Marketing Automation Report

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What is

Marketing Automation?
An information system saving time and efforts through rep-
etition of tasks. Some features are:

Audience Segmentation and Targeting

Customer Loyalty Programs

Optimizing Market and Content Strategies

Types of Marketing Automations

Customer Relationship Lead Management

Sales Force Social Media

Automation Marketing

Email Marketing Digital advertising

Benefits Disadvantage
• Higher conversion rate leads to From a survey.....
higher sales • 52% consumers said they would
• Keep everything in order to save switch if customer communication was
time not personalized
• Increased employee productivity • 63% of business buyers said they
since AI is doing repetition would also switch with the lack of the
• Drive and optimize revenue growth same
• Improved customer retention by • MA can backfire, if not personalized
making worthwhile deals • Consumers might feel an annoying
• Prevent wastage of resources spam and an insincere attempt
Employs some revolu- Uses Marketing Automa- Employs a system that
tionary Marketing Auto- tion to trigger customer automatically sends pro-
mation strategies. It behaviours and uplift their motional e-mails to cus-
Offers personalized con- revenue. Tracks their cus- tomers about new launch-
tent to its subscribers and tomer activities on the es.Incentivizes employees
displays a customized website. Assistance on the number of sign
homepage for its users emails are sent according- ups getting done.
through browsing history ly based on these activi-
and user preferences. ties. • Net worth $0.41 Billion
• Witnessed a 10% higher • Limitation hinders effec-
• $ 149 Billion Market response rate tiveness if customers
Cap. • 30% of responsive cus- don’t sign up in the first
• 1 Billion hours weekly tomers remained with place.
watch time hours Groove after 30 days free
• 80% influence due to trial period.
Marketing Automation.

Future use of Technology

Data is the forefront of commerce nowadays.
Marketing automation allows companies to collect
massive amounts of data points that can then be
used to infer consumer behavior patterns.

Marketing automation aligns with that trend by increasing

customer retention. Since the technology can identify
customers personally (email as the unique primary key), it
can learn the motives and the needs of the customers.

With enough data points, companies can tailor marketing cam-

paigns for individual customers which reduces customer frus-
tration (about 74%) from traditional marketing styles. The
reduced frustration increases conversion rates.

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