Climate Change

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What is climate change?

• Change in the Earth’s climate has happened throughout history. Scientists gathered Data about the
warming phenomenon that started early in the 20th century while Science and technology advanced.
• According to NASA, climate change involves a long-term change in the average Weather pattern that
describes Earth’s global, regional and local climates. It is first Driven by human activities such as
burning fossil fuels, which increases greenhouse Gases in the atmosphere that trap heat from the
sun, causing Earth’s average Surface temperature to rise.
• As described, human-induced temperature increases are commonly referred to as Global warming.
Some of the evidence of climate change, as far as we know, Produced using advancement in
technology includes data on global temperature Rise, ocean warming, shrinking ice sheets
specifically in Greenland and Antarctic, Glacial retreat in Himalayas, Andes, and Alaska, satellite
observations on decreased Snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere, sea-level rise, declining Arctic
Sea ice, Extreme events, and ocean acidification.

Impacts of Climate Change

• As we experience it now, climate change is more than the impact of increasing Temperature
affecting communities and ecosystems worldwide. It affects what we Value and matters to us;
health, water, energy, wildlife, agriculture ecosystem, and Transportation. Changes in water
resources have a significant impact on daily lives, Particularly in areas of the world experiencing
drought. In other areas, floods and Water quality worsens due to the frequency of heavy
downpours. Less snow Accumulation in the mountains is essential, such as in Alaska, as water is
stored in Snowpacks for later use.
• Changes in climate and weather conditions affect our food supply primarily. It takes Much toll on
agriculture. The increase in temperature, water stress, weather Extremes, and diseases makes it
more challenging for our farmers; thus, Agricultural technology should improve and adapt.
• The change in the environment affects human health; heat stress, poor air quality, Rising water-
borne diseases, and diseases transmission by the movement of insects And rodents. The whole
ecosystem is affected by climate change; it modifies habitat, Altering home ranges of species,
creating differences in the timing of flowering and Egg-laying patterns. The ocean becomes acidic,
affecting marine life by absorbing Carbon dioxide from fossil fuels.
• Furthermore, the coastal populations of the country are expected to be affected by Intense
typhoons, storm surges, and higher sea level. People living in urban areas, Incredibly informal
settlers are vulnerable due to less safe houses and Infrastructure, less access to clean water, and the
absence of health insurance. Agricultural products such as fishing and farming suffer. Oceans
become acidic, Killing coral reefs which are home to many fish species that are the primary source
Of livelihood in coastal communities.

Some Technology used in Climate Change

The following are some examples of technology used in combating climate change.
• A giant vacuum cleaner called Direct Air Capture (DAC) was made by Climeworks sequestering tons
of carbon in the atmosphere to help lessen the Concentration of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s
atmosphere. They make it useful As it can be used in food and beverages that make carbonated
products and Fertilizers to farmers.
• The BioSolar leaf comprises millions of microalgae made by Arborea, which Mimic photosynthesis. It
has the function of cleaning the air. It is like a solar Panel that can be installed in buildings and
landscapes, having the advantage of Getting thousands of trees in urban places.
• Its mechanism concerns the production of growth solutions mixed with Microorganisms that feed
on carbon dioxide. The output materials can be turned Into bioplastics for consumer goods.
Newlight company creates this technology And the CO2 fueled bioplastics.
• Smart cities are now being designed together with artificial intelligence, smart Sensors, and the
internet of things (IoT) to help down harmful earth emissions, Securing the community’s health.
• There are countless other innovations, and some can be categorized as carbon Reduction
technologies, improved battery efficiency, cooling tech, and Geoengineering the larger

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