period i Interest rate por interest period i, Annual effective interest rate MARR Minimum acceptable/attractive rate of retum, m Number of compounding periods per year Number of compounding periods; or the expected life of an asset P- Present worth, value, or amount Nominal annual interest rate S, Expected salvage value in year m Subscripts J attimej nattimen 1.7.2. Nonannual Compounding in(egy-t 1.7.3 Breakeven Analysis By altering the value of any one of the variables in a situation, holding all the other values constant, itis possible to find a value for that variable that makes the two alternatives equally economical. This value is the breakeven point. Breakeven analysis is used to describe the percentage of capacity of operation for a manufacturing plant at which income will just cover expenses. ‘The payback period is the period of time required for the profit or other benefits of an investment to equal the cost of the investment, 1.7.4 Inflation To account for inflation, dollars are deflated by the general inflation rate per interest period f, and then are shifted over the time scale using the interest rate per interest period i. Use an inflation adjusted interest rate per interest period d for computing present worth values P. ‘The formula for d is d= i++ (ix) 1.7.5 Depreciation Straight 1.7.6 Book Value BY= initial cost DD je2021 NCEES 38 Chapter 1: General Enj lized Costs 1.7.7 Capit Capitalized costs are present worth values using an assumed perpetual period of time: Capitalized Costs = P 1.7.8 Rate-of-Return ‘The minimum acceptable rate-of-return (MARR) is that interest rate that one is willing to accept, or the rate one desires to eam on investments, The rate-oF-retur on an investment is the interest rate that makes the benefits and costs equal 1.7.9 Benefit-Cost Analysis Ina benefit-cost analysis, the benefits & of a project should exceed the estimated costs C, Be 20, 0rB/C21 je2021 NCEES 39 Chapter 1: General Enj 1.7.10 Interest Rate Tables Interest Rate Tables Factor Table - i= 0.50% n PIF PIA PIG FP FA AP A AG 5 oss 49259 9.5026 10253 5.0803 02030 0930 19900 ‘ 09708 S064 146552 10304 6.0788 0.1696 01686 2.4855 7 0.9657 63021 20.4498 1.0355 7.1088 01487 1407 2.9801 8 0.3608 718230 2173s 10407 sid 01278 ois 34738 8B oss 123860 4.4602 ‘0670 13302. 0.0796 0.0746 ‘s9s02 2 09226 134887 86.5835 073 14602 oor 8.0691 6.4190 8 09279 14.4166 99.8748 1077 1538368 1.0694 0.0644 6.9068 16 09233 153389 1134238 10831 leis 0.0652 9.0602 73940 21 0.9006 19.8880 195.2438 11104 22.0840 0.0303 0.0483 oan 2 0396) 20.7841 214061 11160 23.1944 oo881 ooa 102993 2 08916 216157 233.6268 126 243104 0.0861 ooait 107806 2 oss7? 22.5009 2540820 nan 25.4300 ‘oats 00393 12611 30 0793 441428 1035 6366 12882 ‘35.6882 ox27 0177 246d « o74i4 517256 Nase oess 13489 69.7700 0.0193 ois 28.0064 100 sors 7455826 3562.1984 xoiot_| 129.3337 0127 0.0077 453613 Factor Table - i= 1.00% n PIF ‘PIA PIG FP FA AP AE AG T 0.9907 7.0000 TOT T0000 TOTO T9000 ‘0.0000 ‘ 0.9420 ‘985 ost 61320 ons 0162s 2ant0 1 09327 6m82 199168 tort 723s 0.1486 01386 29602 8 09235 76817 263812 1.0829 82857 0.1307 1207 34878 3 09188 8.5650 33.6959 1.0837 93685 ont67 1067 39337 10 0.3083 94713 41.8838 11046 o.se22 0.1086 0.0986 4419 8 ots? 5 1126 tisat 13.8008 ‘0824 eons ‘Sise07 4 0.3700 82.422 149s asa 768 0.0569 3884 5 osst3 94.4810 tt610 16.0969 aor 0.0621 ates 16 03528 1072734 116 72579 0.0679 90579 72886 a oxit4 sasi0 181.6980 12324 23.2392 0.0330 0480 95384 zn 0.3034 19.6604 1985653 1207 Deane 0.0308 0.0409 10.0998 2B 07984 204858 2160660, 1257 25.7168 0.0889 0.0389 10.3626 26 07876 21.2834 234.1800, 12687 269735 0.0871 90371 10237 38 07798 aes 252.8945 rasz4 282432 0.0384 114831 30 6.5080 39.1961 s70aire tetas 4632 028s 15s, 22.4363 “ 05804 44.9850 1.192.8061, 1816? 81.6697 ‘.o222 0122 2os333 100 03697 63.0289 2.608.7158 27088 170.4816 00189 0.0059 413826 ©2021 NCEES 40 Chapter 1: General Enj Interest Rate Tables Factor Table - i= 1.50% 7m PE PA PG FP. FA AP aE We ToRST T9RST ‘nto ois T0000 ToIs0 000 rr 2 oso oss osm oso 20150 Osis ooes oases 3 5363 dorm 2am 1047 5459 03a 30K 550) 4 aza ses 57098 614 20508 92504 2448 wane 5 ona ame sans 13 sists 02081 nse Lem * oer as) 26:57 lass sae 1336 ies nao 5 one tas Sausias ass 55803, 81196 046 3.5008 0 oer? sam doses 0s ac0r1 0.1084 apse am t ones oon) ass tins tas 90993, ess i512 6 oreo 4151 isin 2490 119304 Soros sss T1439 7 ores 149076 113.9400 12880 Io20.4 oer 082i Tots * 7689 5126 F945 13073 205804 S638 Seas 97 ° o7536 ean 140.5 1am0 217967 8.0609 fess 85539 2» oras | ire Is4atse 1346s mus see aes 9.0087 B odo 03309 2ooao0s ast pst asi? ove 3462 & veass | 200308 aieaoo1 19s Deas 0.499 bows 0788) as oss: | 2azi96 masio 4s09 Soe O.e83 boss name 3 dass | 2oise misnio 1563 sister oats ones 3883 Factor Table -i= 2.00% a” PF PA PG FP. FA AP AF MG Ono TROT ‘0000 Tom 0007 Tone 000 ‘a0 2 os612 ons o96i2 og 20200 osiso os0s0 aso 3 saz Fr) Baise 112 Soo O68 3268 86s 4 Osa sear Sains ost annie 02426 208 482 5 O68 es 31s70 Host o7sK6 ozs nas ket) 0 on none Bess 13190 asus ons apis ae t xn 7s 69997 ra? Sion ‘nea 4301 2 omnes 05753 ssari2 isan 8.0946 ras Sane 7 one 142919 107 5554 a0 2011 Som ‘seo 75256 * 7002 49920 ligase a2 2isis S867 aver 68) ° kas Snes 14139 ase 22.406 S638 hoass sara » own | t6asis 14.6003 14859 daaste asia asia Anas cy ver ROL loos east janis 8.0829 bons 0st? 2s owas | i9sass 243s v6t06 haus 0512 nes oss Xo osszi | 2386s pointes ran 0a Sods nas 10s} ® paseo | 285s eigen 22080 anno 5.0366 ove x85 30 oss | 314236 23606 26916, Nasr oasis ons 2420 100 saxo | snows | saou7s27 sau | sz205 oars uons2 sn9463 je2021 NCEES a Chapter 1: General Enj Interest Rate Tables Factor Table - i= 3.00% = P| FA aE [PA a ar 9 as] ts Sins fies [ota |r camo | tet | Ste | ties | nee Sr | oiame | dy | aanne | taco | San | ori | ost Gi | ont ie |Site ti] Mine ® | (ne | Stee vos | tome] hte tet | Same | at wo | tae | ae taco | toma fraser fous | ase | Sto a tsar | tow | soma | Stn | Stee | duane dee | nee tows | tomas] tam | coms | Gono | ea | tam | esas tasm | toe | tam | ome | cy |e tf te | oS Bae | tow | Ba | oie | tao | etide 3 | tims Se sine | tome | tema | ome | htm | tearm 2 | iin | oa foseer | tony taste | omer |S | tansne B | tie | ose tice | amm | teace | one | 2mm | tan 40 3.2620 03066 754013, 0.0133, 23.1188 0.0433, 13.6502 361.7499 | ius | ann unm | omm | ime | Some | insane | rans Factor Table -i= 4.00% = PF Pa Pe EP FA AP aE | ae seis] —ooets] — so oT sag} —t00—|—twos—] ob | osm | 3g | 30 7 tvs | ome | ozs | tein soca | di | ade rawr Site | taae | cine | tone a as fate | Sis | tos | Sate > | om | fas | dans as snaes | ots | ons | Samm wy [tere | ane | dame ee trom | tam | ome | tire Gf ee toe | Stas a fewer | Sto | omer | Sane tf osms anset | atae ad tose | Sow | omar | Sans fog fottme | me tom mine | tom | tom | amt te fase tees | Sede dase Seat | somo | tomo | Tes J ome | Bi | seam doen Sion | som | tom | tase m | cee | iam | ine dio mrm | ame | tame | tam S| ose | issn | edie der sear | Som | om | s3m af ide | thee | tities He swore | Sone | ome | sexe | cam | ie | eesiun S000 seme | oss gos | tans S| ier | atm | Stine ‘iver varert | some | Some | teats Chapter 1: General Enj Interest Rate Tables Factor Table - i= 5.00% ” PF FA AE PA PG. 3 08638 s.s2s 03 232 26347 4 ox G10 220 Sao Sime 5 a7ns S256 aso ass saw 8 067658 991 64632 20.9700 $ Sette nies nas dee 0 asi nas79 a7 s1asz 5 oss Hao 53836 oe a 05081 19 946 5586 565538 0 tase Bsst04 ise 2m rria0s i ass datas sss 696 esas 2 O38 seats ro) 160 ase B ose 1305 or Takes 1200087 » O38 eases bos istns tesa uw 01820 1207998 ‘ones Tras 8.0883 rans | mosis Factor Table -i= 6.00% ” PE PA PG. EP Aap [AF AG: Dots oon m0 600 Tsao} — 106 ona 2 ss00 Last 900 236 osest | oasse ese 6 7080 ors 14594 us oan | Olas 2 7 ss) 55k seer 5036 orm | ons, 2616 t sus 7809 Sas ons e976 Sine | oe sans 2 oasr0 $308 203308 pore 168699 oniss | ooses asi 1s oats om S746 2.3966 23.2760 0.1030 0080 59260 6 03536 1059, sass 25ane asus ass | 00390 62754 0 03305 L158 813062 3.0256 33.7600 0.089% 0.0296 2863 » asus | i469 73304 sam 307886 oom | 002 7081 Fi n2sa2 1 at oht36 3399 saoem oss | 00250 7915 ” 02470 12 5504 110.3812, 0489 50.8156 00797 00197 87951 as aa | inee | ison sais Sunes oor | oie Suma @ bows eiea | 23008 moet Sune dose | oon | 147900 100 uoms | tests | __ 20a susan st6.3681 ows | oo |_te3i1 je2021 NCEES 43 Chapter 1: General Enj Interest Rate Tables Factor Table - i= 7.00% n FP PIF FA, AE PIA AP AIG PIG 2 11439 ogTse 2.0700 0.83) 8080 05831 4st) ost 3 12280 oats 52149 oan 26048 03811 0.9508 2.5060 4 13108 03629 4399 02282 sae 02952 14155 0m s 14026 7130 51507 0179 ‘1002 0209 1.8650 16467 6 15007 9.6568. 7153 O98 47665 02008 23032 ro978e 7 10s 06027 5540 1156 3493 1886 27304 sarge 9 1838s 05489 19780. 00835 sts 1535 335i? 23.1408 0 196n 5088 138164 ons 1026 ones 39461 2.7186 1 2.1089 04751 157836, 0.0558 14987 1334 43286 32.4665 2 22822 78K 0.0559 roar 01288 47025 373506 B 24008 0.1408 0.04 83517 ouis7 ‘0608 23302 rr 2smes 22505 43 87455 ones 54167 403718 1s 27800 25.1290 0.0308 079 0.1098 5.7588 s24461 16 29522 278881 00359 94466 ‘1089 ‘6887 Susz7 is 32199 33.9900 0.0298 10.0391 0.0994 6mas 670219 0 36165 373790 0.0268 103356 0.0968 rons 72.598 2» 3.4697 ‘0.9985 ons 10040 098s 73168 soe 2 3405 ‘i452 0.0223 108358 ‘0.0923 75990 a23393 2 4304 49.008 9.0208 host ‘0.0908 78725 ‘7.0793 B +7405 8.4361 ols? nama ‘00887 81369 91.7201 2 sare S876 orm 114693. ‘oos72 83923 96.2545, 2s sane 63.2050 018s 116836 0.0888 4.6391 100.6765 30 76128 4508 0106 124090 0.0806 97487 inosmis 4 139748 199.6351 0.0080 13317 00180 114233, 152.2928 50 29.4870 4065289, 0.0025 13807 o0ns 125287 172.505 Factor Table - (= 8.00% a PF PIA PG FP FA AP AF AG 09259 09259 “0.0000 08D T0000 Toxo [0000 0.0000 2 03573 17833 08573 1664 2.0800 05608 | 0.4808 0.4808 6 0.6302 5m29 1053233 15869 7389 o2i | 01368 22768 7 05835 52068 140082 1738 89228 ois | out 26997 10 04682 ono 25.968 2.1589 14.4866 0140 | 0.0990 373 u 0480 71390 302657 236 16.6855 oor | oso 42395 2 03971 75361 s4os19 25182 Isom o1t | ose 45957 a 0340s 242 43.4725 29s dary ois | oom $2031 8 03182 85605 a7ss7 sam masa 0.0365 3.5045 6 02919 3514 322640 3.4259 303243 00330 59046 9 o2si7 915036 65.0134 43187 A1486s ort 1607 0 ous sist 9.0808 46610 8.7600 oa0i9 | 0.0219 710309 2 1987 10.168 730609 50338 504209 00988 | 0198 72940 4 ost 1.3288 42007 6s 5.7648, ‘oons0 | 00180 8.0066 3s 1460 10.6048 sra041 a4ns 73.1089 0097 | 0137 ans © 9.0099 123766 14.3000 01.2571 2582138 os 119015 100 0.0008 1494s 188.6107 199.7618, 27.48455187 0.0800 124ss ©2021 NCEES 4a Chapter 1: General Enj Interest Rate Tables Factor Table - i= 9.00% @ TP. PE TA aE PA AP T To30 oo T 08 0 Tar Troan 2 Test psi 20300 oans Laser sees 3 12950 tame han 03081 2315 381 4 rate 7048 Asm ous 32397 3087 5 15386 rer sour 16 sno7 asm a0 é ret ose 7520 ols Ns oan ose 5 ‘aan nso 2008 01087 0330 97 rear ‘ 15926 3019 ass 0907 Sss8 ose? eae? 5 219 sae n210 0768 50s Otek msm 0 264 fame 151929 0.688 ear see reve r 2s o3ers sea 0.868 cause ose 2x2 2 2a o3sss 201407 r ra ose7 S2iso0 8 Sse 3202 moss 89 bine Sau) i 337 02552 a6o192 0388 9862 bie 509655 15 hens ans 23.1408 oss 0607 ouaat 8068 I 303 oasis sao03s 00305, e3136 tae ase p 4326 63 36737 00270 ese ont $1201 is ann 02120 ana ons 2356 ona, 62607 Sasso ° sisi 1535 eens o0ai7 5950 oun 6506 Seanae 2 Stowe e167 serees oar Sam nbs 50500 2 si ost uns 00159 sas nse am 82088 2 13519 onsts 319 iss ska .ta44 73387 ns Bs aa oie e198 2010 37066 1030 ra) jie iB kant ate 7009 oon ome ork rane yas Pa W260 Oarsa 163075 o00r8 oat bows S68) saw o shasa oasis sant 0.0030 0574 S530 92987 1083162 so ass oi sison6 0012 09617 12 0095 his32s “o 76813 fans? | yout 2.0005 1s ‘505 17685 isos Factor Table -/= 10.00% 7” PF PA a 7a FA ae | AP AG T 73001 roy 000 0 0 7.1000 1.0008 000 2 Os2e4 Ess ace 2100 21000 osre | Gare area 3 o7513, ano 2309 Sno 33100 oat | 9302 366 é 8 Sots iss Sia ne 158 236 | Si2H6 as 1 os ‘eae 12768 ae? oe 20s¢ | O05 dare u 3805 e35 263962 Bes 15312 ois | Sesto ‘ee 2 o3i86 esis7 289012 Sines 21388 oraes | Scans anes ia 2176 iat tee 5980, ssuo7 ois | Seer S303 » oa86 e516 Ssa0e9 ems sr37s0 oars | aors stat 1 ost Bese? Se 09s iy soins ois | Saise ary 7 or0ls one esi Peng ssi973 ois | sors 28 as uss sor 