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IEEE International Workshop on Intelligent Data Acquisition and Advanced Computing Systems: Technology and Applications

21-23 September 2009, Rende (Cosenza), Italy

Statistical Characterization of DFT-Based Waveform

Distortion Evaluations in Power Systems
Diego Bellan
Politecnico di Milano, piazza Leonardo da Vinci, 32, 20133 Milano, Italy,

Abstract - The paper deals with the statistical in [1] will be provided in future papers.
characterization of the so-called r.m.s. value of a harmonic The paper is organized as follows. In Section II the
subgroup defined in the Standard IEC 61000-4-7 regarding statement of the problem, in relation with the harmonic
harmonics and interharmonics measurements and subgroup definition, will be proposed. In Section III the
instrumentation for power supply systems and equipment
connected thereto. A complete statistical characterization is
analytical derivations and results will be presented.
provided in terms of probability density function, cumulative Numerical results will be proposed in Section IV in order
distribution function, and statistical moments by exploiting to validate the suggested approach. Finally, conclusions
the properties of noise propagation through the discrete will be drawn in Section V.
Fourier transform.
Keywords - Discrete Fourier transforms, harmonic The simplest distortion parameter defined in [1] is the
distortion, noise, power quality, uncertainty. so-called r.m.s. value of a harmonic subgroup. With
I. INTRODUCTION reference to a 50 Hz system, the Standard [1] prescribes to
acquire 10 fundamental periods of a waveform x(t), i.e., an
According to IEC 61000-4-7 [1], the quality of observation window with duration Tw = 200 ms. This
electrical power can be assessed in a quantitative way by choice leads to a DFT Xk characterized by a frequency
evaluating proper subgroups/groups and factors based on resolution ∆f =1/Tw=5 Hz. It is therefore implied that the
estimates obtained by performing a time-to-frequency n-th harmonic in the input waveform x(t) will result in a
transformation through a discrete Fourier transform
frequency component with order k=10n. Thus, the r.m.s.
(DFT). The use of the DFT implies several advantages,
value of the harmonic subgroup related to the n-th
including the computational efficiency attained by means
harmonic is defined as:
of the well-known fast Fourier transform (FFT) algorithm.
Moreover, the DFT and its properties in terms of
measurement accuracy and noise propagation have Gsg , n = C102 n −1 + C102 n + C102 n +1 (1)
received a lot of attention in the past literature (see for
example [2-4]).
However, it must be noticed that IEC 61000-4-7 where Ck, with k=10n−1, 10n, 10n+1, are the r.m.s. values
prescribes the evaluation of harmonic and interharmonic of the k-th spectral lines obtained by means of the DFT,
factors defined as nonlinear combinations of a certain i.e., Ck=|Xk|/√2, where:
number of DFT results. This aspect leads to a considerable
analytical complexity when such indices must be 2 N S −1
⎛ 2πki ⎞
investigated with respect to their statistical properties Xk =
∑ x(iT S ) exp⎜⎜ − j ⎟
N S ⎟⎠
(e.g., when uncertainty evaluations must be performed) as i =0 ⎝
a result of the noise superimposed to the input signal
and/or added by the instrument. This point needs a proper and NS is the number of acquired samples with sampling
and systematic investigation, still missing in the related period TS.
literature (where other aspects have been investigated, see The harmonic subgroup Gsg,n in (1) is therefore defined
for example [5-6]), but of great significance in relation to in order to take into account not only the spectral line of
the growing relevance of the power quality issue in interest, but also the two adjacent spectral lines. Indeed, it
modern electrical engineering. Thus, the main idea is stated in [1] that this is done in order to take into
underlying the present research activity is the analytical account possible amplitude fluctuations of the input
derivation of the statistical properties of the distortion waveform within the duration of the observation window
factors defined in [1] with respect to the noise influence. Tw. In fact, in the case of a stationary harmonic
For the sake of simplicity, as a first step analysis, the component, the two adjacent spectral lines are ideally
present paper deals with a specific distortion parameter, equal to zero, apart from the influence of the noise
i.e., the so-called r.m.s. value of a harmonic subgroup [1]. superimposed by the instrument and/or the noise
The generalization of such results to other factors defined

