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1. Answer in English or Malay language.

2. Number of words: 2500 – 3000 words excluding references for BOTH questions (Question
1 and Question 2).

3. Submit your assignment ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

4. Submit your assignment ONLINE.

5. Submission date : 6 AUGUST 2022.

6. This assignment accounts for 100% of the total marks for the course.



By the end of this course, you should be able to:
CLO 1: Describe the trends and issues of emerging educational technology and professional
development of teachers (C2)
CLO 2: Analyse the emerging educational technology application and trends for teaching and
learning (C4)
CLO 3: Design and develop new learning environments using emerging educational
technologies. (P7)

This course assignment consists of FOUR (4) questions. Answer ALL questions.
1. Question 1 (20 marks)
2. Question 2 (50 marks)
3. Question 3 (10 marks)
4. Question 4 (20 marks)

QUESTION 1 (20%) – CLO 2

Review of the article on emerging technologies in teaching and learning.

This assignment question requires you to review the following article and write a reflection
report about the article on how the article shaped your perception and thoughts on the topic
of trends influencing the future of education. You need to apply the knowledge gained from
Topics 1, 3, 5, 8, and 9 of the HPGD3203 module.
Read the following article.

Article: Identification and evaluation of technology trends in K-12 education from 2011 to
( )

The reflection report should include:

1. Introduction
a. Briefly summarise the article.
b. Write a thesis statement stating how the article has affected you.

2. Ideas/Experiences
a. Start each new body paragraph with a topic sentence.
b. Each body paragraph should examine the one point relevant to the topic
sentence discussing the related ideas and experiences you had in the context
of the trends influencing the future of education.
Your ideas/experiences should address:
i. Your analysis of the learning process gained from the article and the
implications to your experience
ii. Your learning experience, the value to self or others, and appreciation of the
content in the article
iii. Your pre-existing assumptions related to the educational trends that were
identified and challenged
c. You may include quotes and sentences from the article to provide a point of
reference to fully understand your point of view. Feel free to describe what you
understood and how you felt.
3. Conclusion
a. Summarise the points made in the body paragraphs
b. Generalise the major insights you have experienced.
c. Restate the thesis statement.
Writing Thesis Statement and Topic Sentences
Writing a Reflection Report

[20 MARKS]

QUESTION 2 (50%) – CLO 3

Create a teaching and learning environment using emerging educational technology.

This assignment question requires you to apply the knowledge gained from Topics 2, 4, 6, 7, 8,
and 9.

The purpose of the assignment is to apply educational technology tools to create a teaching
and learning environment and to evaluate it while understanding the issues and challenges.

Use a table format to report the following:

1. The Lesson – Identify the lesson that you will be teaching, about the learners and the
lesson learning outcomes.

2. Online Learning Tool – Identify an online teaching tool (any online teaching tool listed
in Topic 6) and provide an overview of information about that tool.

3. Web 2.0 Tools – Explain how the selected online teaching tool will be used together
with Web 2.0 tools (choose any one or more Web 2.0 tool(s) in Topic 4) for supporting
teaching and learning. Provide details about the Web 2.0 tool(s) that will be included.

4. ASSURE Model – Design the lesson using the ASSURE Model (Topic 7). Integrate the
educational technology tools to support the lesson. Provide details for each phase of
the ASSURE Model.

5. Evaluation – Explain how the effectiveness of the learning environment will be

evaluated (Topic 8).

6. Issues and Challenges – In your view, what are the potential issues and challenges that
you will encounter in creating this lesson (Topic 9).

7. Conclusion – What have you learned from this task?

[50 MARKS]

QUESTION 3 (10%) (CLO 1)

Online Course Participation in the forum.

Discuss the following topic in the forum and submit proof of your participation in the online

Discussion Topic: Why is it important for teachers to evaluate educational technology? How
do you evaluate educational technology?

a) Share your views on the above topic.

 Your post must show critical thinking and critical analysis.
 Comments should fully explore, explain and expand on the issue under discussion.
 Comments should be based on appropriately cited sources.
 Connect your discussion to other relevant issues, materials, and experiences.

b) Comment on your peers’ posts by comparing his/her view with yours.

 Your post should directly reply to a peer’s comment by directly stating the similarities
and differences in both of your views.
 The post refers to that peer by name.


Do the following:
1. Do screenshots of the postings and include them as images in your assignment.
2. The screenshots should be in the image file (either in JPG or PNG format). Refer to the sample of Screen Grab
3. The screenshots should contain: Name, Title of the discussion, Day, Date, and Time.

[10 MARKS]


Online MCQ Quiz in myINSPIRE.

Complete the online MCQ Quiz in myINSPIRE. Please check out the submission deadline and
do not miss it.

