Structural and Electromechanical Behavior Evaluation of Polymer-Copper Nanocomposites

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Macromolecular Research, Vol. 24, No. 4, pp 309-313 (2016) www.springer.

DOI 10.1007/s13233-016-4043-3 pISSN 1598-5032 eISSN 2092-7673

Structural and Electromechanical Behavior Evaluation of Polymer-Copper


Gulfam Nasar*,1, Muhammad Azhar Khan*,2, Muhammad Farooq Warsi1, Muhammad Shahid1,
Uzma Khalil3, and Muhammad Saleem Khan4
Department of Chemistry,The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur 63100, Pakistan
Department of Physics, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur, Bahawalpur 63100, Pakistan
Jinnah College for Women, University of Peshawar, Pakistan
National Center of Excellence in Physical Chemistry, University of Peshawar, Pakistan

Received April 19, 2015; Revised January 3, 2016; Accepted January 24, 2016

Abstract: Copper nanoparticles were prepared by chemical reduction of copper nitrate by sodium borohydride as a
reducing agent in de-ionized water/acetonitrile mixture. The prepared nanoparticles were incorporated in poly(vinyl
alcohol) (PVA) by physical dispersion method to obtain PVA/copper nanocomposites. Various compositions of
nanocomposites were obtained by changing the w/w ratio of nanoparticles with the polymeric material. The prepared
nanocomposites cast into films of uniform thickness. The composite films were subjected to the electrical, mechan-
ical and surface morphology characterization. AC Impedance was figured out by AC Impedance analyser. The results
illustrated that copper nanoparticles impart electrical conductivity in poly(vinyl alcohol). Moreover, electrical con-
ductivity of the composites exhibited an increase with an increase of w/w% of the copper nanoparticles in poly(vinyl
alcohol). Tensile properties were studied in terms of tensile strength, elongation at break and Young’s modulus. Elon-
gation at break and Young’s modulus values demonstrated an increase while tensile strength displayed a decrease at
higher concentration of the copper nanoparticles in the composites. AFM results unfolded the surface morphology
of the composites illustrating a smooth surface with evenly distributed copper nanoparticles in the polymer matrix.
The dimensions of the uneven surface is attributed to the copper nanoparticles were estimated to be of a range less
than 100 nm. The prepared nanocomposites are suggested as potential candidates in charge storing devices.
Keywords: poly(vinyl alcohol), AFM, mechanical properties, AC impedance, copper nanocomposites, nanoparticles.

Introduction as compared to the pure constituents from which they are

synthesized. A nanofiller of a very little amount can vary the
Over the recent decades much attention has been paid properties up to a greater extend.5,6 The degree of alteration
towards developing new materials with high energy storage of the properties not only depends upon the amount of the filler
capacities. Most of such materials are polymer, or polymer material but also on its shape and size,7 extend of its disper-
based composites and nanocomposites.1 This is due to their sion in the matrix material and how its particles are oriented
enhanced properties e.g. better thermal, electrical and mechani- within the matrix.8 In the domain of nanotechnology new
cal properties that polymer nanocomposites have attained a materials are being developed and studied extensively. The
commendable amount of research work.2 The nanocompos- development of new materials accomplishes the requirement
ites have exhibited a better set of properties like fire resis- of nanotechnology with enhanced properties to meet new
tance,3 gas permeability4 and enhanced mechanical properties, demands.9
as compared to the immaculate polymer. These superior proper- The stability of a composite depends on the10 chemical
ties are obtained by properly dispersing the inorganic nanopar- structure of the substance;11 stability towards oxidation can
ticles or layered filler material particles within the polymer be enhanced by the addition of inhibitor. The electrical and
matrix. structural properties of nano-sized materials depend on composi-
Nanocomposites, owing to their structure at nanoscale, tion and method of fabrication of the prepared material.12
exhibit quite a reasonable amount of variation in the properties Electrical and mechanical properties play an important role
in characterizing a material. The effect of inorganic/metallic
*Corresponding Authors. E-mails: or particles into a polymer system is of vital importance.13 A composite system can be characterized by establishing a rela-