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characterizing the input signal. In any case, all the three where I2 is the modified second-order Bessel function of
frequency components in (1) are affected by noise. This the first kind, and A is the noise-free value of the
means that, from a statistical point of view, the harmonic harmonic subgroup, given by (1) evaluated without noise
subgroup defined in (1) must be treated as a random contribution. Notice that, for the sake of simplicity, the
variable (RV), and the derivation of the related statistical subscripts of Gsg , n have been dropped in (5).
properties is needed.
The cumulative distribution function (CDF) is given by:
FG (G ) = 1 − Q3 ⎜ , ⎟ (6)
It is well-known that the real and the imaginary parts of ⎝σ σ⎠
each frequency component obtained by means of the DFT
of a signal corrupted by additive white wide-sense- where Q is the generalized Marcum function [9].
stationary noise with variance σ 2x can be approximated by Normalized expressions for the pdf and the CDF can be
Gaussian uncorrelated RVs [7] with equal variances obtained by introducing the transformation of RV g=G/σ.
The pdf and the CDF in terms of the normalized RV g can
2 2 be written [8]
σ 2DFT = σ ℜ2 {X k } = σ 2ℑ{X k } = σx (3)
g3 ⎛ g 2 + ( A / σ) 2 ⎞ ⎛ A ⎞
f g (g) = exp⎜− ⎟⎟ I 2 ⎜ g ⎟ (7)
and mean values given by the deterministic components of ( A / σ)2 ⎜⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ σ⎠
the signal. The result in (3) can be properly generalized to
the case of locally white noise and to the use of a window
sequence to weight the sampled waveform against spectral ⎛A ⎞
Fg ( g ) = 1 − Q3 ⎜ , g ⎟ . (8)
leakage in the case of noncoherent sampling [2]. ⎝σ ⎠
In order to apply the above mentioned results to the
topic of the present paper, two main remarks are needed.
Notice that both (7) and (8) depend on the ratio A/σ.
First, three spectral lines are involved in (1), and therefore
The statistical moments of the RV G are given by [9]:
six Gaussian RVs must be combined to obtain Gsg,n (i.e.,
the RV in (1) is given by the square root of the sum of the
Γ[(6 + ν ) / 2] ⎛ ν
squares of six Gaussian RVs, two for each spectral line).
In general, this would require the knowledge of the [ ] ( )
E G ν = 2σ 2

F ⎜
1 1⎜ − ,3; −
A2 ⎞

2σ 2 ⎟⎠
correlation coefficients between such RVs. Second, thanks ⎝ 2
to the assumption of coherent sampling (ten waveform (9)
periods in the time window Tw), the use of a window
sequence to weight the sampled waveform is not needed, where ν is the order of the statistical moment, Γ is the
i.e., a rectangular window is used. In general, the use of a gamma function, and 1 F1 is the confluent hypergeometric
window sequence leads to statistical correlation between function of the first kind [9].
neighboring DFT components [2]. However, in the special Approximate expressions for the mean value and the
case of a rectangular window the correlation between DFT variance of the RV G can be derived by applying a
components is zero [2]. procedure based on the Taylor expansion [8, 10]:
It follows that the six Gaussian RVs involved in (1) are
uncorrelated, and therefore independent, RVs. Finally, it
σ 3 + ( A / σ)
should be observed that, due to the relation Ck=|Xk|/√2, the µ G ≅ σ 6 + ( A / σ)

[ ]
six Gaussian RVs involved in (1) have a variance 2 6 + ( A / σ )2 3 / 2
1 2 1 2
σ2 = σ DFT = σx . (4) 3 + ( A / σ)
2 NS σ ≅σ
2 2
. (11)
6 + ( A / σ)
G 2

Under the above assumptions, the RV (1) has a

generalized Ricean probability density function (pdf) [8- Normalized expressions, related to the RV g, can be
9]: readily obtained by dividing (10) and (11) by σ and σ2,
G3 ⎛ G 2 + A2 ⎞ ⎛ GA ⎞ Finally, since in most applications it can be reasonably
f G (G ) = exp⎜ − ⎟I ⎜ ⎟ (5) expected that A/σ>>1, the Bessel function in (5) can be
(σA)2 ⎜⎝ 2σ2 ⎟⎠ 2 ⎝ σ2 ⎠ approximated by its asymptotic expression:


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exp( x) 10

I 2 ( x) ≈ , x >> 1 . (12)

Normalized rms amplitude


This leads to the approximate expression for the pdf (5):


G5 ⎛ (G − A) 2 ⎞ A
f G (G ) ≅ exp⎜⎜ − ⎟, >> 1
2πσ 2 A5 ⎝ 2σ 2 ⎟⎠ σ 10
130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170
(13) Frequency [Hz]

Fig. 1. Example of amplitude spectrum of a signal consisting of

A similar expression can be obtained for the normalized the sum of two sine waves, at 50 and 150 Hz, and white wide-
pdf (7): sense-stationary Gaussian noise.
x 10
g 5
⎛ ( g − A / σ) 2
⎞ A numerical

f g (g) = exp⎜⎜ − ⎟⎟, >> 1 analytical

2 π( A / σ ) 5
⎝ 2 ⎠ σ

Probability density function



Moreover, under the assumption A/σ>>1, from (10) and

(11) we obtain µG≈A and σG≈σ.
6.98 7 7.02 7.04 7.06 7.08 7.1 7.12 7.14 7.16 7.18
Harmonic subgroup value x 10

