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International Journal of Surgery Open 26 (2020) 73e80

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Review Article

Preventive strategies of residual neuromuscular blockade in resource-limited

settings: Systematic review and guideline
Meseret Firde a, *, Tikuneh Yetneberk a, Seid Adem b, Girmay Fitiwi b, Tadesse Belayneh b
Debre Tabor University, College of Health Sciences, Department of Anesthesia, Ethiopia
University of Gondar, College of Medicine and Health Sciences, Department of Anesthesia, Ethiopia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Following surgery, neuromuscular paralysis is no longer needed, its action could be quickly
Received 31 July 2020 and effectively terminated. However, evidences shown that NMBAs often continues in the PACU, even
Received in revised form after the administration of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor. Hence, stratifying risks of patients and
20 August 2020
developing evidence-based guidelines are required by rationalizing residual neuromuscular block pre-
Accepted 23 August 2020
Available online 29 August 2020
ventive strategies in resource limiting setup.
Methods: Preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses protocol was used to
conduct this review. PubMed, Google Scholar, and Cochrane Library data bases were used to find evi-
dences that helps to draw recommendations and conclusions.
Muscle relaxant Discussion: The incidence of residual neuromuscular block is high in aged, female, and hypothermic
Post-operative complication patients. Full recovery of neuromuscular block may require 15e30 min after administration of
Residual neuromuscular block anticholinesterase.
Conclusions: Undetected neuromuscular block following the administration of NMBAs is still a common
problem in today's anesthesia care. A residual neuromuscular block is a preventable anesthetic
complication by application of simple measures like the timing of reversal, appropriate assessment of
patient and surgery specific usage of NMBAs.
© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Surgical Associates Ltd. This is an open
access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (

1. Background rNMB also defined as a train of four ratios (TOFr) less than 0.9, in
the PACU secondary to non-depolarizing muscle relaxants
Neuromuscular blocking agents (NMBAs) are drugs that pro- administration [6].
duce skeletal muscle paralysis primarily by causing a decreased The prevalence of rNMB ranges between 5% and 85% depending
response to the neurotransmitter (acetylcholine) at the neuro- on the diagnostic criteria, type of NMBA, administration of reversal
muscular junction of skeletal muscle [1]. The use of NMBAs during agent, and application of neuromuscular monitoring [4]. A double-
surgery facilitates tracheal intubation, protects patients from vocal blinded multicenter cohort study conducted in the united states on
cord injury, and improves surgical conditions by suppressing two hundred fifty-five patients revealed that the incidence of rNMB
voluntary or reflex skeletal muscle movements [2,3]. at the time of endotracheal tube extubation was 64.7% [7]. Another
Following surgery, neuromuscular paralysis is no longer study done in Ethiopia on three hundred eighty-four patients
needed, it can be quickly and effectively terminated. However, showed that the overall incidence of rNMB was 12.9% during the
several studies have reported that NMBAs often continue their first 20 min of the postoperative period [8].
action in the post-anesthesia care unit (PACU), even after the Respiratory muscle paralysis related to rNMB including, but
administration of acetylcholinesterase inhibitor(4). A residual not limited to, Difficulty of swallowing and maintaining a clear
neuromuscular block (rNMB) is defined as the presence of signs or airway, inability to breath comfortably, increased risk of aspira-
symptoms of muscle weakness in the postoperative period after tion with the resultant risk of pneumonia, impaired inspiratory
the intraoperative administration of NMBAs [5]. Quantitatively, airflow leading to potential hypoxia, hypercapnia, atelectasis,
reduced hypoxic ventilatory drive, slurred speech, and impaired
clinical recovery after surgery [9e12]. Even small degrees of re-
* Corresponding author. Debre Tabor University, 272, Ethiopia. sidual paralysis with a train of four ratios greater than 0.6 may
E-mail address: (M. Firde).
2405-8572/© 2020 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of Surgical Associates Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
74 M. Firde et al. / International Journal of Surgery Open 26 (2020) 73e80