© The Polymer Society of Korea and Springer 2016 309

G. Nasar et al.

tion between its structural and functional properties. There has Characterization of Nanocomposites. For studying the
been much work reported on the conducting nature of the electrical properties of Cu-PVA nanocomposite, Autolab AC
composites actually made from non-conducting polymers, Impedance Analyzer was brought into use. The instrument
and the conductivity of the composites is reported up to 10-6 S uses three probe measuring device in order to measure elec-
cm-1.14-16 Recently various types of nanoparticles17 and nanocom- trical conductivity. The tests for each specimen were carried
posites have been reported in dynamic applications such as out and the results were shown in form of Nyquist plots.
electric,18 electronical19 and biotechnological applications.20 Data from the Nyquist plot was used to figure out electrical
The present study is aimed to produce nanocomposites of conductivity of the various concentrations of the nanocom-
PVA with copper nanoparticles that exhibit enhanced electrical posites. Mechanical properties of dumbbell shaped specimens
conductivity with optimized mechanical properties. With the were unveiled using Universal Testing Machine through
enhanced conductance as high as 10-5 S cm-1 and assimilated stress-strain curves, with a cross-head speed of 5 mm/min at
mechanical properties the new material might be a strong candi- room temperature. The data from the stress-strain graphs were
date to find application in electrical and charge storing devices. used to find the values of tensile strength, Young’s modulus and
This high conductance is reported for the first time for such elongation at break. Atomic Force Microscope was employed
polymer composite system. to reveal the surface morphology of the nanocomposites. A
specimen of one cm2 was placed under the surface analyzing
Experimental probe. The result were displayed in form of SPM (Scanning
Probe Micrograph).
Chemicals Used. Following chemicals were used for the
present study. Results and Discussion
Poly(vinyl alcohol) molecular mass 70,000 g/mol (BDH),
copper(II) nitrate (Uni Chem), sodium borohydride (Aplichem), AC Impedance. The impedance result of Cu-PVA nano-
de-ionized water (Milipore), acetonitrile (Aplichem) and ethanol composite having the greatest ratio of copper nanoparticles
(Aplichem). PVA was dried for 100 min in vacuum oven at is depicted in Figure 1. A semi-circular Nyquist plot was
80 oC. Other chemicals were used as such without further observed for all the compositions, showing a conducting
processing. behavior of the nanocomposite. The conductivity of the
Synthesis of Copper Nanoparticles. Copper nanoparticles nanocomposite is attributed to the incorporation of copper
were prepared by chemical reduction method using sodium nanoparticles due to the conducting and metallic nature of
borohydride under vacuum conditions. 0.1 molar solution of copper. The same fact is also used to endorse the even distri-
copper nitrate was prepared in a mixture of water/acetoni- bution of the copper nanoparticles throughout the polymer
trile in the v/v ratio of 30%:70%. 25 mL of this solution was bulk as well as on the surface. An equivalent circuit was obtained
transferred in a vacuum flask attached to a vacuum pump. A for the Cu-PVA nanocomposite sample that is depicted by
Teflon magnetic bar was added to the flask and was corked Figure 2. Nova application software was used to add differ-
with a thick rubber stopper. The apparatus was fixed on a ent circuit components with the most suitable initial values.
magnetic stirrer. 0.1 molar solution of sodium borohydride This was done by plugging in different initial values of circuit
was freshly prepared and was injected drop wise through the components in order to obtain the best fit. Warburg imped-
rubber stopper by a needled syringe along with vigorous stirring. ances can also be added to obtain a good fit.21
The process was stopped at the appearance of red wine colour. Bulk resistance (Rb) was worked out from the Z' versus Z''
The contents were centrifuged at 4,000 rpm and the prepared plot for every sample using point of intersection of the bias
copper nanoparticles were separated using ethanol. The nanopar- and the horizontal axis. Consequently ionic conductivity (σ)
ticles were vacuum dried for an hour and were stored in an was calculated from the values of bulk resistance in each
air-tight desiccator. case using Eq. (1).
Preparation of Nanocomposite. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 mg nanopar-
σ = l/ARb (1)
ticles were weighed separately and were suspended in de-ion-
ized water by ultra-sonication for two hours. The contents ‘A’ represents the area of measuring electrode while ‘l’
were added to five samples of 50 mL each of 3% w/w PVA expresses thickness of the composite film. Average thickness
solutions. The contents were subjected to hotplate stirring for of the films was measured to be 0.001 cm and the area of
12 h to synthesize composites with uniformly distributed copper measuring electrode was 1 cm2. By incorporating these values
nanoparticles. The nanocomposites of PVA/copper nanoparti- and the bulk resistances obtained for various composites in
cles were cast into films using solvent evaporation method. the Eq. (1), ionic conductivity values were figured out for
Films were removed from Petri dishes and were carefully cut all the developed composites. The same results are exhibited
into appropriate sizes for characterization techniques. AC graphically in Figure 3. The increased concentration of nanopar-
impedance, tensile properties and Atomic Force Microscopy ticles in the nanocomposite is responsible for an increase in
were used to characterize the prepared nanocomposites. the ionic conductivity.12 The rate gradient of ionic conduc-

310 Macromol. Res., Vol. 24, No. 4, 2016

Structural and Electromechanical Behavior Evaluation Of Polymer-Copper Nanocomposites

Figure 1. AC impedance spectrum of (a) Cu-PVA nanocomposite and PVA/Copper nanoparticles; (b) 2 mg, (c) 2 mg, (d) 4 mg, and (e) 5 mg.