6734368 0x7 oe, ou | aon 7as00 io srs Sane srones rnai34 essa ioe | Soost Bite a S033 Sera 77010 sonaele Santos ios | Goons i023 100 0001 99988 999202 sraoei2s | 1372796.284 1000 907 je2021 NCEES 45 Chapter 1: General Enj Interest Rate Tables Factor Table - i= 12.00% 7” PF PA PG FP FA AP _| AF | AG T Tsay rr rr) TR 00 T1200] 0000} 0.0000 2 nae 01 on as 2200 ost | oan | oanr 3 ors 24018 a2a08 40s Stat oan | 02963 | 0926 7 04528 4.3688 16483 22107 10.0890 02191 ov | 25818 * 039 5616 ans aaneo 22997 62013 | os | 29131 5 036 Soa 73563 am 147957 ois | one | 32574 a onae2 4285 e024 43635, 2wo20i oss? | o03s7 | 44683 a 2046 fame | 31306 ais hans o1sos | ons | arsi7 1s ame ess | 390 sane mast oiaes | one | 4on03 1 ote 13688 42.9979 6128 ea397 oisss | aotss | 5.8395 » ns? ras | Sa36r6 S63 uae oiss | ono | go2ea a iss r5en | Seats rose sess ois | ona | sisi 2 nae Tews | asset 121003 mst26 oro | ore | sais Fy 0.08 Tat ‘ss.1nd6 7.0001 135.3339 oars | caus | 61708 0 osse fissz | Sen 29300 aia oust | oot | 72974 » noir sas | @stise Ssasi0 Teri ois | ons | ras Factor Table -i= 18.00% 7m PE PA PG. FP. FA AP_|_ AF | a T Tes ro To Ts Tom Tisoo| 10000 | 0.0006 2 ore 5856, ore 13924 200 oor | oases | oaser 6 03708 3.4976 0838 26996 9.4428 ‘ozs | oiosy | 20282 1 0319 aauis e600 Sess nats aie | ome | 23526 ® 3680, sume 0292 3589 153270, 02482 | noose | desse 12 ous 4082 7481 12836 34981 ‘206 | ores | 36870 3 oie 095 S| Boo aie 2037 | ooo | dees 4 pas 5008 201376 won snis0 o1s97 | ois | 40250 1s fuamss sais | 213268 no sess ise | oor | aase7 7 0.0600 sma 2a 6.6122 ‘s.06to oasis | cots | aaros * sos 5 aan Wweat 13408 ois | ooo | 43916 ° ows) She | 2aoar7 as Iasaiss oisst | oon | 47003 » anes saa nas 6240 oises | oot | 42078 M 0.0188 4500 arms 33.1000 299.4048 ‘oss | oo03s | 5.0980 as naiss Sao | asss esse jananas xs | oor | Saso2 30 amo ssiex | 254k 15706 rosso oisis | ons | S3aue 2 ors a s303788 anen2ise orso2 | ooova | $5oa2 100 55856 Bono SAKAI 5,689,616.17 0.800 55555, je2021 NCEES 46 2 CONSTRUCTION 2.1 Earthwork Construction and Layout 2.1.1 Excavation and Embankment Swe 14555 Sn)y 00) "8 th 12 Too 100 ive compaction (%) Yamax Weight/¥e _ compacted unit weight jeight/Vg bank unit weight Shrinkage factor (compacted unit weight) ~(bank unit w compacted unit weight Shrinkage (%) = 5j,= ) 100 loose unit weight Swell factor = Sank unit weight je2021 NCEES 47 Chapter 2: Construction where Vg = volume of undisturbed soil (bank measurc) Vp = volume of fill oil ¥;, = volume of lose soil = volume of compacted soil W,,= weight lost in stripping, waste, and transportation ‘Yascia™ Ary unit weight of sol in the field ‘Yamax = maximum dry density of soil measured in the laboratory ‘yp “unit weight of undistributed soil (bank measure) rp. — unit weight of fil soil ‘y,, = unit weight of loose soil ‘Ye. = unit weight of compacted soil Optimum soil moisture content for compaction: Well-graded granular soils: 7 t0 12% Fine-grained soils: 12 t0 25% Amount of water to be added or removed from soil to achieve desired soil moisture content: compacted volume of soil, ft 8.33 Ib/eal Available soil compaction techniques can be classified as: Static Pressure — A large stress is slowly applied to the soil and then released. Impact —A stress is applied by dropping a large mass onto the surface of the soil Vibrating — A stress is applied repeatedly and rapidly via a mechanically driven plate or hammer, Kneading ~ Shear is applied by alternating movement in adjacent positions. Method of Compaction Categorized by Soil Type Sipe [Impact vasure | Vibrating [Kneading] Gravel Poor No Good Very Good _| Sand Poor No Taeellet Good | si Good Good Poor Excellent | Cy Excellent | Very Good No Good | je2021 NCEES 48 Chapter 2: Construction 2.1.2 Earthwork Volumes Cross-Section Methods FILLAND CUT Cross-Sectional End Areas The average end-area method for earthwork calculates volume between two consecutive cross sections as the average of their areas multiplied by the distance between them, where fill is positive and cutis negative: ea rolls yin The prismoidal formula for earthwork calculates volume / between two consecutive cross sections, taking the area of the midsection into account: Vv =volume Ay, Aq = end areas of eross sections 1 and 2 Ay = area of midsection L__ = distance between eross sections Borrow Pit Grid Method With the grid formula, the volume of material excavated from a borrow pit may be estimated by taking grade-rod readings at grid points before and after excavation. For differential elevations a, b, ¢, and d at the comers of a grid square: Volume of material in one grid square = 4(a+ b-+c~d) x (area of grid square) je2021 NCEES 49 Chapter 2: Construction For partial grid squares at edges of an excavation, the amount of material V may be estimated using standard volume formulas for three-dimensional shapes, such as the following: Wedge (triangular prism): ¥= (6 x hx 1) lax Pxh) Quarter of right circular cone: 7 ‘Sample layout for use of the grid formula: 200 + LIMITS oF BORROW.PIT EXCAVATION 150 * E10 “I LOCATION OF GRADE-ROD 2 READING (TYP) 01000150 1400150 = 20024503400 Earthwork Area Formulas The coordinate method calculates area A as follows! BX (Ye Yw)*Xa Ye“ Ya)+Xe(Yo~ Ya) Xv Va Yw-a)] The trapezoid rule calculates area Aas follows A= ul (tr ty) +h hs ha thine where w ength of the common interval Simpson’s Rule calculates area A for a section of earthwork as follows, given the elevation values of cut or fill at equal intervals (e.g, stations) along a baseline: {first value + last value + (4 X sum of odd-numbered values) +(2 X sum of even-numbered values) | X length of interval To use Simpson’s Rule, there must be an even number of intervals, The sum of odd-numbered values (¢.g., 3rd, Sth, and 7th terms) and even-numbered values (¢.g., 2nd, 4th, and 6th terms) does not include the first and last terms along the baseline, je2021 NCEES 50 Chapter 2: Construction 2.1.3 Site Layout and Control Survey Leveling Benchmark (BM) = permanent point of known elevation Turning point (TP) = point temporarily used to transfer an elevation Backsight (BS) ~ rod reading taken on