Factors Affecting Timely Payment of State Pension: A Case Study

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Factors Affecting Timely Payment of State Pension: A Case Study

Conference Paper · July 2017

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1 author:

Charuhasini Wathuge
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University


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APIIT Business & Technology Conference, 2017
July 20th, 2017 | Colombo, Sri Lanka

Factors Affecting Timely Payment of State Pension:

A Case Study

Charuhasini Wathuge
Examinations Division
General Sir John Kotelawala Defence University
Ratmalana, Sri Lanka

Abstract— An undue delay in obtaining the initial payment of country’s economy, like they did prior their retirement, the
pension of the retired employees of the Municipal Council (MC), elderly people apparently have to largely depend on social
Kandy was observed as an issue for many applicants of pension. This security systems like pension schemes.
paper reviews the factors affecting the delay in timely payment of
pension in the Kandy municipality. The study was conducted based According to the Cambridge Business English Dictionary, a
on the data gathered from randomly selected 50 pension files that had state pension is “a regular income paid by the government to
been identified as having issues and based on the information someone who does not work anymore” [3]. A payment of
provided by the employees through responses to the questionnaire pension acts as a means of providing a social security system in
and to the interview in the Personnel Department of the MC, Kandy. a country. Pension systems usually exist to satisfy two major
The issues and problems which have been affecting the delay for a goals: to tackle poverty in old age by providing a minimum
long time were identified and examined to identify the causes of the income and to smooth the consumption over the life-cycle [4].
delay in pension payment. The causes were identified under three Further, the productivity theories of pension imply that a good
major entities; the Applicant, MC and Other Institutions (OIs). It was pension scheme can motivate the workforce to put in their best
examined that the delay takes place due to the issues pertaining to all in their work as they look forward to a rewarding retirement
three major entities identified. Amidst all the other findings period which consequently enhances work output of the
pertaining to administration and management of the MC, Department workforce and thereby increasing the productivity of the
of Pensions (DoP) and other related institutions, the most important
organization [5]. The demand side of the productivity theory
finding was that the delay occurred due to the improper practices of
posits that employees prefer pension savings to cash payments
the related parties as a result of negligence and the absence of a
standardized system to run the process. It was recommended to because of the possible annuity, reduction in income tax of the
consider introducing a user friendly computer based pension employee, social security from the employer's contributions
management system to run the whole process minimizing lapses in and interest earnings and dividend earnings on pension fund
the documentation process and coordinating payment of pension at investment [5]. The supply side of the theory posits that
national, district and divisional levels. employers are also benefitted by paying monthly pension to the
employees since it decreases personnel turnover, raises the
Keywords—state pension; causes; delay; pension payment level of workforce productivity and reduces labour costs such
as cost of training [5].
As personnel administration and management has been
Most of those who are entitled to receive a pension in any gaining a lot of attention and value, matters pertaining to
country or society seem to be elderly people. While in the past, pension, have also, although slowly, been similarly grabbing
conventional social values and religious practices have been much more attention of the employees and employers alike.
quite supportive of the elderly, various factors such as This suggests that pension issue has tended to lag behind other
economic changes, disappearance of the joint family system aspects of personnel administration such as selection,
and mobility of people have drastically eroded the support base recruitment, training and development, compensation,
of the elderly at present [1]. In fact, the older people have performance evaluation and so on [5]. Having mentioned that,
frequently been perceived as a problem to a nation as a result it is obligatory to say the issues pertaining to pension payment
of having less or no contribution to the Gross Domestic exist across the world and it is not merely a problem that only
Product (GDP) of the country. With the repercussions of the Sri Lanka encounters. For example, women’s pensions in Chile
increase of population aging, the threats for the elderly are 50% lower than those of men on average, and 45% of
population have grown further. Population aging is projected to women are projected to receive either an assistance pension or
increase public pension spending in most of the countries a minimum pension [6]. OECD1 countries are also facing
around the world [2]. Apart from the rising number of older significant pension policy challenges as a result of population
people, the other salient aspect of population aging is the aging [2]. To cater to the needs of the aging population and the
projected decline in the relative size of the population aged 20– pensioners, many countries have now gone for pension policy
64, where participation in the labour market is concentrated reforms in a larger scale. For instance, policy has diverged on
[2]. Due to all these factors, instead of contributing to the the relationship between earnings and pensions, with some

