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Republic of the Philippines

Mindanao State University

College of Health Sciences Marawi City

ALMORADO, Julia Marie C.

NSG106 Healthcare Ethics
Requirement 1
Prof. Abolbashar Mangontawar

Differentiate Human Acts from Acts of Man comprehensively including illustrations. You can
utilize other references.

Human acts are actions that humans do with the use of free will and intellect which are
done freely, deliberately, and voluntarily. These actions are proper to humans which may
need for willful consent and knowledge of the action. This includes actions like studying,
working, and the like. The person must have full knowledge of doing the certain action and
has full control whether to fulfill an action or not. Human acts should also be free from
external influences or internal pressures from doing an act, that is, it is done independently
and not because of shame, request, or control of another. Proceeding to voluntariness which
means the action is from the willingness of the individual to perform an action with awareness
of the end.
On the other hand, Acts of Man are actions that are done without the free will and
intellect, some are done by instinct. Proceeding from lack of conscious deliberation or
knowledge about the action to be done leading to unconscious and involuntary actions. Some
examples are breathing, digestion, or circulation of blood, and the like.

The acts of man are not moralized but the human act. This is since human acts are done
with full knowledge and awareness of the act, the person is also aware of the responsibilities
to be taken when the act is done. As the person has full control and freedom of the action,
responsibility follows.
The morality of human acts is hindered by certain factors. Firstly, ignorance or lack of
information about the action not considering the effect or consequences that is to be faced as
the action has been done. Another factor is the concupiscence or when one’s passion
prevents them from rational reasoning which also affects the action. Passions means one’s
emotions, though it does not overly equate to being bad, some passions are innately bad or
when they are excessive and lead to controlling one’s minds preventing from making radical
thinking. Another is fear, wherein one is triggered to do an action not of one’s will but with the
influence of intimidation or threat, resulting to loss of freedom in making the action which may
also result to violence wherein danger is encountered. Lastly, habit wherein an individual
repetitively and consciously performs an action. Bad habits may also be considered as vices
while good habits are considered virtues.


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