lead to clinically relevant consequences, like marked impairment 3a (Non analytical studies like case report and case series, Clinical
of upper airway integrity and swallowing [1]. audits, commentaries) (Table 1). Finally, conclusions and recom-
mendations has drown based on the level of evidences (see Table
2. Method and materials 3).
Preventive strategies of residual neuromuscular blockade in
This systematic review was carried out per the preferred resource-limited settings is a moderate quality review as we eval-
reporting items for systematic review and meta-analyses (PRISMA) uated using AMSTAR 2 criteria [14]. This study registered at www.
guideline [13] (Fig. 1). A computerized systematic search of the with Research Registry UIN: research registry
PubMed, Google Scholar, and Cochrane database library were used 965.
to find the appropriate articles. The following Mesh terms were
used for searching “incidence”, “prevalence”, “risk factors”, “pre- 3. Discussion
disposing factors”, “prevention”, “emergence”, “surgery”, “extuba-
tion”, “residual blockade”, “postoperative paralysis”, In the absence of residual paralysis the normal physiology of
“complication”, “consequences”, “anticholinesterase”, “reversal neuromuscular transmission has recovered sufficiently, and unas-
agents”, “monitoring”, “assessment”, “peripheral nerve stimulator” sisted patients able to breathe normally, clear secretions, cough
combined each other with Boolean operators (AND, OR). effectively, maintain a patent upper airway(4). A rNMB or paralysis
For this review, only human studies published in English per- with a TOF ratio of less than 0.9 often persists in the recovery room
taining to the preventive strategies of residual neuromuscular and PACU [3,4,8,15e18]. Even with the routine use of anticholin-
blockade were considered. After comprehensive and in-depth esterase drugs, 39%e64% of patients continue to arrive in the PACU
appraisal of literature, evaluation of quality was conducted by with the objective evidence of rNMB [15,19].
categorizing them into levels according to good clinical practice, Small degrees of residual muscle weakness from residual
GCP, WHO, 2011: 1a (Meta-analysis, systematic review of RCTs, blockade may potentially impair recovery after surgery and pro-
Evidence based guidelines), 1b (Systematic review of one RCT), 1c duce a life-threatening postoperative complication [1]1a. Studies
(RCTs), 2a (Systematic review of cohort or case control studies) and have found that the complications of rNMB following surgery

Searching on (PubMed, Google scholar Addition records identified through

and Cochrane library) n= 32,000 other sources (Euro PMC) n=2000

Records after duplication removed n =1,540


Records screened Records excluded

n = 400 n =1,140

results which is not strongly related

Full-text articles assessed for with our objective were excluded

n = 340
n = 60

Studies included in the review


n = 60

Fig. 1. Prisma 2009 flow diagram.

M. Firde et al. / International Journal of Surgery Open 26 (2020) 73e80 75

Table 1 NMBAs [11,30]1a. These data provide convincing evidence that the
Levels of evidence and degree of recommendation, Good clinical practice, GCP, use of long-acting muscle relaxant agent places the surgical patient
WHO, 2011.
at increased risk of complications related to residual paralysis.
Level Type of evidence Degree of recommendation

