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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region III Central Luzon
Division of Mabalacat City
Bical, Mabalacat City (P)

Name: _________________________ Grade & Section: ______________


Write a craft
awareness of
and sensitivity
to the
literary and/or
contexts of
Write a craft essay demonstrating awareness of and sensitivity to the different
literary and/or socio-political contexts of creative writing

After going through this lesson, you are expected to:

1. Write a craft essay
demonstrating awareness of
and sensitivity to the
different literary and/or
socio-political contexts of
creative writing
2. use some of the learned
elements, techniques in writing
an essay.
3. appreciate literary pieces
written by local and foreign
1. identify the different staging

2. determine which stage
modality is appropriate in a
certain script; and
3. explore different staging
modalities vis-à-vis
envisioning the script
4. write one scene for one-
act play applying the
various elements,
techniques and literary
1. Write a craft essay demonstrating awareness of and sensitivity to the different literary and/or
socio-political contexts of creative writing (HUMSS_CW/MPlg-i-13)
2. use some of the learned elements, techniques in writing an essay.
3. appreciate literary pieces written by local and foreign writers.

Learning Task 1: What I Know

Directions: Supply the correct letters

to form the words. After creating the
words, try to define

them. Write your answers on your
answer sheet.
Directions: Supply the correct letters to form the words. After creating the words, try to define
them. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

Learning Task 2: Read and Say Something!

Directions: Read the text below. Tell something about the text based on the provided
concerns. Write your answers on your paper.

I know the feeling that my heart is being ripped out shall pass, yes, I know that. I know that
the more time goes by, the more my heart will let go. But my heart does not know that. All it
knows is, it’s being ripped into pieces.
And it reaches out at the slightest chance that there will be no need of this goodbye. It beats
harder at the slimmest glimpse of hope. But this goodbye comes, and it tugs and it tugs hard.
It is unforgiving, it is relentless. This goodbye is a savage.
It knocks at the door waiting for an answer and the heart beats harder. I open the door
knowing the pain will come and it does; Shooting pain, unbearable pain. I walk through the
door and the searing pain, once the heart has lost hope, cuts deep to the bone. The heart
races, fearful like a child lost without the parent.
I must keep walking, walking away from this goodbye, never look back for the heart which is
still hopeful. The heart is pulling me back, begging, reckoning with the mind. My heart tells
me, this can’t be, no… We can do away with this goodbye… We must go back but I
keep walking with each step, the heart beats harder. It cries out one more time… No! Please,
no! And yet, I keep on walking.
So, I want to go back and resist this goodbye, But I must not. I keep walking, My heart is
dragging on the ground now, digging into the ground, crying! I keep on walking because I
need to continue walking. Despite the tiredness of what happened between us, I need to go
on and continue.
I have a very long way to walk because it was a long journey, away from this goodbye, to the
place where the heart will ever feel safe once again. It has been a decade, we have been in
separated ways, but still Saying goodbye to you, Tubbtian is a savage thing.

Main Topic of the Essay:
Discussions on the Body:
Second Paragraph:
Third Paragraph:

Fourth Paragraph:
Target Audience:

What is It

In this part of your journey, we provide something for you to deepen your
understanding about writing process of an essay. This will help you to utilize your
understandings in writing your essay as the final requirement in this module.

Please continue reading with comprehension as you discover further knowledge that
will help you out in your quest on the remaining phases of this lesson.


An essay is a "short formal piece of writing dealing with a single subject". It is

normally composed to attempt to convince the readers utilizing chosen research proof. By
and large, a scholastic paper has three sections:

An introduction that gives the reader an overview of the ideas that the author would like to
include in the text.
A body, or middle section, that provides evidence used to strengthen the claims and
encourage the readers to accept the writer's point of view. A conclusion that provides the
summary of the content and findings of the essay

A good place to start thinking about essays is to better understand the types of essays that
most of your assignments in high-school, and college or university will fit into.
The following
are the four main categories of essays:

• Expository Essays;
• Descriptive Essays;
• Narrative Essays; and
• Argumentative Essays.

The Expository Essay

The expository essay is a genre of essay that requires the understudy to research a thought,
assess proof, clarify the thought, and put forward a contention worried that thought in a
reasonable and brief way. This can be cultivated through correlation and differentiation,
definition, model, the examination of circumstances and logical results, and so on.

The purpose of an expository essay is to describe or explain a specific topic. It:

• Uses factual information
• Is written from the third-person point of view
• Does not require a strong, formal argument

Points to remember in writing an expository writing

• A clear, brief, and established thesis statement that occurs in the first paragraph of
the essay.
• Clear and sensible advances between the presentation, body, and end.
• Advances are the mortar that holds the establishment of the paper together.
• Body paragraphs that include supporting evidences

• Support of the claims must be factual, logical, statistical, or anecdotal.