Countries that have signed the Convention on the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) which strives to 1|P age
promote policies that will improve the economic and social well-being of people around the world.
APIIT Business & Technology Conference, 2017
July 20th, 2017 | Colombo, Sri Lanka

countries, such as France, Sweden, and the United Kingdom, process is disrupted due to various reasons which ultimately
targeting public pensions more on low earners, while, in affect the delay in timely payment of pension
contrast, Italy, Poland, and the Slovak Republic have moved to
strengthen the link between pensions and past earnings [2]. This study aims to investigate those root causes that affect
Some countries have introduced a public-private pension mix the timely payment of pension in the MC, Kandy and to
as a reformation [7]. Sweden is one of the few countries that provide suitable recommendations to improve and enhance the
reformulated its pension policy by transforming its public process. Though there is a conversation about the delay in
pension system to a notional defined-contribution plan— that pension payment within the Sri Lankan society, less research
is, a defined-contribution plan financed on a pay-as-you-go has been found on the root causes that affect the timely
basis [8]. Many of these reforms imply a significant payment of pension. Especially, studies conducted on the
rebalancing of responsibility for pension provision between the issues pertaining to the payment of pension in the Kandy
public and private sectors, which amounts to implicit or municipality hardly exist. Therefore, this study will contribute
explicit ‘privatization’ of pensions [2]. a lot to the existing body of literature on the subject.

In Sri Lanka the DoP plays the main role in awarding state II. METHODOLOGY
pension to the government officers who get retired after their The present research is mainly based on a mixed method
services. The department strives to offer legal benefits to approach to carry out research. Therefore, both qualitative and
pensioners of public services and their beneficiaries and ensure quantitative methods of data collection such as questionnaires,
satisfaction of both recipients as well as service providers at an direct observations and interviews were used to gather data.
excellent level intertwining public sector private sector through Though the study utilized both quantitative and qualitative
applications of modern technology and sustainable data collection tools, it is largely rooted in a qualitative
management techniques [9]. However, the power of award of
epistemological position giving it the shape of a case study.
pensions has been decentralized in such a way that the retired
employees could draw their monthly pension without a delay This study takes the form of a case study since this is an in-
through the Divisional Secretary of the area where the officer is depth study of examining root causes of the delay in timely
residing [10]. Therefore, other respective government payment of state pension of the MC, Kandy and it is limited to
organizations also maintain records of their past employees in a particular geographical context. Case study method enables
support of the documentation process of issuing pensions. the researcher to closely examine the data within a specific
Further, applicants of pension are also partly responsible in context where mostly it selects a small geographical area or a
fulfilling the requirements on their part to obtain the pension very limited number of individuals as the subjects of study
payment without delay. All these entities are interdependent [11]. Further, the present study examines a ‘contemporary
and interrelated with the DoP as the payments regarding phenomenon within its real-life context’ [12]. According to
pension are granted from the treasury belongs to the DoP. [13], a case study is a research strategy which focuses on
Therefore, any small scale delay or issue in the process of understanding the dynamics present within single settings and
awarding pension in any of the said entity impinge on the delay they typically combine data collection methods such as
in the whole process which ultimately affect the pensioner in archives, interviews, questionnaires, and observations that
obtaining the pension payment on time. Thus, ensuring the give qualitative, quantitative evidence or both.
smooth function of the process of the timely payment of
pension is rather a combined effort where all entities involved Causes for the delay were identified by examining 50
in the process have to play their part. randomly selected pension files from 207 files which had
DoP has taken many steps and issued many circulars to already been detected as having issues at the time of selection.
streamline the process. A computer facilitated system has also Further information is collected through observations,
been introduced for those officers of various departments interviews and by giving questionnaires to the Management
engaged in processes concerned with pension payment to make Assistants (MAs) of the Personnel Department of the Kandy
the maintenance of records easier. The department even MC. A fair amount of quantitative and qualitative data on the
maintains a database in its website where pensioners can get issue was collected using the said methods.
access to the information on their monthly pensions at any
time. Further, the department has given the opportunity for the Gathered data and information were analyzed using both
applicants to register on line to receive a better service [9]. qualitative and quantitative data analysis methods to witness a
Though the department strives hard to streamline the whole holistic view of the issue being studied. The quantitative data
process, still shortcomings and lapses pertaining to the parties gathered were analyzed using descriptive statistics and
involved are reported. According to [10], due to the lapses in
computer aided software were utilized for that purpose. Issues
perfection of the documents forwarded to the department in
pertaining to the timely payment of pension were analyzed
spite of the instructions already notified, the anticipated goal is
not achieved. based on three different entities; the Applicant, MC and OIs.
These entities were identified based on the data gathered
Personnel Department of the Kandy MC being one of the through observations. Further, information gathered through
responsible authorities in the Central Province to ensure interviews and observations were transcribed and analyzed
receiving pensions by the retirees on time, also closely work qualitatively. Since this study was aimed at finding root causes
with the DoP in providing its pensioners a valuable service. of the issues pertaining to the timely payment of pension,
But there are instances where the smooth function of the

