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FLUID MECHANICS Fiud Machenics > behovir P flaids ab test bed in motion 1 Prpenkes & Fluids © Mes density (p) ® Sporific spovity G) f= 4 Se fsubstinee = Sibsheu Punter ¥ weer © Specific weight (%) . rane 0 ® peife whine Ci) Tye p= hh v { 1. What is the sea level (g = 32.2 ft/s*) specific weight ele” {lbF / f?) of liquid with density of 1.95 slugs/ft?? nas @as bsze Bins SOWUTION, B= PS Y= Cbs Su5S 4 (Hr Hie) Y= rg WD re toe bly Shag fife = by 2 The specific volume of a particular gas is 0.65) sm/kg. What isthe specific weight? 12.22 N/m? 14.22 N/m? 8.13.22. N/m? .15.22N/m? SOLUTION, y- £ Yeo 2 Y= $81 Me Db mA. pe poise 5 fo poise = | Pa-s D Kinomadie Viseasify (v) Wy Ul Kady sis ye A ve NOM, Ne kg Me ks [3 ‘ 4 5) thrkes vs Mesem em Em ome jot mh = 4 She kg gh (kgs * nbs TW the vacoaly of water at 7H and its specific gravity is 0.978 absolute viscosity in Pascal ~ second. Jo.000402 Pa-s 0.000502 Pa-s 10.0.000702 Pas By Unit Conversion B= (0-ovtey prise) [ Me 0.0004 Pe-s G Surhr Tension pe de d Similar { Pes 10 poise Water bbe / dropluk 2 More. po pressure Inside Be tucker droplet 4 ditmveler fo He drop > Surfed leasion (Ula) T= 4 (spherical vessel) 4 [a An atomizer To diameter. Deter the droplets. Use 718 N/m, A.3.79kPa .5.79kPa 3 water droplet 60pm Tn he excess pressure within 8.4.79 kPa 0.6.79 kPa re pe 4(003t0 Non) Wx ioe m p= 4425 Pe w 4.96 kPa 8 Capillacity om Adkasion > Gohasion Ale $= 0 5 Wher 9 = Io" 5 merry tos 8 Yd d 7 disgrooter of Gpillary bbe BF begs Flom h> upittery ri / ful 5. Estimate the height to which the water at 20° will rise in a clean 1 -mm diameter glass tube, Use o = 0.0728 Nim haem 3am Hele Vaca = belo Wn? 8.2m b.4am = log bg ley he somo &d = Flo.0%4 #/n) (tas 0°) (4 mio Nfs ) (1x1? am) h = 0. mou mx 4 ow 4. bk Modus (6) ——— pa-QB tliat shank pe (Sp - nd Compre ssibility, fe = ele co4y 6. What pressure is required to feducsihe volume of cubical object to 1% ofits origina volume fits Bulk Modulus = 2.2 GPa, ©.222MPa .2222 MPa pa (4) (arora) p= 0.m bre % wre Pressure se ressurt Al ©) bee Premure oy Vecuen precrurt 7 Express a pressure gage reading of 35 pal absolute kPa A323 8.333 Fabs = Pan + Phase 5 gege file = Pew 4 Paige Unsphace Pressure (Paha) tbsehle pressure -(Pebs) bts bbe Ps = fot aus kta + (is psid Gee) Pils = 453 bee K Pieseare here +4 pet my s po Yebjet r=f---f-» 5 he 3K ist (A > Uh gue YO Ve Clam frssiue Ade Lom = tot ns ew = Ft mts Thy = Yo Tor, = NY psi hah R= P vad Law of Poscol (Restare Teastnictin Low) Dp > buiny down Cp 2 Gong up 09d Be Gene darn &_A surveyor carried a barometer from the office approximately at sea level to the peak of the ‘mountain. At the offic, the barometer reads 765 'mm Hg abs. On the mountain peak, the barometer reads 726 mm Hg abs. The average density of ai is 1.19 kg/m? and the average gravitational acceleration is 9.8 m/s#. What isthe height? Aa26m 446m 8.436m 456m Pair 2115 bain? wo 7777 TI ATTEN P= ar mn hg By And Law A Pescal Shh i P- BhJsip = Po Vale = Pain & f- Pair gh = Re be Pith pair § : A = C9F tm Hh = Pe mb) Mache) 46 iv) (5.9 tly) ha HS. me Age m Vi. Hydstohe feu of “ T, Hydoshe fate of & fine turfeer ba pt ad pt dor ~ a % ‘ o fe ge of —— O | bps te lameiged weer san Wot the tp of tne | Ce fe Ty shorter sie is 4 ft below the surface. What isthe 4e ate? hot cost