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AUGUST 21, 2022


What ails India’s sport

governance structure
It is the only all-encompassing document appoints a COA whose job is to bring the NSF
The national sports federat- — other than the NSF’s constitutions — that into line with the code, through the conduct
ion’s usual governance contains regulations for the good governance of elections, the reworking of antiquated
of sport in India. Prior to this code, the gov- constitutions or the reordering of manage-
practices do not place either ernment — or the ministry of sport and ment.
the sport or the athlete front youth affairs (MYAS) — issued guidelines to It is said — and rightly so — that the COAs
NSFs in 1975, 1988, 1997 and 2001. The NSFs end up with the same former judges whose
and centre; that space is ignored them, using taxpayer money to run turnaround speed is slow. Their common
reserved for official egos, operations and fly the Indian flag in interna- presence however, arguably takes into
tional competition. It was power account the similarity in the lapses, The most fundamental shortage in Indian sport is of adequate competition opportunities or game-time at state and national level. The
whims and political clout and cash without responsibility or loopholes and perpetrators across lack of athlete safety is only being exposed with a growing number of complaints these days DIWAKAR PRASAD/HT PHOTO
accountability. The NSFs became Indian sport. Horses, footballs or

n order to keep track of what’s happen- locations of political influence, judokas — everything is same-old- legal somersault, with MYAS turning up to The lack of athlete safety is only being for autonomy, what they are fighting for is
ing with Indian sports bodies and the netas and babus holding office for same-old. Someone new would defend those who had violated its own sports exposed with a growing number of com- the autonomy to remain shoddy administra-
courts, suppose we tried to compress decades, minus fair elections or have to start from scratch. Perhaps code. After the Delhi HC ordered a COA to plaints these days. Everywhere you look, you tors. Their adversary in this autonomy busi-
all the jiggery pokery into a social transparent selections, much over- Sharda what the justices could do is to push take over the Indian Olympic Association see NSFs and their state bodies exerting ness is not good governance itself, just the
media post — Supreme Court (SC) age fraud and zero-redressal mech- things along with some urgency (IOA) due to the IOA’s repeated “persistent power over their sport to strengthen their mere prospect of it.
ordered COA runs football hockey TT anisms or involvement of athletes.
Ugra and ask for more boots on the recalcitrance” to comply with the code, the own positions, rather than benefit the sport And finally. In February 2021, around the
judo equestrian Indian Olympic Association The 2011 code was meant to be ground to do so. Sport is, after all, ministry chose to fight for the “recalcitrant” itself. There are many examples. hubbub of the announcement of the Union
(IOA) hearing Mon Past COA BCCI archery the first legal step before a national about movement. entities themselves. Solicitor General Tushar Last January in Bengaluru, where I live, Budget, the MYAS sent out an innocent look-
future COA volleyball? cycling? That’s 169 sports development bill could be made into Is going to court the only option? Mehta, appeared both for the government players taking part in small 3x3 or 5x5 ing notice citing the introduction of a “relax-
characters, fits into an Instagram caption, law to improve Indian sport’s governance Of course, there are other options. It’s the and the IOA, asking for the HC order to be pick-up basketball events organised locally ation clause” in the sport code. It read thus:
headline and hashtag of your choice. Or standards. The bill was sent to cold storage, sports ministry, the Union of India, the exec- stayed because India would be barred from found out that a general notice had been “Government shall have the power to relax
maybe not. opposed by parties across the political spec- utive with the power to seriously whip crack international sports events. Status quo was issued by the state basketball association to any provisions of the Sports Development
Because, the usual national sports federa- trum. But in 2014, a Delhi court upheld the erring NSFs well before courts need to be thus restored, with the IOA’s acting president clubs and districts, calling these events “ille- Code of India, 2011, and other instructions
tion (NSF) response to any external question- validity of the code as the benchmark for approached. MYAS has the powers to de-rec- Anil Khanna telling the New Indian Express gal”, and those taking part faced “bans” from issued with regard to recognition of NSF,
ing is either an impassioned recitation of the Indian sports governance regulation. It must ognise the federations and cut off funding. that the 12-year-term limit on office-bearers representing the state or the nation. renewal of recognition of NSFs on annual
“autonomy” anthem, accompanied by under- be pointed out that the most hotly contested Barring a brief period at the outset, where should actually be 20. With a straight face. After witnessing a successful opening sea- basis and governance and management of
the-breath mutterings of judicial overreach among the regulations were strictures about boxing and archery got bullwhipped, sports But, surely the court is damaging Indian son of the franchise-based Pro Volleyball Indian Olympic Association (IOA) and NSFs
if courts are involved or the threat of interna- elections, electoral college and the age and ministries across governments have pre- sport by being involved? League in 2019, the Volleyball Federation of as a special exemption where considered
tional sanctions thrown in as a device to tenure limits of officials. ferred to wait until the court wakes up to a Well, the matter got to the court because India (VFI) chose to terminate its contract necessary and expedient for the promotion
either distract or to reduce legal stricture. But why are the courts involved? complaint. Because you see, the politicians no one at the NSF or government wanted to with the organisers Baseline Ventures. Court of sports, sportspersons…always being
The same happened with FIFA’s recent sus- Because of petitions. In every case — foot- who make up governments yearn for a stake address the original complaint. Indian NSF’s arbitrators found VFI had flouted the con- guided by and not inconsistent with the over-
pension of the All India Football Federation. ball, table tennis (TT), hockey, judo — the in the NSFs. If one of you is being hauled to usual governance practices do not place tract, ordered them to pay damages and the arching spirit of good governance… Power to
And a version of this argument is being cited courts have been approached by parties, cit- court for code violations, you’re not likely to either the sport or the athlete front and cen- VFI’s bank accounts were frozen. In Febru- relax the provisions will vest with the minis-
to stay a Delhi high court (HC) order putting ing violations of the code. By lawyers, former fire poisoned darts at him. If it’s one of theirs, tre; that space is reserved for official egos, ary this year, Baseline conducted a renamed ter in charge of the ministry of youth affairs
the IOA under a Committee of Administra- athletes, officials and in the case of TT, a cur- you’ll be happy to have them taken down by whims and political clout. Prime Volleyball League, but players from and sport.”
tors (COA) to rewrite its constitution under rent athlete. Ordinarily, on finding regula- the lordships, so that you and yours can step The most fundamental shortage in Indian some states who took part are being ignored
the 2011 National Sports Code. tion lapses and violations in NSF governance, in. sport is of adequate competition opportuni- from selection for national events. Sharda Ugra is a senior journalist
What is this 2011 code? the court declares the NSF illegal and Last week, we witnessed a spectacular ties or game-time at state and national level. When these pillars of administration fight The views expressed are personal

{ SUNDAY SENTIMENTS } Prime Minister and his Cabinet, but also WHEN SOMEONE WE { ENGENDER }
Sonia and Rahul Gandhi, Mamata Baner-
jee, Naveen Patnaik, MK Stalin, Nitish
Kumar, Conrad Sangma, Farooq and Omar
Abdullah. Is it really the case that not one THAT WE HAVE NOTHING
of this lot felt anything when they learnt of
We have turned our the attack on Rushdie? Or has politics and
the fear of offending Muslim voters — or
the Iranian government — silenced them?
The full truth is the external affairs min-
ATTITUDE TO THE Engaging business to
back on Rushdie ister (EAM) has spoken, but when you con-
sider what he said, it’s arguable that
silence might have been preferable. In
response to a question at a press confer-
OF ITS SHINING STARS? advance gender equity
m perplexed and dismayed by the this country home.” ence in Bangalore he said: “I also read ovid-19 has had a devastating effect In India, UN Women also works with

I’ cold indifference with which most

of our politicians have responded to
the savage attack on Salman Rush-
die. In 1988, we were the only major
democracy to ban The Satanic Verses. We
If anything, his answer to my next ques-
tion was even more telling. I asked: “If I
was to ask, is Salman Rushdie Indian or
English or Pakistani, which identity would
you accept?” His response was short, stark
about it. This is something that the whole
world has noticed and the whole world has
reacted to such an attack.” The whole
world, yes, but not our EAM. His was not a
reaction to the attack — and certainly not
stature as the world’s largest democracy.
When someone we should proudly call our
own is attacked, why is it that we have
nothing to say? And what does this suggest
of our attitude to the Indian diaspora? Is
C on women’s agency in many parts of
the world, especially in developing
countries such as India. So, it
becomes imperative to speed up the process
of finding ways to fund measures to
BSAC members to socialise Gender Bond
Guidelines (GBG). These will support the
debt market ecosystem, borrowers, under-
writers, arrangers, and external reviewers,
to integrate gender equality objectives into
did so without reading the book. Thirty- but simple: “Oh not Pakistani!” The laugh a condemnation of it — but merely an Rushdie not one of its shining stars? Or is advance gender equality. One initiative businesses.
four years later, we’re the only major that followed sounded more like a sneer. acknowledgment that he was aware of it. the faith he was born into — which he worth mentioning is the Business Sector Ferguson emphasises the need to invest
democracy not to officially condemn the He found the very idea of being Pakistani Rushdie is possibly the greatest, cer- doesn’t follow — the problem? Advisory Council (BSAC), comprising sen- more in women’s interests. “The global debt
attack. I truly cannot understand why. ludicrous. tainly the most widely read and by far the Let me give Rushdie the last word. In ior corporate leaders as part of a global ini- capital markets can play an important role
Rushdie was born in India. Though his So why is there no public expression of best known, author of Indian origin. Yet the BBC interview I asked if he felt rejected tiative by UN Women. It aims at getting the in financing progress towards gender
citizenship may have changed, he contin- horror and condemnation from our lead- we’ve turned our back on him. Meanwhile, by India. For years, it denied him a visa. corporate sector to engage more deeply in equality in both public and private sectors.
ues to identify with this country. In 2000, ing politicians? Why are they unable to the rest of the world has embraced him “Yes, I did,” he replied. “I felt very hurt. I unleashing the potential of the private sec- The GBG can help in achieving gender
in an interview for BBC’s Hardtalk India, I voice anger at what happened? Why are and made him their own. “His fight is our did feel the exile from India to be one of the tor for realising the goals of gender equality equality and women’s empowerment as
asked him: “Is this country still home?” they unwilling to even state their concern fight,” said France’s President Emmanuel most painful things of those years. I loved and women’s empowerment. measurable targets in different bond struc-
This was his reply: “There’s a sense in for his recovery? Indeed, why are they just Macron. “Now more than ever, we stand to come. I used to come every year.” Now, Susan Ferguson, country representative, tures. We look forward to many success sto-
which the country in which you were born silent? by his side.” perhaps, our silence has added to his hurt. UN Women India, says, “This Council ries from the growth of the sustainable
and grew up as a child is always home. You No doubt a small handful have spoken, So, let me ask bluntly, whose side are we focuses on accelerating economic and bond market.” India is one of the fastest-
never have that feeling about any other but the only party leader to do so is Sita- on? There are occasions when you need to Karan Thapar is author of Devil’s Advocate: social progress for women and girls in growing environmental, social and govern-
place. Anyone who reads my books knows ram Yechury. The rest, it seems, have noth- make it clear and obvious. In this instance The Untold Story India. It comprises prominent private sec- ance (ESG) markets globally. It issued $9.4
the extent to which my imagination calls ing to say. That list includes not just the the disturbing questions also affect our The views expressed are personal tor leaders whose businesses have a global billion worth of ESG bonds in 2021, against
footprint and are known as corporate citi- $1.3 billion in 2020. Till mid-2021, 10 Indian
zens. Through their expertise, reach and firms raised $4.64 billion via sustainable
resources, these corporate leaders have bonds, as against the $950 million raised by

Reimagine the State-

demonstrated strong commitment to sup- two firms in 2020.
porting women and girls.” This is a crucial What India needs are sovereign gender
step in establishing women-led economic bonds, which is what UN Women is work-
growth because sectors which employ a ing towards. The bonds can be used to get

citizen social contract large female workforce are struggling to get

on their feet due to the pandemic blows.
The initiative will be executed through five
subcommittees: Fintech, digital and skil-
new sources of financing, which can tackle
gender discrimination at multiple levels.
They can also help to diversify the investor
base. But, before these can translate into
ndia’s 75th Independence anniversary the ideology of parties and their mem- ling, micro, small and medium enterprises, concrete measures towards gender empow-

I was a milestone. Much has been writ- bers, or by perceived political incentives
ten about what has been achieved to — one or both driving the choice of issues
date and what has not. I will not go that get attention. Actions that increase a
down that road; instead, I will explore party’s legitimacy among the electorate,
why we are where we are. thereby strengthening the social contract
innovative finance and clean energy, and
climate action.
The chairperson of BSAC, Deepak Prem-
narayen says, “Empowering women is piv-
otal to accelerate economic growth. By
erment, investors must be convinced that
this is in their long-term interest. There is
also a lack of knowledge about gender and
how it can help sustain current business
models. Finally, there is the apprehension
The unfolding of that question begins between the two to potentially deliver bringing together large corporations under that gender integration will mean addi-
with examining the social contract electoral dividends, will drive political BSAC, we aim at positively impacting tional costs. But none of these are insur-
between political regimes and citizens of incentives. So, it’s time to ask, what issues women, their families, and their communi- mountable, given the will and commitment
India, and how that has evolved over the is the electorate allowing as the basis for ties on their terms...I am confident of fur- to making the post-pandemic recovery as
years. It is tempting to list the gaps and political incentives and legitimacy? ther expanding a diversified representation women-centric as possible.
point to leaders for their fail- Numerous examples from In India’s democracy, as in any other, the social contract between political leaders by the private sector in the council to pro-
ings. The failings on that India and worldwide have and the governed determines how long they govern and the focus of their mote women’s economic empowerment.”
score are many, across par- underlined the role incentives governance UDAY DEOLEKAR/HT PHOTO
ties and the years, but what
about the other side of the
story, the citizens?
play in driving political atten-
tion to specific policy issues.
For instance, countries as
ing political attention to health care. Citi-
zen mobilisation and a strong push by
food, and agriculture being some).
Whether in the past or more recent years,
In India’s democracy, as in diverse as Turkey, the Philippi- bureaucrats combined to create a context the challenge to surfacing issues and { SUNDAY LETTERS }
any other, the social contract
Sandhya nes, Indonesia, Brazil, and where health was viewed as a potential building narratives that can form the base
between political leaders and Venkateswaran China prioritised health care means of establishing a social contract of a social contract lies in exercising and Taiwan, the chip king After 75 years, India is still a work in progress
the governed determines to strengthen political legiti- between political leaders and the elector- asserting the true principles of democ- With reference to Arjun I enjoyed reading Karan Thapar’s India at 75: Looking
how long they govern and macy when they saw citizens’ ate. racy. Gargeyas’ Taiwan: The back to look ahead, Sunday Sentiments, August 14). I
the focus of their governance. So, what is demands for better health care. In India, Social movements and other advocacy In its democratic history, India has wit- primacy of the semico- agree with the columnist that it’s a good time to take
the core of such a social contract, and to states such as Tamil Nadu have strength- actors can play a role in challenging the nessed long stints of a dominant party nductor ecosystem note of the country’s successes and failures, and also
what extent does it align with the gaps ened their social contract with the elect- notion that existing policies may be being in power, and challenging the nar- (August 14), Taiwan ask what sort of country have we become. While each
that we identify in the country today? orate through attention to social policy. aligned with citizen choices and needs. rative that created the dominance in the will remain the main person is likely to have her own view on it, I think while
Let’s take some pivotal sectors such as The next question examines how such These actors, both external and internal first place may not be a trivial task. After suppliers of chips we have progressed in many aspects, India is still very
health, education, social security, clean incentives are created, surfaced, or to the system, can be vital in influencing 75 years, the question is whether the because it has the much a work in progress.
air, and water. The status of these sectors strengthened. Experience reveals that the incentives for political regimes, and it social contract with our political leaders manufacturing process
Jiya Mehta, via email
is far from where it needs to be. Yet, as such incentives are often driven by exter- is for citizens and movements, therefore, is based on the issues we see as gaps and in place. While the
several citizen surveys will suggest, elec- nal players such as citizens and other to create the issue platforms that could what are the mechanisms and platforms United States and
tions don’t seem to be fought on these advocates, who contribute to developing contribute to creating political legitimacy to reimagine and reconstruct such a con- European Union are II
issues, leaders rarely come into or go out and strengthening incentives for political around specific issues. tract between ruling regimes and citizens. planning to increase their If India is serious about becoming a superpower in the
of office because of these, and demands attention. India is no stranger to such processes. capacities, it is going to coming decade, the government will have to lean on the
on these are neither loud nor visible. Can For example, Brazil and Thailand saw The country has witnessed citizen move- Sandhya Venkateswaran is senior fellow, take a lot of time. civil society much more than it does now.
this suggest that citizens don’t expect social movements and networks of doc- ments in social and other policies, with Centre for Social and Economic Progress,
these issues to be the core of their con- tors and public health professionals (the explicit demands, leading to shifts in how Commissioner, Lancet Citizens Commission on Ravi V, via email Rafi Kumar, via email
tract with their leaders? Sanitarista movement and Rural Doctor’s some of these issues were viewed and to Reimagining India’s Health System
Political behaviour is driven either by Society) play an important role in ensur- concrete action (employment, education, The views expressed are personal Write to us at:

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Corbevax booster should be a vaccine of choice
Due to faulty clinical trial design, the superiority of Corbevax heterologous booster over homologous boosters is not known
R. Prasad The clinical trials of hete­ frontline workers and those that  has  been  boosted  is
rologous  boosting  carried above 60 years. Despite the small  and  yet  hospitalisa­
On January 10, 2022, booster out  in  other  countries  have three  categories  becoming tions and deaths have not in­
doses  were  rolled  out  for found  greater  elevation  of eligible  for  a  booster  shot creased,  do  we  need  to  get
Feeling tired  health­care  and  frontline antibody levels (which is the from  January  10  onwards, boosted  at  all?  “As  per  cur­
A desire to rest after a day workers and those above 60 criterion used for regulatory 65%  of  health­care  worker­ rent  scientific  evidence  and
spent toiling at the computer years  with  comorbidities.  It approvals) than homologous s have  taken  the  booster Indian  context,  a  third  or
could be a physiological was  then  expanded  to  all boosting. shot as of August 16; at 72%, precaution  shot  is  needed
response to mentally adults  above  18  years  from it  is  slightly  higher  among only for high­risk and vulner­
demanding work. People who April 10. The greenlighting of Heterologous boosting frontline workers. With 30% able populations. For others,
spent more than six hours booster doses on December While  Bio  E’s  phase­3  trial and 13%, the lowest uptake of it  should  be  a  voluntary
working on a mentally taxing 25, 2021 was done even with­ did  indeed  show  Corbevax booster  shots  is  among choice  and  that  is  the  ap­
assignment had higher levels out the approval of the vac­ used as a heterologous boos­ adults  older  than  60  years proach in India,” he adds.
of glutamate, which can cine approval body of the Na­ ter  shot  was  both  safe  and and  those  in  the  age  group And given the greater im­
disrupt brain function. tional  Technical  Advisory enhanced  the  immune  res­ 45­59 years, respectively.  mune escape capability and
Group  on  Immunisation ponses,  the  clinical  trial The  uptake  has  been  low less  disease  severity  in  the
(NTAGI).  At  the  time  of failed  to  show  if  heterolo­ in  the  60  years  plus  age fully vaccinated when infect­
greenlighting  booster  doses gous boosting with Corbevax group  despite  comorbidity ed with any of the Omicron
and even now, only Covaxin was superior to homologous conditionality  was  removed variants, it is again unclear if
and  Corbevax  booster  trial boosting with either Covaxin and  the  vaccine  became a booster  dose  is  necessary
data are available. No clinical or  Covishield.  This  was  be­ available  for  free.  The  deci­ for  all  adults.  “The  booster
trial  data  of  Covishield  as  a cause the trial used a place­ sion  to  make  booster  doses or  precaution  dose  policy
booster  dose  are  available bo  for  the  control  arm,  and free for a limited period de­ needs  to  be  more  granular
even now, seven months af­ hence, no comparison could fies  any  public  health  logic. than the primary vaccination
ter  the  rollout  of  booster be  made  with  homologous “I  don’t  understand  the  ra­ policy. For the high­risk and
Mode of spread
As monkeypox cases rise
doses. boosting.  tionale  of  making  COVID­19 vulnerable  population,  a
globally, studies suggest that
In  December  last  year, Just like the second dose, a precaution  dose  free  for  75 third shot should be adminis­
repeated skin-to-skin contact when Prime Minister Naren­ booster dose — homologous days in government facilities. tered.  Thereafter,  in  India,
is the main method of dra Modi announced the rol­ or  heterologous  —  too  will To  me,  it  is  very  arbitrary,” there is no need of any furth­
transmission. Since early May, lout of booster doses for the produce  elevated  immune says Dr. Lahariya. er  shot  for  any  population
the infection has spread three  high­risk,  vulnerable responses  when  adminis­ subgroup,” he says.
mostly in men who have sex categories,  only  the  same tered  a  few  months  after Role of Omicron Also, the booster doses of
with men. One study reported vaccine as used for primary primary vaccination. So, the It is true that a large percen­ all  three  vaccines  —  Covish­
that skin lesion samples vaccination  —  homologous elevated  immune  responses tage  of  people,  both  fully ield,  Covaxin  and  Corbevax
contain more viral DNA than boosting — was allowed. seen  when  Corbevax  was vaccinated and even boosted — have  been  developed
do those from the throat. The  phase­3  clinical  trial used as a heterologous boos­ terologous booster shot with lowed by Covishield booster tered for healthy adults, the and  the  unvaccinated  were based on the ancestral strain
data of Bio E’s Corbevax vac­ ter was not unexpected.  Corbevax  can  be  quite  sure shot showed higher antibody approach should be to delay infected with one or more of and not any of the Omicron
cine given as a booster dose “Third shot of any vaccine that  the  immune  response levels compared with people the  booster  shot  as  long  as Omicron  variant  sub­lineag­ variants. So, the question is
to people who had received results  in  antibody  produc­ might be higher than getting who had received two doses possible. For high­risk indivi­ es. It is currently not known whether homologous or he­
either Covaxin or Covishield tion, be it homologous or he­ boosted  with  the  same  vac­ of Covishield followed by Co­ duals with no history of CO­ if  fully  vaccinated  people terologous  boosting  based
during  primary  vaccination terologous.  The  evidence cine as used for primary vac­ vaxin as a booster shot.  VID­19 infection, it could be a who have been subsequently on  the  ancestral  strain  will
— heterologous  boosting  — and  broader  principle  are cination  but  will  not  know The  government  had  re­ six­  or  nine­month  interval infected  gain  substantially have  the  same  effect  as  a
showed  the  vaccine  to  be that  heterologous  boosting how  much  more  effective cently  reduced  the  gap  bet­ for precaution shots. Howev­ when boosted. “Vaccination booster shot based on one of
safe and effective in produc­ results in far greater quanti­ Corbevax  will  be  compared ween  the  second  dose  and er,  everyone  else,  including does  not  protect  from  rein­ the  Omicron  variants.  “The
ing  elevated  antibodies ties of antibodies than homo­ with homologous boosting.  the booster shot from nine to adults aged 18­59 years with fections and the majority of level of antibodies produced
Cutting emissions levels. logous  boosting,”  says  Dr. In  contrast,  a  heterolo­ six  months.  If  the  nine co­morbidities but with past India’s adult population has by  first  generation  vaccines
A reduction of 686 million
Based  on  this  data,  on Chandrakant Lahariya, Phys­ gous  comparator  trial  was months gap between the se­ infection  can  delay  booster received both recommended against  Omicron  is  slightly
tons of carbon emissions per June 3, the Indian drug regu­ ician­epidemiologist  and conducted by Dr. Gagandeep cond  dose  and  the  booster vaccination for nine months shots.  Therefore,  giving  a lower.  However,  the  diffe­
year could be achieved if every lator approved Corbevax as a vaccines  specialist.  “So, Kang, Professor of Microbiol­ shot  was  decided  without or  even  longer  after  the  se­ third or fourth or any subse­ rence is marginal. That is not
person in the world cycled 2.6 heterologous  booster  for  all while every combination has ogy  and  her  team  at  the any data, there is no scientif­ cond shot,” he says.  quent  shot  is  not  going  to a reason,  in  my  opinion,  to
km per day, similar to cycling adults;  NTAGI’s  approva­ not been studied, cumulative Christian  Medical  College ic evidence of better immune prevent infections. The role argue for an additional shot.
patterns in The Netherlands, a l came at the end of July. And scientific  evidence  and  un­ (CMC),  Vellore.  The  trial responses when the booster Poor uptake of boosters in providing oth­ While  research  on  multiva­
Communications Earth & on  August  10,  the  govern­ derstanding  of  immunology compared the safety and effi­ dose — homologous or hete­ Besides the issue of efficacy, er  benefits  in  terms  of  pre­ lent or newer generation vac­
Environment paper reports. ment  approved  the  use  of together,  it  is  fair  to  believe cacy of Covaxin and Covish­ rologous  —  is  given  six the  larger  question  is  the venting  severe  disease  or cines should continue, avail­
The findings are based on a Corbevax  as  a  heterologous that  Corbevax  as  heterolo­ ield as a heterologous boos­ months  after  the  second poor uptake of booster doses deaths is also marginal or li­ ability  of  such  vaccines
global assessment of bicycle booster shot to all adults who gous  booster  is  a  choice  of ter.  The  trial  found  that dose. even  among  the  three  high­ mited,” Dr. Lahariya says. would not make an automat­
production, and usage by the have  received  two  doses  of vaccine for India,” he adds.  people  who  had  received “In my opinion, once two risk,  vulnerable But  considering  that  the ic case for another shot,” Dr.
country from 1962–2015. either Covaxin or Covishield. So people who prefer a he­ two  doses  of  Covaxin  fol­ primary  shots  are  adminis­ groups  —  health­care  and percentage of the population Lahariya adds.