1. Online Activity 1 (Marks 10%) – eLesson week 5

2. Online Activity 2 (Marks 10%) – eLesson week 10

[20 MARKS]




QUESTION 1 (20%)
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max
*QN CLO Weight
4 3 2 1 0 Marks
1 2 1a) Introduction 1.25 The article was well The article was The article was The article was poorly Not included. 5
summarised. adequately somewhat summarised and many
Briefly summarise the article
The thesis statement summarised. summarised but details were not
Write a thesis statement stating how the
states a significant The thesis statement lacked some key mentioned.
article has affected you
position and clearly states the details. Lack of thesis statement.
expresses your position. The thesis states the
feelings and/or position somewhat
thoughts. vaguely.
1 2 1b) Ideas/Experiences 2.5 Clear and well- Adequate Fair presentation of Poor presentation of No discussion. 10
Your ideas/experiences should address: presentation of presentation of required details required details and
i. Your analysis of the learning process required details. required details. and/or lacked some lacked key details.
gained from the article and the details.
implications to your experience
ii. Your learning experience, the value to
self or others, and appreciation of the
content in the article
iii. Your pre-existing assumptions related
to the educational trends that were
identified and challenged
1 2 1c) Conclusion 1.25 Effectively wraps up Effectively Somewhat Poorly summarised Not included 5
Summarise the points made in the body by stating the summarises the topic summarised the and/or not relevant.
paragraph summary of the main by addressing the topic.
Generalise the major insights you have points made, insights main points.
experienced of your experience,
Restate the thesis statement and goes beyond
restating the thesis.
Total 5 20
*QN = Question Number

QUESTION 2 (50%)
Criteria Excellent Good Fair Poor Unsatisfactory Max
*QN CLO Weight
4 3 2 1 0 Marks
2 3 2a) The Lesson 1.0 All required Most required Some of the required Lacking required Not included. 4
Identify the lesson that you will be information is information is information is information and/or
teaching, about the learners, and the covered in good covered in detail. covered. insufficient details.
lesson learning outcomes detail.
2 3 2b) Online Learning Tool 1.5 All required Most required Some of the required Lacking required Not included. 6
Identify an online teaching tool (any online information is information is information is information and/or
teaching tool listed in Topic 6) and provide covered in good covered in detail. covered. insufficient details.
an overview of information about that tool detail.

2 3 2c) Web 2.0 Tools 2.0 All required Most required Some of the required Lacking required Not included. 8
Explain how the selected online teaching information is information is information is information and/or
tool will be used together with Web 2.0 covered in good covered in detail. covered. insufficient details.
tools (choose any one or more Web 2.0 detail.
tool(s) in Topic 4) for supporting teaching
and learning. Provide details about the
Web 2.0 tool(s) that will be included
2 3 2d) ASSURE Model 2.5 All required Most required Some of the required Lacking required Not included. 10
Design the lesson using the ASSURE Model information is information is information is information and/or
(Topic 7). Integrate the educational covered in good covered in detail. covered. insufficient details.
technology tools to support the lesson. detail.
Provide details for each phase of the

2 3 2e) Evaluation 2.0 All required Most required Some of the required Lacking required Not included. 8
Explain how the effectiveness of the information is information is information is information and/or
learning environment will be evaluated covered in good covered in detail. covered. insufficient details.
(Topic 8). detail.

2 3 2f) Issues and Challenges 2.0 All required Most required Some of the required Lacking required Not included. 8
In your view, what are the potential issues information is information is information is information and/or
and challenges that you will encounter in covered in good covered in detail. covered. insufficient details.

creating this lesson (Topic 9)?

2 3 2g) Conclusion 1.5 Well explained details Some details vague Somewhat sketchy Lacked suitable Not included. 6
What have you learned from this task? of your learning about your learning and/or no explanation of your
experience experience information on your learning experience
learning experience
Total 12.5 50
*QN = Question Number

QUESTION 3 (10%)
*QN Excellent Good Fair Poor No response
Criteria Weighting 4 3 2 1 0 Marks
3a 1 3a) Share your 1.5 Comments are factually Comments are Comments are Comments are on No submission. 6
view/opinion correct, reflective, and factually correct factually correct but personal experiences
substantive and have some lack full development and opinions only.
contributions. development of of concept or
thoughts. thought. Does not indicate an
Fully explores, explains, exploration of the
and expands upon the Explains the Indicates an attempt issue(s) under
issue(s) under discussion issues(s) under to explanation of the discussion.
insightful ways. discussion. issues under
discussion but relies Comments are off-
Comments include Comments include on just opinion. topic, incorrect, or
personal experience and personal irrelevant to the
are based on experience as well Vaguely referring to discussion
appropriately cited as appropriate some resources.
sources. sources.
3b 1 3b) Interaction 1.0 • The post responded • The post • The post responded • The post did not No submission. 4
with peer directly to a peer’s responded directly vaguely to a peer’s refer to a peer’s
comments by directly to a peer’s comment but did not comment.
stating similarities and comments but the specify the
differences. comparison of similarities and
• The post refers to that similarities and differences and/or
peer by name. differences was not • The post did not
clear reference the peer by
• The post refers to name.
that peer by name.
Total 2.5 10
*QN = Question Number


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