Indah K - Writing Task 1 - Process - Diagram

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Planning : 1 menit

Writing : 19 menit
Review : 1 menit

The pictures below illustrate how to recycle a plastic bottle into another product. The
process includes eight steps that consist of collecting the plastic, sorting it out,
compressing process then changing it into a different product.
First of all, the plastics bottles that have been put in the dump or bin would be
transported by a dump truck. The dump truck takes all the remain things inside the bin.
After that, the plastic would be sorted out in the recycling center. All the chosen plastic
which has fulfilled the requirements would be compressed into blocks. Subsequently,
the impressed plastic blocks will be crushed through the crusher machine. Therefor, the
plastic will be turning out into pieces. Then the pieces will be put in the water below the
crusher machine.
The next step is the piece of the plastic will be poured into a plastic pellet producing
machine. This process will transform the plastic’s piece into a plastic pellet. In the next
process the pellets will be formed into raw material by heating them. In the last step, this
raw material will be used as a basic material to produce new products

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