Annihilation and Creation Operators For The Caldirola-Kanai Hamiltonian With Complex Friction Coefficient

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Final Reading

December 10, 2007 19:28 WSPC/147-MPLB 01442

Modern Physics Letters B, Vol. 21, No. 29 (2007) 1983–1988

c World Scientific Publishing Company




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Department of Physics, University of Patras,

Patras 26110, Greece
by MCMASTER UNIVERSITY on 02/18/15. For personal use only.


Received 21 September 2007

In the present note, we consider the annihilation and creation operators with complex
friction coefficient and we find the coherent, squeezed states, the uncertainty Heisenberg
relation and the behavior of the PT and, CPT symmetries. Also we demonstrated that
the (CK) Hamiltonian is a special case of the complex time-dependent mass.

Keywords: Quantum theory; quantum mechanics.

PACS Number(s): 03.65

According to Angelopoulou et al.1, 2 for the study of the Caldirola–Kanai (CK)

Hamiltonian with complex friction coefficient the exact solution of time-dependent
Schrödinger equation was obtained by applying the biorthogonal method. The
eigenfunction normalization takes place in the extended Hilbert space L2 (R⊗[0, T ])
where T is time. By using the biorthonormal solutions, the eigenvalues, which are
complex and discrete, the matrix elements of the current, density and the occupa-
tion probability, have been calculated.
A prototype of time-dependent Hamiltonian for open system is the famous
Caldirola–Kanai (CK) Hamiltonian
p2 −2γt mω 2 2 2γt
H(t) = e + q e , (1)
2m 2
on which the relevant literature is very extendend.3–6
For ω → iω, the Hamiltonian (1) takes the form of the inverted (CK) Hamilto-
p2 −2γt m 2 2 2γt
H= e − ω q e . (2)
2m 2
In the present note we consider the annihilation and creation operators A and
A for the (CK) Hamiltonian (1) with complex friction coefficient γ = γ1 + iγ2 ,
the coherent, squeezed states and the uncertainty Heisenberg relation.

Final Reading
December 10, 2007 19:28 WSPC/147-MPLB 01442

1984 G. Brodimas, N. Goupios & A. Jannussis

For the Hamiltonian (1), we construct the operators A(t) and A+ (t), i.e.
√ ipe−γt
1 γt
A(t) = √ mωe q(t) + √ , (3)
2~ cos 2γ2 t mω
√ ipe−γ t

+ 1 γ ∗t
A (t) = √ mωe q(t) − √ , (4)
2~ cos 2γ2 t mω
and the commutator

[A(t), A+ (t)] = 1 . (5)

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The operators (3) and (4) for

r r
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~ ~mω
q(t) = (a(t) + a+ (t)) , p(t) = −i (a(t) − a+ (t)) , (6)
2mω 2
take the following representation:
A(t) = √ [cosh γta(t) + sinh γta+ (t)] , (7)
2 cos 2γ2 t

A+ (t) = √ [cosh γ ∗ ta+ (t) + sinh γ ∗ a(t)] , (8)
2 cos 2γ2 t

[A(t), A+ (t)] = [a(t), a+ (t)] = 1 . (9)

The operators (7), (8) are Yuen7 operators, i.e.

A(t) = µ(t)a(t) + ν(t)a+ (t) , (10)

A+ (t) = µ∗ (t)a+ (t) + ν ∗ (t)a(t) , (11)

cosh γt sinh γt
µ(t) = √ , ν(t) = √ , (12)
cos 2γ2 t cos 2γ2 t
and satisfy the relation

|µ(t)|2 − |ν(t)|2 = 1 . (13)

In the sequel, it is very simple to obtain the coherent states in the q and p
presentation, i.e.
"r #
1 mω γt de−γt
Aϕα (q) = √ e q + p mω ϕα (q) = αϕα (q) , (14)
2 cos 2γ2 t ~ d ~ q

√ pe−γt
i d
AFα (p) = √ ~mωeγt + √ Fα (p) = αFα (p) , (15)
2 cos 2γ2 t dp d( ~mω)
Final Reading
December 10, 2007 19:28 WSPC/147-MPLB 01442

