Nutritional Supplementation in Hepatitis: T Mohana Lakshmi, R Srikumar, E Prabhakar Reddy

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DOI Number: 10.5958/0976-5506.2018.00442.

Nutritional Supplementation in Hepatitis

T Mohana Lakshmi1, R Srikumar2, E Prabhakar Reddy3

Research scholarof Microbiology, 2Research Associate, Centre for Research, 3Professor of Biochemistry,
Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, Bharath University, Puducherry


The best way to get vitamins and minerals is through food. Food provides the greatest range of nutrients.
However, a multivitamin/mineral supplement can be helpful, especially if you lose your appetite or can’t
eat a healthy diet. Folate is particularly important vitamin and is not obtained easily from food but is
found in multivitamins. The above nutritional components have been successfully utilized in the care and
rehabilitation of the diseased liver. Care must be taken and such a protocol must be reviewed by your physician
or health care practitioner. Of utmost importance is rest and consistent utilization of the supplements and
diet recommended. Adding appropriate nutritional supplements may have a positive effect on the health of
your liver and on slowing the progression of hepatitis C.

Keywords: Vitamins; Minerals; Hepatitis; Oxidative stress.

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INTRODUCTION depressed in many people with hepatitis C.1 Insufficient

amounts of glutathione can reduce the liver’s ability to

There are two sources of liver damage with chronic break down drugs, chemicals, and other toxins. This can
hepatitis C. One is from the infection itself. The other is result in liver damage.
from the immune system’s attempt to fight the virus. Even
if you eat a healthy, balanced diet that provides a broad Antioxidant Supplements:
spectrum of nutrients, there is may still be an important
A study of people chronically infected with the
role for nutritional supplements. Antioxidants, amino
hepatitis C virus (HCV) found their blood levels of the
acids, and fatty acids may help moderate liver damage in
antioxidants glutathione, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin
people living with hepatitis C. A process called oxidative
E, and selenium were much lower than those of people
stress plays a role in the progression of chronic hepatitis
the same age and sex who did not have HCV3. Low
C. Oxidative stress occurs when free radicals (unstable
levels of antioxidants were accompanied by high levels
electrons and oxygen molecules) move through the
of blood markers that indicate oxidative stress (damage
liver causing inflammation and scarring. Free radicals
from free radicals). The levels of these markers were
form naturally in the body, especially when the immune
closely correlated to the amount of liver fibrosis. The
system attacks an invader. The process is accelerated in
higher the level of oxidative stress, the more advanced
chronic viral infections. The amount of damage caused
the fibrosis. Fibrosis was also related to low blood levels
by oxidative stress is linked to both the grade of liver
of the same antioxidants. These findings applied not
fibrosis and the overall level of liver damage1-2.The
only to people with significant fibrosis and cirrhosis
level of glutathione (an antioxidant) can be significantly
on liver biopsy, but also to those with minimal fibrosis
and no cirrhosis. Higher levels of oxidative stress were
Corresponding author: associated with lower levels of antioxidants and more
E. Prabhakar Reddy, severe liver damage. The most important information
Professor of Biochemistry, this research reveals is that even in the beginning stages
Sri Lakshmi Narayana Institute of Medical Sciences, of hepatitis C, antioxidants are important. Although this
Bharath University, Puducherry. information does not prove antioxidants prevent liver
Mobile No. +919159186879 damage, the authors of this research suggested that
Email id: antioxidants might play an important role in slowing the
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, May 2018, Vol. 9, No. 5 219