• Creativity may be used in writing an essay. Remember, though you may not be
crafting the next great novel, you are attempting to leave a lasting impression on the
people evaluating your essay.
• A conclusion that shall not restate the position stated, but to wrap up in light of the
evidence presented.

The five-paragraph Essay

Usually, in writing an essay, a common writing procedure of expository essay is the
paragraph approach. The essay which sounds straightforward, that is because of factual
presentation of the claims and ideas. The method consists of:
• an introductory paragraph
• three evidentiary body paragraphs
• a conclusion

Descriptive Essay
The descriptive essay is a type of essay that lets the writer to describe the chosen topic or
subject like object, person, place, experience, emotion, situation, etc. This genre persuades
the student’s ways in to creating a written piece of a particular part of his/her life. The genre
adheres for an artistic freedom of describing the topic using imageries and other literary
techniques. The goal of which is to paint an image that is vivid and moving in the mind of the

Guidelines in Writing a Descriptive Essay

• Jot some essential information.

If your teacher asks you to describe your favorite Filipino delicacies, jotting down the details
and examples before describing may let you to be organized in your writings.

• Choose clear and common vocabularies.

Choosing the words carefully, particularly for their relevancy in relation to that which you
are intending to describe, is important to let your readers understand your concept.

• Choose vivid language by using imageries.

Use imageries and other literary devices in describing your topic. The use of 5 senses such
as the visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile and kinesthetic will be a great way
to describe your subject.

• Leave the reader with a clear impression.

Evoke a strong sense of familiarity and appreciation to the reader about your concept. See to
it that the readers can clearly imagine the things that you are describing.

• Organize your inputs
It is anything but difficult to fall into a muddled meandering aimlessly of feelings and faculties
when composing a distinct paper. In any case, you should endeavor to introduce a sorted out
and legitimate portrayal if the reader is to left the paper having gained a pertinent feeling of
what it is you are endeavoring to depict.

Narrative Essay
This essay most of the time deals with an essay which tells a story. These essays are often
anecdotal, experiential, and personal which allow the writer to express themselves in a
creative and, quite often, moving ways.

Guidelines in writing a narrative essay.

• Include all the parts of the story.

In this essay, it is important to include the introduction, plot, characters, setting, climax, and
conclusion of the chosen topic or event to be narrated.

• Provide the purpose of your narrative.

The writer must clearly state the purpose of writing or narrating the scenario. Is the purpose
to inform the reader, entertain with the story.

Use a clear point of view.

It is very basic for story papers to be composed from the stance of the creator;
notwithstanding, this isn't the sole viewpoint to be thought of. Inventiveness in story papers
regularly shows itself as authorial viewpoint. The use of First Person POV is not necessary
but it is suggested.

• Use understandable language for your audience.

Narrative Essays are successful when the language is cautiously, especially, and shrewdly
picked. Utilize explicit language to bring out explicit feelings and faculties in the reader.

• Organize your inputs

Have a clear introduction that sets the tone for the remainder of the essay. Do not leave the
reader guessing about the purpose of your narrative. Remember, you are in control of the
essay, so guide it where you desire.

Argumentative Essay
The argumentative essay is a genre of writing that requires the writer to present ideas which
aims to investigate a topic, collect, generate, and evaluate evidences, and presents a stand
on the topic in a concise manner.

It tasks commonly call for broad examination of writing or recently distributed material.
Argumentative may likewise require exact exploration where the understudy gathers
information through meetings, reviews, perceptions, or examinations. It permits the
understudy to find out about the subject and to comprehend various perspectives with
respect to the theme so she/he may pick a position and backing it with the proof gathered
during research. Notwithstanding the sum or sort of exploration included, argumentative
must build up an unmistakable proposition and follow sound thinking.

The structure of the argumentative essay is held together by the following.

• First Paragraph must present a clear, concise, and defined thesis statement.
Setting the context by recalling the topic in a general way. The writer should enlighten the
readers on the importance of reading the text. Lastly, writers should provide the thesis
statement. It is important that it is appropriately specified.

• Paragraphs and parts of the essay must have clear and logical transitions.
Transitions are the concrete way to establish the ideas of the paper together. Without
legitimate movement of thought, the reader can't follow the paper's contention, and the
structure will crumple. Transitions should wrap up the idea from the previous section and
introduce the idea that is to follow in the next section.

• Body paragraphs must have evidences to support the claims.

Providing evidences are important for each argument that you are presenting. Readers must
be encouraged on your positions. With evidences, these may encourage the readers to be on
your stand with your arguments.

• Conclusion lets the readers decide at the end of your article.

Leaving the decision-making task shall be the test for the readers after reading the text. Your
conclusion may use a question or a wrap up statement leading the readers to decide on the

Questions to Ponder: Among the types of essay presented, which is/are

interesting to you? What are your reasons why do you like the type/s? Have you read
some examples for each essay type?