Annihilation and Creation Operators for the Caldirola–Kanai Hamiltonian 1985

and after some algebra we have,

mω 2γt 2 γt mω
ϕα (q) = N exp − e q + 2αe cos 2γ2 tq , (16)
2~ 2
" r #
p2 −2γt cos 2γ2 t
Fα (p) = Ñ exp − e − 2iαe−γt p , (17)
2~mω 2~mω

where N and Ñ are the normalization factors

r "  2 #
4 mω cos 2γ2 t − 1
γ t αeiγ2 t + α∗ e−iγ2 t
N= e 2 exp − , (18)
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 2007.21:1983-1988. Downloaded from

π~ 2
" 2 #
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4 cos 2γ2 t γ1 t αe−iγ2 t − α∗ eiγ2 t
Ñ = e 2 exp . (19)
π~mω 2

By using the coherent functions (16), (17), we can find the mean values q̄, p̄, q̄ 2 ,
p̄ and the dispersion relations (∆q)2 , (∆p)2 which have the form

q̄ = e−γ1 t (αeiγ2 t + α∗ e−iγ2 t ) , (20)
mω cos 2γ2 t
~ 1
q̄ 2 = − e−2γ1 t + (αeiγ2 t + α∗ e−iγ2 t )2 , (21)
mω cos 2γ2 t 2
p̄ = −ieγ1 t (αe−iγ2 t − α∗ eiγ2 t ) , (22)
cos 2γ2 t

~mωe2γ1 t 1
p̄2 = − (αe−iγ2 t − α∗ eiγ2 t )2 , (23)
cos 2γ2 t 2

(∆q)2 = q̄ 2 − (q̄)2 = e−2γ1 t , (24)
2mω cos 2γ2 t

(∆p)2 = p̄2 − (p̄)2 = e2γ1 t , (25)
2 cos 2γ2 t

~2 ~
(∆q)2 (∆p)2 = or (∆q)(∆p) ≥ , (26)
4 cos2 2γ2 t 2| cos 2γ2 t|
with are the same results we obtain from the Yuen operators (10) and (11), i.e.
~ 1 ~
|µ(t) + ν(t)| · |µ(t) − ν(t)| = ≥ . (27)
2 | cos 2γ2 t| 2
For the case γ2 = 0, the uncertainty relation is (∆q)(∆p) = 2 and the squeezed
states become also minimum uncertainty states.
Final Reading
December 10, 2007 19:28 WSPC/147-MPLB 01442

1986 G. Brodimas, N. Goupios & A. Jannussis

Recently Jannussis et al.8 have enlarged the Max–Plank law E = ~(ω1 + iω2 )
for non-Hermitian operators and have examined the behavior of PT and CPT sym-
metries. Especially, they have studied the harmonic oscillator with complex friction
coefficient and complex frequency,
p2 γ mω 2 2
H= + (qp + pq) + q . (28)
2m 2 2
The above operator satisfies the CPT symmetry
C : i → −i , P : q → −q , p → −p , T : p → p, i → −i , (29)
and the eigenvalues are complex discrete,
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 2007.21:1983-1988. Downloaded from

1 p
En = ~Ω n + where Ω = ω 2 − γ 2 , (30)
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since the eigenvalues of the adjoint operator H † are the conjugate
En∗ = ~Ω∗ n + . (31)
Therefore, the CPT symmetry is broken. Additionally, for the case ω1 ω2 = γ1 γ2
ω1 ω2
γ2 = , (32)
we obtain,
Ω= (ω12 − γ12 ) 1 + 22 .
For ω1 > γ1 the eigenvalues are real and positive, i.e.
E = ~ (ω12 − γ12 ) 1 + 22 , (33)
and the CPT symmetry is preserved.
In the following, we consider the case of the time-dependent complex mass for
the harmonic oscillator,
p2 m(t)ω 2 2
H= + q , (34)
2m(t) 2
with Re m(t) > 0, ω > 0 and the corresponding annihilation and creation operators
A, A+ take the forms,
s " #
|m(t)| p ip
A(t) = m(t)ωq + p , (35)
2~m1 (t) m(t)ω
s " #
|m(t)| p ∗ ip
A+ (t) = m (t)ωq − p , (36)
2~m1 (t) m∗ (t)ω
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December 10, 2007 19:28 WSPC/147-MPLB 01442