a point of known elevation to establish elevation of instrument’s ine of sight Foresight (FS) = rod reading taken on a benchmark or turning point to determine its elevation Height of instrument (HI) = elevation of line of sight through the level With referen cto the diagram below: + Elevation of BM + BS + Elevation of TP = HI- FS IL 2.1.4 Earthwork Balancing and Haul Distances Mass Diagrams and Profile Diagrams i / EXISTING GRADE Ae wh 1 prInacornoe ya PROFLE Ls DiaGRaN RADE PONT cuties) L, af 9 STATIONS (aN 100.0) Mass DIAGRAM FILLiey) Profile diagram ~ plot of existing and final grades along route centerline for planned earthwork ‘Mass diagram = plot of cumulative earthwork volume moving up-station, with cut (excavation) plotted positive and fill (embankment) plotted negative Grade points ~ locations on profile diagram where final grade matches existing grade, corresponding to maxima or ‘minima on mass diagram Balancing points ~ locations where cumulative volume of cut and fil is zero, ic., where mass diagram crosses its baseline je2021 NCEES 51 Chapter 2: Construction + Any horizontal line between two balance points represents a distance between which cut-and-fill quantities are equal 1e mass-diagram height at any point represents earthwork volume, which corresponds to an area on the profile diagram. + ‘The area under the mass diagram at any point represents earthwork volume multiplied by a distance. + Dividing any arca on the mass diagram by its height yields the average haul distance for that earthwork. Freehaul and Overhaul Frechaul = distance below which all earthmoving is considered part of the contract base price Overhaul ~ any volume of material moved beyond the freehaul distance LY, off} 22 wuss, cll) | ) XN _ A 2.1.5 Site and Subsurface Investigations Refer to "Subsurface Exploration and Planning” and "Compaction: Laboratory and Field Compaction” inthe Geotechnical chapter. 100% mo UFR GaaneD 7a ow ioe ac LH . ox eabeD a oof one onl 1000 1070 “00 on are PARTCLESZE (Rn) arp ou sur No rave, Particle Size Distribution Curves je2021 NCEES 52 Chapter 2: Construction 2.2 Estimating Quantities and Costs 2.2.1 Quantity Takeoff Methods Refer to "Earthwork Volumes" in this chapter for the various methods and formulas used to calculate earthwork volumes. See Chapter | for general area and volume formulas. 2.2.2 Cost Estimating Cost Estimate Classification Matrix for Building and General Construction Industries Primary Characteristic Maturity Level of Project Secondary Characteristics Expected Accuracy Range Estate| Detnton Detverante |g ERGUSEC Metiodolory | “(ypln vation no Class | (expressed as % of (een Purpose of | ypial estimating method) | and high ranges at an 80% ‘complete definition) confidence interval) ‘A? or m? factoring, parametric models 1s 20%6 wo 30%" Hy; +30% to +50% a Functional area or concept — judgement, or analogy % t0 15% Schematic design or Parametric models, L: 10% to -20% Class 4 Wert concept study assembly-driven models Hi: +20% to +30% Design development, , Semidetailed unit costs with | L: -5% to-15% 10% to 40% budget authorization, _| Semidstailed unit costs , feacbilty assembly-level line items H: +10% to +20 slass 2 vata Control or bid/tender, | Detailed unit cost with L: 5% to -10% Class? 30% 10 75% semidetailed forced-detailed take-off Hi: 45% to +15% mt 100% Theck estimate or prebid! | Detailed unit eost with i 105% Class | 65% t0 100% tender, change order detailed take-off H: 43% to +10% Reprinted withthe permission of AACE International, 726 East Park Ave, #!180, Fairmont, WV 26554, USA. Phone 304-296-8444, Internet: hip:web, E-mail: info@aaceiorg. Copyright © 2020 by AACE International all rights reserved. 3. Cost Indexes Cost indexes are used to update historical cost data to the present, Ifa purchase cost is available for an item of equipment in year M, the equivalent current cost would be found by (Current Index M) (index in year 1] Current $ = (Cost in year je2021 NCEES 53 Chapter 2: Construction 2.3 Construction Operations and Methods 2.3.1 Crane Stability Telescoping Boom Industrial Cranes CARRYDECK CRAM (ROTATING BOOM) CARRYDECK CRANE (FIXED BOOM) PICK-AND-CARRY CRANE (FIXED BOOM) je2021 NCEES 5a Chapter 2: Construction Telescoping Boom Rough-Terrain Cranes SWING CAB FIXED CAB ALL-TERRAIN CRANE Source: Headley, James, Mobile Cranes, 4th ed, Sanford, FL: Crane Institute of America, 2002, je2021 NCEES 5 Chapter 2: Construction Telescoping Boom Carrier- and Crawler-Mounted Cranes CARRIER MOUNTED CRAWLER, MOUNTED Source: Headley, James, Mobile Cranes. 4th ed, Sanford, FL: Crane Institute of America, 2002, je2021 NCEES 56 Chapter 2: Construction 2.31.4 Telescoping Boom Truck-Mounted Cranes REAR-MOUNTED TURRET ARTICULATING OR a KNUCKLE BOOM Source: Headley, James. Mobile Cranes, 4th ed, Sanford, FL: Crane Institute of America, 2002, je2021 NCEES 57 Chapter 2: Construction Telescoping Boom Crane Components "AY FRAME JIB. JIB FORESTAY \ PENOANT N\A JIB MAST -- ANTI-TWO-BLOCKING DEVICE BOOM EXTENSION TIP SHEAVE ~ AUXILIARY HOIST LINE 418 HOOK AND QA HEADACHE BALL 8 ~~ BOOM EXTENSION, ERECTED atv goon Tp SHEAVE #3 POWER TELESCOPING SECTION OR MANUAL SECTION _- MAIN Le Hoist une #2 POWER TELESCOPING _- MAIN HOOK SECTION ~~ Ge onstock #1 POWER ° TELESCOPING SECTION —~ Boom ~ EXTENSION, / STOWED 800m \ HINGE PIN BASE BOOM MAIN HOIST SECTION AUXILIARY 800M HOIST os CYLINDER COUNTER. weiGHT — _- UPPERWORKS cent ER OF ROTATION Source: Headley, James, Mobile Cranes, 4th ed, Sanford, FL; Crane Institute of America, 2002, je2021 NCEES 58 Chapter 2: Construction "AT FRAME JIB >, JIB FORESTAY PENDANT -ANTL-TWO-BLOCKING DEVICE BOOM EXTENSION TIP SHEAVE AUXILIARY HOIST LINE JIB MAST. JIB BACKSTAY PENDANT — ue HEADACHE BALL ~ BOOM EXTENSION, ERECTED ~~ MAIN BOOM TIP SHEAVE © MAIN HOIST LINE © MAIN Hook BLOCK Boom EXTENSION MAIN HOISTS AuxiLARY | HOIST COUNTER: WEIGHT: “Boom HOIST CYLINDER OPERATOR'S CAB, CENTER RING GEAR" OF ROTATION Source: Headley, James, Mobile Cranes, 4th ed, Sanford, FL: Crane Institute of America, 2002, je2021 NCEES 59 Chapter 2: Construction BOOM POINT SHEAVE — ANTL-TWO-BLOCKING