Extreme waves of COVID-19 may have faster-than-expected growth rates

Identifying the correct growth pattern at the start of an epidemic wave can help in better preparation
Shubashree Desikan ease  dynamics  models,  ma­ tries  (India,  the  U.S.,  U.K., author  of  the  paper  pu­ “Log­periodic oscillations mogeneities  in  the standard  compartmental adds, explaining that the lim­
ny of which build on the idea South Africa, Germany, Italy, blished in Chaos. are  not  noise,  but  they  are data. “There is no discussion models. itations  of  the  study  have
All  over  the  world,  epide­ that the growth of infections Japan,  Brazil  and  Mexico). there  as  a  consequence  of of other possible reasons for “The  discrepancy  bet­ been  pointed  out  in  the
miologists have tried to un­ is exponential in nature. An They also study two cases of Oscillations not noise the  discrete  nature  of  the the deviation from exponen­ ween  reported  and  actual paper. 
derstand  the  dynamics  of example  of  exponential such  waves  in  Indian  cities Further, the researchers find spreading process,” she says. tial growth,” says R. Shankar, cases  is  always  a  problem.
COVID­19.  A  study  from  In­ growth  is  the  series  2,  4,  8, (Chennai and Delhi). that the average per week of The  hyperexponential Chennai­based  condensed Therefore,  we  should  not Warning sign
dian Institute of Technology, 16…  which  doubles  at  con­ The researchers observed acquired infections oscillates growth  of  COVID­19  waves matter  physicist,  who  has compare  the  data  between Next,  the  researchers  are
Madras, may offer a different stant rate. faster­than­exponential about  a  mean  value  before implies that the growth rate analysed COVID­19 data.  different  countries…,”  says thinking of getting more in­
perspective to modelling CO­ growth  in  extreme  (severe) reaching  a  saturation.  “The varies  continuously  during He refers to, for example, Prof. Sujith.  formation from data such as
VID­19 dynamics.  Fast growth waves in each of the studied mean is not constant here. It the  transmission.  New  var­ the  inhomogeneous  nature “A weekly average will re­ secondary infection rate and
Since December 2019, sev­ A recent work from IIT Ma­ countries. “The growth rate is growing as a power law, so iants  of  the  virus  can  have of the population in a coun­ move such fluctuations aris­ the spreading pattern itself.
eral waves of COVID­19 have dras  suggests  that  the is not constant; it is increas­ the correct phrase is ‘mean higher  growth  rates,”  says try,  variation  in  the  level  of ing due to the inconsistency “Also, by identifying the cor­
washed  over  populations growth  rate  of  infections  is ing. The rate of change of in­ power  law  growth’,”  ex­ Prof.  Sujith  explaining  one detection  of  cases  due  to in  the  number  of  tests  per rect  growth  pattern  at  the
across the world, in different hyperexponential,  that  is, fections  per  day  is  not  pro­ plains  Induja  Pavithran,  a reason  for  the  pattern  they testing  levels,  changing  hu­ day,”  he  says.  “We  can  ex­ start  of  an  epidemic  wave
countries. It is important to faster  than  exponential,  in portional  to  the  current post­doctoral  fellow  from observe.  man  behaviour  during  the pect  different  types  spread helps  us  to  be  prepared  for
understand their dynamics, the initial stages of extreme number  of  infections,”  says the  Aerospace  Engineering growth period (masking and over  large  countries.  To future outbreaks or pandem­
so  that  governments  can (severe)  waves  of  COVID­19. R.I. Sujith, who is D. Sriniva­ Department  of  IIT  Madras Problems with data physical  distancing  levels), avoid this, we choose to de­ ics.  Log­periodic  can  warn
plan mitigation strategies at This is based on their study san Chair Professor, Depart­ and  the  first  author  of  the There  is,  however,  a  ques­ and  so  on,  which  can  also monstrate the log­periodici­ us of impending catastroph­
every level. With this aim in of 12 representative waves of ment of Aerospace Engineer­ paper.  These are known as tion as to whether this nonli­ cause deviations from expo­ ty for densely populated ci­ ic waves,” says Dr. Induja Pa­
mind, researchers study dis­ COVID­19  across  nine  coun­ ing,  IIT  Madras,  and  an “log periodic oscillations.”   nearity may stem from inho­ nential  growth  within  the ties  or  small  countries,”  he vithran. 

Improving rice yield with an additional gene another celestial body.

The researchers
analysed six samples of
lunar meteorites —
mentioned paper from China to  normal  cotton,  produce consisting of basalt rock
Adding a second copy of one of its own by Wei et al. in Science is of the BT cotton, which is then that formed when
genes has boosted the yield of a value. manufactured and sold both
Question  Corner magma welled up from
Chinese rice variety by up to 40% in India and abroad.  the interior of the Moon
Gene modulation Likewise, an article in Bu- and cooled quickly —
A key  point  is  that  the  re­ siness Standard points  out Moon’s origin from an Antarctic
searchers  have  added  the that India will import 1.2 mil­ collection. The
SPEAKING same gene again, and not any lion tons of genetically modi­ Do we have new meteorites remained
foreign one. This is best de­ fied (GM) soyabeans for lives­ evidence of the Moon’s covered by additional
OF SCIENCE scribed  as  genetic  modula­ tock  feed.  Now,  if  the origin linked to the basalt layers after their
tion. It is not a genetic modi­ ministry allows the import of Earth? formation, which
D. BALASUBRAMANIAN fication  (GM)  and  neither  is GM  soyabean  from  abroad, protected the rock from
the result a transgenic plant, why  should  it  not  allow  the Over the course of nearly cosmic rays and,
The Green Revolution of the enormously  strain  our carrying  elements  from manufacture of this in India five centuries, particularly, the solar
1960s  brought  about  a ecosystems. another donor.  itself? researchers put forward wind. 
marked improvement in the This  is  particularly  rele­ On  the  other  hand,  what numerous, much They discovered that
yield  of  agricultural  crops 40% yield increase vant  to  India,  which  must the Science authors had done debated theories as to the glass particles retain
such  as  rice  and  wheat.  It A possible way out of this co­ aim to continue its world po­ above is to add an extra copy how the Moon was the chemical fingerprints
was based on the use of new­ nundrum  has  been  suggest­ sition  in  the  production  of of an already existing ‘native’ formed. Now, (isotopic signatures) of
ly  developed  high­yielding ed in a recent publication by The difference: Added the same gene again, and not any rice and marketing. An  arti­ gene (OsDREB1C) in rice, and researchers at ETH the solar gases: helium
crop varieties in conjunction Wei et al., “A transcriptional foreign one, can be called genetic modulation. GETTY IMAGES *
cle  published  on  June  16 not  a  foreign  one,  as  in  the Zurich discover the first and neon from the
with the intense use of irriga­ regulator  that  boosts  grain in  The Wire (‘India’s  GM case of BT cotton or BT soya­ definitive proof that the Moon’s interior. Their
tion, chemical fertilizers and yields  and  shortens  the sorbing  nitrogen  more  effi­ kari  et  al.  point  out  in  2016 crops  regulation  should  be bean.  India  has  some  excel­ Moon inherited findings strongly support
pesticides. India saw a three­ growth  duration  of  rice”, ciently — offering larger and (Export  of  rice  from  India; based on a gene’s effects, not lent rice researchers located indigenous noble gases that the Moon inherited
fold increase in rice yield per which  appears  in  the  jour­ more  abundant  grains.  The performance  and  determi­ its  source’)  points  out  that in Andhra Pradesh, Karnata­ from the Earth’s mantle. noble gases indigenous
hectare.  nal  Science, July  22,  2022. change  helps  the  plant  ab­ nants.  Agri. Econ. Res. Re- “India  has  exempted  crops ka, Punjab and Haryana, and They show that the to the Earth, says a press
Now,  fifty  years  later, Erik  Stokstad,  a  reporter sorb  more  fertilizer,  boosts view),  it  is  clear  that  with with certain kinds of genetic genetic  engineers  in  several Moon inherited the release.
some negative effects of this for Science points out in the photosynthesis, and acceler­ growing demand in the com­ modifications from the regu­ laboratories across the coun­ indigenous noble gases Using a state­of­the­art
intense methodology are be­ same  issue  that  “super­ ates  flowering,  all  of  which ing  years,  strategies  should lations  previously  imposed try.  of helium and neon from noble gas mass
coming apparent — nitrogen charged  biotech  rice  yields could  contribute  to  larger be found to increase the pro­ on the commercialisation of The  Ministry  of  Agricul­ Earth’s mantle (Science spectrometer named
fertilizers and agrochemicals 40% more grain”. harvests. duction and export of rice.  all  genetically  modified ture can come together with Advances).  “Tom Dooley” the
pose environmental hazards; This report points out that Vietnam  turns  out  to  be crops”.  the  Department  of  Biotech­ The discovery adds to researchers were able to
water  is  often  in  short  sup­ giving a Chinese rice variety Rice exports the second most producer of For example, BT cotton in­ nology  (DBT)  and  nutrition­ the already strong measure sub­millimetre
ply; and agricultural soil is in­ a second  copy  of  one  of  its India is the world’s largest ex­ rice, and it produced 6.5 mil­ volves  the  transfer  of  the ists from the Indian Council constraints on the glass particles from the
creasingly fatigued.  own  genes  has  boosted  its porter  of  rice.  It  exported lion  tonnes  in  2021­2022.  It gene from the bacterium cal­ of  Medical  Research  (ICMR) currently favoured meteorites and rule out
To  obtain  more  food  for yield by up to 40%. When a 18.75  million  metric  tons  to has  to  be  much  more  than led Bacillus thurigiensis (BT) can support these research­ “Giant Impact” theory solar wind as the source
the world’s growing popula­ second copy of a single gene over 150 countries during the the 18.75 million tons for In­ to  be  transferred  to  normal ers to augment India’s role as that hypothesises that of the detected gases. 
tion,  forests  and  grasslands (called  OsDREB1C)  is  added year  2021­22,  thereby  earn­ dia  to  continue  and  expand cotton.  India’s  Agriculture the  major  rice  exporter  in the Moon was formed by
Readers may send their
would have to be converted to rice, it improves photosyn­ ing $6.11 billion. This is a vast its role as the world’s largest Ministry  has  pointed  out  in the world. a massive collision questions / answers to
to farms in order to produce thesis  and  nitrogen  use, improvement  from  what  it producer and exporter of ri­ 2019 that they have allowed between Earth and
food.  This,  in  turn,  would speeds up flowering and ab­ did a few years ago. As Adhi­ ce.  It is here that the above­ transfer of this foreign gene



FAQ 11

What is India’s policy on the Rohingya? 
Can refugees who feel threatened in
their home nation be deported? What
are the government’s obligations?
Vijaita Singh

The story so far: On August 17, Union Housing Minister

Hardeep Singh Puri tweeted that Rohingya refugees
would be shifted to flats meant for economically weaker
sections (EWS), and provided with basic amenities and
police protection. The Minister said “India respects &
follows the UN Refugee Convention 1951 & provides
In protest: PDP President Mehbooba Mufti speaks to the refuge to all, regardless of their race, religion or creed.”
media at her residence in Srinagar on August 18. AP *
The Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA) under Amit Shah
issued a clarification saying that no such direction had

Kashmir voters’ list been given to provide EWS flats to “Rohingya illegal


Where do the Rohingya live in Delhi?

What is the controversy around the Stateless: Myanmar has classified the Rohingya as ‘resident foreigners’ or ‘associate citizens’. *

revision of electoral rolls in the ■ The Rohingya live in hutments in the densely

populated Kalindi Kunj and Madanpur Khadar areas in Lieutenant Governor of Delhi was apprised of the plan. getting recruited by terrorist organisations. 
erstwhile State of J&K? Delhi which are contiguous with Uttar Pradesh. Officially, Since Delhi is a Union Territory, law and order is under
about 1,200 Rohingya have been identified as among the the Central government, in this case, the MHA. The AAP Have any Rohingya been deported?
Peerzada Ashiq first batch to have arrived in Delhi in 2012. After they has claimed that the elected Ministers of Delhi
protested outside the UNHCR (UN Refugee Agency) office government were kept out of the loop.  ■ In 2018, seven Rohingya were deported to Myanmar. It
The story so far: On August 17, the J&K Chief Electoral in Delhi, they were provided with refugee cards.  was the first time that Myanmar issued a certificate of
Officer (CEO), Hirdesh Kumar, announced that anyone When did the Rohingya come to Delhi? identity to the seven Rohingya. They had been picked up
“who is living ordinarily in J&K” can avail the What happened in June last year? in Assam in 2012. After they were moved to a detention
opportunity to get enlisted as a voter in the Union ■ Rohingya, an ethnic group, mostly Muslim, hail from centre from prison, they wrote to the Myanmar Embassy
Territory in accordance with the provisions of the ■ On June 13, 2021 a fire ravaged one of the Rohingya the Rakhine province of in 2016, expressing their desire to return to their country
Representation of the People Act. He said that many camps at Kanchan Kunj near Kalindi Kunj metro station west Myanmar, and speak and gave an undertaking that they were returning out of
people who were not enlisted as voters in the erstwhile in south Delhi. The land belonged to the irrigation
Human Rights Watch a Bengali dialect. their free will. According to advocacy group Human
State of J&K are now eligible to vote after the reading department of the Uttar Pradesh government. A day says that since October Myanmar has classified Rights Watch (HRW), since October 2018, India has
down of Article 370 on August 5, 2019. The Election before the fire broke out in the hutment, the Rohingya 2018, India has them as “resident deported 12 Rohingya to Myanmar, “claiming that they
Commission of India (ECI) was expecting an addition of had been served notice by the U.P. irrigation department deported 12 Rohingya foreigners” or “associate left voluntarily.” “However, the government denied
20­25 lakh new voters in the final list in J&K, he added.  to vacate the premises. After the incident, the Sub to Myanmar. According citizens,” They were repeated requests by UNHCR to gain access to them to
Divisional Magistrate, Sarita Vihar, and Delhi Police made forced to leave Myanmar independently assess whether the decision was
to the agency, the
Who else is eligible to vote? arrangements to move the displaced Rohingya to an in large numbers after voluntary,” HRW said. 
empty plot nearby that belonged to the Zakat Foundation government denied several waves of violence, In December 2017, the then Minister of State for Home
■ Mr. Kumar suggested that armed forces posted in J&K of India, an NGO. The Delhi government pitched tents requests by UNHCR to which first began in 2012. Kiren Rijiju informed Parliament that there are around
could also register as voters and could possibly and provided water and electricity. A mobile toilet was gain access to the The Myanmar army 40,000 Rohingya in India, of which around 5,700 are in
participate in the first ever Assembly polls in the also set up. As the Delhi government was incurring an deportees to assess revived the attacks in 2017 Jammu and also in Telangana, Punjab, Haryana, Uttar
youngest Union Territory (UT) of the country. The CEO expenditure of ₹7 lakh per month, it was decided at a whether the decision and lakhs took shelter in Pradesh, Delhi and Rajasthan. Of these, only 16,000 are
said the existing electoral roll is being mapped into the meeting held by the Delhi chief secretary on July 29 this Bangladesh. Around five said to be registered with the UN refugee agency. The
newly delimited Assembly constituencies as per the year, to shift all Rohingya families to EWS flats which was voluntary   lakh Rohingya fled to MHA claimed that the exact number is not known as
Delimitation Commission’s final order made applicable were to be designated as a detention centre and would be Saudi Arabia in 2012. many of them enter the country clandestinely. In 2017,
by the Union Law Ministry with effect from May 20, put under constant police watch. Residents at the camps According to the July 29 the Border Security Force apprehended 87 Rohingya
2022.  said that currently the police do a daily roll call but they minutes of the meeting, the Rohingya first came to Delhi along the Bangladesh border and 76 were pushed back to
are free to move anywhere. A police post has been set up in 2012. Bangladesh. 
Why are electoral rolls being revised? near their camp. 
What is the process of deportation? What is India’s stand on refugees?
■ The ECI is working on fresh electoral rolls in J&K after How is the Delhi government involved?
the J&K Delimitation Commission earlier this year carved ■ According to the MHA, illegal immigrants are detected, ■ India is not a signatory to the 1951 UN Convention
out seven new Assembly constituencies in the UT, six ■ The Foreigners Regional Registration Office (FRRO), detained and deported under provisions of the Passport relating to the Status of Refugees and the 1967 Protocol.
going to Jammu division and one to Kashmir, under the responsible for tracking foreigners and their visas, has Act, 1920 or the Foreigners Act, 1946. The powers to All foreign undocumented nationals are governed as per
Jammu & Kashmir been requesting space at a new location for the Rohingya identify and deport them have also been delegated to the provisions of The Foreigners Act, 1946, The
The Chief Electoral Reorganisation Act from the Delhi government since 2021. The FRRO is State governments and Union Territories. Once a Registration of Foreigners Act, 1939, The Passport (Entry
Officer said armed adopted in 2019. Jammu under the administrative control of the MHA. On March ‘foreigner’ has been apprehended by the police for into India) Act, 1920 and The Citizenship Act, 1955.
now has 43 seats against 19, 2021, FRRO, Delhi, wrote a letter to the Delhi staying illegally, without any document, he or she is The MHA informed Parliament on April 5 that “foreign
forces posted in
47 in Kashmir. The government’s home department seeking another location produced before the local court. If the accused is found nationals who enter into the country without valid travel
Jammu & Kashmir Delimitation Commission to house the Rohingya. The home department sent a guilty, they can be imprisoned for three months to eight documents are treated as illegal immigrants.” In 2016, Mr.
could also register as has re­drawn many letter to another civic authority, the New Delhi Municipal years. After completing their sentence, the court orders Rijiju told the Lok Sabha that “there is no national law on
voters in the new constituencies and fresh Council (NDMC), on June 23 the same year that the FRRO deportation. The foreign inmates are moved to detention refugees at present. Only Standard Operating Procedures
Union Territory. electoral rolls are essential is constrained to restrict the movement of illegal centres till the country of origin verifies and accepts are issued by the MHA to deal with foreign nationals in
to prepare the ground for foreigners and immigrants due to acute paucity of space. them. India, who claim to be refugees.” 
Assembly polls were
any announcement of The department requested the NDMC chairman to allot a Though there are no separate rules for deportation of In some instances, such as in the case of Pakistani
last held in 2014, and elections in J&K, where the Baraat Ghar along with EWS flats at Bakkarwala village to the Rohingya, on August 8, 2017, amid fears of fresh Hindus who live in camps in Delhi, Rajasthan, Gujarat,
J&K lost its special last Assembly elections accommodate the foreign inmates with “basic minimum exodus of Rohingya from Myanmar, the MHA wrote to all Chhattisgarh, Punjab, and Tibetans and Tamils from Sri
status in 2019   took place in 2014. In a housing facilities.” Earlier, in February 2021, a joint team the States that “infiltration from Rakhine State of Lanka, relief assistance is provided by the Centre that
latest move, the ECI has of the social welfare department and home department Myanmar into Indian territory specially in the recent includes monthly cash dole, subsidised ration, clothing
decided that it will also of the Delhi government had zeroed in on the EWS flats years, besides being [a] burden on the limited resources materials, utensils, cremation and shradh (last rites)
include any person who to designate it as a restriction centre. On July 29, 2022 of the country also aggravates the security challenges grants and infrastructure facilities in camps. As on
has attained the age of 18 years on or before October 1, Delhi chief secretary Naresh Kumar held a meeting to posed to the country.” It also said the rise in terrorism in December 31, 2014, the number of stateless persons in
2022 in the fresh electoral rolls. The final electoral roll find a “medium to long­term” residential solution for the last few decades is a cause for concern in most India was 2,89,394 which included over 10,000
would be published on November 25.  Rohingya refugee families. The minutes say that the nations and that illegal migrants are more vulnerable to Bangladeshis and 10,000 Sri Lankans.

What did the CEO announce?

How will FIFA’s decision affect Indian football?
■ Mr. Kumar said there is no need for a person to have a
domicile certificate of J&K to become a voter. “An
employee, a student, a labourer or anyone from outside
who is living ordinarily in J&K can enlist his or her name
in the voting list,” Mr. Kumar said. He said armed forces
from different parts of the country “have the option that Why did the world governing body of the sport take the step? Who is to blame? What lies ahead?
if they are posted in a peace station they can enlist
themselves as voters.” Mr. Kumar said “Jammu is a peace N. Sudarshan What are the repercussions of the suspension?
station and anyone from outside posted in the armed
forces in the city can avail the option to enlist as a voter.” The story so far: Late on August 15, world football’s ■ While the biggest threat is to the conduct of the U­17
He observed that around 25 lakh new voters are governing body FIFA suspended the All India Football Women’s World Cup, Gokulam Kerala FC not being
expected to be enrolled in J&K, which has 76 lakh voters Federation (AIFF) indefinitely for “undue interference by allowed to play in the ongoing AFC Women’s Club
on the list. He said the projected 18­plus population of a third party” in the process to finalise a new constitution Championship in Uzbekistan is the first significant blow.
J&K was around 98 lakh. After the abrogation of special and elect office­bearers. The third party in question was ATK Mohun Bagan’s participation in the AFC Cup
provisions of Article 370, the Representation of the the Supreme Court of India­appointed Committee of (September 7) is also in doubt, so are India’s scheduled
People Act 1950 and 1951 is applicable in J&K, officials Administrators (CoA), comprising Justice (retd.) Anil international friendlies against Vietnam and Singapore
said, which allows ordinarily residing persons to get Dave, former Chief Election Commissioner S.Y. Quraishi next month. Developmental funding from FIFA and the
registered in the electoral rolls of J&K, “provided he or and former Indian football captain Bhaskar Ganguly, Asian Football Confederation will stop. Indian clubs
she gets their name deleted from the electoral roll of his formed in May to temporarily assume charge of AIFF after cannot sign foreign players and Indian officials will not be
or her native constituency.” the previous establishment, led by president Praful Patel, eligible for international assignments. 
was deemed to have overstayed the National Sports
How were the J&K electoral rolls revised prior to 2019? Development Code of India­mandated 12­year tenure. If No more cheer: The Gokulam Kerala women’s team after the Will the court intervention set a precedent for other
AIFF’s suspension is not revoked in time, India will lose Women’s I­League 2021­22 win. SPECIAL ARRANGEMENT
sports in India?
■ Prior to August 5, 2019 when J&K had special the rights to host the U­17 Women’s World Cup in October. 
constitutional powers, the Assembly electoral rolls in the suspension said, concluding that this too constituted ■ In 2022 alone, table tennis, hockey and judo have been
State were drawn up according to the Jammu & Kashmir What constitutes undue interference? “undue interference”.  placed under
Representation of the People Act 1957, wherein only court­appointed CoAs for
permanent residents of J&K were eligible to get ■ International sports federations like FIFA view any How did the CoA react? The biggest threat is not following the Sports
registered in the Assembly rolls. To get voting rights, governance structure where an unelected body wields to the U­17 Women’s Code. A day after AIFF’s
Permanent Resident Certificate and domicile certificates power at a national sports federation like AIFF as ■ In a statement put out a day after the suspension, the World Cup; Gokulam suspension, the Delhi High
had to be shown. Several lakh residents from west third­party interference. In exceptional cases where such CoA expressed “surprise and disappointment” that FIFA’s Kerala FC not being Court brought the Indian
Pakistan and Pakistan Occupied Kashmir, who had a body — in the present case, the CoA — takes charge, it is decision had come even as extensive discussions were allowed to play in the Olympic Association (IOA)
migrated to J&K and were living there for decades, had required to play a temporary, enabling role in line with ongoing between FIFA, CoA and the Union Sports under a CoA, citing the top
no voting rights in Assembly elections till August 5, 2019 the statutes of the international body. Ever since the CoA Ministry. The CoA said it was agreeable to conduct ongoing AFC court’s order in the AIFF
but were able to vote in the parliamentary elections.  presented the draft constitution to FIFA on July 13, the elections with an electoral college consisting of just 36 Women’s Club matter. But the Supreme
latter has suggested multiple changes. Chief among them State representatives and give players representation as Championship in Court ordered a status quo
was a repeal of CoA’s decision to give players and State nominated members in the Executive Committee as Uzbekistan is the first after the Union government
Why has the ECI announcement caused a furore? associations equal representation (50%) in the electoral desired by FIFA. In a separate letter, the CoA also assured significant blow  stated that the
college (36 votes each). The Sports Code mandates a FIFA that the interim Executive Committee would International Olympic
■ All political parties in J&K, except the BJP, have minimum of 25% representation for players in function independently and will not be supervised by the Committee could see the
reacted sharply to the ECI announcement. J&K's main decision­making roles. In a letter dated July 25, FIFA said, former. However, the electoral college published on development as
regional parties, including the National Conference, “Although we agree that the players’ voice needs to be August 16 — after the FIFA suspension was announced — “third­party interference”.
Peoples Democratic Party, CPI(M) and Peoples heard, we are also of the view that the importance of the had as many as 69 members, including 36 players. It is The next hearing is scheduled for Monday. 
Conference, have expressed concerns that the move will existing members of the AIFF should not be undermined. understood that changes to the draft constitution to bring
open the floodgates and turn locals into an electoral However, we understand the requirements of the Sports it in line with FIFA recommendations will need the Will it change future sports governance models?
minority. Former Chief Minister and PDP president Code of India and recommend AIFF to bring in a Supreme Court’s nod. 
Mehbooba Mufti expressed concern that there was a plan presence of above 25% of the Eminent Players in the ■ Regardless of the turn each of the above cases take,
to bring 25 lakh non­locals and make them eligible to Executive Committee as Co­opted (nominated) What is the role of the Union Sports Ministry? there is an underlying acceptance in the Indian sports
cast their votes in the next J&K elections. “This is the last Members.” FIFA didn’t approve of the fact that before the administration fraternity that adherence to the Sports
nail in the coffin of electoral democracy,” Ms. Mufti said. hearing in the Supreme Court on August 3, the CoA didn’t ■ After mostly remaining in the background, the Union Code is non­negotiable. Whether courts should intervene
Peoples Conference chairman Sajad Lone compared the revise its equal representation clause. FIFA also took issue government, at the hearing on August 17, informed the is a matter for debate. But it is to be noted that both FIFA
move with the 1987 rigged elections in J&K, which with the move to elect an interim body for three months Supreme Court that it was in discussions with FIFA. and FIH (world hockey’s governing body) did not object
resulted in mass militancy in Kashmir in the 1990s. just for the conduct of the World Cup, while the “Yesterday the government took it up. We had two to court­appointed committees. FIFA had a problem only
“Please remember 1987. We are yet to come out of that. constitution is finalised parallelly. “We understood that meetings with FIFA. There is some breaking of the ice with the terms of reference. FIH, on the other hand, was
Don’t re­play 1987. It will be disastrous,” Mr. Lone the CoA would still play a role within the aforesaid which has taken place,” the government said, and asked welcoming and went to the extent of saying, “the order of
warned. interim mandate,” the FIFA letter conveying the for more time. The next hearing is scheduled for Monday.  a court is not an interference.”






