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Comparative & Superlative Adjective Stories

Grammar Stories

Too Much Food

A. Reading

Kevin went to a restaurant last night. The food was really delicious,
and Kevin ate way too much. He ate too much soup as an appetizer.
The seafood was very good, so Kevin ate too much fish and too
many mussels. He also ate too many vegetables and too many
potatoes. He ordered too much salad and put way too much
dressing on it. After his meal, he ordered way too much dessert.
He ate too much cake and too many cookies. He also drank so much
coffee that he couldn’t sleep that night. The next morning, he had
a stomachache from eating so much food.

The next time Kevin goes to a restaurant, he will order fewer dishes.
He will eat less fish and fewer mussels. He will eat fewer vegetables
and less salad. He will also eat less cake and fewer cookies. He will
be sure to drink less coffee.

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Comparative & Superlative Adjective Stories
Grammar Stories

Too Much Food cont.

B. Questions

1. Why did Kevin eat so much?

2. What did he eat too much of as an appetizer?

3. What kind of seafood did he eat, and how much of it did he eat?

4. How much dressing did he put on his salad?

5. Did he eat enough dessert? How many cookies and how much cake did he eat?

6. Why couldn’t he sleep that night?

7. What will he do the next time he goes to a restaurant?

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Comparative & Superlative Adjective Stories
Grammar Stories

Brian and Jeff

A. Reading

Brian and Jeff are twin brothers. They look similar, but there are
some big differences. Brian is slightly taller than Jeff. Brian is also
slimmer than Jeff. Jeff’s hair is darker and curlier than Brian’s. Jeff
is more athletic, spends more time outside, and is more tanned
than Brian. The twins also have different personalities. Jeff is more
outgoing than Brian, while Brian is quieter and more reserved. Brian
is more intellectual and loves reading. He is also more artistic than
Jeff is. Brian loves painting and drawing. Jeff is much funnier and is
definitely the clown of the family.

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Comparative & Superlative Adjective Stories
Grammar Stories

Brian and Jeff cont.

B. Questions

1. What are the physical differences between the twins?

2. How is Jeff’s personality different from Brian’s?

3. How is Brian’s personality different from Jeff’s?

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Comparative & Superlative Adjective Stories
Grammar Stories

Jonah’s New School

A. Reading

Jonah recently moved to a new school. the friendliest he’s ever met. Jonah has
He likes it better than his old school. already made many new friends. His
In fact, it’s the best school he’s ever new school is also very well known for
been to. The teachers are the nicest high achievement. The track team is
and most helpful he’s ever had. The the fastest in the city, and they have
classrooms are the biggest and cleanest won many competitions. The school
he’s ever seen. Every classroom has at band is the most talented in the city.
least three computers in it. The library They were even invited to play with
is also really amazing! There are tons of the city orchestra. Jonah’s favourite
great books, magazines, and movies. thing about his new school is the big
The library has the most comfortable auditorium, where the students can
couches that students can sit on while watch plays and listen to concerts.
they read. The cafeteria food is the Last week, they watched the funniest
most delicious he’s ever eaten. The play Jonah had ever seen. Jonah is so
spaghetti is Jonah’s favourite dish. happy he moved to this school.
The students at his new school are

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Comparative & Superlative Adjective Stories
Grammar Stories

Jonah’s New School cont.

B. Questions

1. Why are the teachers at Jonah’s new school the best he’s ever had?

2. Why are the classrooms at his new school the best he’s ever seen?

3. What does Jonah think about the cafeteria food at his new school?

4. How fast is the track team?

5. Are the students friendly? How friendly?

6. Why was the school band invited to play with the city orchestra?

7. Was the play Jonah watched last week funny? How funny?

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Comparative & Superlative Adjective Stories
Grammar Stories

About You
A. Questions

Answer the following questions using adjectives.

1. W
 hich kinds of food do you eat too much of?
(e.g., too much pizza, too many cookies)

2. W
 hich kinds of food do you wish your parents or friends would serve less often?
(e.g., less broccoli, fewer mushrooms)

3. H
 ow is a house cat different from a lion?
(use comparative adjectives)

4. W
 hat are some differences between you and your sibling or friend?
(use comparative adjectives)

5. W
 hat is your favourite place in the world? (city, country, region)
Describe why it is the best place in the world. (use superlative adjectives)

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Comparative & Superlative Adjective Stories
Grammar Stories

About You cont.

B. Drawing C. Writing

Draw a picture of yourself in the Now use the questions and answers on page 7
box, or paste in a photograph. to write a short paragraph about yourself.

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Comparative & Superlative Adjective Stories
Grammar Stories

Your Own Story

A. Drawing

Draw a picture in the box, or paste in a photograph.

B. Writing

Using adjectives (comparatives, superlatives, and count or non-count

nouns), write a short paragraph about the picture in the box.
Use your notebook if you don’t have enough space below.

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Comparative & Superlative Adjective Stories
Grammar Stories

Your Own Story cont.

C. Questions
Write five questions about your paragraph.






D. Answers
Give your story and questions to a classmate.
Have them read your story and answer your questions below.






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Comparative & Superlative Adjective Stories
Grammar Stories

Answer Key

In this lesson, students read three stories that use adjectives TIME: 1.5 – 2 hours
to make comparisons. They answer comprehension questions
TAGS:  adjectives, comparative adjectives, superlative adjectives,
and write two paragraphs of their own using comparative and
too, much, many, less, fewer, enough
superlative adjectives.

Too Much Food About You

1. Kevin ate so much because the food was really delicious. Individual answers.
2. He ate too much soup as an appetizer.
3. He ate too much fish and too many mussels.
Your Own Story
4. He put too much dressing on his salad.
5. He ate too much dessert. He ate
Individual answers.
too much cake and too many cookies.
6. He couldn’t sleep that night because he drank too much coffee.
7. The next time he goes to a restaurant,
he will order fewer dishes and eat less food.

Brian and Jeff

1. Brian is taller and slimmer than Jeff.

Jeff’s hair is darker and curlier than Brian’s.
Jeff is also more athletic and more tanned than Brian.
2. Jeff is more outgoing and funnier than Brian.
3. Brian is more reserved, more intellectual, and more artistic.

Jonah’s New School

1. The teachers at Jonah’s new school are the best because

they are the nicest and most helpful he’s ever had.
2. The classrooms are the best because they’re the biggest and
cleanest he’s ever seen, and each has at least three computers.
3. Jonah thinks the cafeteria food is the most delicious
he’s ever eaten. The spaghetti is his favourite dish.
4. The track team is the fastest in the city.
5. Yes, the students are the friendliest he’s ever met.
6. The school band was invited to play with the city
orchestra because it is the most talented in the city.
7. Yes, the play he watched was the funniest play he had ever seen.

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