DEVICE ‘TELESCOPING BOOM SECTION ue OVERHAUL BALL _~ BOOM BASE SECTION _~ TURRET. OR PEDESTAL TRUCK CHASSIS \ cenrer REAR OF ROTATION STABILIZERS Source: Headley, James, Mobile Cranes, 4th ed. Sanford, FL: Crane Institute of America, 2002. je2021 NCEES 60 Chapter 2: Construction Lattice Boom Cranes CRAWLER-MOUNTED LATTICE BOOM CRANE CARRIER: MOUNTED LATTICE BOOM CRANE. Source: Headley, James, Mobile Cranes, 4th ed, Sanford, FL: Crane Institute of America, 2002, je2021 NCEES 61 Chapter 2: Construction Lattice Boom Crane Components JIB TIP SECTION, JIB FORESTAY PENDANT JIB MAST \ = _~JIB TIP SHEAVE, _~ AUXILIARY HOIST LINE BACKSTAY HEADACHE PENDANT BALL DEFLECTOR (IDLER) SHEAVES “JIB MIDSECTION JIB HEEL SECTION BOOM —BOOM TIP SHEAVE PENDANTS ouTER BAIL OS MAIN HOIST LINE ~— MAIN HOOK BLOCK BOOM HOIST REEVING GANTRY BOOM SECTIONS BOOM HOIST LINE— i —— BOOM HEEL SECTION [if ~~eoom stop — TURNTABLE, SWING CIRCLE COUNTER- WEIGHT» MACHINE DECK ‘ cranterassensty Source: Headley, James, Mobile Cranes, 4th ed, Sanford, FL: Crane Institute of America, 2002. je2021 NCEES 62 Chapter 2: Construction ANTLTWO- BLOCKING DEVICE AUXILIARY JIB FORESTAY HOIST LINE PENDANT HEADACHE — JIB MAST oR GANTRY 18 - 2B ons DEFLECTOR (IDLER) SHEAVES BOOM TIP SHEAVE MAIN 4 HOIST LINE J 7 BOOM PENDANTS MAIN HOOK (BOOM STOPS. BLOCK _-— BRIDLE _— BOOM HOIST LATTICE BOOM REEVING SECTION ( \ uve mast ~ A BOOM HEEL SECTION COUNTERWEIGHT [S TURNTABLE TN ‘carrier CENTER OF ROTATION Source: Headley, James. Mobile Cranes. 4th ed, Sanford, FL: Crane Institute of America, 2002, je2021 NCEES 63 Chapter 2: Construction 2.3.2 Dewatering and Pumping Basic flow relationships for ideal confined aquifers and watertable aquifers. her? E | | oh eee WYN CONFINED AQUIFER WATER-TABLE AQUIFER where pumping quantity K =permeability JH, h, Ro, and r,, are shown in the figures above. (©2001 NCEES 64 Chapter 2: Construction 2.3.3. Equipment Operations Production Rate for Soil Compaction Compacted cubie yards per hour= 4(16.3 x WX $% LX efficiency) where W = compacted width per roller pass (ft) 5 “average roller speed (mph) 1. ~ compacted lif thickness (in) n= number of roller passes required to achieve required density To convert the production rate from compacted cube yards to bank cubic yards, apply a shrinkage factor. Production Rate for Loading and Hauling Earthwork tick cpus ‘Number of excavator bucket loads perms = Ue Load ime = numberof bucket swings bucket ple ime Haul distance, 60 mi Haul speed, mph “hr 3,280 Haul time, in min All capacity measurements are in loose cubie yards. TRUCK CYCLE RETURN. DuMP HAUL EXCAVATOR CYCLE Loading and Hauling Earthwork Cycles je2021 NCEES 65 Chapter 2: Construction 2.3.4 Pile Dynamics en % | | ce OG bE coe b oa CUSHION DRWEHEAD oe as CCOWPRESSIE FORCE PULSE. (owen Roun SURFACE COMPRESSIVE ‘ORCE PULSE (ATTENUATED) PRE Sort Laver TENSLE OR COMPRESSIVE Force ruse] Ya | ZZ_ swertecren 2 A perwavent = —— @ © @ @ I System tation, National Highway Institue, Soils and Foundations, Reference Manual Vol. IL. FHWA-NHI-06-089. ‘Washington, DC: US. Department of Transportation, December 2006, Fig. 9-40, p. 9-100 ‘www thwa dot, gov/enginecring/geotech/pubs/nhi0089,pdf Pile Driving Formulas Modified Engineering-News Formula R_2En Patiow 6 where Poy. = allowable pile load (Ib) R soil resistance (Ib) E, = driving energy (ft-Ib) = weight of hammer x drop height s ile penetration per blow (set) (in.) k constant based on hammer type: 0.1 for single-acting air hammer, 1.0 for drop hammer je2021 NCEES 66 Chapter 2: Construction Gates Formuta y= 1.75; logyo(10Ns)~ 100 where R,,= ultimate pile capacity (Kips) E, = rated hammer energy (ft-lb) at field-observed ram stroke Ny= number of hammer blows per I in. at final penetration Wave Equation Analysis (@) SCHEMATIC OF SYSTEM (6) MODEL DIESEL AIRISTEAMHYDRAULIC ASSEMBLY e —! +10 coRerResewranON nab orsotwcon. pynante yf stam, Rf eq_‘HAUERCUSHON gy ELASTICCONVECTION esprance| 2. esisance | /| er VIBRATOR AND JAWS : = PILECUSHION —[E]_ VIBRATION ISOLATOR vELocry DISPLACEMENT ‘Typical Wave Equation Models Source: Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Institue, Soils and Foundations, Reference Manual Vo. IL. FIEWA-NUI-06-089. ‘Washington, DC: US. Department of Transportation, December 2006, Fig 941, p. 9-104 ‘www thwa dot gov/engineering/geotechpubs/nhi06089,pa. je2021 NCEES 67 Chapter 2: Construction Summary Output for Wave Equation Analysis ‘Summary of stroke, compressive stress, tensile stress, and driving capacity versus blow count (blows/f) for ait-steam hammer COMP STR TENSSIR isi i 75 50 25 |__| compressive stress], pat LoL] tensue stress | stroxe Rat ; : 280 Rat we 210 60 140 ALI E STROKE: 4.0 70 20 ° oo __7a 200 BLOWS! Wave Equation Bearing Graph Source; Federal Highway Administrtion, National Highway Insitute, Soils and Foundations, Reference Manual. Vo. I, FHWA-NHI-O Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, December 2006, Fig. 9-42, p. 9-107, worwfhwa. dol gov/enginering/ eotechpubs/nhi06089 pa je2021 NCEES 68 Chapter 2: Construction Maximum Allowable Stresses in Pile for Top-Driven Piles (after AASHTO, 2002; FHWA, 2006a) Pile Type Maximum Allowable Stresses 28-day compressive strength of concrete; fg = pile prestress) GF, = vield stress of steel; fe Steel I-Piles Desiga Stress 025f, 0334, [fdamoge is unlikely, and confirming static and/or dynamic load tests are performed and evaluated by engineer Driving Stress 09f, 32:4 ksi (225 MPa) for ASTM A-36 (= 36 ksi: 248 MPa) 45.0 ksi (310 MPa) for ASTM A-572 or A.690 (f, = SO ksi; 345 MPa) Unfilled Steel Pipe Piles Design Stress 028, 0334, [damage is unlikely, and confirming static and/or dynamic load tests are performed and evaluated by engineer Driving Stress 09f, 27.0 ksi (186 MPa) for ASTM A252 Grade | (f, = 30 ksi 207 MPa) 31.5 ksi (217 MPa) for ASTM A252 Grade 2 (f, = 35 ksi; 241 MPa) 40.5 ksi (279 MPa) for ASTM A 2 Grade 3(f, = 45 ksi; 310 MPa) CConcret-Filled Ste! Pipe Piles Design Stes 035, onstesl ara pls 040 fon cont ara) Driving Stress 09f, 27.0 ksi (186 MPa) for ASTM A-252 Grade | (f, = 30 ksi 207 MPa) 31,5 ksi (217 