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July 20th, 2017 | Colombo, Sri Lanka

qualitative analysis gave new insights into the issue and it also and 5 files pertaining only to the OIs. That was the splitting up
helped reducing the superficial nature of the quantitative data of the overall 38% of files which were identified as containing
analysis. Finally, the root causes for the delay in timely issues pertaining to only one entity. According to the findings,
payment of pension were identified and suitable suggestions 34% of files were identified as having issues pertaining to two
were proposed to enhance the effectiveness of the process. entities. Remarkably, pertaining to the Applicant and the MC,
there was only one file identified as having issues. Pertaining
III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION to the Applicant and to the OIs there were 9 files and
The data collection was done in such a way that it could pertaining to the OIs and the MC, there were 7 files. Pertaining
easily identify the number of pension files of the applicants to all three entities 14 files were recognized as having issues.
containing issues and to discover which entity is responsible That was 28% of the files that were identified as having issues.
for what issues. The responsible entities as mainly identified by
the observations were the Applicant; the applicants of pension However, irrespective of the number of files being
at their retirement, the MC; the legislative body that presides identified as having issues, all three entities had their own
over the Kandy city area to administrate, develop and provide issues at their own levels. It was understood that applicants
services to its public and the Other Institutions; the other also have a responsibility in fulfilling all the requirements on
institutions except the MC such as DoP, Divisional and District their part as similar as MC and the OIs to obtain the pension
Secretariats, and Gramaniladari of the area. This payment without undue delay. When the issues were lagged
categorization might not have been the most impartial way to without solving them as they occurred, the files would be
classify different entities to find out the root causes of the stagnating in a corner without being forwarded for a decision.
issue. Especially, since the OIs represent all the other related Additionally, the nature of issues contained in the pension
institutions to the whole process except MC, there was a risk in files was investigated. Altogether 95 issues were identified in
generating misleading results. However, to avoid the difficulty the observed files pertaining to the Applicant, MC and the OIs.
in condensing and summarizing a variety of information Fig. 2 depicts the tabulation of the results of the number of
gathered, the analysis was done and the causes were identified issues identified in the observed files. According to the
based on the said categorization. Qualitative methods of data findings, issues pertaining to the Applicant were found in 29
collection and data analysis were utilized to reduce the said files. Issues pertaining to OIs were found in 35 files, which was
superficial nature of the results generated based on the above the highest. Issues pertaining to the MC were found in 31 files.
categorization. It was observed that there is less difference of the number of
According to the findings, there were 38%, 34% and 28% issues occurred related to the three entities identified. As
of files identified as having issues pertaining to one entity, two revealed from the interviews with MAs, issues of this nature
entities and to all three entities respectively (See Table 01). pertaining to the identified entities had been causing the delay
Even though the number of pension files that were stagnating in timely payment of pension for a long time and there were
without being forwarded for a decision due to the issues of the instances where the MC had taken measures to solve some of
different entities do not drastically vary from one entity to those issues time to time, which were not very consistent
another, the number of files having issues pertaining to a single enough to last long.
entity was reported as the highest according to the results while
the number of files having lapses pertaining to all three entities
Fig. 1. The number of files containing issues pertaining to the entities
was reported as the lowest. This shows each entity has its own identified
lapses and shortcomings to be addressed at their own levels.