A double-edged sword
for China’s rulers
For Xi Jinping’s govt., rising nationalist sentiment is seen as an asset;
but left unchecked, it could also turn into a liability for the Party

Ananth Krishnan years in office this year and widening  chasm  between

will begin an unprecedented the  Party  and  the  people,

n July 28, China’s third­term  at  a  once­in­five­ with  Communism  and
President  and year Party Congress likely in Maoism fading as an ideolog­
Chinese  Com­ October, has since taking ov­ ical  tether.  Searching  for  a
munist  Party er emphasised the “Chinese new binding glue, Mr. Xi has
General  Secre­ dream”  (“zhongguo meng”) settled  on  “rejuvenation”,
tary  Xi  Jinping  visited  the of “the great rejuvenation of which  is  essentially  an  ap­
Military Museum, a massive the Chinese nation” as a cen­ peal to nationalist sentiment.
In Focus Soviet­style complex in west tral theme. 
Beijing  that  abuts  the  head­ To be sure, the idea of Chi­ Asset and liability disputed Senkaku or Diaoyu doll” when it was wearing a that  the  Chinese  military Wuhan  station  directed  at
B Xi, who
completes 10 quarters of the People’s Lib­ na’s “rejuvenation” long pre­ Nationalism,  for  the  Party, islands triggered street prot­ traditional  Chinese  dress, “has the right to forcibly dis­ Fang  Fang,  according  to  a
years in office eration  Army  (PLA).  The dates  Mr.  Xi.  Indeed,  even has  certainly  emerged  as  a ests, which initially appeared leading  to  an  outpouring  of pel  Pelosi’s  plane  and  the photo that went viral, while
this year and PLA, which turned 95 on Au­ Sun Yat­sen, who became the powerful asset, a theme care­ to be blessed by the state in a online  anger.  The  company U.S. fighter jets, including fir­ she was relentlessly attacked
will begin an gust 1, was marking the “dou­ first  President  of  the  Repu­ fully  nurtured  by  State  pro­ country  where  protests  are said it is now removing all Ja­ ing warning shots and mak­ online.
ble anniversaries” — the CPC blic of China in 1912, founded paganda  that  relentlessly usually  not  tolerated,  but panese  elements  from  its ing tactical movement of ob­ Questioning the military is
third­term, has
since taking turned  100  last  year  —  with a “Revive  China  society”  as portrays the Party as the de­ then  briefly  seemed  to  get stores  and  “correcting  its struction.” “If ineffective,” he particularly sensitive, as the
over an expansive tribute to itself. early as 1894. fender  of  Chinese  pride  in out  of  hand  as  protesters wrong path”. added,  “then  shoot  them investigative  journalist  and
emphasised the The  message  was  direct, the face of an unceasing on­ vandalised  Japanese  car If the Party has seen nur­ down.”  China’s  military,  of blogger  Qiu  Ziming  found
“Chinese conveyed  in  four  sprawling CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC slaught from “hostile foreign showrooms.  turing  this  sentiment  as  an course,  did  not,  leading  to when he questioned China’s
dream” of “the exhibits  —  each  focusing  on forces” in all directions. Protesters  in  front  of  the asset, it can, however, quick­ uncomfortable questions for delay  in  announcing  that  it
key periods in the PLA’s his­ The Party has, under An  example  of  how  this Japanese Embassy in Beijing ly  turn  into  a  liability.  In­ the government if its actions had, some eight months after
rejuvenation of
the Chinese tory, from the revolutionary Xi, declared a third messaging appealed to youn­ marched with photos of Mao, deed,  the  very  week  of  Mr. were weaker than its words. the June 15, 2020 Galwan Val­
nation” as a era to its current modernisa­ “new era”, turning the ger Chinese is the launch of in  what  was  then  seen  as  a Xi’s  museum  visit  served  a Mr. Hu subsequently deleted ley  clash,  lost  four  soldiers.
central theme tion in the past decade under an  app  that  became  the subtle dig at the then Hu Jin­ reminder  of  the  double­ the post.  After  questioning  the  num­
page from the Deng
The idea of Mr.  Xi,  which  received  the country’s  most  widely  used tao administration for its per­ edged  sword  of  nationalist ber of casualties as being im­

China’s biggest  display,  including

Xiaoping era (which in 2019, called ‘Study to build ceived  weakness.  In  2017,  it feelings,  when  the  Chinese The question of dissent plausibly  low,  he  was  jailed
“rejuvenation” everything  from  China’s followed the first Mao a powerful  country’  (Or was the turn of South Korea, government came under fire Another consequence of the for  “defaming  heroes  and
long predates three  aircraft  carriers  to  its era) where the “xuexi qiangguo”, which, in­ as  mass  boycotts  targeted from social media users after wave  of  nationalism  is  that martyrs” under a new defa­
Xi: Sun
Yat­sen, who
“carrier­killing” missiles. emphasis was not on tentionally, can alternatively Lotte  stores  in  China  after its public warnings failed to anyone  who  questions  it  is mation law.
For China, which suffered be  read  as  “study  from  Xi, South  Korea  agreed  to  host deter  U.S.  House  Speaker very quickly swept under its Chinese  military’s  unpre­
became the
in  the  early  20th  century
showing strength  build  a  powerful  country”). the American THAAD missile Nancy  Pelosi  from  visiting tide. Dissent is seen as being cedented  drills  surrounding
first President
of the Republic both internal turmoil and hu­ CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC Users on the app, which pro­ defence system. Taiwan on August 2. not just against the Party but Taiwan in the wake of the Pe­
of China in miliation by outside powers, vides  a  one­stop  shop  for Of  more  recent  vintage Leading the charge against against the nation, as the wri­ losi visit were widely seen as
1912, founded
a strong  army  was  the  only In China’s more recent his­ news about Mr. Xi’s political was last year’s mass targeting Ms. Pelosi was Hu Xijin, the ter  Fang  Fang  discovered being aimed at the island. In
a “Revive China
society” as guarantor  of  both  stability tory,  however,  Mr.  Xi  has, doctrine (officially called ‘Xi of  retailer  H&M,  which  was firebrand  former  editor  of during the early days of the fact,  they  were  as  much  di­
early as 1894 and national pride. And, the more than his predecessors, Jinping  Thought  on  Social­ essentially disappeared from the nationalist tabloid Global pandemic  in  Wuhan,  from rected  at  the  audience  at
message  conveyed,  key  to emphasised  the  idea  of  “re­ ism  with  Chinese  Characte­ the Internet in China and ta­ Times — a paper that has on where  her  accounts  of  the home. China’s Foreign Minis­
B In China’s
more recent ensuring the army remained vival” and of a “strong coun­ ristics for a New Era’) and on ken  off  major  e­commerce occasion become a headache early  chaos  became  widely try  said  as  much,  as  it
history, Xi has, strong  was  who,  in  Mao’s try” (“qiangguo”). The Party the country’s achievements, sites such as Alibaba, after it even  for  China’s  diplomats read.  She  was  subsequently slammed the West — and the
more than his words, controlled the gun — has, under Mr. Xi, declared a can  earn  points  depending said  would  stop  buying  cot­ by  setting  an  expectation denounced  as  a  traitor  as G7 group — for criticising its
predecessors, the Party and Mr. Xi. third “new era”, turning the on  how  much  time  they ton from Xinjiang amid alle­ that is almost impossible, so China emerged from the pan­ military  response.  “They
emphasised the page from the Deng Xiaoping spend on it and in their parti­ gations of forced labour. The much so that the Foreign Mi­ demic and avoided a national clearly  believe  they  live  in
idea of
“revival” and National revival era (which followed the first cipation on its quizzes. Party cancelling of H&M was so wi­ nistry has been said to have second wave — a success that the  time  of  120  years  ago,”
of a “strong Mr. Xi, while touring the ex­ Mao era) where the emphasis members are required to use despread that it was even ta­ received calcium pills in the its leadership is still trumpet­ she  said,  comparing  the  G7
country”  hibition,  hailed  what  he was not on showing strength the  app,  which  the  Hong ken off car­hailing apps so it post  from  the  paper’s  read­ ing as evidence of the supe­ to  the  eight­nation  alliance
called  a  “historically  great but as Deng famously put it, Kong­based  South China became impossible to book a ers  (a  message  to  grow  a riority of the Chinese model. that invaded China in 1900.
achievement” in national de­ “biding  time”  and  “hiding Morning Post described  as ride to any of its stores. backbone,  and  one  they Criticism of the current “dy­ “We  no  longer  live  in  a
fence, and called on the mili­ strength”. “the party’s most successful Even China’s own retailers seem to have heeded in the namic zero­COVID” strategy world  where  Imperialist
tary  to  make  “persistent  ef­ There  is  a  reason  for  this propaganda effort to date” haven’t been spared: just this Xi  era’s  pushing  of  what’s is  similarly  seen  as  not  just powers  can  ride  roughshod
forts  to  provide  strategic shift. After three decades of a On the other side of this ef­ month,  the  Miniso  Group been  called  “wolf  warrior debating  public  health  stra­ over Chinese people on Chi­
support for the great rejuve­ focus  on  economic  growth, fort are increasingly frequent tended a public apology for diplomacy”). tegies  but  as  being  against nese  land.  Today’s  China,”
nation  of  the  Chinese  na­ Mr. Xi and the Party leader­ outpourings of anger at Chi­ styling itself as a Japanese­in­ “If  U.S.  fighter  jets  escort the nation. “Shave your head she added, is not the old Chi­
tion.”  ship believed they needed to na’s adversaries. In 2012, Ja­ spired brand after describing Pelosi’s plane into Taiwan, it or  kill  yourself  to  atone  for na of 100 years ago that was
Mr. Xi, who completes 10 address a sense of drift and a pan’s move to nationalise the a doll  as  a  “Japanese  geisha is…invasion,” he said, adding your sins”, said one poster in humiliated and bullied.” 


The nuclear frontline From chicken seller to President

Europe’s largest nuclear plant has been caught in Russia’s Ukraine war  Kenya’s new ruler has to first overcome the legal challenges to his election 
G. Sampath tor that exploded, the Zapo­ Stanly Johny country,  had  publicly  dis­
rizhzhia  reactors  are  en­ owned  him.  But  Mr.  Ruto,

kraine  has  already cased  in  concrete  that’s n the 2007 Kenyan Presi­ the undisputed leader of the
endured  one  of  the nearly 10 metres thick, mak­ dential election, William Kalenjins,  reached  out  to
worst disasters in the ing  damage  from  shelling Ruto  had  supported  the other  ethnicities,  including
history of nuclear energy — unlikely.  Experts  point  to opposition candidate, Raila the Kikuyus. He ran a Kenya
the accident at the Cherno­ two  likely  accident  scena­ Odinga,  against  the  incum­ Kwanza (Kenya  First)  cam­
byl plant in 1986. Less than rios  —  a  reactor  meltdown bent,  Mwai  Kibaki.  Uhuru paign, focusing on the youth
four  decades  later,  nuclear caused  by  damage  to  the Kenyatta, the son of Kenya’s and  promising  economic
alarm bells are ringing again cooling  systems,  and  leak­ founding  father  Jomo  Ke­ growth  and  job  opportuni­
in the region — this time ov­ age  of  radioactive  material nyatta and a former political ties.  He  called  himself  a
er the Zaporizhzhia nuclear due  to  an  attack  on  spent ally of Mr. Ruto, had backed champion  of  Kenya’s  “hus­
power  station  in  southern fuel  storage  sites.  In  either Kibaki,  who  was  from  his tler nation”. 
Ukraine. case, the fallout would be lo­ own  ethnic  group  Kikuyu. Election results show that
The  Zaporizhzhia  plant calised,  and  limited  to  a Kibaki was declared winner, he managed to bury his con­
was  built  by  the  Soviet  Un­ maximum of 30­km radius. but  Mr.  Odinga  refused  to troversial past that saw alle­
ion in the early 1980s. Its six Given  that  even  in  a concede, which led to large­ gations  of  both  corruption
water­cooled reactors occu­ worst­case scenario, the ef­ scale violence.  and  violence,  and  strike  a
py half a square mile on the pieces of military hardware grounds  that  allowing  the fects  of  an  accident  would Mr. Kenyatta and Mr. Ru­ office  in  Kenya has  never nyatta’s victory in the 2002 chord with the voters across
banks  of  the  Dnieper  River in the plant complex. But it IAEA  into  the  Russian­held not  be  felt  beyond  the  war to,  whose  Kalenjin  ethnic been easy. As a teenager, he elections.  But  Mr.  Kenyatta the ethnic barriers. Accord­
near the town of Enerhodar. has  denied  launching  at­ plant would be akin to ack­ zone, what explains the ten­ group,  the  third  biggest  in used  to  sell  chickens  and lost  the  election  to  Kibaki. ing to the Election Commis­
With  a  capacity  of  5,700 tacks from the plant, and ac­ nowledging, if not legitimis­ dency,  on  either  side,  to Kenya, had backed Mr. Od­ nuts to truckers in the high­ Subsequently,  Mr.  Ruto sion  chair,  Mr.  Ruto  polled
MW,  it  is  Europe’s  largest cused  Ukraine  of  shelling ing, Russian sovereignty ov­ play  up  the  nuclear  risks? inga,  stood  in  opposing ways  of  Kenya’s  Rift  Valley. would  fall  out  with  Mr.  Ke­ 50.49% of votes, against Mr.
nuclear plant. Until the Rus­ the  plant  with  the  aim  of er the nuclear plant. For  the  Russians,  it  could camps during the clashes in He went to school barefoot nyatta and leave KANU. Odinga’s 48.85%.
sian  invasion  of  Ukraine  in causing  a  nuclear  incident serve  two  ends:  to  try  and which  some  1,200  people and  tended  cows  and What  brought  them  to­ But the road ahead is go­
February  2022,  it  used  to that  could  then  be  pinned Shifting narratives discourage  the  West  from were  killed.  Both  Mr.  Ke­ helped till field on a family gether in 2013 were the ICC ing  to  be  bumpy  for  this
supply one­fifth of the coun­ on Russia. In fact, on August Subsequently, the Ukrainian feeding  the  Ukrainian  war nyatta and Mr. Ruto were ac­ plot  for  farming.  Now  a cases.  Mr.  Kenyatta  was former  chicken  seller  from
try’s electricity. 18,  Russia’s  Defence  Minis­ line in the war of narratives effort with military aid, and cused of crimes against hu­ wealthy  businessman elected  President  and  Mr. the Rift Valley. His first chal­
Soon after Russian Presi­ try  claimed  that  Kyiv  was over who is responsible for at  the  same  time,  keep  up manity  and  cases  filed whose  fortunes  multiplied Ruto  became  his  deputy. lenge  is  to  consolidate  his
dent  Vladimir  Putin planning a “provocation” at dragging a nuclear plant in­ domestic  support  for  the against them in the Interna­ when  he  was  in  govern­ They denied any role in the authority in the face of polit­
launched  his  ‘special  mili­ the  plant  during  UN  Secre­ to  the  war  began  to  shift. war.  For  Ukraine,  the  dis­ tional  Criminal  Court  (ICC) ment, Mr. Ruto, 55, recalled 2007­08 violence and blast­ ical challenges and social di­
tary operation’, on March 4, tary General Antonio Guter­ From accusing Russia of us­ course of a nuclear scare is in  The  Hague.  But  in  the his  humble  childhood  dur­ ed  the  court  for  its  interfe­ visions. While the chief elec­
Russian forces took over the res’s visit to Ukraine.  ing  the  plant  as  a  ‘nuclear another opportunity to gar­ next  election,  in  2013,  Mr. ing campaigns recently.  rence  in  Kenya.  The  cases tion commissioner declared
plant. It continued to be op­ Earlier,  on  August  5,  the shield’, Ukraine now claims ner sympathy from the glo­ Ruto joined hands with Mr. collapsed in 2016 as witness­ him  winner,  a  majority  of
erated  by  Ukrainian  staff, plant  suffered  severe  shell­ that  Russia  is  purposely bal  community  and  put Kenyatta  as  his  running Joining politics es either recanted or disap­ Election Commission mem­
but under the supervision of ing that damaged an electri­ launching attacks on the nu­ further pressure on Russia. mate  against  Mr.  Odinga, His entry into politics coin­ peared.  After  their  re­elec­ bers  refused  to  sign  off  the
executives  from  Rosatom, cal switchboard, leading to a clear plant. The purpose of From Chernobyl to Three who lost again. cided  with  Kenya’s  transi­ tion  in  2017,  the  President results.  Supporters  of  Mr.
Russia’s state­owned atomic power  shutdown.  Rafael these dangerous attacks, Uk­ Mile Island and Fukushima, Cut to the present. In the tion to multiparty democra­ and  Vice­President  fell  out Odinga say the counting was
energy  corporation.  While Grossi, the head of the Inter­ raine claims, is to target the nuclear  disasters  have  all run­up to the August 9 presi­ cy.  In  1992,  the  year  Kenya again. Mr. Ruto continued as hacked.  Mr.  Odinga  has  re­
things  were  initially  quiet, national  Atomic  Energy transmission  infrastructure been in peacetime. It is rare dential  election,  the  outgo­ saw the first multiparty elec­ Vice­President  even  when fused  to  accept  the  results
recent weeks have seen the Agency (IAEA), warned that so  that  Zaporizhzhia  is  se­ for  a  nuclear  plant  to  be ing  President  Kenyatta  was tions,  Mr.  Ruto  joined  the he said he and President Ke­ and has vowed to challenge
war  spill  over  into  the  pre­ “the  situation  is  very  fra­ vered  from  the  Ukrainian caught  in  a  war  zone.  And campaigning  across  the then dominant KANU party, nyatta looked at politics dif­ it  using  every  legal  means.
mises  of  the  plant,  raising gile”  and  tried  to  organise grid, the larger plan being to yet, shutting down a nuclear country  for  the  opposition led by President Daniel arap ferently,  while  the  Presi­ The crisis has obviously re­
the  spectre  of  yet  another an  IAEA  mission  to  Zapo­ connect it to the grid for Cri­ reactor is not easy either. At leader  Mr.  Odinga  against Moi. Moi, who succeeded Jo­ dent’s  supporters  accused vived the dark memories of
nuclear disaster. rizhzhia to inspect the safe­ mea instead.  the  same,  with  Ukrainian his  Vice­President  Ruto. mo  Kenyatta  in  1978  and him of insubordination. the 2007 clashes. And even
Ukraine and the U.S. have ty status of the plant. Such a Although  the  plant  has staffers  fleeing  the  plant  at When  the  results  were  an­ went on to become the lon­ During  this  year’s  elec­ if  Mr.  Ruto  overcomes  the
accused Russia of using the visit would need the concur­ come  under  periodic  shell­ every opportunity, and new nounced, Mr. Ruto secured gest serving President of the tion  campaign,  many  had political  challenges  and
Zaporizhzhia plant as a ‘nu­ rence of both Russia and Uk­ ing, experts believe the risk recruits hard to come by, it a narrow victory against Mr. country, picked his old com­ cast  doubt  on  Mr.  Ruto’s forms a stable government,
clear  shield’  to  launch  at­ raine.  But  Ukraine  was posed  by  targeted  shelling is becoming difficult for Rus­ Odinga. That’s Kenyan polit­ rade’s  son  Uhuru  Kenyatta prospects  as  President  Ke­ a taller task before him is to
tacks. Russia has about 500 quick  to  block  the  visit,  re­ of  the  reactors  is  minimal. sia  to  keep  the  plant  run­ ics for the beginners. as his successor. Mr. Ruto’s nyatta, whose Kikuyu is the walk  the  talk  on  economic
soldiers  and  more  than  50 fusing  permission  on  the Unlike  the  Chernobyl  reac­ ning, and running safely.  Mr. Ruto’s rise to the top job was to work for Mr. Ke­ largest  ethnic  group  in  the growth and employment.
No legacy
is so rich William
as honesty Shakespeare

08 CHENNAI SUNDAY 21 08 2022



OUR MONIES GO? bodies indicates a deliberate decline
into faceless fawning when maximum
the CEC, he is perceived as the sole Ma-
harashtra leader in the new coalition.
rified viziers to a visiting card and some
social respectability. Most of them are

decisions are endorsed with minimum There is a mystery to the method. For rubber stamps of the supreme leader or
HE freebie fracas is playing out. The hi-decibel contest of discussion. Since PM Modi gets credit example, Modi has selectively relaxed his or her authorised signatories. Hard-
allusions, assumptions and allegations continues to oc- and discredit for taking popular and un- the 75 years age limit for party and gov- ly any outfit holds regular meetings of
cupy prime time– and mind you, no party can claim to be popular decisions, analysts felt his ernment nabobs. Nadda picked the 79 party forums. It was Indira Gandhi who
innocent of the practice. Dialogue has been ousted by ra- touch in the new choices. And why not? year old B S Yeddyurappa from Karna- authored the trend of turning impor-
dioactive rhetoric ricocheting across the political After all, it is Modi Magic that made the taka and 77 year old Satya Narain Jati- tant organisational bodies into symbi-
theatre. POWER & POLITICS BJP numerically the world’s largest ya from Madhya Pradesh. Taller lead- otic symposiums signifying servitude;
The occasion calls for a broader and deeper discourse. It is PRABHU CHAWLA party. It is under his aegis that it won ers like Yogi Adityanath were ignored by ignoring constitutional precedents
easy to mistake public attention around the issue as episodic over 300 Lok Sabha seats, ringing in a in favour of Assam’s Sarbananda of holding regular elections for AICC
and limited to freebies. For sure, as this column has observed Follow him on Twitter @PrabhuChawla single party majority after three dec- Sonowal. Sudha Yadav, who lost elec- President and constituting the Con-
there is a need to define what a freebie is, debate its costs and ades. Nearly 1400 of 4000-odd MLAs are tions twice in Haryana got preference gress Parliamentary Board when one of
the need for constitutional guardrails. More pertinently, public his political spawn. His magnetic moxie over other known women netas like Sm- her nominees lost. In contrast, the BJP

angst also represents anger about public expenditure and its brought his party 36 per cent of votes riti Irani—her husband, Deputy Com- does hold state level party polls, al-
oversight, how taxpayer monies are used by various N a new age when nuisance last polled. It rules over half the States. mandant Sukhbir Singh Yadav of the though the process has been diluted,
governments. makes news, no news is good Modi’s admirers assert that the BJP BSF is a Kargil martyr. Besides the elec- with the party president replacing state
It is now a decade since states overtook the centre in expendi- news. News famine caused by needs him more than he needs it; there- toral emphasis, the nationalist creden- chiefs as decided at the very top. The
ture. Between 2016 and 2021 the total expenditure of govern- opinion shortage and intellec- fore, it is his undeniable right to sculpt tials of the new members make them latest modifications in the structural
ments, centre and states, went up from R37.06 lakh crore to tual imbecility, even a routine its contours whichever way he chooses. significant signals in the overall pic- collective indicates that the party boss
R64.70 lakh crore. Expenditure at the restructuring of a party setup Its official platforms are now just syn- ture. Iqbal Singh Lalpura, a former IPS has usurped the powers of elected bod-
hands of state governments went takes Page One by storm and is ies. Articles XXV and XXVI of the BJP
up from R23.60 lakh crore to R42.11 food for prime time pandemonium. A Constitution define the appointment
lakh crore. How well was this debate on ‘who is in and who is out and and powers of BJP’s 11 member PB and
used? why’ is today’s benchmark for testing 19 member CEC. They say that “The Na-
The fundamental assumption in a the knowledge and connectivity of twat- tional Executive shall set up a Parlia-
federal system is that people elect tling tele-pundits. Ever since politics ment Board comprising party President
MLAs to represent their cause in became a single-man act, party forums and ten other members, one of whom
states. Do the elected have the time have been losing relevance. Only Con- will be the leader of the party in the
THE THIRD EYE and inclination to deliberate and de- stitutional provisions force parties to Parliament with the Party President as
SHANKKAR AIYAR bate on how taxpayer monies are constitute these bodies for form’s sake. its chairman. One of the general secre-
Author of The Gated Republic, Aadhaar: used? Many political mahouts with ele- taries would be nominated as its secre-
A Biometric History of India’s 12 Digit The harsh reality is that there is phantine support were put out of form tary”, and the “National Executive shall
Revolution, and Accidental India little space for the elected to repre- last week; on August 17, the BJP chief set up a Central Election Committee sent those who elected them, to con- JP Nadda reconstituted its 11-member (CEC) consisting of all the members of
test the claims of the regime in pow- Parliamentary Board and 19-member the PB and eight other members elected
er, and debate the allocation of Central Election Committee (CEC)— chronised stagecraft with a handpicked officer from Punjab, joined the BJP only by the National Executive as per rules”.
public funds and implementation of programmes. only a few months remain before he audience demur ring to one way in 2012. After he arrested Bhindran- This time, the turn in the road is a
A recent study by PRS Legislative shows that between 2016 takes a bow. His predecessor Amit Shah, dialogue. wale, he became famous for his no non- sharp curve. It’s not the National Ex-
and 2021, the legislative assemblies of states met for an average too, had reshaped the party hierarchy. Dropped by Nadda were veterans Ni- sense approach in handling terrorism. ecutive that reshaped the PB and the
of 25 days in a year. Drill down the data, and the lack of dili- For a few years, both the bodies have tin Gadkari and Shivraj Singh Chou- Telangana saffronite K Laxman got a CEC last week. The president did, per-
gence is stark. In 2021 the states together spent R42.11 lakh crore rarely met or followed the party consti- han. Since both PB and the CEC rarely seat on the high table for aggressively haps using an invisible resolution au-
— that is R11,537 crore a day or R480 crore per hour. The legisla- tution rules. The inclusion and exclu- met during the past six years, they or promoting Hindutva in Telangana; he thorising him to do so. However, there
tive assemblies were in session for an average of just 21 days sion of a couple of individuals are be- other members hardly made any contri- was instrumental in getting the BJP remain four vacancies in the CEC, the
– down from 30 days in 2016. ing seen as a sinister signal signifying bution to the deliberations. So, neither four Lok Sabha seats. In 2014, he earned forum where the names of candidates
Worse, 17 of the 29 states met for less than 20 days and five social re-engineering. Reading the saf- forums nor individuals matter much. the deplorable distinction of calling Sa- for the next general elections are final-
were in session for less than 10 days Five states – BJP and op- fron tea leaves indicates the rejig was For the first time, a politically and ad- nia Mirza, then the State’s brand am- ised. Obviously, the BJP, like other par-
position ruled states of Karnataka, Odisha, Manipur, Punjab ostensibly about shaping a new leader- ministratively active former party bassador, “Pakistan’s daughter-in-law” ties, is moving from collective leader-
and Uttar Pradesh – have rules stipulating minimum number ship and putting an election-ready team chief like Gadkari has been ousted from for the crime of marrying Pakistani ship to directed democracy. Earlier,
of days the state assembly will be in session. None of the states, in place for 2024. Amongst the new faces decisive party forums. Close to the RSS cricketer Shoaib Malik. It is obvious parties made a leader. Now leaders
not even in a single year in the six-year period, met with the were middle level Dalit leaders and rep- leadership, he is known to call a spade that in the new BJP constellation, the make or maul the party. The Duopolis-
minimum standard. resentatives of minority and backward a spade—sometimes even a pickaxe. He Gadkaris, Chouhans, Scindias, etcet- tic Democratic structure has replaced
The track record of the state governments in engaging in the communities. Some of these worthies is arguably the best performing minis- era, have become meteors of past collective confabulation as the chapter
sacred process of democracy is shocking. It is a testimony to had lost either the Lok Sabha or Assem- ter in Modi Sarkar. But the changes in- plurality. and verse of the iambic meter of Indian
indifference and insufficient attention. To appreciate, consider bly elections, but the leadership inked dicate a shift in Maharashtra’s political Now, getting a membership in a no- politics. Perhaps it’s only poetic justice
the state of Punjab. The state’s debt to state output (GSDP) ratio them in as sanguine satraps. The de- cartography; though Devendra Fad- tional highest decision making body of that the emphasis has shifted from the
was 53.3 per cent in 2021. Its fiscal deficit was 4.6 per cent, and composition of BJPs’ two governing navis was appointed just a member of any political party just entitles the glo- Oneness of Many to Many Under One.
a fifth of the state’s revenues was spent on interest costs.
Arguably the state of the finances calls for attention. Punjab
has rules stipulating that the assembly will meet for a mini-
mum of 40 days every year. The state assembly met for only 11
days in 2021, and its average between 2016 and 2021 was 14
Uttar Pradesh, the most populated state in India with over
220 million people, is another case in point. Its debt to GSDP
ratio in 2021 was 34.9 per cent, and its fiscal deficit stood at 4.3 wreck resurfaced, forcing the local pic- suggests that the Kolattiris, the later kavya does mention the Musakas as the
per cent – its expenditure on just the social sector was esti- nicking population to strain their eyes rulers of the region, must have appro- descendants of Musakas of Haihaya-
mated at R1.93 lakh crore for 2021. Was the money spent well? to look for a wooden mast somewhere in priated the insignia of the Musakas, de- desa on the foothills of the Vindhya re-
The answer lies in unasked questions on the use of taxpayer the blue expanse of the sea. Ibn Batuta picting a boat, a bunch of Musaka flow- gion. The poem provides the names of a
monies. did mention the interesting feature of ers and a sword. Sarkar agrees with VK few kings including Vikrama Rama.
The rules state that the Uttar Pradesh assembly should meet this area which he considered danger- Subrahmanya Ayer that the capital of The inscription, datable to 928 CE from
for a minimum of 90 days in a year. In 2021, the assembly was ous as pirates inhabited it. The cargo Musakas was at Kolam, which Ayer the Narasimha temple at Narayan Kan-
in session for 17 days, and between 2016 and 2021 the average ships were compelled to land here for identifies as Kollam or Pantalayini Kol- nur on the western phase of Ezhimala,
duration for sessions was 21 days. A COUNTRY OF MANY GODS the reason that if anything went wrong lam, 30 km north of Kozhikode, the port mentions Vikrama Rama as the Koil
The harsh reality is that there is little debate on the alloca- DR JAYARAM PODUVAL with the ship, it would float naturally city. Ayer, however, could not compre- Adhikari [crown Prince]. Sarga XIV of
tion of public funds and the implementation of programmes. Head, Department of Art History & Aesthetics, Faculty of Fine Arts, back to Ezhimala, and pirates would not hend the absence of epigraphic refer- Musaka Vamsa mentions Ramakhata
This is reflected in the persistence of insufficiency, incapacity The Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Gujarat spare anybody claiming that the loot ences to Musakas in this region and the Jayamani of the Musaka dynasty as de-
and losses across sectors. There are over 10 lakh vacant teacher was a godsend gift to them. existence of the same in the Kannur dis- puting his nephew to assist the Kerala
posts, of which 2.48 lakh are in Bihar. There is a shortfall of The foundation legend of the dynasty trict around Ezhimala. king in his war against the Cholas,