1a Meta-analyses, systematic Strongly recommended/directly 3.3. Identify and optimize risk factors for rNMB
reviews of RCTs applicable
1b Systematic review Highly recommended/directly 3.3.1. Age
Age-related reductions in organ function, muscle mass, and
1c Randomized clinical trials/RCTs Recommended/applicable
2a Systematic reviews of Extrapolated evidence from ability to regulate temperature can significantly prolong the effects
case-control or cohort studies other studies of drugs including NMBAs in patients over the age of 65 years [34].
3a Non-analytic studies, e.g. case Extrapolated evidence from Also, the efficacy of anticholinesterases in reversing neuromuscular
reports, case series other studies
function may be reduced in these patients [35,36]. A study done by
Murphy et al. shown that the incidences of rNMB in elderly patients
were higher (57.7%) than younger (30.0%) [37]. Careful reversal
include, increased risk of postoperative hypoxemia [20,21], dose adjustment and monitoring are required to improve periop-
increased incidence of upper airway obstruction during transport erative outcomes [34,36,38]1a.
to PACU [20], higher risk of critical respiratory events [20,22], de-
lays in fulfilling PACU discharge criteria and attaining actual 3.3.2. Gender
discharge [21], lengthy postoperative ventilator weaning times af- Evidences showed that females are more likely to develop rNMB
ter cardiac surgery [2], increased risk of postoperative pulmonary when compared to men [8,39,40]. This might be due to the physi-
complications [23]. ological difference between men and women. Women were more
sensitive to muscle relaxants than men and have much amount of
3.2. Preventive strategies to reduce the incidence of rNMB fat tissue and less muscle mass relative to men and this may
decrease the volume of distribution and lead to an increased
3.2.1. Evaluate the real need for NMBDs plasma concentration of muscle relaxants(41)2a. A study con-
A NMBAs should not be given when the surgical procedure can ducted by Milan et al. found that in females the onset time was
be performed without relaxation and the airway secured using a shortened and the clinical duration increased after a single dose of
supra-glottic device, such as a laryngeal mask airway [24]1a. rocuronium(42). Perioperative monitoring and reduced dose of
However, NMBAs improve the quality and ease of tracheal intu- muscle relaxants need to be considered [40,41]1c.
bation and lead to less subsequent laryngeal morbidity. Thus, a
neuromuscular block is recommended for tracheal intubation, even 3.3.3. Hypothermia (body temperature of <36  C)
if paralysis is not required for surgery [24]. If the duration of the Body temperature below 36  C was recognized as a significant
procedure is short, succinylcholine can be an alternative to NMBAs risk factor for rNMB after surgery(41)2a. Hypothermia on muscle
but consider expose of the patient to the drug's adverse effects [4] strength has found that a reduction of body temperature by 2  C
1a. may double the duration of the neuromuscular blockade [39,40].
Prevention of hypothermia and use nerve stimulator to adjust the
3.2.2. Depth of neuromuscular blockade degree of the block during the procedure and to detect residual
The primary purpose of the intraoperative administration of paralysis during emergence is recommended to improve patient
NMBAs is to provide optimal surgical conditions. The appropriate outcome [4]1a.
depth of intraoperative neuromuscular block is a clinical judgment
and highly variable depends on factors including the type and 3.3.4. Type of anesthesia
phase of the surgical procedure, individual patient and surgeon, Inhalational anesthetics strengthen the action of NMBAs when
and also on the anesthetic technique [24,25]1b. The block should compared with intravenous anesthetics [42,43]. Neuromuscular
not be deeper than what is required [26], and for instance, deep block in patients receiving inhalational agents and propofol showed
neuromuscular blockade with no response to train-of-four (TOF) that recovery after inhalational agents were slower as compared to
stimulation may be necessary throughout ophthalmic, neurosur- propofol(45). Neuromuscular function monitoring and sufficient
gical, thoracic, cardiac, and microsurgical procedures. time for recovery should be considered in patients maintained with
A decrease in the tone of abdominal muscles during laparo- volatile anesthetic agents [40,44,45]1a.
scopic surgery also limits the increase in the insufflation pressure of Residual neuromuscular block prediction score (REPS) value of 4
carbon dioxide during pneumoperitoneum, thereby decreasing and above is considered as high risk and those with REPS value of
intra-abdominal pressure while providing optimal surgical condi- below 4 are at low risk for rNMB (Table 2) [46]. A large cohort study
tions [27]. Many procedures like lower abdominal surgery; deep found that the REPS can be used to identify patients at greater risk
neuromuscular blockade is usually not needed to facilitate surgical of rNMB and the tool may inform anesthetists better than an intra-
exposure [28]. In these situations, a TOF count of 1e2 is appropriate operative TOF count and enable perioperative anesthetic practices
[25,29]1a. Optimal adjustment of the depth of the block requires to be safe the patient and minimize the undesirable effects of rNMB
effective communication with the surgeon regarding his/her [47]2a.
requirement for intraoperative muscle relaxation [48]1a.
3.3.5. Routine reversal of NMBAs
3.2.3. Avoiding long-acting NMBAs as much as possible Using anticholinesterase drugs for reversing neuromuscular
Several studies have demonstrated that the use of long-acting blockade is not without risks. They adversely produce many ef-
muscle relaxants is associated with an increased incidence of a fects like bradyarrhythmia, nausea and vomiting, and broncho-
residual neuromuscular block as compared to intermediate-acting constriction [22]1a. Some clinicians believe that risks related to
muscle relaxants [30e33]. The use of intermediately acting the use of reversal agents outweigh its potential benefits, they
NMBDs is associated with a lower incidence of residual neuro- recommended using reversal agents when there is obvious
muscular blockade in the PACU and ICU compared with long-acting muscle weakness only [30,48]. The practice of avoiding (or
76 M. Firde et al. / International Journal of Surgery Open 26 (2020) 73e80

