Definition of Marketing

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Definition of Marketing

According to the American Marketing Association (AMA) as approved in 2017, “marketing is the
activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging
offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large’. This definition also
encompasses marketing research, which is a role that links the consumer, customer, and public to the
marketer through information. Marketing research stipulates the information that are essential for
addressing product related matters, designing of methods for the gathering of information, the
processes, analysis and communicating the findings as well as their implications. There are different
kinds of marketing which includes the following: influencer marketing, relationship marketing,
network marketing, viral marketing and content marketing, online marketing just to mention a few.
In Marketing there are several components involved, the most essential are represented by companies
and research institutions is the 4 P’s which are Product, Price, Place (where distribution takes place)
and Promotion.
Harry the Hospice Cat Article
The article represents one of Harry’s important achievement in marketing theories. It shows the
various levels involve in marketing particularly the micro-level marketing as depicted by the death of
a real character hospice cat, alongside the disconnect in language in the hospice marketing team. The
work gives an actual understanding into the challenges and obstacles involve in marketing work,
particularly the demands on St Angela’s to get involved in digital developments and the challenges of
nonprofit organizations to maintain parity in the new marketing practice. The foregoing as well as the
language disconnect were observed by Harry as great issues contributing to the brewing tension
coming from the different hard work undertaken by the marketing team trying to sell their validity.
Harry tries to show in her work, the execution of a tough marketing task in the rarest situation of a
hospice with some attending implications for marketing education, practice, and research.

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