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Figure.Error! No text of specified style in document..2 Simulink model of Power Machine Sub system
The synchronous machine, and asynchronous machine were inter-connect with linear and nonlinear
elements such as transformers, loads, and breakers to study the transient stability of an
uninterruptible power supply using a diesel generator.

This system consists of a plant (bus B2), simulated by a 1 MW resistive load and a motor load (ASM)
fed at 2400 V from a distribution 25 kV system through a 6 MVA, 25/2.4 kV transformer, and from an
emergency synchronous generator/diesel engine unit (SM).

The 25 kV system is modelled by a simple R-L equivalent source (short-circuit level 1000 MVA,
quality factor X/R = 10) and a 5 MW load. The asynchronous motor is rated 2250 HP, 2.4 kV, and the
synchronous machine is rated 3.125 MVA, 2.4 kV.

In order to perform a load flow analysis and initialize the model so that it starts in steady state, the
following steps were taken

1. Define the model buses using Load Flow Bus blocks.

2. Specify the load flow parameters of all blocks having load flow parameters. These blocks are
referred to as load flow blocks.
3. Solve the load flow and, eventually, interactively modify the load flow parameters until a
satisfactory solution is obtained.
4. Save the load flow parameters and machine initial conditions in the model.

The Three-Phase Sources and Synchronous Machine blocks allow control of their generated or
absorbed powers P and Q and their positive-sequence terminal voltage.

The Asynchronous Machine block requires specification of the mechanical power Pmec at the
machine shaft. The Three Phase RLC Load blocks were specified as constant impedance (Z),
constant PQ power, or constant current (I).

The Three-Phase Dynamic Load block dialog box does not have a Load Flow tab. The load is always
considered as a constant PQ load. P and Q are the initial active and reactive power Po, Qo that you
specify by using the Active and reactive power at initial voltage parameter. The Initial positive-
sequence voltage Vo parameter (Mag and Phase) updates according to the load flow solution.

The single-phase AC Voltage Source block allows control of its generated or absorbed powers P and
Q and its terminal voltage. The Three-Phase Source block allows control of generated or absorbed
powers P and Q and terminal voltages for each phase (phase A, B, and C). For these two blocks, the
generator was specified as swing, PV, or PQ.

The Three-Phase Synchronous Machine block allows control of its generated or absorbed powers P
and Q (total of phases A, B, and C) and its positive-sequence terminal voltage.

The Asynchronous Machine block requires specification of the mechanical power Pmec developed in
positive-sequence at the machine shaft.
Figure Error! No text of specified style in document..3 Output of the Synchronous machine

The Three-Phase Dynamic Load block dialog box does not have a Load Flow tab. The load is always
considered as a constant PQ load. P and Q are the initial active and reactive power Po, Qo that you
specify by using the Active and reactive power at initial voltage parameter. The Initial positive-
sequence voltage Vo parameter (Mag and Phase) updates according to the load flow solution.

If you perform a positive-sequence load flow, you connect a Load Flow Bus block with the Connectors
parameter specified as single to any phase (A, B, or C) of every load flow block in the model. When
several load flow blocks are connected together at the same nodes, only one Load Flow Bus block is
required to identify the bus.

If you perform an unbalanced load flow, you connect a Load Flow Bus block to all phases of every
load flow block in the model. Depending on the number of phases, you need to specify the
appropriate Connectors parameter by selecting either three connectors (ABC), two connectors (AB,
AC, or BC) or a single connector (A, B, or C). When several load flow blocks are connected together
at the same nodes, only one Load Flow Bus block is required to identify the bus. In the load flow
report, each bus is identified by its Bus identification parameter followed by _a, _b, or _c.

These examples show the use of load flow blocks and Load Flow Bus blocks:

 power_LFnetwork_5busshows a positive-sequence load flow on a five-bus system.

 power_13nodeTestFeeder shows an unbalanced load flow on a 13-bus system (mix of three-
phase, two-phase, and single-phase buses).

The Load Flow Bus blocks specify the bus base voltages (nominal phase-to-phase rms voltage). They
also specify the voltage at PV buses or the voltage and angle of the swing buses. Once the load flow
is solved, the Load Flow Bus block displays the bus positive-sequence voltage magnitude and phase
angle as block annotations.

The bus type (PV, PQ, or swing) is determined by the load flow blocks connected to the bus. If you
have several load flow blocks with different types (specified in the Generator type parameter or in the
Load type parameter) connected to the same bus, the Load Flow tool determines the resulting bus
type (swing, PQ, or PV).
Figure.Error! No text of specified style in document..4 output graph of the Asynchronous motor voltage

To start the simulation in steady state, the machine was first taken through the initialization procedure.
After modelling and simulation, it was observed that the results compare well with those obtained with
the continuous mode simulation. A comparison of synchronous machine and asynchronous machine
signals is shown below.

The phasor solution method is illustrated on more complex networks presented as the following

 Transient stability of two machines with power system stabilizers (PSS) and a static var
compensator (SVC) (power svc pssmodel)
 Performance of three power system stabilizers for interarea oscillations

The first example illustrates the impact of PSS and use of a SVC to stabilize a two-machine system.
The second example compares the performance of three different types of power system stabilizers
on a four-machine, two-area system. The phasor solution method is also used for FACTS models
Figure.5 Output graph of the Asynchronous machine

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