Table 2 3.3.7. Allow sufficient time after reversal administration to

Residual neuromuscular block Prediction Score (REPS). extubation
Prediction variable Score value To achieving full recovery of more intense levels of neuromus-
Hepatic failure 3.62
cular block may require up 15e30 min after administration of anti-
Neurological disease possibly leading to immobility 2.15 cholinesterase. The reversal should be administered at least
Metastatic solid tumor 1.36 15e30min before the anticipated time of tracheal extubation [22]1a.
Female sex 1.23
Elapse time between last NMBA administration 1.10
and extubation >120 min 3.3.8. Neuromuscular monitoring
No certified anesthetist on the case 1.01 Neuromuscular monitoring started to be applied since 60 years
NMBA group e amino steroids 1.05 before, but it is not a common practice in most hospitals recently,
Morbid obesity (BMI > 35 kg m 2 1.03
Experienced surgeon 1.00
particularly in low-income countries(41). Furthermore, it is in
dilemma whether the use of objective neuromuscular monitoring
BMI¼ Body mass index, NMBA¼ Neuromuscular blocking agent.
can significantly reduce residual paralysis and has a relevant impact
on patients’ outcomes or not(31). A study done in France showed
selectively using) reversal agents increases the risk of post- that subsequent TOF monitoring led to a decrease in the incidence
operative paralysis [22]. It is recommended that due to the un- of rNMB from 62% to 3% [51]. However, a meta-analysis found that
predictable nature of spontaneous neuromuscular recovery after intraoperative objective neuromuscular function monitoring has
NMBA clinicians should routinely reverse the effects of NMBAs not any significant effect on the incidence of rNMB [30]1a.
3.3.9. Tests to detect residual paralysis
3.3.6. Allow sufficient time between the last dose of relaxant and The degree of residual paralysis is stated to be monitored in
reversal three different ways(4). These are clinical (bedside) tests, qualita-
The time needs to achieve complete neuromuscular recovery is tive monitors in which by using peripheral nerve stimulators
dependent upon the extent of spontaneous recovery when the deliver a stimulus to a peripheral nerve and the consequent
block is reversed with anticholinesterases [22]1a. An interval of muscular response is visually or tactilely observed [27,52]. The third
fewer than 30 min between the last administration of relaxant way of detecting rNMB is quantitative monitors in which the
agents and anticholinesterase has determined as a significant risk strength of muscle contraction objectively measure and display the
factor for rNMB [40]1a. This finding was supported by a systematic results on a screen [53]. Monitors should complement clinical ex-
review of 19 RCT, in which, neostigmine should delay until the amination in the assessment of the status and adequacy of neuro-
advanced degree of pre-reversal recovery has occurred [45]1a. A muscular transmission(4)1a.
further investigation done by Song et al. demonstrated that the
recovery time for cisatracurium was significantly shorter when the Clinical signs. An ideal clinical test should be applicable and
reversal was delayed [49,50]. reliable during emergence from anesthesia before tracheal

Table 3
Summary of some literature reviewed.

