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Department: Electrical Engineering Technology

Group: 3
Subject: Electrical Installation
Unit Title: Motor starters
Semester: 2




11 - Induction Induction

2 1 LO1: Demonstrate skills of PC(a): Identify the components of direct on line Three phase motor, Teacher’s manual, text
the Direct on Line (DOL) (DOL) starter. contactor, overload relay, books (electrical
starter. PC(b): State how the components in pc (a) are stop and start push button, installation work by
linked together pilot lamp, circuit breaker, Brains Scandals,
PC(c): Draw the schematic diagram of direct on drawing charts. pictures from online.
line (DOL) starter.
PC(d): Draw the wiring diagram of direct on
line (DOL) starter.
PC(e): Wire the direct on line (DOL) starter as
per PC(d).
Pre-Session Preparation
Department: Electrical/Electronic Engineering Section: 2

Level: proficiency 2 Number of Learners: 20 Date: 3rd July 2022

Facilitator: Bayaa Cyril Duration: 180 minutes

Learning Area: Electrical workshop

Unit Title: Motor Starters Ref No: 006 Number of Credit: 3

Learning Outcome (s) for this Learning Session:

 Demonstrate skills in Direct On-Line motor starter

Performance Criteria for this Learning Session:

PC(a): Identify the components of direct on-line starter.

PC(b): State how the components in pc (a) are linked together
PC(c): Draw the schematic diagram of direct on-line starter.
PC(d): Draw the wiring diagram of direct on-line starter.
PC(e): Wire the direct on-line starter as per PC(d).

Range Statement:
Components of DOL starter: Push button, Contactor, Overload relay, Pilot lamp

Schematic diagram of DOL: ANSI/IEEE symbols of normally opened contact, normally closed contact, contactor coil,
overload relay, pilot lamp
Wiring diagram of DOL: ANSI/IEEE Symbols of contactor, three phase motor, overload relay, circuit breaker
Learners' Existing Knowledge: Learners might have seen a motor moving before

Learners' Existing Skills: Learners have basic knowledge about schematics drawings, wiring diagrams.
Learners have basic knowledge about terminations

Special Needs Requirements: Learners with visual and hearing impairment would be asked to sit in front

Safety procedures: Fire exits, Fire alarms among others have been labelled and learners would
be taught how to use them.

Trade Equipment: three phase motor

Trade Tools: Screw driver set, plier, side cutter, multimeter

Trade Materials: Contactor, push button, overload relay, circuit breaker, pilot lamp, drawing chart, cables

Health & Safety Equipment Required: Gloves, safety boots

AVA Required: Projector,

Written/Graphical Materials Required: electrical installation work by Brains Scandals,

Assessment Materials Required: Assessment Instrument on Employee Supervision

Reference Materials: electrical installation work by Brains Scandals,

Learning Session Delivery

Stage Time Resources Facilitator Activity Learner Activity including
grouping arrangement
Manual for Introduce the session by Learners share their experience in
motor asking learners to describe supervision at home
1 10mins controls their experience in motor

electrical Guide learners to identify the Learners identify the components
installation work components in a DOL starter in a DOL starter
2 30mins by Brains through discussions
electrical Assist learners to identify Leaners identify the link between
installation work the functions of the the components in a DOL starter
3 30mins by Brains components in a DOL
Scandals starter through engagement
electrical Guide learners to draw the learners draw the schematic
installation work schematic and wiring and wiring diagram of a
4 30mins by Brains diagrams of a DOL starter DOL starter
electrical Guide learners to wire a Learners wired a DOL
5 60mins installation work DOL starter starter
by Brains Scandals
6 Revisit learning outcomes and Learners listen to summary
20mins performance criteria Attentively and ask
and summarize the lesson questions for clarification
Post-session Reflection and Evaluation
Main strength(s) of this learning session: ................................................................................ ...... .............................
Main weakness(s) of this learning session: .................................................................... ............... ...........................
How I intend to improve a subsequent learning session: ................................................ ............... ..........................
Other reflective comment(s): ...................................................................................... ............... ..............................

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