Some numerical simulations have been performed in

order to assess the analytical results reported in Section Fig. 2. Pdf of the harmonic subgroup Gsg,3 related to a signal
III. consisting of the sum of a 50 Hz sine wave with unit amplitude,
a 150 Hz sine wave with amplitude 0.01, and white Gaussian
The analytical results were first assessed in the case of a
noise with σx=0.001.
signal without amplitude fluctuations. To this aim, a
signal consisting of the sum of a 50-Hz sine wave with The repeated run analysis for Gsg,3 led to the numerical
unit normalized amplitude and the third harmonic pdf shown in Fig. 5, where the analytical pdf is also
component at 150 Hz with normalized amplitude 0.01 was reported for comparison. Notice that in this case the ratio
considered. The signal was corrupted by additive zero- A/σ is different with respect to the previous case. In fact, it
mean white Gaussian noise with σx=0.001. The noisy should be recalled that A is the noise-free value provided
signal was sampled by acquiring NS=2000 samples, and by (1), equal to 6.35×10−3, leading to A/σ≈283. Of course,
the harmonic subgroup Gsg,3 was evaluated according to this means that the analytical pdf can be effectively
(1). The evaluation was repeated 104 times, by generating evaluated through (13) instead of (5). Also in this case a
each time a different noise sequence. good agreement between the analytical and the numerical
Fig. 1 shows an example of the amplitude (r.m.s.) pdfs is clear.
spectrum around 150 Hz corresponding to a randomly Finally, the same signal considered above was affected
selected simulation running. The spectral lines at 145 and by the amplitude fluctuation shown in Fig. 6, consisting in
155 Hz are different from zero due to noise contribution. a 50% amplitude reduction between 40% and 70% of the
Fig. 2 shows the numerical and the analytical pdfs of Gsg,3. window duration. This is sort of intermediate case with
In this case A/σ≈316. In fact, A is the ideal value of Gsg,3, respect to those shown previously, leading to
given by 0.01/√2=7.07×10−3, while σ is given by A=6.90×10−3, and A/σ≈308. The corresponding amplitude
0.001/√2000=2.24×10−5 (see (3) and (4)). Therefore the spectrum, and the numerical and analytical pdfs of Gsg,3
analytical pdf can be evaluated through the approximate are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively.
expression (13). The two curves put into evidence a very V. CONCLUSION
good agreement.
Fig. 3 shows the time behavior of the signal defined The paper has proposed the probabilistic description in
above in the case of an amplitude fluctuation consisting in analytical form of the r.m.s. value of a harmonic subgroup
a 50% signal amplitude reduction at 40% of the window as defined in the Standard [1] when the input waveform is
duration. As far as the amplitude spectrum is concerned corrupted by additive noise. Explicit analytical
(see Fig. 4), in this case the frequency components at 145 expressions have been obtained for the pdf, the CDF, and
and 155 Hz take into account the amplitude fluctuation of the statistical moments of the r.m.s. value of a harmonic
the signal. subgroup.


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1 1

0.5 0.5
Normalized amplitude

Normalized amplitude
0 0

-0.5 -0.5

-1 -1
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2 0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12 0.14 0.16 0.18 0.2
Time [s] Time [s]

Fig. 3. Time behavior of a signal with amplitude fluctuation Fig. 6. Time behavior of a signal with amplitude fluctuation
consisting in a 50% reduction at 40% of the window duration. consisting in a 50% reduction between 40% and 70% of the
window duration.
x 10
x 10
Normalized rms amplitude


Normalized rms amplitude

130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170
Frequency [Hz] 0
130 135 140 145 150 155 160 165 170
Frequency [Hz]

Fig. 4. Amplitude spectrum of the signal represented in Fig. 3

around 150 Hz. Fig. 7. Amplitude spectrum of the signal represented in Fig. 6
around 150 Hz.
x 10
2 4
numerical x 10
analytical numerical
Probability density function

Probability density function




6.26 6.28 6.3 6.32 6.34 6.36 6.38 6.4 6.42 6.44
Harmonic subgroup value -3 0
x 10 6.8 6.82 6.84 6.86 6.88 6.9 6.92 6.94 6.96 6.98
Harmonic subgroup value x 10

Fig. 5. Pdf of the harmonic subgroup Gsg,3 related to the signal

represented in Fig. 3. Fig. 8. Pdf of the harmonic subgroup Gsg,3 related to the signal
represented in Fig. 6.

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