Here is an example of an outline that

will help you to write your essay.
Outlining helps you
to be organized and systematic in
writing your essay. It will also help
you to attain conrguency
and coherence of your text.
Using the Standard Essay Outline
1) Thesis Statement
A. Supporting Argument/Idea #1
B. Supporting Argument/Idea #2
C. Supporting Argument/Idea #3
D. Conclusion/Transitional Device
2) Topic Sentence for Supporting
Idea #1
D. Conclusion/Transitional Device
3) Topic Sentence for Supporting
Idea #2
D. Conclusion/Transitional Device
4) Topic Sentence for Supporting
Idea #3
D. Conclusion/Transitional Device
5) Conclusion/Restatement of Thesis
D. Strong Concluding Sentence
Here is an example of an outline that will help you to write your essay. Outlining helps you
to be organized and systematic in writing your essay. It will also help you to attain conrguency
and coherence of your text.
Using the Standard Essay Outline

1) Thesis Statement
A. Supporting Argument/Idea #1
B. Supporting Argument/Idea #2
C. Supporting Argument/Idea #3
D. Conclusion/Transitional Device

2) Topic Sentence for Supporting Idea #1

D. Conclusion/Transitional Device

3) Topic Sentence for Supporting Idea #2

D. Conclusion/Transitional Device

4) Topic Sentence for Supporting Idea #3


D. Conclusion/Transitional Device

5) Conclusion/Restatement of Thesis
D. Strong Concluding Sentence

Learning Task 3: What is your

Directions: I. Read the excerpts of
the essays. Identify their essay type.
Write your answers
on your answer sheet.
Learning Task 3: What is your type?
Directions: I. Read the excerpts of the essays. Identify their essay type. Write your answers on
your answer sheet.

1. As I struggle to finish this piece on April 17, 2020 the Philippines has so far
recorded 5,660 Covid-19 positive cases, 362 deaths, and 435 recoveries,
topping the volume of positive cases amongst other Southeast Asian Countries
over Malaysia, Indonesia, and Singapore. It has been a month since March
15, the start of the lockdown in Metro Manila and the rest of Luzon to contain
the spread of the virus. A month earlier, on February 13, at the University of
the Philippines Diliman where I teach, classes were suspended and employees
were advised to stay home. (Solidarity and sharing in an unequal society:
Covid-19 in the Philippines, Filomin Gutierrez)

2. I always thought of myself as a different kind of student. I did not have the
same academic prowess as other people have, but what I had was a great
appreciation for everything people do for the community. Florence Nightingale
may have died, but she feels more alive than ever. I believe the very attribute
of SDG #4 Quality Education is not measured in high grades, but seen
through the actions of people. (What young people can learn from Florence
Nightingale, hcwhasia)
3. The question of how to reopen our societies in the wake of the pandemic
caused by the novel coronavirus poses special questions for social
researchers, beyond those of the immediate and difficult task at hand. For
scholars, the question is not only, what is society to become after the Covid-
19 pandemic? But how do the social conditions exposed, exacerbated, and

created by the novel coronavirus demand that we substantively rethink our
ideas of society and, therefore, some of the prevailing assumptions, methods,
and theories of social science? (Society after Pandemic, Alondra Nelson)
4. As online learning becomes more common and more and more resources are
converted to digital form, some people have suggested that public libraries
should be shut down and, in their place, everyone should be given an iPad
with an e-reader subscription.
5. The concert of my favorite band, Coldplay. Listening and seeing my favorite
singers on that cold night was awesome because I had never seen them. I
remember myself arriving at the MMRDA Grounds in Mumbai at 6 o’clock.
The line to get into the concert was longer than I thought it would be. As we
were walking to get closer to the access area I could listen to people talking
about their likes and dislikes concerning the famous and controversial rock
bands. At that time, the weather was nice. It was neither warm nor cold; it
was just perfect for a concert night with friends. On the street, there were
some people selling black t-shirts, big posters and some snacks which smelled
delicious and looked awesome in people's eyes. Then, we started getting closer
to the concert stage.
6. The first difference between Harry and Draco is their upbringing. Harry was
raised by Muggles (non-magical people), while Draco comes from an elite
wizarding family that hates Muggles. When the boys meet for the first time,
Draco talks about whether Muggle-born wizards should even attend Hogwarts
School of Witchcraft and Wizardry:
"I really don't think they should let the other sort in, do you? They're just not
the same, they've never been brought up to know our ways. Some of them
have never even heard of Hogwarts until they get the letter, imagine. I think
they should keep it in the old wizarding families." (Rowling 61)
7. End of School Year Rites have been annual celebrations which are not so
much an ending but a new beginning. For grade school students, graduation
is the beginning of their adolescent adventures as they let go of their parents’
embrace and test their wings in high school. For high school students,
graduation is the beginning of their journey to self-discovery as they unravel
what it is that they really want out of life in college.
However, due to the current situation brought by COVID-19 Pandemic, the
Department of Education maintains that graduation and moving up rites that
require face-to-face interaction shall be postponed until further notice.