MPa) for ASTM A.252 Grade 2(f,~35 ksi; 241 MPa) 405 ksi (279 MPa) for ASTM A252 Grade 3 (f,~ 45 ksi 310 MPa) Precest Prestressed Concrete Piles Design Stress 033 f¢~0.27 fog (on gross concrete area); f minimum of 5.0 ksi (34.5 MPa) iE gel 2071S MPD) Limit <0.85 f{—fye (on ross concrete area) Tension Limit (1) <3 (fe)! +f (on gross concrete arco) US Units" < 0.25 (29824 fog (on gross concrete area) SU Units* Tension Lit (2) Jpg {on gross concrete are) (1) Normal envitonments (2) Severe corrosive environments * Note: /¢ and fn must bein psi and MPa for US and SI equations, respectively Conventionally Reinforced Concrete Piles Design Stress 0.33 fe (on gross conere acca); fi minimum of 5.0 ksi (34.5 MPa) Driving Stress Compression Limit < 0.85 f¢; Tension Limit < 0.70, (f ste! reinforcement) 69 Chapter 2: Construction Maximum Allowable Stresses in Pile for Top-Driven Piles (after AASHTO, 2002; FHWA, 2006a) (cont'd) Tension Limit <3 ja AASHTO allowable working stress —— “Maximum Allowable Stresses EB (f,=vield stress of steel; f2 = 28-day compressive strength of concrete; fy, = ple prestress) Design Stress 0.810 1.2 ks (55 wo 8.3 MPa) fr pile toe area depending upon species Driving Stress Timber Pile Compression Limit <3 6, Source: Federal Highway Administration. National Highway Institue, Soils and Foundations, Reference Manual. Vo. Il. FHWA-NHI-O Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transporation, December 206, Fig, 911, 9-110 sr va dol gov engineering eotechpab shi6089 pt. 2.4 Scheduling 2.4.1 Critical Path Method (CPM) Network Analysis CPM Precedence Relationships ACTIMITY.ONNODE a A a Lf 8 B START-TO-START: START OF B DEPENDS ON THE START OF A ACTIVITY-ON-ARROW ANNOTATION FINISH-TO-FINISH: FINISH OF 8 DEPENDS ON THE FINISH OF A FINISH-TO-START: START OF B DEPENDS ON THE FINISH OFA ACTIVITY-ON-NODE ANNOTATION EARLY STARTILATE START EARLY FINSHILATE FINISH EARLY EARLY on ACTMITY - |StART FINSH Gv DURATION eo activity DURATION Late LTE START FINISH Nomenclature ES ~ early start ~ latest EF of predecessors EF = eatly finish = ES + duration LS = late start = LF — duration LF = late finish = earliest LS of successors D = duration Total Float = LS— ES ot LF - EF Free Float = earliest £5 of successors ~ EF ‘e202! NCRES, 70 Chapter 2: Construction Critical Path = longest continuous chain of activities through the network schedule that establishes the minimum overall project duration Critical Activity = activity on the critical path (ie., an activity with zero total float) Lead and Lag Relationships Activities A and B have a finish-to-start relationship with lead or lag time, as shown: RaW 4 ACTIVA NL COE fren AEM LEAD 7 Earned-Value Analysis BCWS = Budgeted cost of work scheduled (Planned) ACHP = Actual cost of work performed (Actual) BCWP = Budgeted cost of work performed (Eamed) Variances CV= BCWP—ACWP (Cost Variance = Eamed ~ Actual) SV~ BCWP - BCWS (Schedule Variance - Earned ~ Planned) ines cpl = (cost Performance Index = Bame4) sry = BME schedule PetomanceIndex~ FEES) Foreasine BAC= Original project estimate (Budget at completion) prc=BACHBCHP (pina wocomplee) FAC =(ACWP+ ETC) (Estimate at completion) Actual units complete Total units budgeted where units may be cost, time, or other resources Project completion (%) = x 100 2.4.2. Resource Scheduling and Leveling Resource scheduling is tabulating project resource demands over time, often based on an early start schedule. Resource leveling is minimizing resource conflicts either by adjusting the start times of activities to reduce peak demand for resources, sometimes within float, or by extending activity durations to reduce peak demand within a constrained resource limit je2021 NCEES n Chapter 2: Construction 2.4.3. Time-Cost Trade-Off A time-cost tradeoffs a strategy for optimizing project time and cost either by identifying least-cost solutions for adding resources to shorten the duration of critical-path activities or by identifying least-time solutions for reallocating resources over an extended duration of critical-path activities to reduce total project cost. 2.5 Material Quality Control and Production 2.5.1 Material Properties and Testing Concrete Testing + Samples for strength tests of each class of concrete placed each day shall be taken not less than once a day, nor less than ‘once for each 150 yd* of concrete, nor less than once for each 5,000 ft? of surface area for slabs or walls. + When the total quantity of a given class of concrete is less than 50 y¢®, strength tests are not required when evidence of satisfactory strength is submitted to and approved by the building official + Astrength test shall be the average of the strengths of at least two 6 in. by 12 in. eylinders or at least three 4 in. by 8 in, cylinders made from the same sample of concrete and tested at 28 days (or atthe test age designated for determination of concrete compressive strength), + fec= specified compressive strength of concrete (psi) + The strength level of an individual class of concrete shall be considered satisfactory if both of the following requirements are met: + Every arithmetic average of any three consecutive strength tests equals or exceeds + No strength test falls below ; by more than 500 psi when /; is 5,000 psi or less; or by more than 0.10 2 when fi is more than 5,000 psi + For field-cured concrete test cylinders, procedures for protecting and curing concrete shall be improved when the strength of field-cured cylinders (atthe test age designated for f) is less than 85% of that of companion laboratory-cured cylinders. The 85% limitation shall not apply if the field-cured strength exceeds f by more than 500 psi + Concrete test cores drilled from existing structures shall be tested no later than 7 days after drilled from structure. The ‘concrete in an area represented by core tests shall be considered structurally adequate if the average of three cores is equal 10 atleast 85% off and if'no single core is less than 75% of fz Source: Adapted from American Concrete Institute. Authorized reprint from ACI 318-19: Building Code Requirements for Siructural Concrete and