over 17,500 specialists in rural health centres – of which over that ruled this area also mentions a bro- The artists of the local ritual dance which can be authenticated further by
2000 is in Uttar Pradesh and 1200 in Odisha. Over 5 lakh police N the ’70s and ’80s, Ezhimala ken ship making its way to Ezhimala. It Teyyam refer in their incantations to the Rajadhiraja of the Chola dynasty
posts are vacant – UP, West Bengal, Bihar, and Madhya Pradesh was the favourite destination says after the destruction of Dwarka Kolaswarupam--the landmass--the mentioning in his inscription the defeat
leading the list. for picnicking for the young- and the death of Krishna, one of his p re s e n t - d ay K a n nu r D i s t r i c t . of one Iramaguda.
There is also apathy about accountability. State Discoms re- sters of my town in North Ker- wives escaped on a boat and came to Balakrishnan Nair argues that Kolam The lack of epigraphic records and
ported an average of around R74,000 crore in losses between ala. To reach Ezhimala, we Ezhimala. Her son was Ramakhata Mu- should be considered as the kingdom’s other source materials created difficul-
2017 and 2020 – that is R200 crore every day. In many states, would take a ride to Ramantali, saka, alias Iramakuda Muvar, the found- name and not as the capital of Musakas. ties in reconstructing the genealogy of
nearly half the state public sector enterprises do not file annual a sleepy village in the valley of er of the Musaka dynasty, which ruled There are many towns in Kannur Dis- this dynasty and other details like the
financial statements. For instance, in Telangana, of the 66 func- Ezhimala. From there, it is a long walk North Malabar before the Kolattiris. trict which can claim the position of the location of their capital city. The pres-
tioning PSEs, only 30 furnished their accounts for audit. In toward the hill. Reaching the top, on the The mystery over the Musakas initiates erstwhile capital. The word tali in north ence of a royal inscription at Narasim-
Jharkhand, only 16 of 31 filed their accounts for the CAG audit. northern side of the hill, we see the lush from the name of the dynasty itself. Kerala denotes a capital city. We have ha Temple at Narayan Kannur about
Are government companies immune to the provisions of the green valleys on both sides and the Ara- Sarkar and many historians consider it the example of Tali from Kozhikode, the Manigramam, a powerful merchant
Companies Act? Do state governments owe no answers to bian Sea on the west. Walking on the for- Musika, the Sanskrit word for rat and capital of the Samutiris. The small vil- guild of ancient India who controlled
taxpayers? est path atop the hill towards the south their abode as Eli mala, a Malayalam lage in the valley of Ezhimala, called the Indian Ocean trade, points to the re-
India is at an inflection point. The momentum for gives you a panoramic view of the whole equivalent for “the mountain of the Ramantali [Raman + Tali, meaning the gion’s importance. Moreover, the popu-
India’s next growth push depends largely on how well the region with a few rivers entering the rats”. Chirakkal T Balakrishnan Nair, a capital of Rama], was probably the first larity of the Narayan Kannur temple
states deliver. Nearly every square kilometre of India is gov- sea, creating natural ports, and the con- descendant of the Kolattiri dynasty and capital of Musakas under Ramakuda and the Sankara Narayana temple dem-
erned by the states. India’s states are as large and populous as tour of the land making a beautiful bay. a local historian, explains that the name Musaka [Ramakuda Muvar], the found- onstrates the connection the local popu-
independent nations. The evolution in scale and complexity In the 1980s, a small ship abandoned is derived from the Sanskrit word Mu- er of the dynasty. lation had with their ancient capital,
calls for a review and overhaul of how the world’s largest de- somewhere on the Konkan coast floated saka, denoting a kind of Sirisa Tree [Mi- Extensive reference to the Musika or Ramantali, the capital of Rama of the
mocracy conducts governance. India’s aspirations rest on how down to Ezhimala, creating panic, sus- mosa Sirisa]. According to Balakrishnan Musakas can be derived from the San- Musaka dynasty. An ancient capital,
well the political class resets oversight, transparency and picion and excitement among the locals. Nair, the hill should be pronounced skrit poem by Atula titled Musaka Vam- forgotten.
accountability. The story of the ancient Greek ship- Ezhimala, meaning seven hills. He again sam, written in the 11th century. The (

teacher beats him for late fee in UP”. Of late we ruption is getting eroded by the day. The tragedy is policy have had the CBI knock on the doors of Dep-
come across many incidents where the teachers that political parties in power have their own con- uty Chief Minister Manish Sisodia, besides raiding
We want people of all faiths to live with equal rights. resort to mindless corporeal punishments resulting venient definitions of corruption. Even pre-election 30 other locations across India. Central govern-
Whither women respect in grievous injuries or death of a student. The inducements are sought to be interpreted as wel- ments misusing central agencies to settle scores
If you are a citizen of this country, you have equal
This is with reference to the editorial (Respect for death of 13-year-old Brijesh Varma in Bahraich in fare measures! Now, for the latest, the CBI has with their political opponents is nothing new in
rights here. You have the same rights women a sham violence is reality). It is really dis- Shravasti district is tragic since the teacher had registered a case against Kejriwal’s deputy CM India. Practically every government that ruled from
as I have turbing to pay lip service to the all-round develop- beaten him until the student became unconscious. Manish Sisodia for allegedly favouring certain li- New Delhi has used these agencies to take political
Sheikh Hasina, Bangladesh Prime Minister ment of women without doing anything for their That school principal threatened him if he made quor merchants in allotting tender. It will be only vendetta to various heights. The incumbent ruling
upliftment. Recently, the Gujrat government re- the incident public. His parents received the threat sensible for Kejriwal to do some urgent damage disposition is no exception to the rule. It would
leased 11 convicts undergoing life imprisonment in too. This is cruel. The reason for such cruelty is the control by getting his deputy’s resignation. TNIE’s have been more than ideal and would have contrib-
Xi Jinping will come. President Putin has also told me he will come (to the Bikis Bano case and a Kerala court granting bail student did not bring the school fee though it was journalistic probe has also done its bit in digging uted to cleansing of national conscience if these
November’s G20 Summit). to a person in a sexual harassment case has come remitted by his brother online. Only exemplary pe- into the corruption allegation. It’s therefore defi- agencies were also given the charge of cases that
in for a lot of flak from the people across the coun- nal action against the teacher and the principal nitely not a case of BJP’s political vendetta as AAP threaten to tear asunder the very fabric of whole-
Joko Widodo, Indonesian President try. The Prime Minister has spoken about the right could compensate the death of the student later in alleges (‘Scam scent takes CBI to Sisodia’s house’, some nationhood and national growth, and not
and dignity of women and the remission sends a a hospital. A teacher should be the epitome of Aug 20). That makes the charge even more limit themselves to investigating financial irregu-
wrong message that even gang-rape and mass- kindness, patience compassion and love. Strangely credible. larities alone. Certain acts of omission and com-
I have filed my nomination (for AIFF President’s post) as representative of murder convicts become eligible for leniency from such bitter incidents bring a bad name to the P Mangalachandran, Kannur mission, worse than financial irregularities in-
eminent players. In the wake of the SC decision to allow players, I hope the the state. teachers’ community. dulged in by certain people and agencies across
players can have a chance to serve Indian football. We want to show we can be Harinandhu Panigrahi, Tarbha S Arjun Prasanna, Bengaluru Political vendetta India, strike at the very roots of conscientious na-
good not only as players but also as administrators. Apropos of ‘Scam scent takes CBI to Sisodia’s tionhood, and should be treated as scams too. They
Student’s death Kejriwal must sack Sisodia house’ (NIE August 20 2022). Alleged irregularities ought to be looked into by these agencies.
Bhaichung Bhutia, Former Indian football team captain This has reference to the news “Student dead after Arvind Kejriwal’s image as a crusader against cor- in the National Capital Territory’s 2021-22 excise Dr. George Jacob, Kochi


Chairman of the Board: Manoj Kumar Sonthalia Editor: Santwana Bhattacharya
Resident Editor (Tamil Nadu): Anto T Joseph * Printed and Published by R K Jhunjhunwala on behalf of Express Publications (Madurai) Private Ltd., at Express Press, ‘Express Gardens’, 29, Second Main Road, Ambattur Industrial Estate, Chennai - 600 058. Chennai: Vol. 23, No. 34. RNI Reg. No.TNENG/2000/3090,
Phone: 044-23457601, Fax: 044-23457619. * Responsible for selection of News under the PRB Act. Copyright: Express Publications (Madurai) Private Ltd. All rights reserved. Reproduction in any manner, electronic or otherwise, in whole or in part, without prior written permission is prohibited.

The sacrifice in Narrahee


N 1947, I was barely eight years old Everyone present unanimously agreed
but even today, I can recall the ghast- with the plan.
ly riots I witnessed from the safety of On the morning of March 8, the sacri-
the barricaded gurdwara in Kahuta, fice ceremony of 22 brave women of Nar-
Rawalpindi. Marauding Muslim rahee began amid recitation of Gurbani.
raiders looted, killed, plundered, pillaged, Nobody flinched, neither the women, nor
set houses and buildings on fire and the men. Ardas for peace to the departed
COL PS CHOUDHRY (RETD) abducted shrieking women. The hugely souls was offered, and the men, with
outnumbered and unarmed Sikhs and blood-stained kirpans, girded up to take
Hindus put up a brave defence, but it soon on their tormentors. Loud jaikaras of
Some tragedies are crumbled. Politicians had uncorked the ‘ Bole so nihaal’ were answered by the
just too difficult to genie of hate and it was uncontrollable PA N now charging Muslim invaders with
now. There are conflicting reports about RTITIO ‘ Allah-hu-Akbar’. The advancing horde
come to grips with. the number of people who died. The vio- soon came in sight of human blood flow-
lence that erupted during transmigration ing like a stream and the blood-splattered
On the morning saw the entire 35-mile stretch between bodies of the 22 women. The lust of the
Amritsar and Lahore littered with bodies marauders melted away, they understood
of March 8, 1947, Until it’s a big

confronted with
mobs baying for
on both sides of the road.
This story is about the sacrifice of 22
brave women — some married, some
unmarried — and the grit, determination
Capt Daler Khan
understood the reason why
22 innocent lives had been
the mood of the Sikhs and lost their
nerve and appetite for a fight, quickly
withdrawing from the village.
It was at this stage that Capt Daler Khan,
What our ‘new bang one, or
held in an
resort, guests
their blood and
threatening to abduct
and firm resolve on display that day. The
story would be incomplete without a
mention of the stellar role played by Capt
Daler Khan.
extinguished. He sobbed
uncontrollably, and vowed
protection to the survivors.
a veteran of World War II, arrived on the
scene on horseback and with a gun slung
over his shoulder. Capt Khan was a friend
of the British and would organise shikar for
India’ is all about snigger at the
tawdriness of
the wedding.

Sikh women, the Narrahee (later renamed Lehtrar) was a
It’s been 75 years, but we’ve them. He respected the Sikh community UR son, here on a sabbatical from Rio where he
sacrifice ceremony of small and isolated village, now part of West
Punjab in Pakistan, predominantly inhab- been unable to express
for its values. The knight in shining
armour was late in coming. Had he arrived
lives and teaches, just sent me some photos taken at
a birthday party his little girls were invited to. Held
22 women — some ited by Khatri and Sehajdhari Sikhs. A few gratitude to his family a little early, 22 lives might have been in a venue in a posh Delhi enclave, there is a fully-
Muslim families also lived in the village. saved. His mere presence and reputation equipped play area for the children, one for accompanying
married, some There was great cordiality and brotherhood would have deterred the invaders from mothers and yet another for drivers and nannies. With food,
unmarried — began among all communities. Our family lived in
Narrahee. My mother and Mamaji (mater-
causing any harm to the small Sikh com-
munity of Narrahee.
games, clowns and what have you, the charge for a party
with say 30 children is a cool lakh or so. He was gob-
amid recitation of nal uncle) were born in Narrahee. It is with The following day, the Muslim invaders Capt Khan understood the reason why 22 smacked at what the new India was all about.
inputs from the diary maintained by my took out a huge procession on the streets innocent lives had been extinguished. To say that I was aghast at these revelations is an under-
Gurbani. Nobody uncle that I am able to narrate this incident of Narrahee, threatening the inhabitants Overcome by grief and the enormity of the statement as my mind went back to the memories of my
flinched exactly as it happened. Invaluable inputs
were given by other Narrahee survivors
and asking the men to convert to Islam by
doing khatna and nikah of women with
tragedy, he sobbed uncontrollably. He then
read the fatiha for Allah to grant peace to
own children’s birthday parties all those years ago in
Chandigarh. Mothers like me, with limited means and tight
now settled in Nabha. These include Prin- the Muslim men, or face the consequences the departed souls. He vowed that under budgets, then tried to do everything at home. So, from bak-
cipal Gurbaksh Singh, Baldev Singh and in case of refusal. The time given to decide his protection, the survivors of Narrahee ing the birthday cake to the snacks and games, we did it all.
the late Master Narain Singh. was by 10 am on March 8. would be safely escorted to Kahuta. Capt Each year, the boys wanted a cake of their farmaish — a cas-
Narrahee was 8-9 miles from Kahuta, the There were 13-14 Gursikh families in Khan helped the husbands and fathers of tle, a tennis racquet, a swimming pool — and haunted the
city where the Pakistan nuclear reactor is Narrahee. Devout Sikhs, they collected in the deceased women to perform their last kitchen as I baked it. Then, all I had was a small round oven
located. Kahuta is 18 miles from the village gurdwara and conferred among rites by collecting firewood. One by one, that worked on prayers. How they fought among them-
Rawalpindi, the city from where the first themselves and realised that the Muslims the bodies of the brave women were con- selves to lick the batter and icing after the cake was dressed
train to Amritsar with bodies of migrating charged with hate were serious about their signed to flames as per Sikh rituals. and ready! In those days, most of their friends lived close-
Sikhs and Hindus arrived, leading to grue- threat and there was no way out for them As promised, on March 9, a proper pro- by, so they arrived straight from school and chased each
some madness on both sides of the border. other than to face the wrath of the tormen- tection plan was prepared by Capt Khan. other round the house, driving us
On March 6, 1947, armed radical Mus- tors. A unanimous decision was arrived at A protection party of 15 armed men, led mad. Bursting the balloons was a
lims laid siege to Kahuta by beating by the members that no one — men, by Capt Khan on horseback, escorted the favourite naughty game they
drums and they looted, killed, abducted women or children — would panic, and survivors of Narrahee to safety and played, much to our chagrin.
Sikh and Hindu women and set properties would face the Muslims with confidence. brought them to the Dak Bungalow at We also believed then that all the
afire. Thereafter, the raiders advanced Under no circumstances would anyone Kahuta. He then took leave. snacks must be home-made so that
towards Narrahee. By evening, they had convert and there was no question of There is no parallel to the sacrifice of the they were healthy and not likely to
encircled the village. An attack by the nikah of Sikh women. A determined and 22 women of Narrahee who have cause digestive problems later. The
heavily armed Muslims was imminent on calm voice announced that all women — remained unsung. Decades have passed cook would send me frantic SoS-es
the Sikh inhabitants, who had no weapons married and unmarried — would be sacri- since the happenings and we have not to ban the kids from eating them up TOUCHSTONES
other than kirpans and a value system ficed by their husbands or fathers before expressed gratitude to the family of the before he was ready to put them on IRA PANDE
which was a combination of faith, izzat the arrival of the invaders. The men would noble Capt Daler Khan. the table. My husband was in
and a history of sacrifices. fight as long as there was breath in them. — The writer is based in Mohali charge of the games, such as Pin-
ning the Tail on the Donkey and
Children now are spoilt
Treasure Hunt. We had also to make for choice, with picnics
sure that they all got ‘back pres-

Whither creative activism

ents’ at the end: simple, inexpen- organised in exotic
sive gifts such as sweet cigarettes
(in those un-woke times, they were
locations by indulgent
very popular among little kids) and parents who order

a bag of sweets or sharpeners and
HE attack on Salman Rushdie is advocacy of non-acceptance of any have the potential to emerge in their own erasers. One year, when I gave whis- hampers from posh
only one encounter in a wider
global war. It took me back many
boundaries or irrevocable interpreta-
tions has assisted in sabotaging estab-
right. The effects of discrimination, there-
fore, have a brutal fallout in the hegemon-
tles, I got phone calls from irate
mothers driven crazy with the noise
hotels, parties in farm
years to an evening at the Oxford lished harmonies, stubborn thinking and ic imposition of one’s views on the other. thereafter. All this nostalgia for a houses with private pools
University Student Union where institutionalised hegemonies. The very On the other hand, the recognition of the lost age makes me smile even now.
Rushdie was invited for a public reading proscription of The Satanic Verses, there- hybrid nature of all cultures or religions How far middle-class India has
and acres of lawn, and
session. He had accepted the invitation
then with the sole purpose of defying the
fore, amounted to the abrogation of
social and moral obligations to the pri-
that inherently differ from the fiction of a
pure or authentic national religious iden-
come in just two or three decades!
Children now are spoilt for choice,
event managers who
SHELLEY WALIA curate special birthday
fatwa and sending out a clear message mary principles of debate and tolerance, tity facilitates a more robust integration, with picnics organised in exotic
that he was coming out of hiding, whatev- a tangible scenario of declining democra- resulting in the politics of difference locations by indulgent parents who
The more one er the consequences. It goes to his credit to cies and barefaced right-wing populism. broad-minded enough to alert humanity order hampers from posh hotels,
parties. Few parents can
ponders on the come out in the open with guns blazing at The problem screaming at us today is, to a more expansive view of religion that is parties in farm houses with private withstand the pressure
fundamentalism, thereby declaring litera- how long do we endure this condemna- inherently far from any dogmatic element swimming pools and acres of lawn,
‘Rushdie Affair’, the ture to be secular and not sacred. Who tion of public acts of memories and or a universal moral philosophy. The and event managers who curate spe- from peer groups and brave
could tell that the spectre of fatwa relent- resistance to the blind acceptance of reli- stereotyping of different religions or cial birthday parties. Few parents
more it throws light lessly hovered nearby, waiting for the right gious “truth”? Can burning of books or minorities assigns to them a dogmatic or can withstand the pressure from
is the family that still cooks
on the insecurity of moment to strike. their outlawing be legitimised through bigoted character disregarding their fun- peer groups and brave is the family and bakes at home
The attempt to scuttle dissidence and the dispute of preserving an untainted damental cosmopolitan nature. The that still cooks and bakes at home.
religious institutions freedom of thought grows in its ferocity
day in and day out. The worldwide rage
and primeval religious identity or think-
ing? “The constant reshaping of mean-
homogenising process itself goes against
the very essence of religion that encour-
Before I forget, apart from the chil-
dren, one has to also provide suitable food packets for the
and political and alarm at the attack on Rushdie under- ing that the artistic process insists ages debate and interrogation for the nannies and drivers who ferry these children across the city.
score the failure of the state to ensure upon,” writes Rushdie, “cannot be sur- enhancement of knowledge and reason. I reel at the thought of the expenses and work involved.
structures that safety to anyone who believes in speaking rendered to any gang of policemen, no Needless to say, Rushdie has always It is the same with weddings now. Simple, homely ritu-
unequivocally take truth to power, even if it is adversarial to
religion or the state. The explosion of eth-
matter how big their guns.”
At the heart of such shocking acts of vio-
believed in public participation in the
affairs of the state, which is the mark of an
als and food are passe and until a wedding is a big bang
one, or held in an expensive resort or hotel, guests snig-
a stand against nic, religious and nationalist conflicts has lence lies the rise of fundamentalism that egalitarian society where open debate and ger at the tawdriness of it. Simplicity is now often viewed
resulted in the deeply disturbing contra- finds a common ground across nations in difference of opinion invite the vigorous as being miserly and cheap. As I remember my own child-
the freedom of vention of the essential right to free the literal submission to the holy scrip- presentation of opposing viewpoints, hood, the memories are even more unbelievable. Our
expression as well speech, a value and privilege we should
all cherish as citizens of a democracy.
tures, with complete faith in the infallibili-
ty of hermeneutics, emanating unilateral-
enriching our understanding of the chal-
lenges we face or the meaningless wars
birthdays were celebrated according to the lunar (not Gre-
gorian) calendar and the rituals that went along with the
as refuse to recognise “Everyone,” according to Article 19 of the ly from the diktat of religious heads who, we fight. A collective defence against sec- traditional rules were observed. It began with a token
Universal Declaration of Human Rights, in collusion with the political leadership, tarianism, religious extremism, brutality anointing bath sitting in a parat, as my mother would
the function of “has the right of freedom of opinion and seek power to create a theocratic nation- of war and the terrorism of exclusion has pour water on me, chanting ‘Gange ch Yamune chaiva,
art in upholding expression; this right includes the free-
dom to hold opinions without interfer-
state. Any oppositional stand is termed
profanity, a crime in the eyes of the state
all the moral and intellectual legitimacy
within a democracy. When oppression
Godavari Saraswati...’ to bless me with the waters of all
the rivers in India. Dressed in new clothes with a tilak on
civilisations ence and to seek, receive and impart that promptly reprimands as well as exe- becomes particularly acute, or expecta- our foreheads, we were then served delicious home-made
information and ideas through any media cutes brutal punishment. tions mostly deceived, people have risen puas and kheer. A panditji would occasionally be sum-
regardless of frontiers.” The daily bloodbath of terrorist attacks as progressive actors opposing any form moned to perform Markandeya Puja, special on such
It is an ignominy that the debate on free on innocent civilians is a loud indication of of unanimity or mindless obedience. Here occasions. I think the last one I had was when my hus-
speech has become fodder for insensitive the serious dimensions of the ongoing lies, according to Rushdie, the “will to band turned 60 and his shashtipurti was celebrated.
political gain. Democracy lies anxiously threat by ideologues who unabashedly use hold out against tyranny and vilification Soon, these charming rituals will vanish and as we
under siege, forbidding creativity and lib- religion to justify the indefensible. The and murder: the will to win”. become more politically correct and woke, they may even
eral activism to cohabit. We stand at a important question to ask here is: what The more one ponders on the be considered as markers of a caste system that divided
moment of crisis when the free citizens of threatens such fundamentalists who are ‘ Rushdie Affair’, the more it throws people. While this may be true, it is equally true that such
the world wonder if the imaginings of ready to kill for the defence of their reli- light on the insecurity of religious insti- rituals were occasions to thank the gods, parents, gurus,
their forefathers surging towards the gious identity? The answer lies in the con- tutions and political structures that nature and the world around us. Sadly, they are remem-
frontiers of liberty have not been scoffed struction of groups and versions of the unequivocally take a stand against the bered for what they may not have meant to be, but even
at by the power-hungry state that sanc- “other” for the purpose of excluding them freedom of expression as well as refuse worse is that they have been replaced by a kind of celebra-
tions indefensible intolerance to over- from the opportunities of welfare schemes, to recognise the function of art in tion that has place for just food and a vulgar display of
whelm the world. As Nadine Gordimer as well as holding them responsible for all upholding civilisations. Barbaric fat- wealth. Earlier, we all celebrated our festivals and such
wrote to Rushdie soon after the fatwa in social and political disturbances.. was and extreme positions in the recent occasions in the same way; now the sheer scale and
1989, “We return to an age when persecu- The dogmatic or orthodox strain found debates on freedom of speech only go to expense makes it out of the reach of ordinary people. So,
tion is tolerated if it is backed by religion.” in every religion cannot be ignored if we show the fragility of the notion of the instead of bringing people closer and creating an egalitari-
The charge of “the medieval dogs of war, have to come to grips with the intricacies ‘sacred’. As Rushdie maintains, “The an society, we have managed to do the exact opposite.
blasphemy and heresy”, in the words of of cultural identity and ethnic violence. idea of the sacred is quite simply one of These are questions that trouble me as we inch closer to
Rushdie, cannot be used “to shackle and Yet, the trouble in the world is that the the most conservative notions in any the centenary of our hard-won Independence. Gandhiji
muzzle the human spirit”. western liberal discourse constructs the culture, because it seeks to turn other and his followers have few followers now and although we
We have come a long way from the ear- idea of the orthodox or superstitious East ideas — uncertainty, progress, change evoke his name at the drop of a hat and accuse each other
ly days of the burning of Rushdie’s The as a rabidly fundamental entity and there- — into crimes.” of betraying his way of life, we are all guilty of privately pro-
Satanic Verses to the present state of fear by ignores the human and humane — The writer taught Cultural Theory moting what was never his desire to usher in.
and censorship. Rushdie’s constant strengths of the marginalised that indeed at Panjab University This new India is nothing like what it once was.
pg 5


21 AUGUST 2022

Shreya Sen-Handley
Off the beaten track

To India, with love

(from a new Brit)
his August, as India celebrates its 75th year of independence, I mark
my first as a British citizen. And it does feel strange. I’ve lived in the
UK for 22 years now, almost half my life and nearly all of my adult
years. In fact, having spent much of my childhood outside India as well, I
have lived most of my life away from the country of my birth.
My time in Britain alone is longer than my life in India. Kolkata, where
I spent more years than in any other city I’ve called home, is about to be

Do not weaponise the LETTERS

challenged as the longest-serving by my current abode of Nottingham.
The numbers tip clearly in favour of the “away” team, and don’t explain


my sense of loss at relinquishing my Indian nationality.
I held back from applying for British citizenship for well over two
decades of living in Britain, finally accepting the need to be practical, and
putting in for it at the start of this year. And though many ignominious
Kudos to Antim Panghal,

