English Vocabulary

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Take it easy!
- Feel dizzy: when you are mentally confused or to feel as if
everything is turning round.
- Get in a panic: it is a strong feeling of fear and anxiety.
- Go over and over something in your mind: when you can’t stop
thinking about sth.
- Have difficulty sleeping: to have sleeping problems.
- Faint: when you lose your consciousness for a short period ftime
or you feel so weak.
- Have an upset stomach: when you have digestive problems like
- Lose your appetite: when you don’t want to eat.
- Lose your temper: when you get angry, very furious and you
disappointed about sth.
- In advance: before a particular time.
- In all: altogether.
- By chance: when sth happens because of luck.
- By accident: without intending to do sth, not on purpose.
- Out of nowhere: suddenly and unexpectedly.
- Out of character: unusual in terms of someone’s personality.
- At risk: in a situation where sth bad is likely to happen.
- At fault: responsible for sth bad that has happened.
- In detail: including all the information about sth.
- In secret: without telling other people.
- End up: to reach or come to a place that wasn’t expected.
- Move on: keep going.
- Show up: Remind when you met someone (appear suddenly).
- Come out: go away.
- Care about: to be worried about sth.
- Walk away: to be distant.
- Live up: to live with sth for the whole life.
- Show off: to perform on sth in order to call the attention.
- Pick up: Understand, learn sth.
- Put off: to postpone.
- Get out of: to avoid doing something.
- Look forward to: to await or expect sth.
- Throw away: to get rid of sth.
- Show around: to go with sb, to tourism.
- Pass on: to send.
- Broke down: to damage.
- Mix up: confuse two people or things.
- Focus on: give a lot of attention to sth.
- Get in: succeed entering to a educational institute or team.
- Book in: to reserve.
- Back up: make an extra copy of sth held on a computer.
- Think through: carefully consider the possible results of doing
- Face up to: accept that a difficult situation exists.
Take it easy (health)
- Throw up: vomit / be sick.
- Get over: feel better after an illness or an unhappy event.
- Come round: be awake again after being unconscious.
- Come down with: become ill.
- Calm down: feel less annoyed or stressed.
- Get down: make someone feel unhappy.
- Come up with: to propose.
- Carry out: follow their instructions.
- Clear up: to clean.
- Turn up: to arrive.

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