ACI 301-20: Specifications for Concrete Construction. American Concrete Institue 2.5.2 Concrete Proportioning and Placement Mixture Proportioning Yield = volume of fresh conerete produced in a batch total mass of batched materials density of freshly mixed concrete sum of absolute volumes of concrete ingredients ‘mass of loose material Absolute volume = “ative density (or specific gravity) of material X density oF water Relative densities of aggregates in mix-design calculations are based on saturated surface-dry (SSD) conditions. je2021 NCEES n Chapter 2: Construction Aggregate moisture conditions: Tost moiture (4) = BEL*HBNovends Wi op S8D weight oven dy weight Atcorbd isu SSPE ovends Wei. 9 Free moistue(%6) =Total moire 26) absorbed maine) i a mass of water Water-cementitious material ratio = 2 = ass oF a eal where cementitious materials include portland cement, blended cement, fly ash, slag cement, silica fue, and natural pozzolans. Concrete Exposure Categories and Classes Category Class Condition FO _ | Concrete not exposed to freezing-and-thawing cycles F1_| Concrete exposed to freezing-and-thawing eycles with limited exposure to water Freezing and Thawing (F) [~F2_ | Conerete exposed to freeving-and-thawing cycles with frequent exposure to water ‘Concrete exposed to freezing-and-thawing cycles with frequent exposure to water and BS exposure to deicing chemicals Water-soluble state (S042) nso | Dissolved sulfate ($042) in water (percent by mass) (opm) so $0427 <0.10 80,2" <150 Sulfate (8) - sl 0.10 $04?" <0.20 150 < 804?" < 1,500 or seawater sz 0.20< $04" <2.00 1,500 < $042" < 10,000 $3 S042" > 2.00 $047" > 10,000 WO | Concrete dry in service In Contact with Water (W) [WI | Concrete in contact with water whore low permeability s not required W2_| Concrete in contact with water where low permeability is required CO_| Concrete dry or protected from moisture Corrosion Protection of C1_| Concrete exposed to moisture, but not to an extemal source of chlorides Reinforcement (C) a_| Concrete exposed to moisture and an extemal souree of chlorides from deicing | chemicals, salt, brackish water, seawater, or spray from thes Source: Adapted from American Concrete Institue. Authorized reprint from ACL 318-19: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete. American Coneete Institut, 2019, p. 358, je2021 NCEES B Chapter 2: Construction Concrete Cover Requirements fo F Reinforcement Specified Concrete Cover for Cast-in-place Nonprestressed Concrete Members with ground Cone Exposure Member Reinforcement | Speed Cover in) Cast against and permanently ; contact with ground All all “ No.6 trough No Thar 2 Exposed o weather orin contact rou No. 18 wih ground at No. Sar, W3l oF D3L a wie ahd sale a Wand No, Rb na Slabs, joists, and walls, --N2-TSSRENG a Not exposed to weather or in contact s. ar ane smaller with round Beams, colamns, | Prmsty enforcement hia pedestal and tenons tes is Specified Concrete Cover for Castinplace Prestressed Concrete Members Cones Exporre Member Reinforcement | Spaced Cover Gm) Cast against and pormaneily ; contact with ground All All 3 Exposed o weather rin contact |_Sabs jot and walls co 1 with round Alloter al im Saji, nd walls Al a Not exposed to weather or in contact Friary reinroomont 1a Beams, columns, and tensions ties Stinrups ties, spirals, and hoops Source: American Concrete lasttue, Authorized reprint from ACI 318-19: Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete 2.5.3. Concrete Maturity and Early 25.3.1 Conerete Maturty M-Dir- Ras were A= mtarity index F-how r Ty = datum temperature 1 =clapsd ime tn At = time intervals (br) American Concrete Institute, 2019, p, 382-383, Strength Evaluation ing the Time-Temperature Factor method: s) = average concrete temperature (°F) during time interval Ar usually 32°F unless otherwise specified 4 Chapter 2: Construction Nondestructive Test Methods A nondestructive testing (NDT) program may be undertaken for a variety of purposes regarding the strength or condition of hardening concrete, including: + Determination of in-place conerete strength + Monitoring rate of concrete strength gain + Location of det s, such as voids or honeycombing in conerete + Determination of relative strength of comparable members + Evaluation of concrete cracking and delamination + Evaluation of damage from mechanical or chemical actions + Steel reinforcement location, size, and corrosion activity + Member dimensions Nondestructive Test Methods for Concrete Maturity method (new construction) Property or Condition Primary NDT Method ‘Secondary NDT Method Pullout test Pull-off test (for bond strength) Inplace Strength Probe penctation Rebound hammer General Quality and Uniformity Visual inspection Rebound hammer Pulse velocity Probe penetration Thickness Impact-echo Ground-penetrating radar Ultrasonic echo Eddy-current thickness gauge Dynamic Modulus of Elasticity Resonate frequency (on small specimens) Pulse velocity Impact-ccho Spectral analysis of surface waves Density Gamma radiometry (nuclear gauge) Reinforcement Location Covermeter Ground-penetrating radar Radiography Ultrasonic echo Reinforcement Bar Size (Covermeter Radiography Corrosion State of Steel Reinforcement Half-cell potential Polarization resistance Radiography Presence of Near-Surface Defects Sounding Infrared thermography Ground-penetrating radar Radiography Presence of Internal Defects Impact-echo Ultrasonic echo Impulse response Pulse velocity Spectral analysis of surface waves Radiography Source: Wilson, Michelle L. and Tenn Portland Cem 78 Paul D. Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures. EBOO1. 17th edition Association, Skokie, Illinois, USA, 2021, Table 203, p. 448, Chapter 2: Construction 2.5.4 Soil Stabil Soil Stabilization Methods Method Soil Type Plasticity Index ‘Treatment Notes ‘Cement stabilization is used to strengthen granular soils by Portland cement | Primarily granular soils | Less than 10 mixing in portland cement, typically 3% to 7% of soil dry weight. Lime stabilization is used to treat subbase or base materials, which may include predominantly fine-grained or clay- + gravel soils Lime Clay-containing soils] 10 to $0 or more | T ime modification is used to improve fine-grained soils. with small amounts of lime, typically 0.5% to 3% of soil dry weight. 