Uniform Civil Code

hoops had to be jumped, and many mountains of paperwork completed
(and many hefty fees paid), before I could apply; once I did, the British India’s first-ever U-20
government swiftly approved my citizenship. I told you so, people woman world wrestling
exclaimed, you should’ve done it aeons ago.
Acquiring citizenship of the country that’s been my home for so long
champion. Seventeen-
was certainly the sensible option. year-old sporting state
Amongst other problems posed by my loyalty to my Indian passport, has This is not to say almost as a slogan, tell us Haryana wrestler Antim
been its deterrence to travelling. how it harmonises what
that the Muslim it says with what it does?
Panghal became the first
Pavan K. Varma
Despite the fact that my husband and children, all British by birth, could
breeze through customs at any airport, they’ve always stood with me and personal law as An answer to this ques- Indian woman wrestler to
my desi passport in long airport queues in solidarity — no matter their governed by the tion is important since if be crowned U-20 world
tender age, or exhaustion from gruelling hours of travel. I couldn’t subject Sharia does not none is convincingly champion with an 8-0
need be relooked at
Chanakya’s View
them to that anymore, or hold them back from seeing the world, which my forthcoming, one infer-
ence is that the UCC is win over Atlyn Shagayeva
passport had occasioned. to eliminate of Kazakhstan in Sofia,
But another, more important, motivator was that, in the current anti- being used by the ruling
outdated and party and the govern-
migrant climate, with governments liable to change rights of residence at
discriminatory Bulgaria. With this his-

the slightest pretext, we didn’t want our family suddenly separated. s the government power for eight years at ment to target a particu-
Compelling reasons to adopt my new nationality, so why do I feel so dis- serious about bring- the Centre, what has it practices, especially lar community for politi-
toric victory, Antim, the
oriented? ing in a Uniform done to move towards relating to women cal reasons and not with last girl child of her fami-
Perhaps, the answer to why I took so Civil Code (UCC), or this goal? Obviously, if it a genuine desire to pur- ly, has rewritten the script
long to apply, is also the reason it feels… is it just the expedi- was serious about the sue reform. for all the women of her
unsettling. ent political rhetoric of UCC, the first thing it of the UCC being This is not to say that
For one, I hate bureaucracy, in any the Bharatiya Janata should have attempted to proposed by the Central the Muslim personal law state and country. Her
country, and pandering to their usually Party (BJP)? do after 2014 is to propose government are made as governed by the siblings are named Sarita,
ludicrous requirements. If a UCC came into the a draft law, which could known in advance so as Sharia does not need be Meenu and Nisha. Sarita
Labels, tags, and silos, I abhor as well, country it would be a wel- then be put out for con- to enable all stakeholders relooked at to eliminate
and nationality is one such marker. I’ve come step. But there are sultation and debate. to provide a detailed outdated and discrimina- is a national-level kabaddi
always considered myself a global citi- To Wordsworth ‘the child is serious issues at stake, Why have we not seen response.” tory practices, especially player. it was Sarita who
zen; no matter where I lived, or what father of the man’, or as including harmonising such a draft? Has the BJP even begun relating to women. The initially wanted Antim to
passport I carried. Belonging to every- Sigmund Freud put more different provisions of We currently have sev- in seriousness the banning of the practice of
thing, but circumscribed by nothing, the Constitution. Article eral laws governing the process of such consulta- triple talaq is a step in
become a wrestler.
was the only badge I wore. The jingoism
prosaically, ‘We are what 44 of the Constitution practice of religion: the tions? This is essential the right direction. It is Perhaps, Antim’s win will
that’s annexed nations of late, is reason we are, because we have states: “The State shall Hindu Marriage Act, given the plural and unfortunate that the apex go some distance in
enough to give a wide berth to this par- been what we have been.’ endeavour to secure for Indian Christian multi-religious nature of body for Muslims — the righting the sex ratio in
ticular compartment of existence. the citizens a uniform Marriages Act, Indian our Republic. For All India Muslim
Yet, in surrendering my Indian nationality, I feelbereft in a way that’s civil code (UCC) through- Divorce Act, Parsi instance, Explanation 1 Personal Law Board — her state.
bothprofound and puzzling. out the territory of Marriage and Divorce of Article 25 in the reflexively opposes any Bidyut K. Chatterjee
Recently, I’ve found myself not only crying over a perfectly-formed dosa India.” The provision is Act, as also the Sharia. Constitution says: “The change. It is male domi- Faridabad
at our favourite South Indian restaurant, but also closely following the part of the Directive The enforcement of a wearing or carrying of nated and invariably
fortunes of the Indian contingent at the Birmingham Commonwealth Principles of State UCC would require all kirpan shall be backs unsustainable and
Games, when the Commonwealth itself I consider passé. On top of which,
I have been plying my children with Hindi films, when I was never a fan
Policy, which as Article
37 explains, are not
current laws relating to
complex issues of mar-
deemed to be included in
the profession of reli-
insular orthodoxies. An
enlightened pro-change OMNIPRESENT MODI
myself! mandatory or enforce- riage, divorce, mainte- gion.” If such an excep- attitude among Muslims THE BJP has reconstituted its 11-
But nothing essential has been amputated. Our passports do not define able by any court, nance, inheritance, adop- tion has been made for themselves will allow member Parliamentary Board and
us culturally, leaving me free to be as Indian as I please, to travel back as but as principles that tion and succession, the Sikhs, could not other them to embrace modern the 15-member Central Election
often as possible (after accruing an Overseas Indian visa and another are “fundamental to the applicable to Muslims, religions also claim and progressive ideas in Committee this week and they are
bunch of fees), or to call India, especially Kolkata, my joint home still. governance of the Christians, Parsis and exceptions? Explanation the best interests of the likely to remain in charge well into
Is it “blood” – genes and race – that forges this unbreakable allegiance? country”. Hindus (including 2 says: “The reference to community. the 2024 general election. Prime
To quote The Guardian, “Researchers have even suggested that when it Article 25 of our Buddhists, Sikhs and Hindus shall be con- But necessary changes Minister Narendra Modi’s grip
comes to issues such as religion and politics, our choices are much more Constitution, which is Jains), to be scrapped. strued as including in Muslim religious prac- over party matters is absolute and
determined by our genes than we think.” part of the fundamental To attempt to do this a reference to persons tice are not the only goal the reconstitution of these apex
What is it that makes our ties with our country of birth so strong? The rights, guarantees free- without substantive and professing the Sikh, of the UCC. All religions, bodies hardly alters that fact. In
clue’s in the name I reckon, with our “birth” linking us to places with an dom of conscience and in-depth consultations Jain or Buddhist reli- including Hindus, will that sense, nothing fundamentally
invisible umbilical cord. But “invisible” immediately implies that it’s the right freely to pro- with stakeholders in all gion.” Are these religions have to examine what of changes, and the changes reinforce
psychological rather than physical, with nurture supplanting nature. fess, practice and propa- religions would be disas- willing to be conflated their past tradition, cus- the trend of Mr Modi’s expanding
Both deeply interested Romantic Poets, who viewed the loyalties and gate religion. Article trous. Justice B.S. with Hindu religious tom and rituals they are footprint in the party’s remaking.
partialities absorbed in our earliest years as indelibly ingrained. To 26(b) also gives the funda- Chauhan, chairman of practice? willing to jettison, and Sankar Paul
Wordsworth “the child is father of the man”, or as Sigmund Freud put mental right to all reli- the Law Commission of In November 2019 and what new practices they Chakdaha, West Bengal
more prosaically, “We are what we are, because we have been what we gions “to manage its own India, wrote in October March 2020, a Bill on the are willing to accept.
have been.”
I, on the other hand, won’t even try to pin down the most instinctive
affairs in matters of reli-
gion”. How do we har-
2016 to chief minister
Nitish Kumar, in his
UCC was proposed, but it
was never introduced in
This will be a very com-
plex process, in which VENDETTA POLICING
parts of myself, i.e. my Indianness. Both the good and bad, some of which monise a fundamental capacity as president of Parliament. Earlier, in many sensitivities will THE CBI registering a case against
I tried to outrun in my youth, I’ve recognised as inevitable, and learnt to right that unequivocally the Janata Dal (United), August 2018, the Law be involved. Delhi deputy CM Manish Sisodia
embrace. gives the freedom to peo- seeking his views and Commission of India, It is a pity that the BJP, and 15 others on charges of corrup-
I cannot explain, for example, why the smell of Indian food evokes such ple to profess, practise enclosing a question- under a BJP government, instead of working dili- tion, criminal conspiracy, falsifica-
a sense of well-being in me, when, in fact, I love a range of international and propagate their reli- naire. I was then working had stated that a UCC is gently and consistently tion of accounts, and undue advan-
cuisines. I couldn’t tell you either why vivid Indian colours lift my spirits, gion, with an UCC, which with him in the party. In “neither necessary nor on ensuring a UCC, has tage in connection with the state's
or why desi fabrics feel especially comfortable against my desi skin. as part of its enlightened his reply, Nitish Kumar desirable at this stage”, essentially made it a excise policy has put the AAP gov-
Nor could I tell you why I talk to every person I overhear speaking end goal of uniformity of wrote: “Any attempt to and that a UCC “cannot weapon to target ernment on a sticky wicket. The
Bengali, or find myself reminding folks how ancient and multi-faceted religious laws, is bound impose a UCC, without contradict plurality in specific religious com- agency also searched 31 locations,
India is, or have a mild horror of feet — all much-lampooned stereotypical to infringe, in smaller or obtaining through sub- the country”. Has the munities. Such an including Mr Sisodia's residence in
traits that are also, admittedly, true. bigger measure, that stantive consultations, government accepted approach will ultimately the national capital. We believe
Even as I laugh about them, I now revel in these aspects of myself. These very right? the concurrence of vari- this opinion? If yes, why devalue the legitimacy of that the irregularities in the for-
deeply-rooted prompts from my childhood have become more precious, The BJP included the ous religious groups, does it keep talking about the UCC, and needlessly mulation and execution of the
and more cherished, as I grow away from them. UCC as part of its elec- especially the a UCC? And if not, has it politicise an important excise policy resulted in losses to
To paraphrase that popular maxim, you can take the girl out of India, tion manifesto in both minorities, could lead to made any public and needed reform the state exchequer — even
she can even love a great many features of her new country (literature, the 2014 and 2019 social friction and announcement that it measure. Congress welcomed the raid. The
landscape, and more), but you can’t take India out of the girl! parliamentary elections. an erosion of faith in the will take steps to revisit AAP would do well to come clean
Even today, it is the constitutional guarantee or revise this finding? The writer is an on the issue instead of trying to
Shreya Sen-Handley is the author of the award-winning Memoirs of My Body, most vociferous about of freedom of religion… The basic question is: author, retired defend itself.
short story collection Strange, and new travelogue Handle With Care, and a the need to have an UCC. It is also imperative Will the BJP, which con- diplomat and N.J. Ravi Chander
columnist and playwright. Her Twitter and Insta handle is @shreyasenhan. But having been in that the concrete details stantly espouses the UCC former Rajya Sabha MP Bengaluru

he first government of India opposed to my views. I have given dent or reward the unworthy. civil services, “Every man wants trolled by the Treasury under the
immediately on Indepen- that freedom to all my secretaries. I The record makes it amply clear some sort of encouragement. direction of the Prime Minister”
dence was headed by Prime have told them, ‘if you do not give that it was an independent civil ser- Nobody wants to put in work when whose approval would be needed for
Minister Jawaharlal Nehru your honest opinion for fear that it vice which the founding fathers of every day he is criticised and senior-most appointments. By con-
and his deputy Vallabhbhai Patel. will displease your minister, please the Constitution wanted to estab- ridiculed in public. Nobody will vention, it is very seldom withheld.
A.G. Both were barristers and were
familiar with the British system of
then you had better go’.”
When Sardar Patel uttered these
lish in the country. In April 1948,
Sardar Patel, who was union home
give you work like that. So, once
and for all, decide whether you
Every Jim Hacker is entitled to
select his Bernard Woolley, the pri-
Noorani government. But both were auto-
crats and rode roughshod over civil
words in the Constituent Assembly,
he could not have imagined that the
minister, wrote to Prime Minister
Jawaharlal Nehru a letter which
want this service or not.”
A distinguished civil servant, Mr
vate secretary. He enjoys no such
freedom in regard to Sir Humphrey
servants. The best among them, Sir constitutional checks he was devis- deserves to rank among the historic B.K. Nehru, proposed an effective Appleby, the permanent secretary.
Girija Shankar Bajpai, secretary ing to ensure the integrity and inde- documents of Constitution-making. reform which would arrest the Examples illustrate the indepen-
general of the external affairs min- pendence of the civil service over He wrote, “I need hardly empha- decline and restore the civil ser- dence of the civil service. Sir

Bureaucracy’s istry, threatened to resign several

times. Nehru could not let him go.
Prime Minister Indira Gandhi’s
adviser P.N. Haksar coined the the-
the years would collapse so com-
pletely as they have by now.
Dr B.R. Ambedkar characterised
Article 311, which embodies guar-
sise that an efficient, disciplined
and contented service, assured of
its prospect as a result of diligent
and honest work, is a sine qua non
vices to the position that was
intended for them by the framers of
the Constitution.
The British experience is relevant
Robert Armstrong, head of the
home civil service, informed a
select committee of Parliament in
February 1972 of “the well-known

place: Founders ory of “committed civil servants”

— i.e., committed to blind obedi-
ence to Haksar and Indira Gandhi.
antees against arbitrary dismissal
from service, as “probably the best
provision that we have for the safe-
of sound administration under a
democratic regime even more than
under an authoritarian rule. The
because the Constitution-makers
consciously adopted “the British
type of Constitution”. This would
rule that ministers of a current gov-
ernment are not entitled to ask to
see the papers of a previous admin-

wanted it to be Prime Minister Narendra Modi

has a new doctrine. Civil servants
can complain to him directly ag-
ainst their ministers. What is the co-
ty and security of the civil service,
because it contains a fundamental
limitation upon the authority to
dismiss”. He did not quite reckon
service must be above party and we
should ensure that political consid-
erations, either in its recruitment
or in its discipline and control, are
entail that “the posting, transfer,
and promotion of, and disciplinary
action against, a civil servant is
decided by the head of the civil ser-
istration. …If a request, notwith-
standing that, is made, the civil ser-
vant has the right to refuse”. A civil
servant who can refuse to let a min-

independent rrect position in the constitutional

law of parliamentary democracies?
Vallabhbhai Patel stated the cor-
with the ways of those “drest in a
little brief authority”. Transfers,
suspensions, compulsory retire-
reduced to the minimum, if not
eliminated altogether.”
Sardar Patel delivered on October
vice department, who also holds the
post of Cabinet secretary, in consul-
tation with senior permanent secre-
ister see a file is more than a keep-
er of files. He is the custodian of a
tradition which survives the politi-
rect position in the Constituent ments, and promotions, or their 10, 1949, one of his best speeches in taries”. As the noted Constitutional cal birds of passage.
Assembly in October 1949. “Today, denials, have proved their potency the Constituent Assembly. “Take lawyer Sir Ivor Jennings, put it,
my secretary can write a note as weapons to punish the indepen- work from them,” he said of the “the civil service as a whole is con- By arrangement with Dawn

EDITOR: KAUSHIK MITTER, PRINTER & PUBLISHER: K. SUDHAKAR; THE ASIAN AGE office is located at: New Delhi: Jawaharlal Nehru National Youth Centre, 219 Deen Dayal Upadhyay Marg, New Delhi-110002. Phone: (011) 23211124;
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Six judgements that safeguarded liberty, democracy

SHISHIR TRIPATHI the Supreme Court contributed im- of article 356 and also ruled that
mensely to expanding the scope of the validity of a proclamation of the
ON 4 August 1958, Dr Rajendra individual liberty and freedom and President’s rule is subject to judicial
Prasad, the first President of India strengthening the democratic edi- review.
while inaugurating the new build- fice of the country.
ing of the Supreme Court, vividly Vishaka v State of Rajasthan
explained what the new building of Kesavananda Bharati versus the One of the most important cases
the Supreme Court symbolises. State of Kerala related to gender justice, in this
He said, “Traditionally we look Swami Kesavananda Bharati was case, the apex court laid down de-
upon justice as a pair of scales the head of Edneer Mutt at Kerala’s tailed guidelines to prevent sexual
two pans of which have to be held Kasaragod who challenged the Ker- harassment at the workplace.
evenly without allowing the beam ala government’s attempt under the Known as Vishaka Guidelines, the
from which they hang to incline to two-state land reform acts to im- guidelines are treated as law de-
one side or the other. We see two pose restrictions on the manage- clared under Article 141 of the In-
wings on the two sides. ey will
accommodate the offices and the
records. At the end of each wing is
ment of the religious property. Ac-
cording to British jurist and
historian Granville Austin, it was a
dian Constitution. ese guidelines
were the precursor of e Sexual
Harassment of Women at Work-
What is Langya
virus? Do we need
a semi-circular structure. ey rep- local lawyer who wrote to JB ADM Jabalpur versus Shivkant to fair, just and reasonable proce- place (Prevention, Prohibition and
resent the pans that are attached to Dadachanji, the famous Supreme Shukla dure established by valid law". Redressal) Act, 2013.
the beam at the top. is beam will Court lawyer, who in turn shared In this case, the Supreme Court Now, just the fulfillment of the
accommodate the courtrooms the letter with famous jurist NA with a majority of four out of five procedural requirements in its en- Mohd Ahmad Khan vs Shah
wherein the Hon’ble judges will sit
and dispense justice without inkling
either to the right or to the le.”
Today India is celebrating its 76th
Palkhivala who agreed to take the
case as he felt that the case could
lead to important Supreme Court
judgments. Palkhivala
judges on the bench decided that
during an emergency "no person
has any locus to move any writ
petition under Art. 226
actment cannot justify a law to be
valid. A law now has to pass the test
of fairness and reasonableness also
to be held valid. If the Kesavananda
Bano Begum & Ors
In 1985, a Muslim woman
named Shah Bano moved the court
seeking maintenance from her hus-
to be worried?
Independence Day. Seven decades was right in his assess-
These before a High Court Bharati case can be marked as the band who had divorced her and ALLEN CHENG ple with the disease; the iso-
have passed and this time period ment of the impor- for habeas corpus most important case with respect asked her to live separately with her late from people with the
witnessed many democratically tance of the case judgements are or any other writ to establishing the supremacy of the five children. Bano had sought relief disease must cause the dis-
elected governments with different as it actually led or order or di- constitution, the Menaka Gandhi under section 125 of the Code of A new virus, Langya heni- ease if given to a healthy per-
ideological hues assuming power at to a judgment
only a few of the rection to chal- case is the most important consti- Criminal Procedure (CrPC) which pavirus, is suspected to have son (or animal); and, it must
the Centre. However, in these seven that changed hundreds that helped in lenge the legal- tutional intervention from the point provides for “maintenance of wives, caused infections in 35 peo- be able to be re-isolated from
decades, the Supreme Court of In- the course of ity of an order of expanding the scope of personal children and parents”. However, ple in China’s Shandong and the healthy person after they
dia successfully held the balance of the constitu-
consolidating India’s of detention". liberty and individual rights. Bano’s husband contended that as Henan provinces over become ill.
the scales of justice intact without tional history of position as a And for this marriage and divorce in his com- roughly a two-year period to The authors acknowledge
“tilting” to any side. India and created reason alone, it SR Bommai vs Union Of India munity is governed by Muslim Per- 2021. this new virus doesn’t yet
ere have been 'dark hours' of a solid bulwark
constitutional can be said that Article 356 of the Constitution sonal Law, which requires the hus- It’s related to Hendra and meet these criteria, and the
the Indian judiciary, there have against any attempt democracy this was the darkest provides for the imposition of the band to only provide maintenance Nipah viruses, which cause relevance of these criteria in
been numerous disappointments in to subvert the constitu- hour of the Indian judi- President's rule in the state which for the iddat period aer divorce, disease in humans. However, the modern era has been
dispensing justice, and there have tion by any totalitarian ciary with the only redeem- means the President can assume he is not legally bound to give any there’s much we don’t know questioned. However, the au-
been incidences that cast a dark regime in the future. ing factor being the sole dissenting himself all or any of the functions maintenance to Bano. ere was a about the new virus – known thors say they didn’t find any
shadow of doubt on the expanse of While Dadachanji and Palkhivala opinion of Justice HR Khanna who of the Government of the State. e clear conflict between the personal as LayV for short – including other cause of the illness in
the majestic building termed as the convinced Swami Kesavananda held. 'e Constitution and the laws president can do so on a receipt of law and the Code of Criminal Pro- whether it spreads from hu- 26 people, there was evi-
"temple of justice". Bharti into fighting the case under of India do not permit life and lib- a report from the Governor of the cedure (CrPC) which is common man to human. dence 14 people’s immune
But on each occasion, India’s Article 29 of the Constitution, con- erty to be at the mercy of the ab- state or otherwise, is satisfied that a to all citizens. Here’s what we know so systems had responded to
apex court managed to survive and cerning the right to manage the re- solute power of the Executive. What situation has arisen in which the While deciding the case in favour far. the virus, and people who
come out stronger. Indian Supreme ligiously-owned property without is at stake is the rule of law. e government of the State cannot be of Shah Bano, the Supreme Court were more unwell had more
Court managed to uphold the trust government interference, grander question is whether the law speak- carried on in accordance with the directed the Parliament to frame a How sick are people virus.
of crores of people who sees it as a issues of Parliaments’ power to ing through the authority of the provisions of this Constitution Uniform Civil Code. e apex court getting?
guardian of their rights. amend the Constitution arose as court shall be absolutely silenced is provision was misused ram- expressed concern over the fact that Researchers in China first What can we learn from
India in 1947 was enmeshed in court proceedings evolved. and rendered mute... detention pantly post-independence, Host of in close to four decades since inde- detected this new virus as related viruses?
its complex social, economic and By creating the defensive wall of without trial is an anathema to all democratically elected governments pendence no serious imitative was part of routine surveillance This new virus appears to
political realities. Post-indepen- ‘basic structure doctrine’ the judg- those who love personal liberty". were dismissed arbitrarily. In a sim- taken to implement a uniform civil in people with a fever who be a close cousin of two
dence the foremost challenge before ment made it nearly impossible for It was the dissenting judgment ilar case, SR Bommai who was code (UCC) and held that Article had reported recent contact other viruses that are signifi-
the new polity was to balance indi- any future government to amend of Justice Khanna that led to several heading the Janata Dal government 44 remained a "dead letter". e with animals. Once the virus cant in humans: Nipah virus
vidual rights against state actions the Constitution in a manner that judgments in the future that upheld in Karnataka was dismissed on then Chief Justice of India YV was identified, the re- and Hendra virus. This fam-
that were required for the social rev- takes away its democratic essence the invincibility of the right to life April 21, 1989, under Article 356 of Chandrachud had observed, "A searchers looked for the ily of viruses was the inspira-
olution that the framers of the In- and its highest regard for the fun- and liberty provided by the consti- the Constitution and President’s common civil code will help the virus in other people. tion for the fictional MEV-1
dian constitution wanted India to damental rights of the citizens. tution in all circumstances. Rule was imposed. e dismissal cause of national integration by re- Symptoms reported ap- virus in the film Contagion.
usher in. Soon aer independence, In the 703-page judgment with a was made on grounds that the moving disparate loyalties to the peared to be mostly mild – Hendra virus was first re-
India’s reform agenda came into di- thin majority of 7:6, the apex court Maneka Gandhi versus Union Bommai government had lost the law which have conflicting ideolo- fever, fatigue, cough, loss of ported in Queensland in
rect conflict with individual rights, held that Parliament could amend of India majority following large-scale de- gies". appetite, muscle aches, nau- 1994, when it caused the
leading to several amendments that any part of the Constitution so long e case was about the arbitrary fections. SR Bommai was denied ese judgments are only a few sea and headache – although deaths of 14 horses and the
in turn were challenged before the as it did not alter or amend “the ba- impounding of the passport of the any opportunity to prove his ma- of the hundreds that helped in con- we don’t know how long the trainer Vic Rail. Many out-
court. sic structure or essential features of petitioner named Meneka Gandhi, jority in the Legislative Assembly. solidating India’s position as a con- patients were unwell. breaks in horses have been
Supreme Court had to tread a the Constitution". e petitioner moved the Supreme e judgment, in this case, went stitutional democracy. As India cel- A smaller proportion had reported in Queensland and
tightrope in deciding these cases. It Commenting upon Kesavananda Court challenging the state’s act of on to provide a constitutional check ebrates its 75th independence potentially more serious northern New South Wales
was tasked with the demanding job Bharati, India’s one of the most re- impounding her passport as an as- on the arbitrary dismissal of state anniversary recounting at least a complications, including since, and are generally
of securing the fundamental rights spected judges VR Krishna Iyer sault on her right of personal liberty governments. According to the few of it should be seen as a moral pneumonia, and abnormali- thought to be due to
of the people and at the same time wrote, "While infallibility is no at- as guaranteed by Article 21. e noted jurist, Professor Upendra obligation rather than a ceremonial ties in liver and kidney func- “spillover” infections from
accommodating the concerns of the tribute of a Constitution, its funda- simple case related to an alleged ar- Baxi, SR Bommai's case led to a ma- courtesy towards an institution that tion. However, the severity of flying foxes.
government that was trying to mental character and basic struc- bitrary act of a government author- jor development in the context of has done the most to safeguard In- these abnormalities, the need In total, seven human
shape the trajectory of the newly ture cannot be overlooked. ity led the Supreme Court to deliver the use of Article 356 as it intro- dia’s democratic ethos. for hospitalisation, and cases of Hendra virus have
independent country. Otherwise, the power to amend a judgment that enlarged the mean- duced what is known as the floor (e author is a journalist and whether any cases were fatal been reported in Australia
Barring a few cases, the Supreme may include the power to repeal. ing, scope, and width of individual test. In the essence, this idea of a researcher based in Delhi. He has were not reported. (mostly veterinarians work-
Court of India in the last seven is is a reductio ad absurdem. By freedom. e judgment introduced floor test was a key aspect of this worked with e Indian Express, ing with sick horses), includ-
decades have managed to maintain a stroke of judicial creativity, the the concept of "due process of law". judgment. It was the central idea of Firstpost, Governance Now, and In- Where did this virus come ing four deaths.
a fine balance between the state's amendatory provision of Article It was the effect of this case that judgment. dic Collective. He writes on Law, from? Nipah virus is more signif-
actions and citizens' right. 368 was justly handcuffed in Kesa- now it has been established that "no e judgment delivered by a Governance and Politics. Views ex- The authors also investi- icant globally, with outbreaks
In the last seven decades through vananda Bharati." person shall be deprived of his life nine-judge Bench laid down a num- pressed are personal; Courtesy: gated whether domestic or frequently reported in
its numerous landmark judgments, or personal liberty except according ber of guidelines to curb the misuse wild animals may have been Bangladesh. The severity of
the source of the virus. Al- infection can range from
though they found a small very mild to fatal encephali-