progression of HCV and delaying the onset of cirrhosis. cancer risk. Selenium provides powerful antioxidant
Nutritional antioxidants can counteract the damage protection to the body via the selenium-containing
caused by oxidative stress and low glutathione levels. enzyme glutathione peroxidase. This enzyme helps the
Many different antioxidants work in many different body maintain sufficient levels of glutathione in the liver
ways in the body. These include vitamins A, E, and C, and all other glutathionecontaining cells of the body.
the family of carotenoids (including beta-carotene), the Selenium is one of the most crucial of all nutrients for
minerals zinc and selenium, alfa-lipoic acid, N-acetyl maintaining effective immune responses. Many cancer
cysteine, and SAMe. The process of inflammation researchers believe it is one of the most important
involves the accumulation of fat in the liver. Fatty cells nutrients in preventing cancer. Selenium is one of the
are susceptible to damage, which can cause fibrosis antioxidant nutrients that can be significantly reduced
and, ultimately, cirrhosis4-5. Vitamin E, selenium, zinc, among people with HCV3 One study found people with
and N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) have also been studied for hepatitis C who did not have cirrhosis had selenium
their potential to inhibit fibrosis in chronic hepatitis. Of levels 20% below normal, and those with cirrhosis had
particular importance are the antioxidants and nutrients levels 40% below normal. Selenium is very important
that work together to increase glutathione. The use of both as an antioxidant and as a cancer prevention agent.
supplements to normalize glutathione levels may be very Therefore, low selenium levels in people with hepatitis
important for preventing liver damage. The nutrients C could contribute to progressive liver damage and
that contribute to glutathione production are alfa-lipoic the development of liver cancer. One study looked at
acid, vitamin C, vitamin E, NAC, and glutamine. The B selenium levels in 7,342 men with chronic hepatitis B and
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vitamins and the mineral selenium also contribute to the C and their risk of developing liver cancer (hepatocellular
antioxidant defense system. Following are descriptions carcinoma)3. For analysis, the participants were divided
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of several nutritional supplements, their effects in the into four groups based on their selenium levels. The

body, and their roles in maintaining or improving liver study found selenium levels were lowest in the men with
health. Alfa-Lipoic Acid Alfa-lipoic acid (ALA) is a fatty chronic hepatitis C. Participants in the group with the
acid and an antioxidant. ALA is rapidly depleted when highest selenium levels were 38% less likely to get liver
the liver is under stress. ALA has a long history of use in cancer than those in the group with the lowest selenium
Europe where it is used to treat liver disorders because levels. This decreased risk of liver cancer was greatest in
of its apparent ability to help the liver repair itself6. the men with chronic hepatitis C who smoked and had
ALA’s effectiveness in raising cellular glutathione levels low levels of vitamin A or carotenoids. Carotenoids are
is thought to be very important for liver repair with vitamin A-like compounds including beta-carotene.
diseases like hepatitis C and HIV since both can cause
Another selenium studied in chronic hepatitis B
glutathione deficiency. Unlike most other antioxidant
and liver cancer, involved 130,471 people8. Participants
nutrients that work in either the fatty parts of the body
were given table salt that had been supplemented with
(including the outer layers of cells) or the watery parts
selenium and were followed for eight years10. The rate
(including the blood), ALA works in both. This allows
of liver cancer in people taking supplemental selenium
ALA to provide protection to cells throughout the body.
was found to be one third lower than the usual liver
ALA also helps recycle and regenerate other antioxidants
cancer rate observed in that area. This indicates the
including vitamins E and C. This helps maintain optimal
supplemental selenium may have had a preventive
levels of these nutrients in the body. ALA has been given
effect on the development of liver cancer in this group
in doses up to 1,200 mg intravenously without toxicity.
of chronic hepatitis B patients. A study that examined
The only side effect reported was nausea and vomiting,
selenium levels in HIV-positive people showed people
and this was reported infrequently. No side effects have
coinfected with HCV and HIV had lower levels of
been reported with oral doses up to 1,000 mg daily7-8.
selenium than those who had only HIV11. HIV infection
Oral ALA doses of 500 mg to 1,000 mg have been well
is more likely to be fatal in a person who is selenium
tolerated in placebo-controlled studies9.
deficient12. Selenomethionine appears to be one of the
Selenium: safest and most absorbable forms of selenium. Other
forms of selenium can be toxic at high doses. Selenium
Selenium is a mineral that has been investigated for
provides general antioxidant protection and immune
its potential to improve immune function and decrease
220 Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, May 2018, Vol. 9, No. 5