S. N. Authors/year Title Design Outcome Recommendation

1. Najat Tajaate et al., 2017 Neostigmine-based reversal of a systematic review of RCT. Reducing the risk of rNMB Strongly recommended
intermediate-acting NMBA to
prevent rNMB
2. M.Naguib1et al., 2007 [27] Neuromuscular monitoring and Meta analysis of RCT rNMB significantly lower after Strongly recommended
postoperative residual the use of intermediate NMBAs.
3. Adembesa et al., 2018 RCT comparing TOFr >0.9 to RCT Decrease prevalence with PNS Strongly recommended
clinical assessment of return of
4. Thilen et al., 2017 Qualitative neuromuscular RCT Reduce rNMB Strongly recommended
monitoring: how to optimize
the use of a PNS to reduce the
risk rNMB
5. HailuYimeret al. 2017[8] Incidence and associated Cross-sectional Study Reducing rNMB applicable
factors of rNMB among patients
underwent general anesthesia
6. Da-Qing Pei et al., 2018 Grip strength can be used to RCT Strongly correlated Strongly recommended
evaluate postoperative rNMB
7. Maı'ra I. Rudolph et al., 2018 [43] clinical score to estimate the Large cohort study REPS had a higher accuracy applicable
risk of rNMB Prediction score than the last documented intra-
operative TOF count
8. Adekanye et al., 2009 [56] AAGBI guidelines on the use of Guidline Reducing rNMB Strongly recommended
neuromuscular blockade
9. Viby-Mogensen et al., 2010 Evidence-based management Systematic review Reducer rNMB and Strongly recommended
of neuromuscular block postoperative pulmonary
10. Kopman et al., 1998 Relationship of the TOF fade RCT TOFr and clinical signs for rNMB applicable
ratio to clinical signs and
symptoms of residual paralysis
M. Firde et al. / International Journal of Surgery Open 26 (2020) 73e80 77