Description Entity Number of files Percentage

(out of 50) 5 (10%)

Files Pertaining to one entity 19 38%

issues Pertaining to two entities 17 34% 1 (2%) 9 (18%)
Pertaining to all three 14 28% 14 (28%)
9 (18%) 7 (14%) 5 (10%)

Later, the responsible entities for the issues were

Municipal Council Other Institutions
discovered to understand from which entity the most and the
least issues were reported and why. Data were further tabulated
using Microsoft Excel and depicted in a Venn diagram to get a According to the results, the highest number of issues was
more vivid picture of the different entities having issues (See occurred pertaining to the OIs. That is 36.84% of the total
Fig. 1). According to the Fig. 1, out of the 50 files selected, number of issues that was recognized (See Fig. 2). This was
there were 9 files that were identified as having issues because all issues that had been occurred at the levels of
pertaining only to the MC, 5 files pertaining only to Applicant Gramaniladhari divisions, Divisional and District Secretariats
and at the level of the DoP were considered as one entity;

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issues pertaining to the OIs, whereas issues pertaining to data, assistance received from relevant parties and their
Applicants and the MC were considered separately as different workload.
entities. The lowest number of issues was identified pertaining
to the Applicant. But, it did not imply that the applicants have a Depending on the observations and the findings of the
lesser influence on issues arising in the pension process. As questionnaire and the interview several common issues in the
this study was placed largely on a qualitative epistemological process of pension were identified. One of the major issues was
position, the conclusions were not made solely on the figures. that, as a result of sending wrong and incomplete application
forms, a considerable number of applications were returned.
Apart from the observation of pension files having issues, a This may occur due to the lengthy documentation process,
questionnaire was administered and an interview was unawareness and the negligence of the pension process of the
conducted to acquire information from the MAs who work on parties involved. Another issue was that, all dues payable of
the subject. There were 12 MAs in the Personnel Department the pensioners were checked only after the application was
whose duty was to ensure smooth functioning of the timely processed which made the MAs who maintain respective
payment of pensions but, only 10 MAs opted to respond to the pension files to wait until the dues were checked and cleared.
questionnaire and only 7 MAs were interviewed. Their Apparently, when the applications are processed in the absence
feedbacks were transcribed and thoroughly examined to of a uniform method to gather information within the sections
identify the causes of the delay in timely payment of pension and the parties involved, occurrence of such problems are
from their point of view. unavoidable. It was also found that, some officers and
applicants give less attention to the guidelines of the DoP on
As revealed by the respondents of the questionnaire, all 10 the process. Various attitudes held by the officers who are
MAs stated that the work at the DoP was not within their responsible and lack of knowledge of the circulars may have
control. Hence, they perceived it as a de-motivating factor for been the reason for that issue. Another issue was that the time
them to work at their maximum pace. They held a strong consuming documentation process. It was discovered that a
conviction that, irrespective of the efforts they put to rectify new applicant of pension has to sign 21 documents. This was
issues within the process, the files get stuck in the next phase perceived as a hindrance because if a signature did not appear
or the other. It was further revealed that, the conviction itself to be the same in a document, it would create some other issues
discouraged them to engage effectively in solving matters which stop the smooth flow of the pension process. It was
pertaining to the payment of pension. Almost all of them observed that the same piece of information is gathered
believed that they are in a position to make the applicant aware repeatedly during the process and this unnecessary repetition
of the pension process however; some found it difficult to seemingly consumes a lot of time. Personal files not properly
convince certain facts regarding the process to the applicants of updated were also identified as a barrier to process the
pension who had held higher positions during their tenure. application of pension due to inadequacy of information. Lack
Further, a majority of the respondents experienced difficulties
of a clear procedure to receive complaints and queries was
in obtaining information about the previous positions held by another major issue. Consequently, the issues remain
the pensioners from other government institutions. unanswered for a long time. Similarly, the absence of a
uniform method to handle similar issues across various
sections and institutions which are involved in the process was
Fig. 2. The number of identified issues pertaining to different entities
also identified as a prolonged issue. The difficulty in obtaining
necessary records of the applicants including the past positions
held was as well recognized as a problem. Moreover, it was
Municipal 31 29
observed that certain respondents of the interview were
Council (32.63%) (30.53%) unaware of their duties and consequently, they seemed
reluctant to take the responsibility of their mistakes. The
outcome of all these issues, though some seem very trivial,
35 affects the delay in timely payment of pension.
After examining all the issues identified and the responses
Other Institutions
obtained, causes that affect the delay in timely payment of
pension in the Kandy municipality were identified separately
under each main entity.
A. Applicant
When it comes to the feedback that was collected from the  Negligence of the application process
respondents who answered the questionnaire and who faced the
interview, the major finding was that they somehow solve the  Delay in applying for pension (usually 3 months
issues they encounter in the process. Nevertheless, the task was before the date of retirement)
time consuming and above all, nobody could ever predict the  Sending incomplete or wrong application forms
time needed to rectify the issues they come across. Thus, the
challenge was finding solutions for the issues within a limited  Not providing accurate information
span of time. According to their views, solving issues depends
 Using illegible handwriting to fill forms
on the nature of the issue, time spent for obtaining necessary