Vitamin C: almost half the participants experienced improvement

of liver enzyme levels. Liver enzymes went back up
Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) is a powerful antioxidant
almost immediately after stopping the vitamin E. This
and natural anti-inflammatory agent. Both characteristics
suggests that vitamin E was neither combating the
are crucial for people with hepatitis C since much of
viral infection nor permanently stopping the process
the damage caused by HCV comes from a combination
of inflammation in the liver, but was directly affecting
of oxidative stress and inflammation in the liver. One
inflammation in the liver while it was being taken. In
recent study examined the relationship of blood levels of
other words, vitamin E only works while you take it.
vitamin C to ALT levels in people living with hepatitis
Animal studies have shown d-alfatocopherol inhibits the
C. The researchers found that higher ALT levels were
genetic mechanisms that lead to cirrhosis. Vitamin E and
associated with lower levels of circulating vitamin C.
vitamin C supplementation was recently examined in a
They concluded this relationship may indicate greater
study of people with NASH but without HCV. NASH
consumption of vitamin C with increasingly severe
stands for non-alcoholic steatohepatitis. A larger clinical
oxidative stress in the liver. Vitamin C is also very
trial is needed to determine this with certainty. A dose of
important for immune function. The white blood cells that
800 IU to 1,200 IU of vitamin E daily is safe, unless you
perform many of your immune functions are dependent
are on a blood-thinning drug such as coumadin or suffer
on vitamin C. Therefore, vitamin C is a crucial nutrient
from a vitamin K deficiency. Talk with your doctor to be
for control of any viral infection. Individual needs for
sure the dose you are taking is safe in combination with
vitamin C vary. For this reason, recommended dosages
your other medications.
can range from 1,000 mg to 6,000 mg or more per day.
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Amounts in excess of individual tolerance of vitamin C Zinc:

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can result in gas and/or diarrhea.

Patients with chronic liver disease can have low

Vitamin E: levels of several minerals including zinc. Zinc deficiency

is known to suppress the immune system. A small study
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that works in the fatty
of 40 people undergoing interferon plus ribavirin therapy
parts of the body, including the outer layers of cells
for HCV found zinc levels among those with hepatitis C
called cell membranes. Vitamin E is important for the
were significantly lower in those with HCV compared
protection of liver cell membranes. In one study, people
to healthy control subjects. These levels were further
with hepatitis C undergoing interferon based therapy
depressed during interferon-based therapy, but were
were divided into three treatment groups. Group 1
restored to normal by supplemental zinc. No difference in
took interferon alone. Group 2 took interferon plus
viral response to the interferon-based therapy was found
1,800 mg of NAC and 400 mcg of selenium per day.
between those receiving zinc supplementation and those
Group 3 took 544 IU of vitamin E per day in addition
who did not receive supplemental zinc. Researchers
to interferon, NAC, and selenium. Liver enzyme levels,
have begun to examine whether supplemental zinc may
HCV viral load, and response to interferon were similar
enhance response to interferon-based therapy for HCV6.
in the first two groups. Those who received the complete
In another small study (23 participants), the addition
combination that included vitamin E had a significantly
of zinc to pegylated interferon plus ribavirin treatment
greater response to treatment and achieved significantly
was found to provide no advantage in terms of viral
greater drops in viral load. Although the study was
response7. Both zinc and carnosine are available as
small and the relapse rate was equal in all groups,
supplements. It is not known whether taking zinc and
the effect of the combination that included vitamin
carnosine as separate supplements has the same effects
E was significant. It is unclear whether the vitamin E
as polaprezinc itself.
alone should be credited with the improved results or,
perhaps more likely, the improvement was the result of Nutritional Considerations - Diet
using an effective combination of nutrients. It is always
important to remember that nutrients interact in many The goal of treatment is to relieve symptoms and
ways and places in the body. Thus, combinations often to promote healing of liver tissue and function. The
work better than an individual nutrient. Another study importance of the diet and nutritional supplements cannot
of hepatitis C patients on 800 IU of vitamin E found be overemphasized in efforts to prevent relapse and aid in
Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development, May 2018, Vol. 9, No. 5 221

the recovery process. Immediately, all offending dietary damage caused by increased free radical activity in the
agents must be removed including: alcohol, caffeine, body. Other nutrients such as glutamine are important
drugs, aspirin/Tylenol, sugar, margarine, fried foods and in the production of glutathione, an antioxidant used by
high doses of niacin or vitamin A. Dietary manipulation the liver to break down toxins, drugs, and chemicals.
must include the following13-18: Adding appropriate nutritional supplements may have a
positive effect on the health of your liver and on slowing
Initial Stages
the progression of hepatitis C.
Foods of liquid to soft consistency may be
Conflict of Interest: Nil
preferable if there is anorexia present. This affords the
practitioner an excellent opportunity to utilize several Source of Funding- Self
quality protein/calorie powder supplements, particularly
Ethical Clearance no. No.IEC/C-P/035/2016
the high quality whey proteins, and additional balanced
amino acid supplements. REFERENCES
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