extubation(22). Unfortunately, these tests require a degree of pa- the patient should be kept anesthetized or deeply sedated to the
tient co-operation and wakefulness to perform them appropriately, TOF count of 2 or 3. If TOF becomes 2 or 3 administer 0.05 mg/kg of
and this exposes patients to the risk of rNMB if applied inappro- neostigmine. If 4 TOF count without fade is achieved the dose of
priately [54]. Poor understanding of which clinical signs are reliable neostigmine should be adjusted to be 0.025 mg/kg when fade is
tests may also limit its ability to detect rNMB [1,10,48]. observed with a qualitative TOF count of 4 reverse with 0.04 mg/kg
Currently, evidences recommended the use of quantitative of neostigmine monitoring (26, 55, 63, 64) 1a.
neuromuscular monitoring especially for those risky patients both The increasing number of TOF twitches before reversal corre-
during intraoperative period and emergence before extubation lates with a decreasing prevalence and severity of residual paral-
[10,18,36,55]. However, frequently in the clinical practice of anes- ysis, and a decreased incidence of postoperative pulmonary
thesia only clinical signs are used to assess neuromuscular recovery complications such as atelectasis and pneumonia [24]1a.
The result of a survey conducted to investigate the attitudes and 4. Conclusion
practice toward the management and monitoring of neuromus-
cular blockade amongst Singaporean anesthetists revealed that The undetected neuromuscular block following the adminis-
objective neuromuscular monitoring was routinely utilized by only tration of NMBAs is still a common problem in today's anesthesia
13.1% of anesthetists despite the widespread availability of objec- care. A residual neuromuscular block is a preventable anesthetic
tive monitors in each operating theater [48]. Another study done on complication by application of simple measures like the timing of
534 anesthetists in the united kingdom found that only 10% of reversal, appropriate assessment of patient and surgery specific
anesthetists routinely use objective neuromuscular monitoring and usage of NMBAs. The limitation of this review is it does not do
>60% never use such a monitor device for NMF despite of its further meta-analysis.
Several studies have conducted to examine the correlation be- Ethical approval
tween TOFr and clinical tests. Dam and Goldman proposed that the
head-lift test could be used as a reliable test for assessing neuro- Not applicable.
muscular recovery. At a TOFr of 0.4 or less, no patient can lift the
head from table (4). At a ratio of 0.6, the patient can sustain head- Funding
lift for 3 s [51], but vital capacity and inspiratory force will often be
reduced [56]. At a TOF ratio of 0.75 the patients, also, sustain head- There is no funding for this research.
lift for at least 5 s, open the eyes widely, protrude the tongue, and
exhibit cough-sufficiently. Author contribution
At a TOF ratio of 0.8 and more, the vital capacity and inspiratory
force are normal [57]. However the clinical practice of this test is MF initiated the idea, carried out the study, and involved in
limited by the fact that it is rarely performed for 5 s and can be drafting the manuscript. TY contributed to the statistical analysis
affected by other factors like pain [1]1a. The sensitivity of the head- and preparation of the manuscript. TB and GF contributed to the
lift test was approximately 10%, whereas specificity was approxi- entry, analysis, critically revised the paper and provided the final
mately 87% [17]. A study conducted on ten volunteers of the version. SA and MF edit starting from the proposal development up
American society of anesthesiologists aged between 23 and 33 to to the final manuscript writing and critically reviewed the manu-
assess the correlation between TOF ratio and corresponding clinical script for intellectual content. All authors have read and approved
tests revealed that head lift and leg lift for 5 s was achieved at a the final manuscript.
TOFr of 0.75 in all subjects(59).
The result of a clinical trial to determine the correlation between Declaration of competing interest
TOFr and grip strength on 120 patients, showing that 83% of patients
were achieved pre-operative grip strength at a TOFr of 0.9(60)1a. There no any conflict of interest.
Hence, evaluation of grip strength can be used as part of the strategy
to evaluate postoperative residual neuromuscular blockade. Guarantor
The tongue-depressor test currently considered as the most
sensitive clinical sign for assessing NMF recovery(61). As the result Meseret Firde.
of the study, a masseter strength is not returned to pre relaxation
ability till TOFr of 0.86 in a majority of study subjects [58]1c. Four Registration of research studies
Volunteers given mivacurium were unable to hold the tongue
depressor at a mean TOFr of less than 0.86 [1]. However, the Not applicable.
sensitivity of the tongue-depressor test was 13%, but its specificity
was higher (90%) [1,17]. Several studies and guidelines has recom- Consent
mended the use of additional monitors as a complement, like pe-
ripheral nerve stimulator, acceleromyography and Not applicable.
mechanomyography in order to exclude a certain degree of per-
sisted residual paralysis (20, 51, 62)1b. Acronyms and abbreviations

3.3.10. When qualitative neuromuscular monitoring is present and NMBA Non-depolarizing neuromuscular blocking Agent
used NMF Neuromuscular function
Subjective assessment by using peripheral nerve stimulator is PACU Post-anesthesia care unit
not reliably identifying fade when the TOFr exceeds 0.4(57,58). A REPS Residual neuromuscular block Prediction Score
conventional nerve stimulator has been used and visual or tactile rNMB Residual neuromuscular blockade
fade on TOF stimulation can be detected then an antagonist should TOF Train of four
be administered (63). If there is no response for TOF stimulation, TOFr Train of four ratios
78 M. Firde et al. / International Journal of Surgery Open 26 (2020) 73e80
M. Firde et al. / International Journal of Surgery Open 26 (2020) 73e80 79

Appendix A. Supplementary data [8] Tawuye H, Yimer A, Getnet H. Incidence and associated factors of residual
neuromuscular block among patients underwent general anaesthesia at the
university of gondar hospital, A cross-sectional study. J Anesth Crit Care Open
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at Access 2017;7(6). 00284. [9] Grabitz SD, Rajaratnam N, Changani K, Thevathasan T, Teja BJ, Deng H, et al.
The effects of postoperative residual neuromuscular blockade on hospital
costs and intensive care unit admission: a population-based cohort study.
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