Performance Task 1 Writing A Capsule Proposal

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Performance Task.

Capstone Project
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics

Performance Task 1
Writing a Capsule Research Proposal
Name: Christopher Pond L. Maquidato , Kenwood Olarte Date: 2/2/2022

Research Title: The Efficacy of Citrus maxima (Pomelo) Peel as Mosquito Coil

Research Problem: Is there a significant difference between commercially produced mosquito

coil and Citrus maxima (Pomelo) peeling coil?

Dengue is one of the primary health issues in the Philippines. It was stated in 1954 that Southeast
Asia. Manila, Philippines, experienced the first dengue hemorrhagic fever. Further outbreaks
occurred in 1966, 1983, 1998, with inflation recorded cases of dengue fever. The 1998 epidemic
had the most significant case fatality rate of 2.6 percent and the highest documented incidence
rate of 60.9 cases per 100,000 people. (Bravo et al. 2014).

Meanwhile, the Department of Health announced a countrywide dengue outbreak with 271,480
cases registered from January 2019 to August 2019, 5 percent greater than the same time in 2018.
According to DOH Epidemiology Bureau Public Health Surveillance Division, Region VI (Western
Visayas) were recorded as the highest cases of dengue with an average of 45,345, followed by
Region IV-A (CALABARZON) and Region X (Northern Mindanao) with 39,810 and 19,925,
respectively. People suffering from dengue sickness endure high fever, nausea, severe headaches,
vomiting and skin rashes (Department of Health, 2019).

Moreover, Aedes aegypti or the yellow fever mosquito is the vector of the viruses that cause
dengue fever, chikungunya and yellow fever. It is unique for its petite, black body with white lyre
shaped patterns and banded legs. Aedes aegypti prefers biting people but also bites domestic
animals, particularly mammals. Only females bite to acquire blood in order to lay eggs. The female
mosquito deposits eggs in regions with stagnant water. This species is often found in tropical and
subtropical regions such as the Philippines (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2012).

Performance Task 1. Writing a Capsule Research Proposal 1

Performance Task.
Capstone Project
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics

Objectives of the Study:

● To utilize the Citrus maxima (Pomelo) peel as a new component in making mosquito coil
● To find out whether Citrus maxima (Pomelo) peelings coil safe for the humans with
respiratory problems?
● To find out if the varied quantity of Citrus maxima (Pomelo) peelings impact the efficiency
of the mosquito coil

Process Flowchart:

Performance Task 1. Writing a Capsule Research Proposal 2

Performance Task.
Capstone Project
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics

The Materials are Being Prepared

Creating a Mosquito Cage and a

Mosquito Coil

Creating the various configurations

Data collection and table encoding

Interpreting data


● Engdahl, C., Larsson, P., Näslund, J., Bravo, M., Evander, M., Lundström, J. O., ... & Bucht, G. (2014).
Identification of S wedish mosquitoes based on molecular barcoding of the COI gene and SNP analysis.
Molecular Ecology Resources, 14(3), 478-488.


Performance Task 1. Writing a Capsule Research Proposal 3

Performance Task.
Capstone Project
Science, Technology, Engineering, & Mathematics


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Performance Task 1. Writing a Capsule Research Proposal 4

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