Water-wisdom for climate change

number of goats and dogs tis (inflammation of the
that may have been infected brain). The first outbreak in
with the virus in the past, Malaysia and Singapore was
there was more direct evi- reported in people who had
dence a significant propor- close contact with pigs.
tion of wild shrews were har- However, it is thought more
This suggests humans may
recent outbreaks have been
due to food contaminated
SUNITA NARAIN programmes to capture rainwater reuse then water will not be lost; have caught the virus from with the urine or saliva of in-
by building ponds, digging tanks The country has learnt critical our rivers will not be lost. Moreover, wild shrews. fected bats.
THIS monsoon, when the precious and setting up check-dams on water lessons through the this means, doing everything from Significantly, Nipah virus
rainwater goes down the drain, let streams. years — now is the time to investing in water-efficient irriga- Does this virus actually appears to be transmitted
us take a moment to recapitulate By the mid-2000s, these efforts put it to practice. Then we tion and household appliances to cause this disease? from person to person,
the knowledge of water manage- coalesced into the Mahatma need to protect our forest changing diets to ensure that the The researchers used a mostly among household
ment and what it means in a cli- Gandhi National Rural Employ- and green spaces as this is crops we eat are water-prudent. modern technique known as contacts.
mate-risked world. ere are two ment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA) how groundwater will get is decade, we can put all that metagenomic analysis to find
incontrovertible facts: one, water is — investing labour into building recharged. In times of water we have learnt into practice to turn this new virus. Researchers What do we need to find
a key determinant of health security rural water assets. By this time, it stress we must make sure around the water story of India, as sequence all genetic material out next?
and economic growth. Two, water was understood that groundwater, that wastewater — sewage — in this decade we will see the re- then discard the “known” se- Little is known about this
wars are not inevitable but will hap- considered a “minor” resource was is not only treated but also venge of nature as climate change quences (for example, hu- new virus, and the currently
pen if we do not manage our re- the “major” supplier of water for recycled and reused. It is here impacts grow. man DNA) to look for “un- reported cases are likely to
source prudently. both drinking and irrigation. We need to scale up our work to known” sequences that be the tip of the iceberg. At
that the waterbodies we
is requires us to get the policy It was understood that over 50 invest in local water systems to cap- might represent a new virus. this stage, there is no indica-
and practice of water management per cent of agriculture in the coun- protect in our cities — the ture every drop of rain so that we This raises the question tion the virus can spread
right. e good news is water liter- try was still rain-fed, and so water same ponds and tanks can build local resilience against about how scientists can tell from human to human.
acy has increased. conservation and rainwater harvest- that we use to divert and drought. We also need to do this in whether a particular virus Further work is required
Over the past decades, the coun- ing — ensuring that every well and harvest rainwater — our cities — the lakes and ponds causes the disease. to determine how severe the
try has learnt critical lessons on wa- waterbody was recharged — was could be used to are the sponges that will allow us We have traditionally used infection can be, how it
ter management and evolved a new critical for productivity and well- channelise the treated to harvest the rain-flood and to “Koch’s postulates” to deter- spreads, and how widespread
paradigm. Till the late 1980s, water being. sewage and in turn make sure it does not turn into mine whether a particular it might be in China and the
management was largely confined In the 2010s, the crisis of urban recharge groundwater. Only wasted water. micro-organism causes dis- region.
to the issue of irrigation projects — drought hit home. this approach can make us en we need to protect our for- ease: It must be found in (Writer is Professor in Infec-
building dams and canals to store Policy evolved as it learnt that water-secure est and green spaces as this is how people with the disease and tious Diseases Epidemiology,
and supply water over long dis- augmenting water supply was only groundwater will get recharged. In not in well people; it must be Monash University; Courtesy:
tances. a part of the challenge — cities were times of water stress we must make able to be isolated from peo- e Conversation)
en came the big droughts of getting dependent on long-distance rivers and waterbodies, which in utilised. Rivers remained polluted. sure that wastewater — sewage —
late 1980s. It became clear that it sources; pumping and piping this turn destroys available water; in- In all this, new solutions emerged is not only treated but also recycled
was not enough to plan for aug- water meant losses in distribution creases the cost of cleaning up — if affordable water supply was and reused. It is here that the wa-
menting water supply through large and rising electricity costs, which drinking water. A few years later, critical, then cities needed to cut terbodies we protect in our cities —
projects. made the available water expensive research showed that the bulk of ur- the length of distribution pipelines, the same ponds and tanks that we
is was when the Centre for Sci- and its supply inequitable. ban residents were not even con- which meant increased focus on lo- use to divert and harvest rainwater
ence and Environment published As water supply dried up, people nected to underground sewerage cal water systems like ponds, tanks — could be used to channelise the
its report, Dying Wisdom, which turned to groundwater, but without network, which is capital- and re- and rainwater harvesting structures. treated sewage and in turn recharge
documented traditional technolo- recharge — ponds and tanks had source-intensive. Instead, they de- en, if cities needed to ensure groundwater. Only this approach
gies for rainwater harvesting in eco- been decimated by real estate or pended on on-site sewage ”disposal” affordable sanitation for all and af- can make us water-secure.
logical diverse regions of India. simply through neglect— it only systems, where household toilets fordable treatment of wastewater, (Writer is Director General of
e slogan was: rain is decen- meant declining water levels. were connected to septic tanks or on-site systems could be re-engi- Centre for Science and Environ-
tralised, so is the demand for water. at was the decade when water just holding tanks or even to open neered so that waste was collected ment (CSE) and the Editor of
So, capture rain when and where it supply was linked to pollution — drains in the vicinity. e sewage from each household, transported Down To Earth magazine. She is
falls. ere was a paradigm shi in more water supply meant more treatment infrastructure was not and treated. But most importantly, an environmentalist who pushes for
policy. During the droughts of the wastewater. is, without adequate designed to fit the city sanitation we have learnt that if this urban-in- changes in policies, practices and
late 1990s, states launched massive treatment, leads to pollution of system and so remained under- dustrial wastewater is treated for mindsets)
NEW DELHI, 21 AUGUST 2022 07
Rohingyas are entitled to
now and again

The tastes of

basic human rights N J RAVI CHANDER

Fraser Town in Bengaluru cantonment is

nothing less than a diner's haven with streets
like Mosque Road, Kenchappa Road and
MM Road lined with eateries. My associa-
ANGSHUMAN KAR tion with the area's restaurants goes back to
the 1960s when our favourite snack, the

ohingyas living in India have once humble masala dosa, was available for a
again hit the headlines as Union song (an unbelievable 15 paise) - the same
Ministry of Home Affairs made snack would set you back by Rs. 50 today.
an official statement following The skyrocketing prices are just one of the
a tweet of Hardeep Puri, the Union many reasons we miss the good old days.
Housing Minister, to clarify the stance Lakshmi Bhavan Hotel on Madhavraya
of the Indian Government on the Mudaliar Road, run by a Malayalee, was a
Rohingyas living in New Delhi. favourite dosa haunt because it was close to
On 17 August 2022, Hardeep Puri our residence. Distinguished by its white
tweeted that “India has always wel- marble tabletops, a small kitchen and a long
comed those who have sought refuge in dining hall, we often feasted on the dosas
the country” and that all Rohingya here. But when we ran short of money, a sin-
refugees in Delhi would be shifted to gle masala dosa would be bought and divid-
Economically Weaker Section (EWS) ed among the four siblings - no easy geome-
flats in Bakkarwala. Hours after this try. We also quenched our thirst here with a
tweet, MHA promptly issued a state- welcome drink of water after a vigorous
ment under the head “Rohingya illegal hockey game at the nearby East Ground.
migrants” clarifying the stance of the Back then, my brothers and I would slide out
government by stating that it had “not the coins saved in the piggy bank to pamper
given any direction to provide EWS flats ourselves. Chefs wielded a broom to shape
to Rohingya illegal migrants at Bakkar- the dosas. The hotel had the distinction of
wala in New Delhi.” having a bus stop named after it.
After MHA’s statement, Puri took a Fraser Town boasted several other pop-
u-turn and declared that the “correct ular restaurants. Our octogenarian maternal
position” of the Government on the uncle, MD Umapathi, recalls hanging out
Rohingyas has been stated in the press with friends at the National Coffee Bar on
release of the MHA. Delhi Deputy Chief Buddha Vihara Road (the four-decade-old
Minister Manish Sisodia, following this, Komala Refreshments now stands in its
even said that the Union home minis- place). Many residents frequented the
ter Amit Shah should enquire who took restaurant to gorge on small bites and to
the decision of relocating the mitted to approach the office of the UN out, was also the spirit of the 1951 Con- Haryana had to face police raids. the innocent faces of our children who imbibe authentic south Indian filter coffee.
Rohingyas. high commissioner to seek refugee sta- vention that had in its core the princi- Reportedly, in the name of raid, police get an education here. Let them stay The State Bakery and State Dairy on
The BJP-AAP duel on the tus.” The 1951 Refugee Convention and ple of non-refoulement. So, what the harassed them and treated them and study. If we go back, their lives will No.1, Maiganda Deva Mudaliar Road, run by
Rohingyas has once again made clear the 1967 Protocol, which are globally Union Government is doing with the almost as terrorists. In fact, prior to this, be ruined like ours.” a wealthy merchant and real estate dealer,
the insensitivity of the state to a com- acknowledged as binding on states in Rohingyas clearly violates the interna- hundreds of Rohingyas residing in dif- It is indeed an irony that in his Fazalullah, was a familiar address. The bak-
munity that has been declared by the matters related to refugees, have also tional protocol in regard to the rights ferent camps in Jammu were trans- tweet (probably unknowingly) Puri ery used a wood-fired brick oven to churn
UN as the “most persecuted minority” duly protected some basic rights of the and freedom of the refugees. ported to Hiranagar jail (which is now echoed one of the great men of India. out loaves of bread. Jaikumar Bhoopal, a
of the world. In fact, the use of the term refugees and asylum seekers. The absence of a refugee law in being used as a detention centre) in In his famous welcome address at long-time resident, fondly recalls sauntering
“illegal migrants” for the Rohingyas liv- In fact, as per the Convention and India could only be used as an alibi to March 2021. While giving an interview the World’s Parliament of Religions, inside the huge bakery and admiring the
ing in India is highly objectionable. the Protocol, asylum seekers and cover up the inhuman and unjust treat- to the correspondent of a news portal, Chicago, on 11 September 1893, confectionaries. However, the bakery, which
They carry UNHCR refugee cards and refugees are entitled to all the rights ment that the Rohingyas are receiving Sofika, a Rohingya refugee, who had to Swami Vivekananda said, “I am catered to the sizable Anglo-Indian commu-
asylum seekers’ certificates which are mentioned in the international human over the past few years. But the absence leave her sister in Jammu and come to proud to belong to a nation which nity, later transformed into a government
globally recognized as the identifica- rights instruments. Article 8 of the of legislation does not empower any- Haryana, had said, “We have no greed has sheltered the persecuted and the ration depot and is today a cluster of shops.
tion documents for the refugees. Court Statute of the Office of the UNCHR one to do something which is grossly for India’s money. We have no greed refugees of all religions and all Vinayaka Hotel, which stood on Bud-
verdicts in India have also previously clearly states that it would promote inhuman and against internally for its citizenship. We just want to live nations of the earth.” While India cel- dha Vihara Road, was the first in the area to
recognized the official ‘refugee status’ “admission of the refugees, not exclud- acknowledged norms. in peace. We want to teach our kids. ebrates the 75th anniversary of its introduce us to the benne (butter) dosa. The
of the asylum seekers. ing those in the most destitute cate- It is unfortunate that the The value of education is something we Independence, it must not forget the mouth-watering masala dosas topped with
In the U Myat Kayew and Nayzan gories, to the territories of States” and Rohingyas have already been identified learned here. In our country, most of ideology and works of the makers of generous dollops of butter became a hit with
vs State of Manipur case, Gauhati High “the conclusion and ratification of as a threat to national security. In April our people are illiterate because the modern India. the locals. Though the dosas were expensive,
Court passed an order in 1991 stating international conventions for the pro- 2022, AAP even blamed the Rohingyas government doesn’t give us any oppor- the restaurant drew patrons in droves.
that the “asylum seekers who enter tection of refugees.” The refugees’ right for the Jahangirpuri violence. In the last tunity to study. So we request the Indi- The writer is Professor, Department of English But the Sharada Lunch Home in Sindhi
and Culture Studies and Director, Centre for
India, even if illegally, should be per- to protection, though not clearly spelt month, the Rohingyas living in tents in an government to not look at us, but at Australian Studies at the University of Burdwan. Colony, serving a diverse menu, topped the
list of famous eateries in Fraser Town. My
maternal grandfather, M Dharmalingam,
Political diary | Kalyani Shankar delighted in feasting on the fluffy idlis and
crisp vadas made here. Besides, many

Huge gap between Modi and the rest schools in the area tied up with the hotel to
provide breakfast to their students on Sun-
day mornings following the NCC and sports
drills. The hotel took on a new avatar, South-

merican President Joe Biden nial and postcolonial India and has ern Inn, later.
sprung a surprise recently by 40 seats. While many of the oldies have faded
announcing that he and Vice After his oath-taking, the ambi- away, a few, such as the 120-year-old icon,
President Kamala Harris would tious Nitish took a jibe last week at Albert Bakery on Mosque Road (set up by
offer themselves for re-election in Modi. He said, "Those who came to Mohammad Yacoob to supply buns and
2024. Traditionally after two years of power in 2014, (read Modi) will they bread to the Europeans and Anglo-Indians),
a term, speculation grows. This be victorious in 2024? I want all continue to stand tall. Other survivors
announcement came even as India, (Opposition) to be united for 2024." include the Thoms Bakery on Wheeler Road
modeled after the British system, is mak- The chances for Nitish were and the Thomsons Bakery on MM Road (the
ing the 2024 Lok Sabha elections much brighter in 2015 when the plum cakes are delicious). However, foodies
almost like the American presidential Mahagathbandhan defeated BJP in are spoiled for choice today, with new eater-
polls. Bihar, and Nitish became the chief ies mushrooming all over town.
In the last eight years, Prime minister. He is perceived as an
Minister Narendra Modi has opportunist, but still, he is senior 100 YEARS AGO
strengthened himself. There is a big enough not to be dismissed lightly.
gap between him and other aspi- JD(U) became the third major ^kdilJfkaf^k�^mmobkqf`bpefmp�
rants' popularity. It is not surprising NDA ally to snap ties with the BJP, To The Editor Of The Statesman
that predictions have already started after the Sena and the Akali Dal left in SIR, - At the recent meeting of the Rotary
about ‘Modi versus who’. 2019. Another partner, Telugu Club, Mr. James mentioned the subject of
BJP leader Amit Shah declared Desam, quit in 2018. training young Anglo-Indians. Many of the
recently that Modi would be the Upbeat BJP sources say that the large firms have done good work in this direc-
NDA's Prime Ministerial candidate party high command has constituted tion at considerable expense to themselves and
in 2024. Uttar Pradesh chief minister a team to capitalize on the popularity have turned out some splendid men who are
Yogi Adityanath has asked his state of Modi during election rallies. He recouping the time and expenditure spent on
to get ready to bag at least 75 of the addressed more than 100 rallies and them to the benefit of their particular industry,
80 seats in the state. travelled about one lakh kilometers to their community, and to their country, but
According to the survey con- ments have injected fresh vigour into jee has been the chief minister of Kejriwal, is the third. After winning across the country during the 2019 the percentage so turned out is woefully small
ducted by India Today and C-Voter, Indian politics. The first was the Shiv West Bengal since 2011. TMC lead- Punjab in 2022, party spokesperson election campaign. and, if the information I have been able to
the NDA would win 286 seats in the Sena split and the rebel Shinde fac- ers argue their party chief Mamata is Raghav Chadha said Kejriwal could There could be a realignment secure serves me correctly, a considerable
543-member Lok Sabha if elections tion heading the government with most suited for the post. Unlike be the country's next prime minister. of political forces before 2024. The amount of the good intentions in this direc-
were held now. After the survey, the the BJP support last month. The sec- Nitish, Mamata has substantial elec- He has been Delhi's chief minister Opposition had failed miserably to tion have been seriously hampered and in
exit of a key coalition partner JD(U), ond was the recent development in toral achievements to back her claim. since 2015. AAP is the only regional project a joint candidate either in many cases absolutely wrecked by the fact that
may cost the ruling alliance some 20- Bihar with the JD(U) leaving the She has won all the assembly elec- party with governments in two states 2014 or 2019. So Modi had the the vast majority of young Anglo-Indians who
odd seats. The UPA would bag 125 NDA. tions since 2011 with massive majori- - Delhi and Punjab. Also, the party field to himself. The question is are taken in as apprentices on the basis of no
seats and the others 111. Maharashtra and Bihar send a ties. has won with super mandates. will the Opposition unite on a pay, or probably only a nominal sum as pocket
Modi, when he entered the little more than a sixth of the total Telangana's chief minister, K. Of late, there is a fourth name on consensus candidate putting aside money, have not continued and completed
national scene in 2014, was a political 543 seats in the Lok Sabha (88) and Chandrashekar Rao, has been criti- the list after Bihar chief minister their egos? their apprenticeship. I suggest that a Commit-
leader who gave hope; in 2019, he are critical for both the BJP and the cal of Prime Minister Modi and has Nitish Kumar quit the NDA last week It's too early to say how the situ- tee be formed to endeavour to devise some
projected himself as a nationalist Opposition. been preparing to come on the and became chief minister for the ation will pan out in the next two scheme whereby the deserving Anglo-Indian
leader and in 2024, he will be There are at least four Prime national stage since 2018. Like TMC, eighth time with the support of the years. In politics, one week is said to can be placed on apprenticeships.
launched as the most famous leader Ministerial aspirants apart from Con- TRS has also won massive mandates Rashtriya Janata Dal. Bihar, in the be long. However, the Opposition BRITISHER.
of India. gress leader Rahul Gandhi. Tri- in assembly elections since 2014. Hindi belt, has been the centre of will need a leader with a pan-nation- Calcutta.
However, two recent develop- namool Congress's Mamata Baner- Delhi chief minister, Arvind national political movements in colo- al appeal to challenge Modi.
crossword To The Editor Of The Statesman
NO 292167 SIR, - Some two years ago an Honourable
Member in the Bengal Legislative Council
gave a public assurance in that Assembly that
the upkeep and maintenance of the Grand
YESTERDAY’S SOLUTION ACROSS 17 Silly Englishman losing radio (5) demoli-shed (8) perhaps; it' s a Trunk Road locally would receive the atten-
half his marbles? (5) dangerous world (8)
8 Fat Controller after salad 28 One doubting value of 5 Ducks munch on cookie tion its importance deserved. I have no doubt
19 Gun for man in service pricy nick-nacks (5) (4) 19 Devious Iran' s
with crusts lost a stone
at the front (3) 29 Shave end of pin 6 Admit five equals four de-taining that the Honourable Member was thoroughly
10 Greek head of 20 On reflection, it never connecting appliance to to stop caus-ing an America' s sincere in what he said, but despite his assur-
reconstruction invests keeps happening (5) ground (4,5) argument (8) countrymen (8) ance the condition of the first few miles of the
22 Two characters boxed
in informal currency (5) 21 When we might
7 In bed, love the ultimate
in spar, one with two
Grand Trunk Road beyond Salkia Chowrastha
regularly hear 19 in baldness? (4)
11 Hide barcode pattern
Across speak of issue 9 Tiny boy perform-ing black eyes (5) remains simply disgraceful. A couple of
uniquely identifying 1 Nietzsche' s agre-ed on
this? (5) with confusion (7) duplication of his core lead role in Shakespeare 23 Great place, months ago, for instance, the surface of cer-
12 Soprano can finally 22 Get down half of notes (4) (5) upsta-nding top-class
tain sections was scratched, a few stones, bro-
Guinness — it' s black
paint picture (9)
and white and cold (7)
2 One who' s inno-cent 13 Caught Nazi battling to
Not quite (6) ken bricks, rubble and a little earth put down,
getting law-yet.' s letter overthrow king (5)
13 Charlie Chan inter-rupts 24 Mould covering cold and the whole steam-rolled. It is obvious that
private inve-stigator in 24 Quaking at animal after (6) 15 Short men sensibly don'
Latin? It' s all backwards daughter spotted 3 Film about Saint Alban t party on these chop (4) repairs effected in this manner are utterly use-
(7) creature in the house
transformed the state evenings (10) 25 Orca shot with a bow
less and a waste of public money. Meanwhile
14 Beginners try spelling of Hollywood (10) 16 Attended to obse-rve the road goes from bad to worse, and the
bees and win in an 26 Mature reaction to 4 Old leader of 19 Down material (5) 27 Almost the end of the
unusual way (7) terrible joke on the missing as 11 haven 18 Worry about prostate, day; time flies (4 unhappy motorist who has to use it daily does
so at the expense of grave risk of damage to
his car.
NOTE: Figures in parentheses denote the number of letters in the words required. (By arrangement with The Independent, London)
8 millenniumpost

Democratised route to
curbing emissions
Instead of falling into the trap of ‘Methane Pledge’, India should facilitate installation of decentralised
biogas digesters to ensure that the agriculture sector remains stable in new-fangled ‘methane economy’
AUTHOR United States, Brazil, Indonesia,
Pakistan, Iran, Mexico and Austra-
the greenhouse gas emissions in
agriculture with the help of nuclear
Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (UNFCCC),
target as per India’s pre-2020 vol-
untary commitments.
municipal solid wastes.
l The Ministry of Hous-
lia. China, Russia and India have not techniques. In a series of research methane emissions accounted for l As per the 6th Assessment ing and Urban Affairs is imple-
signed the Methane Pledge. projects, coordinated by the IAEA 409 million tonnes of CO2 i.e., 14.43 Report of the Intergovernmen- menting the Swachh Bharat
While the urgency of reduc- in cooperation with the Food and per cent of India’s total Greenhouse tal Panel on Climate Change, the Mission – Urban. The mission,
ing global emissions of the potent Agriculture Organisation of the Gas (GHG) emissions in 2016. The predominant gas responsible for along with promulgation of Solid pig farms. Compared to China, the
greenhouse gas is ever increasing, United Nations (FAO), the effec- agriculture sector in the year 2016 climate change is CO2 which has Waste Management Rules, 2016, US has accorded methane capture
Indian scientists caution that dras- tiveness of environment-friendly registered a decrease of 2.25 per cent a lifetime of 100-1000 years. This Construction & Demolition (C&D) a low priority and is way behind
tically cutting methane emissions in farming methods is verified by sta- in GHG emissions since 2014. Pledge shifts the CO2 reduction bur- Waste Rules, 2016, Plastic Waste in adopting it in agriculture. Only
the country would involve a radical ble isotope techniques. v India has not signed up for den to methane reduction, which Management Rules, 2016 and three per cent of US dairy and pig
overhaul of its agricultural system, Royal DSM, a global pur- the Global Methane Pledge. The has a lifetime of just 12 years. various policy interventions by farms operate anaerobic digesters to
DIPANKAR DEY something that India may not be pose-led science-based company, Pledge was proposed by the Euro- l Also, India has the larg- MoHUA, encourages conversion of capture methane. In the US, agricul-

economically and technically ready announced that European Union pean Union and the United States est cattle population in the world, waste to value added products viz. tural universities started conducting
t the 26th Conference of for. (EU) member states approved the of America at the Major Econo- which is a source of livelihood to a waste to energy, electricity etc. In research and constructed about 140
Parties’ (COP26) of the marketing of the methane-reduc- mies Forum (MEF) on Energy and large section of population. The con- 2021, the mission resulted in meth- farm digesters. Sadly, by the mid-
United Nations Frame- ing feed additive for dairy cows, tribution of Indian livestock to the ane reduction of 231 Gigagram per 1980s, 85 per cent of the early US
work Convention for
Methane pledge or Bovaer®, in the EU. After inclusion global pool of enteric methane is year. digesters were abandoned when fuel
Climate Change (UNFCCC), held nitrogen pledge? in the EU registry, expected in the very low, as Indian livestock uti- prices dropped. Farmers went back
during November 2021 in Glasgow, A significant proportion of coming weeks, it is the first time lises large volumes of agricultural to storing and spreading untreated
over 100 countries promised to cut greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions a feed additive authorised in the Scientists by-products and unconventional
Most suitable solution manure that continued to release
their methane emissions by at least comes from the manufacture of EU for environmental benefits feed material. The most suitable option before methane into the atmosphere.
30 per cent by 2030. It is believed synthetic nitrogen (N) fertilis- can be marketed. This marks a caution that v India’s methane emissions India is to create small digesters to Around the same period, China
that methane is a deadly greenhouse ers consumed in crop production significant milestone for DSM, drastically cutting in 2016 (excluding LULUCF) convert animal dung and other bio- was facing another type of energy
gas and the second biggest contrib- processes. paving the way for Bovaer® to were 409 million tonne CO2e logical wastes to capture methane crisis – firewood. In the country-
utor to global warming, after car- In 2005, GHG emissions from revolutionise the dairy market.
methane emissions would of which, 73.96 per cent was in a closed chamber and use it as a side, peasants gathered wood to fuel
bon dioxide. Methane is over 80 N fertiliser manufacturing were Bovaer® will contribute to the involve a radical overhaul from Agriculture sector, 14.46 cooking fuel. It will serve the dual their stoves, devastating the nation’s
times more potent than CO2 when estimated to be 260.4 Tg CO2-eq, greening of the EU’s agricul- of agriculture, for which per cent from Waste sector, purpose of trapping methane and forests and creating a health crisis.
observed over a 20-year period, but accounting for 4.3 per cent of the ture, and to the objectives of the 10.62 per cent from Energy sec- burning the same as a cheap energy China is leading the world in using
stays in the air for a much shorter total national GHG emissions. Syn- Farm to Fork Strategy. As stated India may not be tor and 0.96 per cent was from source. The collected organic mate- digesters to capture methane from
time — around a decade. Car- thetic N fertilisation is considered in the European Commission’s con- ready currently Industrial Processes and Product rial feeds into a container buried in manure, accounting for a third of
bon dioxide, on the other hand, as one of the most significant factors firmation of approval, the innovative Use sector. the ground (the “digester”), where the overall global digesters. China
can remain in the atmosphere for contributing to anthropogenic N2O feed additive is safe for use without v (d) and (e) The Government the anaerobic environment breaks has also modelled the elements of
centuries. emissions from agricultural soils. impacting the quality of dairy prod- is taking a number of initiatives to it down, creating methane. The bio- a successful agricultural methane
Farmers compensate for reduced ucts and is the first of its kind to be Climate Change on September 17, reduce methane emissions such as: gas then rises into a storage tank capture programme for developing
soil fertility by applying excessive available within the EU which can 2021 targeting a 30 per cent reduc- l Through initiatives like and stays there until it is needed. and developed countries. The Biogas
Sources of methane quantities of chemical fertilisers, reduce methane emissions. tion in global methane emissions ‘The Gobar (Galvanising Organic Digested slurry—the solid byprod- Institute provides a comprehensive
Methane is generated when which contribute to climate change from 2020 levels by 2030. India is a Bio-Agro Resources)-Dhan’ scheme uct of the decomposed waste—is programme of research, technical
organic matter decomposes in an through their release globally of Party to the UNFCCC and its Paris and New National Biogas and used as a free, nutrient-rich fertiliser support, training and demonstra-
environment with little to no oxy- 1.2 million tons per year of nitrous
India’s stand on Agreement and remains steadfast Organic Manure Programme, cat- by many poor, rural farmers to help tion, combined with government
gen, for example underwater, or oxide — a greenhouse gas 260 times methane pledge in its commitment in framing and tle waste utilisation is being incen- improve crop yields. subsidies.
in an animal’s intestine as food is more potent than carbon dioxide. It is reported that India did implementing its actions to combat tivised, in addition to production of In a study (2018), Rajku- Most importantly, China recog-
digested — a process known as Logically, along with the Meth- not sign the COP26 pledge to stop climate change. The Pledge is out- clean energy in villages. The Gobar- mar – a Senior Research Fellow nised early the multiple benefits of
enteric fermentation. Plants grow- ane Pledge, an initiative to reduce deforestation and cut methane gas side the ambit of the UNFCCC and dhan scheme, inter alia, supports at Calcutta University — and this adopting biogas technology. The fuel
ing in standing water, like rice, gen- anthropogenic nitrogen (Nitrogen emissions by 2030 because of its its Paris Agreement. In exercise of biodegradable waste recovery and author revealed that for Muzaf- value may rise and fall with world
erate a lot of methane, but livestock Pledge) in the agricultural sector concerns over the impact on trade, its right of sovereign, national deter- conversion of waste into resources farpur (Bihar), total rural biogas energy markets, but greenhouse gas
rearing remains the biggest contrib- should have been taken to combat on the country’s vast farm sector, mination of its climate actions, and and reduction of GHG emissions. production potential ranges from reduction, forest protection, and
utor of methane within the agricul- climate change. and the role of livestock in the rural as per the assessments by the Min- l The Department of Animal 2,29,729.12M3 to 4,08,407.33M3. improved indoor air quality and dis-
tural sector. In India, agriculture is economy. On the methane issue, istry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Husbandry and Dairying is imple- This can fulfil 36.33 per cent to 64.58 ease control ensure a strong package
the biggest source of methane emis- India has taken a very clear and bold Welfare; the Ministry of Petroleum menting the National Livestock per cent of total requirements of the of environmental and public health
sions, but also one of the hardest
Immediate beneficiaries stand by not bowing before devel- and Natural Gas; and the Ministry Mission, which inter alia, includes estimated demand of LPG. After the benefits.
to abate. The methane pledge is likely to oped countries. of Environment, Forest and Climate Breed Improvement and Balanced total failure of the Ujjwala scheme,
Methane is 28 times more pow- develop a global market for ‘meth- Answering to specific ques- Change, the Government decided Rationing. Feeding livestock with bio gas has become the most viable Conclusion
erful than CO2 at warming the ane reduction equipment and prod- tions — (a) whether the govern- not to sign the “Global Methane a superior quality balanced ration clean energy alternative to the mil-
atmosphere, and is responsible for ucts’. Organic farming may get a ment is aware of the fact that India Pledge”. The salient reasons and is helping to reduce methane emis- lions of villagers of India where cat- Though the global Methane
almost a quarter of global warm- hit and farmers’ reliance on chemi- is the third largest emitter of meth- related information are as below: sions from the livestock. tle are still plentiful. Pledge is not mandatory at present,
ing. About 50 per cent of methane cal fertiliser would increase due to ane globally; (b) the reasons for not l The two predominant l System for rice Intensifi- Despite the huge potential of in the future, developed countries
emissions globally are due to human absence of any nitrogen pledge. signing up for the Global Meth- sources of methane emissions in cation: The technique has potential biogas digesters in the district of may use methane emission as a non-
activities, largely from agriculture, According to a recent study, ane Pledge at COP26 in Glasgow; India are enteric fermentation and to enhance rice yield from 36-49 Muzaffarpur, the Bihar government tariff trade barrier as done in case
waste and fossil fuel production the European Union will struggle (c) the sector-wise breakdown of paddy cultivation. These emissions per cent with about 22-35 per cent has decided to promote solar energy of carbon emission. Imposition of
and consumption. Methane is also to meet its methane emission tar- methane emissions in the country; result from the agricultural activi- less water than conventional trans- (one of the most expensive alter- methane tax, especially on organic
released through the exploitation of gets unless it reduces the number (d) whether the Government plans ties of small, marginal, and medium planted rice. native energies based on imported agricultural products, cannot be
fossil fuels, during the process of oil, of livestock in the region. This will to reduce positive methane emis- farmers across India, whose liveli- l Direct seeded rice: The technology) instead of promoting ruled out. India should develop
coal and gas exploration, extraction increase the demand for synthetic sions and if so, the details thereof; hood stands threatened by the afore- system reduces methane emissions indigenous biogas technology as an a viable plan to tackle the meth-
and processing. While the energy meat for human consumption. and (e) if not, the reasons therefor said Pledge. In contrast, agriculture as it does not involve raising nurs- alternative green energy enabler. As ane issue in the emerging ‘methane
sector used to be the main meth- Cultured meat, produced in bio- — the Indian Minister of State for in developed countries is dominated eries, puddling and transplanting. biogas is a democratic and decen- economy’.
ane emitter until about two decades reactors without the slaughter of an Environment, Forest and Climate by industrial attributes. Unlike transplanted paddy cultiva- tralised technology ‘of the people, The Government of India
ago, and is still a major contribu- animal, has been approved for sale Change, made the following state- l In the context of food tion, standing water is not main- by the people and for the people’, wanted to retain centralised con-
tor, agriculture is now the biggest by a regulatory authority for the first ment in Lok Sabha on December security, the methane emissions are tained in this system. the responsibility of promoting the trol over this highly potential tech-
source of methane. According to time. The development has been 13, 2021: ‘survival’ emissions and not luxury l Crop Diversification Pro- same may be taken up by various nology by offering subsidies etc.,
the latest data from the international hailed as a landmark moment across v Different databases rank emissions. In addition to impacting gramme: Methane emissions are social organisations and used as an which has de-marketed its poten-
research initiative, Global Methane the meat industry. It is reported that countries differently in respect of farmers’ income, this can impact avoided due to diversion of paddy to effective tool to break the hegemony tial due to bureaucratic bottlenecks.
Budget, agriculture contributes to the “chicken bites”, produced by the their methane emissions. As per the agricultural production, especially alternate crops like pulses, oilseeds, of large petroleum corporations in The viable option to promote this
27.3 per cent of total methane emis- US company Eat Just, have passed a Global Methane Initiative (GMI) that of paddy. India is one of the maize, cotton and agroforestry. food and energy sectors. people’s technology is by the peo-
sions, while wetlands are the big- safety review by the Singapore Food website, China, Russia and USA largest producers and exporters of l A total of 216 WtE plants, Unlike India, the Chinese gov- ple themselves. It should be pro-
gest source of naturally produced Agency and the approval could open are the top three methane emitters. rice. Therefore, this Pledge also has with aggregate capacity of 370.45 ernment has been incentivising moted as a ‘green fuel’ which helps
methane. the door to a future when all meat is India ranks fourth, and its methane the potential to affect India’s trade MWeq, have been set up in the farmers to do this for decades, so to substantially reduce the emission
Ten countries produce 57 per produced without the killing of live- emissions are nearly one-third that and economic prospects. country to generate power or bio- has the US, albeit less successfully. of methane, a greenhouse gas harm-
cent of global methane emissions. stock, the company said. of China. As per India’s third Bien- l Agriculture was not gas/bio methane or Bio-CNG from In the US, nearly half of the methane ful to the atmosphere.
These are China, Russia, India, the IAEA has suggested reducing nial Update Report to the United included in the emission intensity agricultural, urban, industrial and released from manure comes from Views expressed are personal

