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No. Vocabulary / phrase Vocabulary / phrase in the original Make your own sentence
sentence (in the article)
1 Lend Can you lend me a book? I lend Arya a glass
2 Borrow Andi borrow my pen Lisa borrow my shocks
3 Loan He takes out a loan She buys a car by the money she
got from the loan
4 Mortgage She applies for a mortgage Andhira mortgages her necklace
to pay the prescription
5 Interest …. pay the interest ,,,, Besides paying the loan, Alia
needs to paying the interest along
6 Fork out a lot of money If u loose the pen, you need to fork This car is so expensive! I have
out a lot of money to fork out a lot of money to buy
the car
7 Don’t re – invent the Don’t re – invent the wheel Build a relation might become a
wheel kind of reinvent the wheel, you
cant deny the fact that many
opportunities pose it
8 Pay a fortune If u lost the moint blank’s pen you Glad that I have found her ring or
will pay back a fortune I will pay a fortune to pay it
9 Fine line There is a fine line between It is a fine line between creating
borrowing and stealing and copying the melody of a
10 respect Respect the intellectual property You need to respect the
trademark of a product
11 We stand on the We stand on the shoulders of giants Do not worry about the selling,
shoulders of giants we stand on the shoulders of
12 Intangible It is intangible to guess who has Because the court is going, it still
more facts in the Katy Perry’s case intangible to guess who have
done the adulteration

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