2.6 Health and Safety 2.6.1 Safety Management and Statistics Sofety Incidence Rate IR= NX 200,000/T where IR = total injury/illness incidence rate number of injuries, illnesses, and fatalities T= total hours worked by all employees during the period in question Experience Modification Rate The experience modification rate (EMR) is an annual adjustment factor for workers’ compensation insurance premiums based on actual loss experience for the previous three full years. If an employer's past insurance claim history is better ‘or worse than the average for similar types of businesses, that employer's premium is adjusted respectively downward or ‘upward proportional to the EMR. Worker's compensation costs fall into three categories: Paid losses = money spent on a claim Reserved losses = money set aside (outstanding) for future payments Incurred losses ‘ombined total paid plus reserved amounts B+H+(EXW)+(1—W)xF Dt Ht(FXW)+(1-W)XF where A = total of all actual incurred losses B = total of all actual primary losses c jotal ofall expected losses je2021 NCEES 16 Chapter 2: Construction D = total of all expected primary losses E = actual excess losses = A-B F = expected excess losses = C- D w ‘eighting value (tabular value based on expected losses, C) ‘H = ballast value (tabular value based on expected losses, ©) 2.6.2 Work Zone and Public Safety Permissible Noise Exposure (OSHA) p=100x>, where D_— =nzise dose (%) CC; =time spent at specified sound pressure level (SPL) (hr) T; time permitted at SPL (hr) Dei= shows ‘Noise Level (ABA) | Permissible Time (hr) 80 32 85 16 90 8 95 4 100 2 105 1 10 05 1s 0.25 120 (0.125 125 0.068 130 (0.031 IfD> 100%, noise abatement is required. Exposure to impulsive or impact noise should not exceed 140 dB sound pressure level (SPL). je2021 NCEES n 3 GEOTECHNICAL 3.1 Lateral Earth Pressures || >| fee VLTTTTTTIRTIL. — ARTITTTITIZ. \UPOTPIPITT PUZ7777777 \ \ \" z = \* | \* if \ \ i Pr=KpPofT eli 1 1 1 1 ! ! (@) (b) () @ Stress States on a Soil Element Subjected Only to Body Stresses: (a) In situ geostatic effective vertical and horizontal stresses (b) Insertion of hypothetical infinitely rigid, infinitely thin frictionless wall and removal of soil to left of wall (c) Active condition of wall movement away from retained soil (d) Passive condition of wall movement into retained soil Soutee: Federal Highway Administration. National Highway Institute. Soi and Foundations, Reference Manual. Vol. I. FHWA-NHI-06-088, Washington, DC: US. Department of Transportation, December 2006, Fig, 2-19, p. 2-43, ‘www fhwa dot gov/engineeringgeotechpubsnhi0088 pa 3.1.1 At-Rest Coefficients Normally Consolidated Soils K.= Ising K,~(1sing))oce® = sing je2021 NCEES 8 = Ce 3 | Chapter where -rest carth coefficient 6° ~effeetive friction angle OCR = overconsolidation ratio 2 — = OCR factor 3.1.2 Rankine Earth Coefficients Development of Rankine Active and Passive Failure Zones for a Smooth Retaining Wall Source: Fedcral Highway Administration, National Highway Institute. Soils and Foundations, Reference Manual. Vol. I. FHWA-NHI-06-088, Washington, DC: US. Department of Transportation, December 2006, Fig. 2-20, p. 2-45, worw:fhwa dot goviengineering geotech pubs/nbi06088.paf Rankine Active and Passive Coefficients (Friction Only) Le sing’ I>sing Pa=KaPo Pp KpPo where = coefficient of active earth pressure ‘efficient of passive earth pressure Po = overburden pressure p, =active pressure Pp ~ passive pressure je2021 NCEES 9 Chapter {MOVEMENT HORIZONTAL MOVEMENT \ 7 y | WHT TNT 7 | / FAILURE,“ {—rawure SURFACE ¥ /* SURFACE / / RESULTANT P. Pa n Sasvo2 (a) (b) Active pressure at depth 2: p= Kye Passive pressure at depth : py ~ Kye 2 Kor? Active foree within depth2: P= “2 passive force within depth 2: Py =" Failure Surfaces, Pressure Distribution and Forces: (a) Active case, (b) Passive case Source: Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Institute. Sols and Foundations, Referemce Manual, Vol. I. FHWA-NHI-O6-088, Washington, DC: US. Department of Transportation, December 2006, Fig, 2-21, p. 2-46 ‘www fhwa. dot gov/engineering/geotechpubsnhi06088 pa. Py= Kal Thy General Distribution of Combined Active Earth Pressure and Water Pressure Source: Federal Highway Administration. National Highway Insitute. Soils and Foundations, Reference Manual. Vol. I. FHWA-NHI-06.088, Was tion, December 2006, fg. 2-22, p. 2-46. where Ing ~ depth to water level from ground surface y= depth below groundwater level 11, height of water below base of wall y= unit weight of soil 'y' = effective unit weight of soil je2021 NCEES 80 Chapter 3: Geotechnical ‘Py: = Water pressure P,= lateral force from active pressure P, = lateral force from passive pressure Rankine Active and Passive Coefficients (Friction and Cohesion) ,-uni(is-£)-2es4(15-$) syn’ (est) a? (ase Pra>Ke(1e-u)- 20 Ry Dip Ky (te-u)*2e' [Ky (b) {a) Wall Pressures for a Cohesionless Soil and (b) Wall Pressures for Soil with a Cohesion Intercept, with groundwater in both cases (after Padfield and Mair, 1984) Source: Federal Highway Administration. National Highway Institute. Soils and Foundations, Reference Manual. Vol I FHIWA-NIIL-06-089, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, December 2006, Fig. 10-6, p. 10-15. ‘ww fhva. dat goviengineeringgeotech/pubs' 3.1.3 Coulomb Earth Pressures WALL MOVEMENT! ACTIVE WEDGE? / / PASSIVE WEDGE" V NOTE: (1) ASSUME WALL MOVES AS A RIGID BODY TO THE LEFT. (2) ACTIVE WEDGE MOVES DOWNWARD RELATIVE TO WALL, (3) PASSIVE WEDGE MOVES UPWARD RELATIVE TO WALL. Wall Friction on Soil Wedges (after Padfield and Mair, 1984) Source: Federal Highway Administration, National Highway Insitute. Sols and Foundations, Reference Manual, Vol. I. FHWA-NHI-06-089, Washington, DC: U.S. Department of Transportation, December 2006, fg. 10-7, p. 10-16, www. fhva dot govlengineering/geotech/pubs/nbi06089 pd je2021 NCEES al

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