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 Delay in obtaining Widows’ Widowers’ and Orphans’ On the whole, as a result of the negligence and lack of
Registration Number which is required to process the awareness of the process applicants contribute to the delay.
application for pension Pertaining to the MC, management and administration issues,
issues with the employees and absence of a proper computer
 Not informing changes in the name (usually female facilitated system mainly cause the delay. Shortage of an
employees after marriage) active and user friendly computer based system to run the
 Information provided are not supported with proper whole process, lapses in coordinating payment of pension at
evidence such as affidavits, service certificates, letters national, district and divisional levels, delay in updating the
or other documents official website of the DoP and financial deficiency of the DoP
mainly affect the delay in pension payment.
 Issues of the applicants are not properly
communicated to the relevant authorities IV. CONCLUSION
Personnel Department of the Kandy MC being one of the
B. Municipal Council
responsible authorities in the Central Province to ensure
 Employees’ poor knowledge on circulars and wrong receiving pensions by the retirees on time, closely work with
interpretations of circulars the DoP in providing its pensioners a valuable service. Though
 Inappropriate attitudes of employees many initiatives have been taken to streamline the whole
process, the applicants of pension still experience a delay in
 Lack of knowledge of the guidelines stipulated by the pension payment. Through the analysis, the issues and causes
Department of Pensions that affect the timely payment of pension in the Kandy
 Lack of proper way to manage records of the municipality were identified.
The causes of the delay have been identified under three
 Mistakes and errors in filling forms main categories; Applicant, MC and OIs. It was examined that
 Errors that may occur in pension calculations the delay takes place due to the issues pertaining to all three
identified entities. Negligence and carelessness of applicants
 Absence of a suitable performance appraisal system when fulfilling the requirements of the documentation process
and lack of training for MAs were identified as a major cause for the delay. Pertaining to
 Not having a proper computer facilitated system to the MAs in the MC, obtaining relevant information of the
maintain records Applicant from the other sections or from the OIs was
identified as the main time consuming issue that affected the
 Lack of assistance from the relevant sections of the calculation of pensions in the Kandy municipality. Solving
MC to obtain records of the applicants issues depended on the nature of the issue, time spent for
C. Other Institutions obtaining necessary data, assistance received from relevant
parties and their workload as revealed by the study. It was
 Lack of structured and formalized procedure to solve
examined that shortage of a clear procedure to receive and
queries of pensioners
solve complaints and queries was another major cause of the
 Inadequacy of a standardized and a uniform method to delay. It was clearly identified that the lack of computer based
handle similar processes across various functional unified pensions management system to monitor the whole
units in the Department of Pensions and the related pension process was the need of the hour. If the existing
other institutions process which is now becoming outdated can be replaced with
 Lack of coordination among the processes across a new pensions management system with sophisticated items
involved parties where both the applicant and the service providers are
facilitated, the task would have been much easier. Future
 Shortage of an active and user friendly Computer research can be done to examine the processes which are
Based System to run the whole process manually done and already computerized in order to launch a
 Prolonged issues in administration and management better pensions management system to the whole country
covering all involved parties.
 Lapses in coordinating payment of pension at
national, district and divisional levels Recommendations to further improve the process can be
 Financial deficiency of the Department of Pensions pointed out. Introducing a knowledge based system to make
all respective officers and all the government employees who
 Delay in updating the official website of the are entitled to receive a pension aware of the pension process
Department of Pensions including all policy and procedural changes that have been
 Lack of training for Gramaniladhari and other occurred across time would be an ideal solution to reduce
Officers who are involved in the process knowledge gaps. Identifying training needs of the employees
and scheduling programmes to update their knowledge &
skills will also be helpful to minimize the mistakes and to

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optimize the accuracy. At the same time conducting training [13] EISENHARDT, K. M. (1989). Building theories from case study
research. Academy of management review, 14(4), 532-550.
programmes to improve soft skills of the employees may
enhance the quality of their relationships as well as the public
relationship skills. Finally, the need to create room for mutual
conversation between and among different entities to address
the delays occurred due to the shortfalls of all entities should
be highlighted.
I would like to pay my gratitude to the PGIA, University of
Peradeniya for empowering me with knowledge to conduct
research and to the Municipal Council, Kandy for providing
me with all the needed support and information.
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