Annihilation and Creation Operators for the Caldirola–Kanai Hamiltonian 1987


[A(t), A+ (t)] = 1 . (37)

s r
~ ~m(0)ω
q(t) = (a(t) + a+ (t)) , p(t) = −i (a(t) − a+ (t)) , (38)
2m(0)ω 2

where m(0) is the real mass of electron, we obtain,

s " s s ! s s ! #
1 |m(t)| m(t) m(0) m(t) m(0) +
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 2007.21:1983-1988. Downloaded from

A(t) = + a(t) + − a (t) ,

2 m1 (t) m(0) m(t) m(0) m(t)
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s " s s ! s s ! #
1 |m(t)| m∗ (t) m(0) m∗ (t) m(0)
A+ (t) = + a+ (t) + − a(t) .
2 m1 (t) m(0) m∗ (t) m(0) m∗ (t)

From the above relations, we obtain,

[A(t), A+ (t)] = [a(t), a+ (t)] , (41)

and for
s s s !
1 |m(t)| m(t) m(0)
µ(t) = + ,
2 m1 (t) m(0) m(t)
s s s !
1 |m(t)| m(t) m(0)
ν(t) = − ,
2 m1 (t) m(0) m(t)

the operators A(t), A+ (t) are written as

A(t) = µ(t)a(t) + ν(t)a+ (t) , A+ (t) = µ∗ (t)a+ (t) + ν ∗ (t)a(t) , (43)

and satisfy the Yuen7 relation

|µ(t)|2 − |ν(t)|2 = 1 . (44)

Also, the uncertainty principle takes the form,

~ ~ m2 (t)
(∆q)(∆p) ≥ |µ + ν||µ − ν| = 1 + 22 . (45)
2 2 m1 (t)

For the case of (CK) Hamiltonian (1), we have

m(t) = m(0)e2γ1 t e2iγ2 t = m(0)e2γ1 t (cos 2γ2 t + i sin 2γ2 t) , (46)

Final Reading
December 10, 2007 19:28 WSPC/147-MPLB 01442

1988 G. Brodimas, N. Goupios & A. Jannussis

m1 (t) = m(0)e2γ1 t cos 2γ2 t , m2 (t) = m(0)e2γ1 t sin 2γ2 t . (47)

Therefore, we obtain exactly the relation (45).
According to the above results, the general operators A(t), A+ (t) describe
squeezed states.
The same results can be obtained by using the coherent states in q and p rep-
resentation, i.e.
r  p p !2 
∗ ∗
4 m1 (t)ω α m(t) + α m (t)
ϕα (q) = exp − 
π~ 2
Mod. Phys. Lett. B 2007.21:1983-1988. Downloaded from

" s #
m(t)ω 2 m1 (t) p
× exp − q +2 α m(t)q , (48)
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2~ 2~|m(t)|

s  p p !2 
4 m1 (t) 1 α m∗ (t) − α∗ m(t)
Fα (p) = exp  
~ωπ|m(t)|2 |m(t)| 2
" s #
p2 m1 (t) α
× exp − − 2i p . (49)
2~ωm(t) 2~ω|m(t)| m(t)

By using the above coherent functions and after some algebra, it is very simple
to calculate the dispersion relations,
~ ~ |m(t)|2 ω
(∆q)2 = , (∆p)2 = , (50)
2m1 (t)ω 2 m1 (t)
and we obtain the uncertainty Heisenberg principle, i.e.
~ m2 (t)
(∆q)(∆p) = 1 + 22 . (51)
2 m1 (t)
According to the above results we see that the (CK) Hamiltonian (1) is a special
case of the complex time-dependent mass.

1. P. Angelopoulou, S. Baskoutas, A. Jannussis and R. Mignani, Nuovo Cimento, Note
Brevi B 109 (1994) 1221.
2. P. Angelopoulou et al., Int. J. Mod. Phys. B 9 (1995) 2083.
3. P. Caldirola, Nuovo Cimento 18 (1941) 393; Nuovo Cimento 20 (1977) 589; Nuovo
Cimento N 787 (1983) 241; Hadronic J. 6 (1983) 1400.
4. E. Kanai, Progr. Theor. Phys. 3 (1948) 440.
5. A. Jannussis et al., Lett. Nuovo Cimento 38 (1993) 181; Hadronic J. 6 (1983) 1434.
6. B. Velianoski and A. Jannussis, Hadronic J. 10 (1987) 193.
7. H. Yuen, Phys. Rev. A 13 (1970) 2226.
8. A. Jannussis et al., Nuovo Cimento B 120 (2005) 303.

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