The most suitable option before India is to create small

digesters to convert organic waste to capture methane
in a closed chamber and use it as a cooking fuel
NEW DELHI | SUNDAY, 21 AUGUST, 2022 Inland mp 9
Brought to a standstill

The August 7 killing of four TTP commanders has pushed the prospect of peace talks in uncertain
domain — increasing the tensions of Pakistan which already stands divided on the issue

t has been over a year since the ceasefire and the peace talks.
the Taliban stormed Kabul on The TTP has confirmed the deaths
August 15, 2021 and estab- of Abdul Wali (alias Omar Khalid
lished an Islamic Emirate in Khorasani), Mufti Hassan Swati and
Afghanistan. This was the second Hafiz Dawlat Khan Orakzai in an
time in two decades that the Tali- IED attack as they were travelling
ban gained control over that coun- in southeastern Afghanistan. Scrap-
try. Its regime was earlier ousted ping the truce and peace talks could
from power by American and allied lead to pressure from the Haqqani
forces after the events of Septem- network, a powerful Afghan Tal-
ber 11, 2001, in order to dismantle iban faction that hosts the TTP
the al-Qaeda that had executed the in Afghanistan and is believed to
attacks. This time too, the presence have close ties with the Pakistani
of al Qaeda in that country has been intelligence services. The ongoing
conclusively proven with the killing negotiations are being mediated by
of Ayman al-Zawahiri in a US drone Sirajuddin Haqqani, the acting inte-
attack in Kabul. The Taliban regime rior minister of Afghanistan’s Tali-
had promised not to allow the pres- ban regime. Khorasani, who had a
ence of foreign terror outfits like Al three million US dollar-bounty on
Qaeda or the Islamic State (Kho- his head, was a founding member It is a concerning issue for Pak that the TTP maintains thousands of fighters across the border Before the August 7 killings, Pakistan’s military brass held a crucial national security meeting
rasan), but to no avail. On regaining
power, the Taliban had promised a of the TTP and was considered to had held a crucial national secu- stan. If they win in ex-FATA, how
moderation in its radical Islamist be its most important and ruth- rity meeting to discuss the peace long before militancy spreads from
approach. However, it seems to have less commander. He had formed talks. The meeting was chaired areas as far south as DI Khan and
fully reverted to its old ways — giv- his own outfit called Jamat ul- by Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff Tank to the upper reaches of Dir
ing space to terror outfits and resort- Ahrar (JuA) in 2013. But he Committee Gen Nadeem Raza, and and Swat? Like wildfire, radicalism
ing back to its approach on human rejoined the TTP after the attended by all three services’ chiefs, will consume other parts of Paki-
rights issues. There has also been current leader Noor Wali along with ISI Director General Lt stan. This is no time for dawdling.
no forward movement on another Mehsud took over in 2018. Gen Nadeem Anjum and Pesha- Parliamentarians: wake up before
front — the ongoing talks between Khorasani was a harsh war Corps Commander Lt Gen Faiz you become irrelevant. Military: do
the Pakistan government and the critic of the government Hamid, among others. A statement your duty and protect the physical
Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP), in Pakistan and had consis- issued after the meeting said: “The borders of this country.”
which are being mediated by the tently opposed negotiations forum was given a detailed brief- A prominent Islamabad-based
Afghan Taliban. between the TTP and Islam- ing on the review of the national research and advocacy think-tank,
The August 7 killing of four abad. The other two lead- security situation specific to West- Pakistan Institute for Peace Studies
commanders of the TTP in Afghan- ers, Swati and Orakzai, were ern Border, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa TTP leader Omar Khalid Khorasani was one among the killed militants (PIPS), recently brought out a report
istan, including top TTP known for their past links and Balochistan.” It added titled ‘Afghanistan as Seen from
leader Omar Khalid with the Islamic State. that “fast-paced devel- were not unfounded. through, Islamabad needs to have a Pakistan’. It said Islamabad would
Khorasani, has struck Late last month opments in the realm The UN report contingency plan in place to neutral- have “to engage the Taliban govern-
a major blow to the before these kill- of strategic and con- New Delhi said: “Tensions ise such a large number of militants. ment in Kabul directly to neutral-
militant outfit and ings, Pakistani ventional policies, needs to be and security In an effort to prevent the parleys ise the Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan.”
cast doubts over military brass the importance of incidents have with TTP from failing, Islamabad While Pakistan must have a uniform
peace in Afghan- watchful of the been reported had also sent a 13-member delega- approach towards all the Taliban
istan for sustain- development around in the areas of tion of Islamic clerics last month to groups and factions, the report said
able development Afghanistan bor- talk with the TTP and soften them Islamabad should consider Afghani-
in the region and
the Pak-TTP peace dering Iran, Pak- up. However, the delegation failed to stan as a sovereign country having
the operational talks istan, Tajikistan convince the outlawed TTP, which the freedom to develop ties with
preparedness of the and Turkmenistan, did not budge from their demands other nations. It must also “stop rely-
armed forces” were dis- including incidents such as implementation of Sharia, ing on the Taliban regime in power”
cussed. But within days after the between Taliban and Iranian bor- reversal of the merger of Federally and “engage with other political and
statement was made, an armed der forces ... and a deadly stampede Administered Tribal Areas (FATA) ethnic groups of Afghanistan, in line
attack was carried out against a top (had occurred) at the Afghanistan- and withdrawal of the armed forces with its policy to build trust and
leader of Imran Khan’s Pakistan Teh- Pakistan border crossing in Spin from the Pak-Afghan border. strengthen relations with Afghans.”
reek a Insaaf (PTI) in the Lower Dir Boldak. Tensions between Tajikistan Several voices inside Pakistan A top former military official
area, allegedly by Islamist extrem- and the de facto authorities esca- have been critical of the peace talks said “the (Pakistan) state is bow-
ists. The TTP, however, denied its lated with the deployment of Tali- with TTP, which are being carried ing down too much, trying to pac-
involvement, ‘strongly’ condemned ban and Tajik forces and reports of out by the military brass and are ify them, instead of being firm. The
the attack and said it was probing the presence in northern Afghani- authorised by a parliamentary com- type of agenda and ambitions that
whether any of its members were stan of ISIL-KP cells and of Afghan mittee. The TTP has, till the recent they have there is nothing that Pak-
involved in it. opposition figures associated with past, mercilessly butchered tens of istan can compromise.” The for-
These developments came in the the National Resistance Front.” Such thousands of Pakistani civilians and mer officer, Lt Gen Talat Masood,
backdrop of the prevailing situation violent attacks, especially along the soldiers. “This cowardly and shame- who was also the secretary of Pak-
inside Afghanistan and along the borders of land-locked Afghanistan ful abdication of responsibility (by istan’s Ministry of Defense Pro-
Pak-Afghan border, which is being touching six countries, is one of the holding talks with the TTP) sug- duction, told The Diplomat: “The
termed as “quite grave”. A United reasons preventing these bordering gests a rubber-stamp Parliament Afghan Taliban have given them so
Nations report on Afghanistan has nations from recognising the Tali- that is good for naught but seeking much space. Pakistan was hoping
highlighted that terror outfits, such ban regime. perks and privileges for its mem- that with the Taliban taking over,
as the Al Qaeda and the Islamic State Before he was killed in a US bers,” noted Islamabad-based physi- Afghanistan would be friendly with
(Khorasan) or ISIL-KP, were operat- drone attack on July 31, Al Qaeda cist and writer Pervez Hoodbhoy in Pakistan and look after Pakistan’s
ing freely in Afghanistan, while the chief Ayman al Zawahiri was an article. Listing out several “failed interests; it is the other way around.
TTP was consolidating its reign by silently, but openly operating in agreements of the last 20 years” They know that we cannot afford
reorganising and strengthening the Afghanistan, the UN report said. between the Pakistani armed forces to annoy them, but they too can-
largest group of foreign terrorists The IS-KP, after being routed from and terrorists, he said, “direct nego- not afford to annoy Pakistan. So
on Afghan soil. These outfits have the Levant on the eastern shores tiation between the army and ter- they are playing the middle game.”
greatly benefited from the humon- of the Mediterranean, also found rorist groups is nothing new but has New Delhi needs to keep a close
gous amounts of arms, ammunition an atmosphere conducive for con- never produced results. ..... Talking watch over the developments relat-
and other equipment left behind ducting its activities in Afghanistan. to hardcore killers who understand ing to Pakistan government’s talks
by the US-NATO forces when they For Pakistan, it should be a mat- only the use of force needlessly gifts with the TTP, as any gain by the ter-
withdrew in August last year. At that ter of great concern that the TTP them political stature.” In the arti- ror outfit could have a detrimental
time, it was feared that Afghanistan maintains thousands of fighters just cle on the Pak-TTP talks, Hoodb- effect on the situation in Kashmir
The ongoing negotiations are being mediated by Sirajuddin Haqqani, the acting interior minister of Afghanistan would again become a hotbed of across the border in Afghanistan. In hoy said: “To accept the demands and other parts of India.
international terrorism. These fears case the ongoing negotiations fall of TTP terrorists is poison for Paki- Views expressed are personal

A Coming-of-age changemakers
t the 2019 UN climate facilitators of resilience among their
action summit, an angry peers, families and communities.
teenager with a long plait Gone are the days when chil-
walked into the stage and dren, particularly adolescents and
uttered, “We are at the beginning of young adults, could be kept in the
a mass extinction and all you can margin as receivers of support.

Participation of children in design, planning and implementation of climate action can

talk about is money and fairy tales Here are some recommen-
of eternal economic growth — how dations to promote children’s
dare you” participation:
Greta Thunberg was seen as the
Trojan horse in the climate move-
obliterate climate inequality; write Anindit Roy Chowdhury & Sohini Chakravorty v Recognise the power of
children’s voices: Create an eco-
ment, drowned in the scepticism of system for children to share and
climate deniers. strophic impact on children’s mental national development sector has Children are the custodians tance is at stake. contribute, mobilise, campaign,
When asked why she was focus- and physical development. witnessed a fundamental shift of this planet and their inheri- They are the future changemak- advocate, demand and partici-
ing on the climate crisis instead of Up to 132 million people will be where past experiences and learn- ers, lawmakers and policyholders. Gone are pate fully in discussions on climate
leading the life of a typical teenager, pushed into extreme poverty due to ings can no longer define actions If their participation isn’t ensured change.
she said young people are very con- climate change by 2030, estimated unless viewed from the lens of cli- in the design, planning and imple- the days when v Localise participatory
cerned about the climate and eco- the World Bank. mate inequality. mentation of climate action, it vio- children could be planning process: Disaster and cli-
logical crises. The drivers of poverty in South lates their rights. mate risk adaptive planning pro-
Unequivocal global warming, Asia will primarily be food prices, kept in the margin cesses should involve communities
indiscriminate industrial practices, health shocks and natural disas- as receivers of at the Panchayat, Gram Sabha and
the use of fossil fuels and global pol- ters with the worsening impact of urban local body levels. And these
icy paralysis have created an inter- cyclones, floods and other extreme
support planning processes should have rep-
generational child rights crisis. climate events. resentation from children.
Children and adolescents are at Repeated climate shocks directly v Analysis of impact: Focused
the core of the mitigation strategies or indirectly impact livelihood gen- The Committee on the Rights, studies to document the impact of
and recovery process and can voice eration, food and water supply, in its report, emphasises the access the climate crisis on children, partic-
their unique needs as equal stake- accessibility to timely health ser- to environmental information and ularly girls and other marginalised
holders. Solutions will not emerge vices, learning continuity and force its risks. So that children can par- and deprived groups, to drive policy
keeping children on the fringes of distress migration. ticipate and express themselves in planning and implementation.
climate discussions but by going More than 4.5 crore people ecological and climate matters and There’s a popular saying that the
back to the tenets of child rights. in India will be forced to migrate make informed decisions, whether best time to plant a tree was 20 years
A child born in 2020 will expe- from their homes by 2050 due to personal or for the development of ago and the second-best time is now.
rience, on average, twice as many climate disasters, stated Costs of the community. Children are critical stakehold-
wildfires, 2.8 times the exposure climate inaction: displacement and Children’s participation will ers in addressing climate change
to crop failure, 2.6 times as many distress migration report. increase their representation in concerns. We must empower them,
drought events, 2.8 times as many The most marginalised and environmental research and help work with them and facilitate their
river floods and 6.8 times more vulnerable children are at the identify policy risks and gaps. participation. Borrowing the words
heatwaves across their lifetimes, crossroads, deprived of essential Representation from disas- of 15-year-old Justina from Zambia,
compared to a person born in 1960. services, losing their agency and ter-prone regions will also help in “If we can be the causers, we can be
Continued exposure to a harm- resilience to fight future challenges. designing and building resilient the solvers. Out Loud I Appeal”
ful environment will have a cata- In the last few years, the inter- communities. Children can become Views expressed are personal
>Ug4U\XY1eWecd"!" ""



he recent political development in BJP leaders like Rameshwar Chaurasia and this demand in his meeting with Prime level was missing. The lack of a prominent

T Bihar remains the subject of

intense discussions in political
circles across the country. Before
Bihar, it was Maharashtra that
witnessed a high degree of upheaval and
rebellion ultimately dethroning Shiv Sena
chief Udhav Thakare and installing the BJP-
Rajendra Singh appearing in the LJP’s list.
Surprisingly, the BJP central leadership raised
no concern over this brazen attempt by
Chirag to sabotage the prospects of (JD-U)
This betrayal resulted in a situation where
the NDA got a majority with great difficulty.
Minister. But the Bihar BJP has been
reluctant in supporting this cause for the
welfare of the state. In the same way, many
states across the country have been rooting
for the caste-based census. Bihar assembly
had passed a unanimous resolution to this
cause. An all-party delegation led by Nitish
PM face and competition from within is a
major challenge before the opposition. The
NCP supremo Sharad Pawar’s success in
luring Shiv Sena away from the BJP two years
ago was seen as a masterstroke, but the BJP
has hit back and severely damaged Sena and
captured power in the state. This demoralized
Shiv Sena ( Shinde) government. The coup
in Maharashtra has been interpreted
The JDU had to bear the loss of around 50
seats due to the infamous “Chirag Model”. C74>??>B8C8>=F0B Kumar last year met the Prime Minister to
get his support on this, but it did not work.
the Opposition camps across the country.
The country badly needed a leader who could
differently by stakeholders and experts, but to Nitish Kumar with BJP leader Sushil 2><?;4C4;H But the BJP first opposed the demand, and revive the Opposition and give hope.
those who understand the changing reality of
contemporary Indian politics, it is the
Modi as his Deputy ran the alliance
government for more than twelve years 38B<0H4301>DCC74 later halfheartedly supported it.
The BJP’s demand for the
In this situation, the development of
Bihar has raised hopes. Nitish Kumar is a
‘Politics of Horse Trading. without any controversy, but the BJP top !!#;>:B0170 implementation of the Uniform Civil Code man of the masses. He is no armchair
The case is different in Bihar where the
ruling Janata Dal-United ( JD -U) chose to
leadership preferred to drop Sushil Modi and
appointed two deputy CMs from the same
?>;;B1DCC74 also created differences between the two
parties. Nitish Kumar has obvious reasons
politician, but someone who knows the pulse
of the people. He can be seen as a leader with
part way with the NDA to form a new caste. Unfortunately, these two leaders made 0AA8E0;>5=8C8B7 not to endorse such a move, though he has a clean image, bearing no burden of dynastic
government with RJD, Congress, and others.
There was no resort politics, or trading of
no mark on the alliance. The politics of
peaceful coexistence of the Atal-Advani era
:D<0A70B written a letter to the Chairman of the Law
Commission, B.S. Chauhan and agreed to
politics. He may have allied with the BJP for
decades, but he is quintessentially seen as a
MLAs; no news of threatening the MLAs, or had come to naught long ago, but the Bihar ?A>E8343C74<D27 welcome any reform. In our opinion, such a secular leader. Most opposition leaders have
using probe agencies to influence them,
BJP avoided any confrontation. But this
time, from the very beginning, the state
=44343B?0A:C> sensitive matter should be implemented only
after extensive talks with all the stakeholders
an excellent personal rapport with Nitish
Kumar. Even Prime Minister Narendra Modi
It is well known that the JDU had been a leadership kept raising controversial issues, A486=8C4C747>?4B and political parties. has praised Nitish Kumar for his good
loyal and honest partner of the NDA alliance
since the time of Atal ji and Advani ji. Now,
resulting in confrontations within the
C74A48B=>34=H8=6 As per the understanding arrived at
among Atal Ji, Advanji, Ji George Fernandes,
governance and non-dynastic politics. Modi
also compared him with Dr. Lohia and Jay
to understand what went led to the breakup The issue of NRC has been confined to C74502CC74 and Nitish Kumar at the time of the Prakash Narayan. The political Pundits see
of this coalition, let's walk back to the last
two major elections held in Bihar i.e.
the state of Assam, where the task of
implementing this process after the Supreme
>??>B8C8>=8B103;H formation of NDA, it was decided to keep in
abeyance sensitive and controversial issues to
Niitish as a name on which the opposition
can trust upon. He is seen as a performing
parliamentary elections in 2019, and state Court's direction was the responsibility of the 5A02CDA430=3=>C make the coalition sustainable. Not Chief minister who has demonstrated an
assembly elections in 2020. The atmosphere Assam government, but there the then BJP A403H5>AC74!!# surprisingly, almost all the founding inclusive and sustainable model of
of the 2020 assembly polls was much Chief Minister Sarbananda Sonwal flatly members of the NDA have deserted the BJP. development in Bihar. He has proven that he
different than the previous year's Lok Sabha refused to implement these instructions. To 2><10CF8C7C74 Yet Nitish Kumar backed the NDA is capable of transforming even a moribund
polls. There was a visible lack of cohesion in capitalize on such emotional issues, some of 19?C74?D1;828B candidates in the recent Presidential and Vice state like Bihar into a model state. Electricity,
the NDA partners. It was the first election
for Lok Jan Shakti Party after the death of
the BJP leaders started demanding to
implement NRC in the state. 544;8=6A4BC;4BB Presidential election. But the continued non-
cooperation from the BJP leadership, sharp
roads, women empowerment, law and order,
economic growth, etc., have been the key area
Ram Vilas Paswan. Mr. Paswan was an Population control has been a major 3D4C>0E0A84CH>5 differences over sensitive policy matters and of transformation in Bihar. These skills and
experienced political player, so he used to
constantly make sense of his utility, but his
concern of our entire nation. Its density is
highest in Bihar, but there has been a A40B>=B1DCC74 agenda, and hostile behavior of the State BJP
President and the Speaker of the Assembly
experiences are widely recognised in the
country. Indeed, our party is not as large as
successor Chirag Paswan lacked experience decrease of more than 2% in it due to the >??>B8C8>=70B forced the JD(U) to walk out of the NDA. BJP and Congress but it the Nitish Model
and handled everything in a hurry. It’s
important to understand that there has been
propagation of the awareness porgarmme of
the Government of India. The Home 3>=4=>C78=60C The opposition was completely dismayed
about the 2024 Lok sabha polls, but the
has helped the party expand. Recently the
JDU was recognised as a state-level party in
no seat-sharing understanding between LJP Minister has accepted in Parliament that this C74?0=8=380;4E4; arrival of Nitish Kumar has provided the Manipur.
and JD(U) in any of the previous elections, so
the division of seats was done between LJP
national average is encouraging and . we
continue to follow the policy of Hum Do
C><>18;8I4>?8=8>= much-needed spark to re-ignite the hopes.
There is no denying the fact the opposition is
So, the recent political development in
Bihar can be a precursor to unifying the
and BJP. The BJP offered only 26 seats to LJP, Hamare Do. Notoriously, the local leaders 0608=BCC74<>38 badly fractured and not ready for the 2024 Opposition under the leadership of a man
but Chirag Paswan chose to vent his anger on
Nitish Kumar and JD(U) calling himself the
kept on repeating the demand for the
implementation of a population control law
6>E4A=<4=C0CC74 combat with the BJP. The public is feeling
restless due to a variety of reasons, but the
who has an excellent track record in both
governance and politics.
‘Hanuman’ of Prime Minister Narendra in Bihar just to grab daily newspaper 24=CA4 Opposition has done nothing at a pan-India The impact of Bihar’s development on
Modi. He put up more than 75 rebel headlines. level to mobilize opinion against the Modi national politics can be lasting only if it acted
candidates against JD (U) and declared to The Bihar assembly has all along government at the centre. as a catalyst to bring the squabbling
send Nitish Kumar to jail on fabricated unanimously supported the demand for There have been state-level protests opposition to one platform
charges,. special status for the state. Chief Minister against Inflation, Agniveer Yojana, and other The author is a senior JD(U) leader. The
It was shocking to see the names of senior Nitish Kumar on many occasions reiterated public issues but their impact at the national views expressed are personal)

>Ug4U\XY1eWecd"!" ""