tivity approaches to maximum at higher concentration of size. This attributes to the fact that elongated structures have
metallic nanoparticles. This phenomenon is attributed to the very high aspect ratios as compared to non-agglomerated filler
fact that the Cu nanoparticles cause chain unfolding of the nanoparticles.24 At this amount of Cu nanoparticles, agglomerated
polymer. This makes further free volume available for ionic fillers form conducting networks in the matrix. Once the
conduction governed by high aspect ratio of nanoparticles.22 conductive network has already been made; a further addi-
In this way greater number of conducting pockets are pro- tion of the Cu NPs has no pronounced effect on the conduc-
duced due to addition of copper nanoparticles into the PVA tivity of the nanocomposite.25 This is why on further loading
matrix.23 It is noteworthy here that we are reporting the elec- of 3, 4, and 5 mg of nanoparticles, a negligible raise in the
trical conductivity of the order of 10-5 S cm-1 which is much conductivity occurs.
higher than the reported values for such a polymeric nano- Tensile Properties. The Cu-PVA nanocomposites with vari-
composite system. ous concentrations of metallic nanoparticles were subjected
The threshold of percolation for electrical properties depends to stress-strain tests. The test results were used to figure out
on the extend of dispersion, type and geometry of the con-
ducting fillers in the PVA polymer matrix. In Figure 2, ionic
conductivity increases from very low to higher value with the
incorporation of 1 mg of Cu NPs. but then increases abruptly
by addition of 2 mg Cu NPs. This is due to the fact that elec-
trical percolation threshold for Cu-PVA nanocomposites with
1 mg NP is related to the consequence that the Cu NPs were
dispersed homogeneously and evenly in the matrix. But at 2 mg
NP, due to secondary agglomeration, size as well as shape
of the particles changes and the threshold value of the con-
ductivity is attained due to larger size and elongated particle

Figure 2. Circuit diagram of Cu-PVA nanocomposite. Figure 3. Ionic conductivity of Cu-PVA nanocomposite.

Macromol. Res., Vol. 24, No. 4, 2016 311

G. Nasar et al.

Figure 4. Young’s modulus trend of Cu-PVA nanocomposite.

Figure 6. Elongation at break trend of Cu-PVA nanocomposite.

nanoparticles for alloying with the polymer matrix. Beyond

that value due to alloying effect, there occurs a decrease in
the degree of elongation, and hence the composites would
adopt a lesser elastic behavior.29 At a further increase of Cu
nanoparticles concentration, the Cu nanoparticles tend to
interact among themselves through their electronic cloud.
This results in overall increase in elastic as well as metallic
behavior. It has been established and commonly accepted
that Young’s modulus of polymer nanocomposites depends
to a great extent on filler dispersion and interfacial interaction.
An increase in the modulus is a clear indication of a good degree
of dispersion of the nanoparticles.25,30 In this case it is signif-
icant that the elastic behavior has suggestively decreased,
resulting in imparting rigidity to the composite system and
hence Young’s modulus and elongation at break both tend
Figure 5. Tensile strength variation of Cu-PVA nanocomposite. to increase. Electrical conductivity increases likewise as
already discussed.
Atomic Force Microscopy. AFM was used to characterize
Young’s moduli, tensile strengths and elongation at break, the samples of the nanocomposite for their surface morphology.
as shown in Figures 4, 5, and 6, respectively. Young’s modulus This technique is used to provide a good idea of the mor-
and elongation at break show an increase with the incorpo- phology of the surface and size of the nanoparticles embed-
ration of copper nanoparticles while tensile strength tends to ded on the surface depicted from the roughness of the surface.
drop. This phenomenon is attributed to the increase in the The distribution of the nanoparticles within the polymeric
brittle nature of nanocomposite due to the interaction of Cu matrix is also exhibited through this technique as revealed
nanoparticles with polymer matrix. Unlike bulk metal, cop- by Figure 7. The surface morphology of the nanocomposite
per nanoparticles within the polymer matrix display a brittle sample is evidently uniform, having completed and manifest
behavior.26 Network of the polymer restricts the copper nanopar- dispersion of the Cu particles within the bulk of the matrix.
ticles in a well dispersed morphology as depicted from the It is notable that no nanoparticles lie outside the surface of PVA.
SEM results already reported in our previous communica- This fact is a positive indication to explain the even distribution
tion.27 Due to agglomeration of the metal particles within the of the nanoparticles in the polymer and is attributed to a
polymer, the resulting composite displays an overall decrease strong interaction between the filler and the matrix.31 The
of tensile strength. Similar results of tensile properties of nano- agglomerates produced due to copper nanoparticles were
composite system have been reported by Fraczek et al.28 It characterized as less than 100 nm in three dimensions. This
is important to note that such a behavior of the composite provides another clue about the size of the copper nanoparticles
material prevails up to an optimized threshold value of Cu coated under the surface layer of PVA at the nanoscale.

312 Macromol. Res., Vol. 24, No. 4, 2016

Structural and Electromechanical Behavior Evaluation Of Polymer-Copper Nanocomposites

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