Learning Task 4: Go back with the Third!

Directions: Go back with the previous learning tasks. Using the given parts of the essays,
try to supply the information about the essays dealing with the following elements. Do this
on your answer sheet.

Essay 1:
I. Topic:
II. Part of the Essay:
III. Diction:
IV. Point of View:
V. Possible Title:

Learning Task 5: Read and Give
Directions: Read the essay below.
Using the template, supply the
essential information. Do
this on your answer sheet.
Learning Task 5: Read and Give
Directions: Read the essay below. Using the template, supply the essential information. Do
this on your answer sheet.

by Lisa Barlow
Education is an important medium of acquiring essential knowledge and skills. It is more
than just learning from books. It is an effort of the older generation to transfer their
life wisdom to their offspring. Our world is constantly changing and developing so it
is very important to teach and bring up intelligent people who could understand the
problems of modern society and solve them in a proper way.
It is said that education is not preparation for life; education is life itself. So, why is it
extremely important to get a proper education?
Education plays a vital role in shaping successful people. It gives us the opportunity to
become a productive member of a civilized society by acquiring all the necessary skills. We
learn how to meet challenges and overcome obstacles. We learn how to become an integrated
personality and maintain the perpetuation of our culture. People learn basic norms, rules,
regulations, and values of society through education. Moreover, high quality education
enables us to lead a successful life, enhances our intelligence, skills, knowledge, and brings
positive changes in our life.
Education lays the foundation stone for our future. An illiterate person can find it very
difficult to cope with some aspects of life. Education expands our vision and creates
awareness. It helps us develop a disciplined life and provides us with better earning
opportunities. It enables us to know the world beyond our own surroundings. Education is
also a prerequisite of the prosperity and modernization of any country.
Modern education is liberal, open, and exoteric. It is the premise of progress, in every family
and in every society. It teaches people to reason. It is based on the humanism, freedom,
equality, democracy, and human rights. The content of education keeps pace with the needs
of modern society and is a mirror of its goals, values, and priorities. The present industrial
society has opened up a plenty of occupations which require people with specialized skills
and knowledge. So, education is a necessary means of eradicating the unemployment
problem. It is able to reduce poverty in a number of ways. But we have to remember that
there is a great need for the growth of the vocational education so that every person could
pursue a fulfilling career that ensures a satisfied life.

Education is definitely important in one`s life. A gift of knowledge can bring us to the top of
our dreams. It leads us to the right path and gives us a chance to have a wonderful life.
Education makes people capable of doing new interesting things that can go a long way to
improving human living conditions and standards. Our whole life is the process of learning
and gaining new useful knowledge. We should always remember that getting a good education
is imperative in today`s society as it is a foundation of our successful future. Our education
is really worth investment. Only if you believe and work hard you can achieve anything.

I. Topic:
II. Diction:
III. Point of View:
IV. Target Audience:
Thesis Statement
A. Supporting Argument/Idea #1
B. Supporting Argument/Idea #2
C. Supporting Argument/Idea #3
Main topic for each paragraph of the essay body.
Conclusion/Transitional Device

Writing Time! Directions: Write one essay demonstrating awareness of and sensitivity to the
different literary and/or socio-political contexts of creative writing considering your created
outline. You have the freedom to choose and utilize any of the elements, types, and other
essential topics about essay. Do this output in a yellow paper. You will be guided by
the rubrics in grading your outputs.

Directions: Using a mind map,
present your idea on what the
terms mean and how will
you use your knowledge in
writing outputs in Creative
Writing. Do this on your answer
Directions: Read the statements
carefully. Identify if the statement
Write your answers on your
answer sheet.
1. Characters in the play are
individuals that don’t do the
action in the story.
2. Setting refers to the time and
location in which a story takes
place is called the setting.

The plot is the logical
arrangement of events in a story
or play.
4. Protagonist is the chief figure
who struggles against opposing
5. Antagonist is the force,
most often another character,
that opposes the
6. The author does not make
explicit/outright statements or
explanations about the
7. A linear plot begins at a certain
point, moves through a series of
events to a climax
and then ends up at another point.
8. Modular Plot is often used to
mimic the structure and recall of
human memory
but has been applied for other
reasons as well.
9. Episodic Plot is made up of a
series of chapters or stories linked
together by the
same character, place, or theme
but held apart by their individual
plot, purpose, and
10. There is a singular aspect to
consider in a story's setting.


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