CWT740;C7?8>=44A_aTbT]cbePaX^dbPb_TRcb^UQT]TUXcbcWPcQaTPbcUTTSX]V 0UUTRcX^]<00_a^VaP\\TPd]X`dT
QaX]VbUa^\_a^\^cX]VQ^]SX]VQTcfTT]\^cWTaP]SRWX[Sc^_a^eXSX]V P]S\^QX[XbTcWT_aXePcTbTRc^aW^b_XcP[b
]dcaXcX^]P[P]SX\\d]^[^VXRP[]TTSbP]S_aTeT]cX]VX]UTRcX^]bX]cWT]TfQ^a] c^Pb_XaTc^VTcPRRaTSXcPcX^]U^a
he WHO recommends age of children under three breast- QPbTS^]F7>³b²CT]BcT_bc^
T exclusive breastfeeding
(EBF) with no other added
food or water for the first six
fed within one hour of birth was
registered in Meghalaya, followed
by Lakshwadeep, Kerala and
months of life – as it provides ideal Mizoram. Significant changes in
and adequate nutrition to infants, the last five years were noticed in he World Breastfeeding Week, marked ing of the data on early breastfeeding with-
protects them from immunolog-
ical infections and is critical to
Meghalaya and Lakshadweep as
well as Sikkim, Dadra and Nagar
T during August 1-August 7 this year,
has just passed us. Governments, non-
in an hour of the birth, use of infant for-
mula during hospital stay, and last but not
achieve optimal growth, develop- Haveli and Daman and Diu and government organisations and healthcare the least, creation of governance struc-
ment and health. However, the Assam. While Meghalaya, fol- professionals have celebrated by organiz- tures, like a breastfeeding committee,
baby is allowed to receive drops lowed by Lakshadweep, showed a ing webinars and events to mobilize action comprising of 3-4 persons including
and syrups including vaccines, vit- sharp increase in the percentage in this regard. Providing education and nurses, pediatrician and obstetrician,
amins, minerals and medicines. In of children under three years and necessary logistics’ support to mothers by under a nodal authority in all the mater-
contrast, children who are not who were breastfed within one catering to specific health requirements nity hospitals.
entirely or partially breastfed have hour of birth, the rest of the sur- in the maternity care department was the The committee may be mandated to
a higher risk of diarrhoea and veyed states and UTs reported a theme for this year. Everyone had one review the data every month or on quar-
other infections, are more likely to significant decline, especially question in mind; why the breastfeeding terly basis, with the objective of effecting
suffer from malnutrition and have Sikkim. rate within an hour of birth in India was necessary structural changes so as to pro-
an increased risk of death in their The percentage of children a dismal 41 per cent when nearly 90 per vide requisite support to women before
infancy. under three who were breastfed cent births are delivered in registered and after their delivery. This is an essen-
The World Health Assembly within one hour of birth in healthcare facilities. tial and non-negotiable step for making
has set a global target to increase Telangana remains almost stag- To begin breastfeeding within an progress.
the exclusive breastfeeding rate by nant. Overall, it was seen that only hour of birth is a public healthcare rec- Further, to achieve sustainable suc-
50 per cent by 2025. In India, cur- 10 states as well as UTs — ommendation. The World Health cess, the Union Government needs to
rently, 55 per cent of children Andaman and Nicobar Islands, Organisation, UNICEF and the consider a twin-pronged strategy that
under six months are exclusively Andhra Pradesh, Himachal Government of India have recommend- ensures recording of decisions on feeding
breastfed. Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, ed this practice in order to improve the of babies after taking the consent of moth-
However, the results of Lakshadweep, Meghalaya, health of newly-born babies, reduce ers who wish to use infant formula at
National Family Health Survey Nagaland, Telangana and West cognitive development. In the infant mortality, enhance mother-child birth. Secondly, it should provide support
(NFHS)- 5 show that the percent- Bengal — of 22 showed increase UK, women who have more bonding besides several other benefits for to women during both vaginal and cae-
age of mothers following the in the percentage of children that educational qualifications and are lactating mothers. Early breastfeeding sarean deliveries.
practice of early initiation of were breastfed. Marked differences more economically advantaged helps achieve better results in the baby’s Why are these two steps necessary?
breastfeeding has come down in were observed in Dadra and tend to breastfeed for longer. In well-being during the first 2 years of life, A realtime mother Jincy Varghese from
12 States and UTs in the country. Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, addition, this group tends to and has been linked to reducing under- Mumbai put up a public petition “Stop
The maximum percentage Manipur and Meghalaya. Kerala score more highly on cognitive nutrition in children. feeding formula milk to newborns with-
points decline is observed in showed almost no difference in tests. These differences could Early breastfeeding rate, which was 9 out the parent's consent
Sikkim (33.5 percent) followed by percentage. But in 13 states and explain why babies who breast- per cent in 1992, rose gradually to 41 per #MyBabyMyDecision” five years back to
Dadra and Nagar Haveli (24.1 UTs, the percentage of children in feed for longer do better in cog- cent by year 2015. However, there has show her discomfiture at the hospital’s
percent), and Assam (15.3 per- rural areas breastfed within an nitive assessments. been no improvement in it over the last decision to formula feed her baby with-
cent). In contrast, a rise in the hour of birth was greater than However, in our study, we five years. This has been a constant source out first taking her consent. More than
rates of early initiation of breast- urban areas. found that even after taking of worry for the Union Health Ministry, 1,10,000 people have supported her peti-
feeding is observed in This was seen mostly in these differences into account, which during the first week of August this tion.
Lakshadweep, Meghalaya, and Dadra and Nagar Haveli and children breastfed for longer year, called a virtual meeting with experts
Andhra Pradesh. Moreover, as Daman and Diu, Andaman and scored higher in cognitive mea- for threadbare discussions on how to Begin Action in the Private Sector
also noted in the NFHS 4 find- Nicobar Islands, Andhra Pradesh, sures up to age 14, in compari- increase the rate of early breastfeeding in Maternity Hospitals
ings, in 10 states and UTs, there Assam, Goa, Gujarat, Himachal son to children who were not India. Strategically, the Government of
is a substantial gap in the percent- Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, breastfed. This difference may Experts shared their views on how to India should communicate and coordi-
age of mothers who had institu- Maharashtra, Manipur, Link between breastfeeding duration of exclusive breastfeed- seem small for an individual better care and support for the mothers nate with private hospitals to fulfill the
tional delivery and in the moth- Meghalaya, Nagaland and Sikkim. duration and cognitive test ing, verbal cognitive scores at child but could be important at who have had caesarean deliveries as such requirements of MAA programme in the
ers who followed the practice of Rural women tend to stick with scores later in childhood per- ages 5, 7, 11, and 14, spatial cog- the population level.” cases are on the rise. They also have sug- maternity facilities as per WHO’s ‘Ten
early initiation of breastfeeding. traditions and breast fed their sists even after controlling for nitive scores at ages 5, 7 and 11, gested measures for addressing low birth Steps to Successful Breastfeeding’. Private
The practice of exclusive breast- newborns when compared to socioeconomics and maternal as well as potential confounders Longer duration of exclusive weight in babies and the unnecessary use hospitals should in fact aspire get to their
feeding shows only a marginal their ilks in urban. intelligence including socioeconomic charac- breastfeeding has protective of formula feeding in hospitals. Having accreditation as “Breastfeeding-Friendly”
improvement, a matter of con- Breastfeeding duration is asso- teristics and maternal cognition effect on childhood asthma worked in this domain over the last four institutions. Such a new initiative was
cern for the authorities. Covid Pandemic & ciated with improved cognitive as based on a vocabulary test. A new study in Annals of decades, I also have some suggestions to launched in December last year with the
Breastfeeding Experiences scores at ages 5 through 14, even The unadjusted associations Allergy, Asthma and offer, which I feel would help in improv- objective of bringing a change in hospi-
The standard infant feeding During Stay-at-home Orders after controlling for socioeco- found that longer breastfeeding Immunology, the scientific jour- ing the early and exclusive breastfeeding tal practices.
guidelines are: Investigators from Saint Louis nomic position and maternal cog- durations were associated with nal of the American College of rate in the country. Let me first begin by Adoption of scientific measures and
● Initiation of breastfeeding University explored how the nitive ability, according to a study higher verbal and spatial cognitive Allergy, Asthma and differentiating the response in the public ushering in structural reforms in health-
within one hour of birth, Covid-19 pandemic may have published in the open-access jour- scores at all ages up to ages 14 and Immunology (ACAAI) shows and the private sector hospitals. care facilities is likely to deliver truly excit-
● Exclusive breastfeeding impacted mothers’ roles and nal PLOS ONE by Reneé Pereyra- 11, respectively. After taking the that a longer period of exclusive ing results. Enabling every mother to
until babies are six months breastfeeding practices in the U.S. Elías, Maria Quigley and Claire differences in socioeconomic posi- breastfeeding was associated with Strengthening Action in Public begin breastfeeding within an hour of
old, and Mothers of a child 12 months Carson of the University of tion and maternal cognitive abil- decreased odds of current asth- Hospitals birth and to ensure direct skin-to-skin
● Continued breastfeeding of age or younger were asked via Oxford, UK. ity into account, children breast- ma. I would like to first congratulate the contact for the well-being of both the
along with nutritionally an online survey whether they Previous studies have found fed for longer scored higher in “The results of the study Union Ministry of Health and Family mother and the baby, is very much
adequate and safe comple- thought their breastfeeding habits an association between breastfeed- cognitive measures up to age 14, indicated that the longer a moth- Welfare, Government of India for having attainable. A mother who utilizes services
mentary foods, until age would have been different without ing and standardized intelligence in comparison to children who er exclusively breastfed, the lower launched in year 2016 the Mothers of ‘Breastfeeding-Friendly’ accredited
two years old or beyond. the pandemic and to answer an test scores; however, a causal rela- were not breastfed. Longer breast- the relative odds of her child hav- Absolute Affection (MAA) programme, hospitals is more likely to be successful in
open-ended question asking how tionship is still debated. Improved feeding durations were associated ing asthma, or asthma-related with an objective to improve breastfeed- breastfeeding her baby. This would also
the pandemic modified or impact- cognitive outcomes could poten- with mean cognitive scores 0.08 to outcomes,” said Keadrea Wilson, ing practices in hospitals. benefit the hospital by raising its popu-
The women in urban regions ed plans to feed their baby. tially be explained by other char- 0.26 standard deviations higher MD, lead author of the study and However, the Government has not yet larity among public.
of Daman and Diu and Dadra and Of the 1,861 mothers who acteristics—such as socioeconom- than the mean cognitive score of Assistant Professor of evaluated the performance of the MAA By working on these recommenda-
Nagar Haveli along with Bihar, completed the survey in July or ics and maternal intelligence—of those who never breastfed. This Neonatology at the University of programme since its inception. Review of tions, the current statistics of early breast-
Gujarat, Sikkim, Telangana and August 2020, one-third thought the women who breastfeed their difference may seem small for an Tennessee Health Science Center. the MAA programme is recommended to feeding in hospitals can definitely be
Tripura recorded a dip in the prac- the pandemic impacted their babies. individual child but could be “There was a ‘dose-response’ find answers to why there is no improve- improved in India. The implementation
tice. Out of the 17 states and five breastfeeding habits. The survey In the new study, the important at the population level. effect depending on how long the ment in early breastfeeding rate over last of an action plan that seeks to attain at
Union territories (UT) whose results revealed that some moth- researchers analyzed data on The authors conclude that a mother breastfed: Babies that five years. least 10 per cent growth in early breast-
data was made available under the ers found that the extra time at 7,855 infants born in 2000-2002 modest association between were breastfed for 2-4 months If we want to progress quickly, the feeding rate each year in each hospital, and
NFHS 5 (phase l), Dadra and home facilitated a bond between and followed until age 14 as part breastfeeding duration and cogni- had only 64% likelihood of hav- Ministry would need to strengthen the its monitoring at the highest government
Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu them and their baby, resulting in of the UK Millennium Cohort tive scores persists after adjusting ing as many asthma outcomes as MAA programme by taking a string of level would create favourable results for
showed the least percentage of breastfeeding longer than planned. Study. The cohort was not specif- for socioeconomics and maternal those who were breastfed less measures. These include review of current everyone.
children under three years and However, many mothers report- ically designed to address the intelligence. than 2 months; those breastfed training programme and the skill train- (The writer is a paediatrician,
who were breastfed within an hour ed the Covid-19 pandemic to be association between breastfeed- The authors add: “There is for 5-6 months had 61% likeli- ing of maternity healthcare staff on the Central Coordinator, Breastfeeding
of birth. This was followed by stressful, and in some cases, moth- ing and cognition but included some debate about whether hood, and those breastfed for basis of ‘Ten Steps to Successful Promotion Network of India (BPNI) and
Bihar, Sikkim, Tripura, Telengana ers reported low milk supply due the collection of information on breastfeeding a baby for a longer more than 6 months had a 52% Breastfeeding’, appointment of dedicated Former Member PM’s Council on India’s
and Gujarat. The highest percent- to stress. duration of any breastfeeding, period of time improves their likelihood.” lactation support staff; monthly monitor- Nutrition Challenges.)

ith government’s push to Make in 2020-21, as per data from the Union neurs can survive and have a productive rela- The capacity utilisation of the domes- a separate department for medical devices,
W India ‘Aatmanirbhar’ in medical
device manufacturing during the pandem-
Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The
Association has urged the government to
tionship with Academic institutions for
innovations in process and product devel-
tic industry had dropped by the October-
December quarter of 2021-22. From the
the AiMeD has requested Prime Minister
Narendra Modi to change the name of
ic, several local units making masks, PPE neutralise the 12-15 per cent disability fac- opment or incremental improvements in peak utilisation levels of 100 per cent, by Department of Pharmaceuticals (DoP) to
kits, thermometers, and gloves made their tor in manufacturing medical devices in performance to become competitive, Nath November 2021, around 33 per cent, or one- Department of Pharmaceuticals & Medical
foray, eyeing the growing market. India. added. third of India’s medical devices making Devices or to have a separate Department
However, many units had to close Nath said, “NITI Aayog and the Depart- The Association has requested the gov- capacity, was estimated to be lying idle. This of Medical Devices to instill confidence
down amid declining demand as Covid-19 ment of Pharmaceuticals recognises that ernment to expedite steps to end the 80% is even higher currently, said Nath. among the local manufacturers.
waned even as imports from countries like Indian manufacturers have a 12-15 per cent import dependence and ensure patients’ pro- Our analysis shows India’s top five med- In fact, recognising this huge import vol-
China kept on rising. Now, it is estimated disability factor in manufacturing medical tection, stronger quality and safety regula- ical device import sources -- China, USA, ume, dependency and long technology
that there are around 1,500 such local units, devices in India. We urge the Government tions, price controls to make medical Germany, Singapore and the Netherlands – development cycle of medical devices, the
and many more are on the verge of closure, to neutralise this disability for reduction of devices and quality treatment accessible and together account for Rs. 37,519 crore, or Indian Council of Medical Research too has
laments Rajiv Nath, forum coordinator, The medical devices imports in India as was in affordable and ethical indigenous manufac- 68%, of the total value of imports, he added. stressed on need for providing holistic sup-
Association of Indian Medical Device the case of consumer electronics, including turing viable. The Association has also analysed the port across the medical device development
Industry (AiMeD), an umbrella organisa- mobile phones and even in the toy indus- China remained the top import source top 50 medical device import items from and commercialization cycle including
tion of domestic medical device manufac- try.” for India as medical device imports from China to identify the areas of greater R&D, scale-up, validation, regulatory com-
turers representing the interest of over 1,500 At present, the duty on Chinese imports China grew 48% from Rs. 9,112 crore in dependence for India. A bulk of the import- pliance, market access etc.
manufacturers of medical devices. ranges mostly from zero to 10 per cent, but 2020-21 to Rs. 13,538 crore in 2021-22. ed medical devices from China (in value Just a few months ago, it came out with
He said during pandemic time, from the bulk of the items are in the 7.5 per cent Imports from the USA also increased terms) fall in the ‘other items’ sub-sections a proposal to support indigenous develop-
1,200 units, the numbers had gone up to category and one item at 25%. steeply by 48% to Rs. 10,245 crore in 2021- under various major categories, it found. ment, scale-up and pilots of Make-in-India
1,800. The Department of Science and 22 from Rs. 6,919 crore in 2020-21. The It has called for shifting from an 8 Digit manufacturing of critical medical device and
However, medical devices imports con- Technology (DST) and Department of value of medical devices from China was HS Code to a 10 Digit HS Code as done by diagnostic products in categories like dial-
tinue to grow unabated. India imported Biotechnology (DBT) should sit together nearly the same as the combined value of USA and Europe to give more granular data ysis machines, ultrasonography, echocardio-
medical devices worth Rs. 63,200 crore in and work to seek correction of tariff to a imports from Germany, Singapore and the for enabling better analysis and policy gram machine and extracorporeal mem-
2021-22, up 41% from Rs. 44,708 crore in nominal 15 per cent so that the entrepre- Netherlands in 2021-22. making. Highlighting the urgent need for brane oxygenation (ECMO) machine(s)

>Ug4U\XY1eWecd"! " ""

aiwan, aka Formosa, is a
T case study in the realm of
international law with its own
trickster’s permutations and
combinations. John Crawford,
an eminent international law
scholar, has contended that
though Taiwan is not accord- CPXfP]Pbbd\TbP
ed the regularity of a “normal
country”, most of the nations d]X`dT_^bXcX^]X]
and the attendant internation-
al community regard the twi-
light zone of Taiwan as an TR^]^\XR
uncontested terrain. If one
revisits the sovereign and inde- UXa\P\T]cfWTaT
pendent status of Taiwan as an
independent and a sovereign
nation, then it does not quali- dcX[XbTSQh
fy as an independent entity. But
with nations such as the United FPbWX]Vc^]´b
States chaperoning the island
nation without according the bdQbT`dT]c
ordinary sovereign recogni- aTVX\TbPbP
tion, diplomacy carried on by
Washington assumes a new R^]cPX]\T]c
and complicated hue, which is
easily explainable going by the T]VX]TP]S
dictum of balancing the
Chinese hegemonic and expan-
sionist designs in the Asiatic QT[Xcc[TcWTVXacW
space and the attendant comi-
ty of nations. P]ScWTX]U[dT]RT
If one stirs up the hornets’
nest of Taiwan’s international
status, then definitely it leaves Qh2WX]P\dRWc^
the nation in a lurch though it
offers passports and visas in its cWTRWPVaX]^UcWT
daily travel itinerary which
amounts to a novae interna-
tional posturing. The official bd_Ta_^fTafWXRW
name of Taiwan as an inde- operation (IOR-ARC) through Republic of China. Taiwan was “Yet Taiwan’s unique interna- gration as Taiwan competes as bedrock of our friendship and the handover of Formosa can
pendent and sovereign nation the establishment of Indian recently visited by the US tional status is not only due to Chinese Taipei in the Olympic serve as the impetus for be calibrated as the flies in the Xb^][haXeP[[TSQh
state is ROC, that is, Republic
of China, which incidentally
military bases in Chabahar in
Iran, Assumption Island in
Congressional leader, Nancy
Pelosi and the Democrat sen-
using a ‘shared domain’ with
China, but it is also a problem
Games and the World Trade
Organization utilises the tricky
expanding US engagement
with Taiwan. Through the
ointment for Taiwan alone.
Beginning from the year 2012,
subsumes the entire mainland Seychelles along with the ator, Edward Markey which unresolved after the war. Japan, titling of, Special Customs American Institute in Taiwan the US China Education ini- RdaaT]cR^]cTgc
territor y of the People’s Indian obstructions near the initiated the aggressive war the United States, and the Territory of Taiwan, Penghu, (AIT), a non-governmental tiative along with the fact that
Republic of China. Taiwan Strait of Malacca, the Sunda games and naval and air war- United Nations have all con- Kinmen and Matsu. Free organisation mandated by the Taiwan contributes the seventh
assumes a unique position in strait and the Lombok strait in fare manoeuvres of China, tributed to Taiwan’s status China, nationalist China and Taiwan Relations Act to carry largest flock of students to
the global geo-economic fir- order to strangulate the trade beyond the median line of the today. Japan was responsible for Formosa are other sobriquets out the United States’ unofficial American educational institu-
mament where-in it is deftly pathways of China, where-in Taiwan Strait. The Chinese surrendering Taiwan in 1951, which are cannily bandied relations with Taiwan, our tions, the people to people
utilised by Washington’s sub- about 70 per cent of the military manoeuvers were but did not specify which about for Taiwan especially cooperation with Taiwan con- exchanges have augmented the
sequent regimes as a contain- Chinese global trade and sup- enough provocation to intim- country Taiwan was ‘returned’ during the Chiang Kai Shek era tinues to expand. Taiwan has proximity between the ROC
ment engine and instrument to plies are routinely routed idate the allies of Taiwan along to. The US has the most influ- and the cold war years. Still, the become an important US part- and the United States of
belittle the girth and the influ- through this genre of maritime with the American overarch. It ence on Taiwan and its attitude official and constitutional name ner in trade and investment, America. Last but not the least,
ence often undertaken by PRC space. The Indian maritime is a known and well received toward Taiwan is the key to remains “Republic of China” health, semiconductor and the Chinese conservativeness
much to the chagrin of the and containment strategy sails fact that China is no match for preserving the island’s democ- (ROC). other critical supply chains, and family centricity of life
world’s sole superpower which through the nomenclature of Washington in the Indo Pacific racy. Meanwhile, the UN has Still, the US recognises investment screening, science finds an indelible echo in the
is only rivaled by Beijing in the “The necklace of Diamonds at least militarily, but it should become the unit of approval for Formosa as a leading democ- and technology, education, and Taiwanese societal construct
current context. strategy,” which intends to not be forgotten that Taiwan is any country that wishes to racy and a technological hon- advancing democratic values.” but despite the commercial
The theme of maritime choke the Chinese fluidity exposed to sleepless nights join the ‘international family’ cho, which has become a key What besmirches the entire element making an incursion
security also intervenes over through the choke points in the repeatedly whenever the Han club.” parishioner with the US in the labyrinth is the contention of in Taiwan, the scholars fol- <0=0=3
here in a domineering manner. Red Sea, the Strait of Hormuz, dragon lumbers up and gravi- All in all, Taiwan can be present times where geo-eco- the Taiwan Relations Act of lowed by peasants, merchants
The Chinese stratagem has the Indian Ocean and the Bay tates with its fire and fury high- considered a key territory nomics rules the roost between 1971 not to devolve full-fledged and the men in fatigues impart
been the traditional one of, of Bengal. It is here that the lighting the twilight zone sta- which was never returned Washington and Formosa. A diplomatic status to Formosa a novae denomination to the
“The Pearls in the Ocean” new geo-strategic and mar- tus of the nation-state of properly and in a legally ade- US State Department release which is a sort of a legal lurch nation state of Taiwan and
which relies upon the existing itime narrative of the US-led Taiwan in contested and uncer- quate manner which remains contends, “Though the United going by international law con- adorn it with the niceties if lib-
Chinese naval bases in places Quad group of nations enters tain waters. one of the historic flash points States does not have diplomat- ditionalities of the order of erty, freedom and openness
such as Gwadar in Pakistan, and posits itself with great Harking back to the dia- between Beijing and ic relations with Taiwan, we Treaty Law and in the percep- which is absent in the main-
Hambantota in Sri Lanka and aplomb and tenacious effec- tribe filled debate about the Washington in the contempo- have a robust unofficial rela- tions of international law land.
Coco Islands in Myanmar. tiveness. legal gargoyle that Taiwan has rary context of geo-economics tionship. The United States experts such as Oppenheimer.
India too has responded with Taiwan too can be a choke- turned out to be, there is an iota and geopolitics of the region- and Taiwan share similar val- The twin approaches of not (The writer teaches at
a quaint but effective strategy point in a future Armageddon of history which reeks of al and global political space. ues, deep commercial and eco- imparting full-fledged recog- International Relations and
in the Indian Ocean Rim featuring the United States of malafide intent. Nomenclature still remains nomic links, and strong people- nition to Taiwan along with the International Organisations,
Association for Regional Co- America and the People’s According to Lee KuaTeng, and persists as another confla- to-people ties, which form the historic reasons concerning IIPA, New Delhi)



uman beings have a com- only thought was going to have a better understanding of figure out their world, and the responsibility of the State to
H plicated relationship with
change. Sometimes we wel-
happen in the near future has
already come about. We
life. So why are we shying
away from creating new sys-
newness of it, they need to be
facilitated with tools to steer
recognise these gaps and fill
them with precise modules of
come it, sometimes we resent already have a virtual existence. tems around this new change themselves in the right direc- training. The government and
it; sometimes we let it come An extension of us, but also as that has found its way into our tion. Tools that educate, build its policy-makers need to
and sometimes we try to stop much more than that. We meet lives, and into the lives of our capacities and generate aware- understand the gravity of the
it. But change has a way of online now, we connect online, children. The online world is a ness. situation, wake up to the real-
sneaking up on us, whether we we learn online. And this new space and we have already One of the best ways of ity and take meaningful action,
like it or not. extension of ourselves, this pushed our children into it going about this would be a in collaboration with individ-
If you are reading this, digital persona or facet of our without protection, without as strong collaboration among uals and organisations that are
you have obviously survived lives, which seems to have a life much as a “spacesuit”. the government, internet inter- already walking this path.
the pandemic that the world of its own, impacts our real In an ideal world, there mediaries and civil society. It is high time India under-
E0347A0 was trying to fight for over two physical lives from innumer- would be an established system Though there are several stood the power it holds in the
years, and still is. We are in the able positions. And the impact of education and children organisations working direct- form of its future generation(s)
post-pandemic era. It is high on children, whose whole life would slowly get integrated ly with children, youth and and be a pioneer by taking
time we took stock of the exists parallel online, now, is into the new normal over a women along with social media strong action.
change that surrounds us, and even greater than we can imag- well-planned period of time. companies working collective- Let us for once not follow
gauged how well we have ine. But reality is far removed from ly, but with the support of the the rest of the world. Let us be
adapted to it. According to Unicef ’s lived online. And just as the two sides to a coin. And this is this. The pandemic accelerat- government, efforts can be the world power that under-
A virtual existence was report “Children in a Digital world opened up, they even a very new coin. There are ed their introduction and amal- amplified and maximum stood the nuances of a digital
always on the cards. We have World”, “Connectivity can be more rapidly adapted to being many negative aspects to this gamation into a life lived impact made possible. existence, took action, and
watched enough sci-fi movies a game changer for some of the allowed outside, while main- world, some known, some not online. They went into it with With the efforts exerted, enjoyed the fruit of the efforts.
that impacted our visualisation world’s most marginalised chil- taining their digital presence. so much. So what do we do? Is their eyes clouded and their has come a greater, stronger Let us give our children the
of the future. We have seen fly- dren, helping them fulfil their They did not make too much it not our job then to figure this hands tied behind their back. understanding of the issues, power to excel and have bright
ing cars, robots taking over, potential and break intergen- noise, because this is their out for our children? It is time we open these ties, and interventions required to futures. Let us give them not
people living inside screens, erational cycles of poverty.” normal now, and it is just the Let’s go back to the begin- and hand them proper tools combat them. This extensive just a “SPACESUIT” but a
education through means other The possibilities are unlim- world they live in. ning. The survival of mankind and a map to navigate the experience has brought forth a well-equipped rocket-ship of
B0=344?99>B78 than institutions and even love ited and extremely powerful. At But do you think they are is very firmly based on learn- advent of this latest existence. strong demand which is that brilliant, opportune education,
and connection happening vir- the same time, we cannot deny prepared enough? An ing through education. We It should also be men- “Online Safety Education” so to say. And then, let them
tually, in more movies and there can be some unwanted unknown is an unknown, no have built systems around this tioned at this point that the needs to become part of the soar.
shows than we wish to care scenarios that they might face matter how hard one tries to very need. Our offspring are ever-existing protectionist atti- curriculum in schools, univer-
about. or are already facing. However, fathom it. This digital existence sent out to learn as soon as they tude towards children needs to sities, educational institutions (Jyoti Vadehra is a gender
It is 2022, we urge you to children are a lot more resilient. is a huge unknown for all of us. are able. And formal learning be checked. We are talking across the board. These last two and child rights activist.
look around. A lot of the They swiftly adapted to a life There are obvious monumen- continues most of the initial about equipping the children, years have poked holes in our Sandeep Joshi is a freelance
prospective development we lived indoors and to a life tal benefits, but there are always life. Why is that? So that we not sheltering them. As they current teaching systems. It is journalist.)

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