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Oral Exam

1. How much money do you spend each month?

2. How do you usually pay when you buy things?
3. Do you have a credit card?
4. Do you have a bank account?
5. How often do you go to a bank?
6. Do you save money?
7. Why do you go to the bank for?
8. Do you like shopping? Why or Why not?
9. How often do you go shopping?
10. Where do you usually go shopping’
11. What do you usually buy when you go shopping ?
12. What do you think of buying on line?
13. What´s more important for you: prizes or quality?
14. What do you like doing in your free time?
15. What do you hate doing?
16. What do you want to do?
17. Do you like cars? What branch do you like?
18. What kind of cars would you like to have?
19. What kind of music do you listen to?
20. How often do you listen to music?
21. Do you like going to the movies?
22. How often do you go to the movies?
23. What´s your favorite type of movie?
24. What was the last movie you see?
25. Who was the movie directed by?
26. What was the movie about?
27. What would you do if you were Colombian president?

RTA: buscaria la forma para que la equidad se cumpliera por todos

28. What would you do if you won the lottery?

29. What would you do if you were a famous actor/actress?

30. What would you do if you were a famous singer?

RTA: si yo fuera un famoso cantante conquistaria a mi fans todos los dias

31. What´s your favorite sport? How often do you practice?

RTA: My favorite sport is baske , how often do you practice on three time a week
32. What´s the most popular sport in your country?

33. Have you ever tried an extreme sport? Which one?

34. Doing exercise is important for our health? Why?
35. Two advantages to work out at home
36. Two disadvantages to work out at home
37. Two advantages work out at the gym
38. Two disadvantages to work out at the gym
39. What are the advantages of being an university student.
40. Do you think online courses are useful? Why?

41. Do you think a college education is important? Why?

42. What do you think about working and studying at the same time?
43. Can you think in any dangerous job? which one?
44. Do you think doctors have a dangerous job? why or why not
45. Do you think fire fighter have a dangerous job? why or why not
46. Do you think drivers have a dangerous job? why or why not
47. Imagine you are applying for a new job… why do you want to change your job?
48. Imagine you are applying for a new job…what duties did you have in the previous
49. Imagine you are applying for a new job…why didn´t you like your previous job?
50. Imagine you are applying for a new job…tell me about your skills and hobbies.
51. Imagine you are applying for a new job…why are you suitable for this job?
52. Imagine you are applying for a new job…are you able to work overtime?
53. Who do you usually speak when you have a problem?
54. Do you think psychologies are useful?
55. Do you have problems with stress?
56. What kind of things stress you out?
57. What can you do to avoid stress?
58. Do we need stress in our lives?
59. I´m suffering from stress what should I do?
60. I have a headache, what should I do?
61. I have a backache, what should I do?
62. I have a stomachache, what should I do?
Take into account the words neither, either, so, and too then

63. I´m married.

64. I didn´t go to the party
65. I can play a guitar
66. I haven´t been in Australia
67. I work on the weekend
68. I will get a job promotion
69. I don´t know how to speak French.
70. I´m not studying medicine.

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