r 8.6.64 DL 7a3tt oppo e Rx I= Cee? h he nw i ” g wh) es += ~——— ay CEANGH C= tex O49 be = Stes 7H ton tt > lawt Nude: HE SF, = 0 Vaisplue quid + Vishal Vt. Bruyency WL tebsha begins L 5 bon =0 OD B= Woisphad quid IA rectangular open box, 25 by 10 Wm pan and 12 tin deep, weighs 4 tons andi launched in fresh water, ow deep wit snk? . fresh wat sine Vt fo = yoo bs Boast o.rasit 4 lang ten = vo. hy mma iim. = (uf) = Vader Var eer Cotas) CHR) = (ing BE) (los (a) d= SM He SHH yD Borge, TEA piece of metal weighs 50000 dynes na, 82000 dines in water and 36 O00 dynes in unknown ‘ fa Fed te spect gauty he entnown AES = Kppenat wt mas cas eis 8 fae wider 5 ter unkimwn Liquid Wy = We By Ws Wok ben, by = Wo Wy, YwderV = We-W, —> © — Vuat.V = Wet OD divide O & © Bralonn Ket Beker We Wy Sunk, = Wo-Wy, Wo -Wy Sune = 5220 - Te ow 5B B09 — dy v0 Sunt. = das Va. Kecobele d Thid tne: a tomy = & <= ous 6] K—' — accaaameeenagl Verkcdh, Actl orld Hs ol, Aeclereled P=RUER) 12. An open rectangular ta is 6 m long, 3 m wide fed on the tuck tall is filled with 12. An open rectangular tank is mounted on the truck is 6 m long, 3 m wide and 4 m tall is filled with water toa depth of 2m, what maximum horizontal acceleration can be imposed on the tank without spilling any water A654 m/s* 8.7.54 m/s? C.854m/st D.9.54m/s* SOLUTION, — a - & om EE _ thn + = ‘ XS te 4_ ous = 3 6st ie ‘ = bsh Mx 3545 rpm D.56.5 rpm ous bum 0% Pe he OR 4 degy es & Osm VK Hs) P= Sum rls ln rpm 3 zw Sota WA DH Tom) © = D5 pm %. Fundenends PB hid How © Dichage /Whamebvic fisw male (4) Q= Xv Ka bree oP RRe cms subg (orifice) UA yelaify oP fle fad © tress flow rake / mass flay CR) m= p= pA O Continuity Foy tquckn (GE) 5 WV = 0 @ eer yA tonite hi = a AN, = Ay @ banwult's Brorey equckoy (het) 2 lw of Uensereken of Cxrgy ‘ Gohl lead = toned 4 X h Brathe Baath en. WwW aL fh weer TTT airae lsum bine Play Weisbich Equcin ( H-L.) Haus flyt 47 Dieuy fauber ods bicn v= Hy he < 9090 + Lowney Re Flas fe osm Re 23> tarklnt fle $ Rg ar - the , [ia the veloalty of the flow in a2 em radius hose fs 4.2m/s, whats the output veloctyin0-Sem radius 4 Ce, jetisting rom anor atached at the end ofthe ie? Ay = AY, Gisams c.1na0ms Nl B18 m/s 12.75 m/s TC vam (ev bh) = C0. 5 om)” We | We 18 Mf —{ N— hear 4 = von Wem We? 15. A cylindrical pipe with water flowing downward at 0.02 m"/s having top diameter of 0.08 m, bottom diameter of 0.04 m and height of 1.5 m. Find the pressure between the pipes. 94a 8.124 kPa SOLUTION, K Soke fey Vind W Ot he, ve Se sens = hse, £ (nom 4 We pe boy we = E (0.0ym By Bornsullis trang Equehon (bee) Myyadhl Ww Ro ye gt 7 1g St » bled = (4- BY 4 (sa) ¥ h-p= ¥ [wt &-) bok = (otto ¥,) Lagu ((59" HAY = (4.58 my 1) + sm =O) | Amt = prsh Peow [bb bbe I Ajtotwatrisustonas0mmdanetermoxie) Pee ot He wer Sek wn a veloty of 18 ms Find the po het ket Bos Athos Fambsanshic Flaws ole 16, jet of water issues from a 90 mm diameter nozzle with a velocity of 18 m/s, Find the Hp of the jt. A.2497 ©2055 8, 28.08 0.29.20 sowumion, Compe for velocity heed he w _ Cle % UCASE pd he {u.s] om & Ompide. fr Dis daye, & A ky BE Ge MY" Cub) R= Ollys MA Fev wu Mp % Ponee of He ede Sek 5 Wa disduege [vahuceic flow ale Bo spewk. pokey. h > have P= toys 4) C50 Yo) (lest) Py Ie o44.35 + tomer b tp b= (sug. 44 J ( +) Uy. 53 bp

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