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Pit-os, Calidngan, Carcar City, Cebu

S.Y. 2022-2023
Diagnostic Test

Name: _________________________________________________________________________ Score: __________________________

Course: ________________________________________________________________________ Date: ___________________________

DIRECTIONS: Read each item carefully. Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. It is one of the elements of communication who receives the message, or someone who decodes the message.
A. Decoding C. Feedback
B. Receiver D. Barrier
2. These are the factors that affects the flow of communication.
A. Decoding C. Message
B. Speaker D. Encoding
3. He or she is the source of information or message.
A. Channel C. Encoding
B. Feedback D. Context
4. It is the medium or the means of communication, such as personal or non-personal, verbal or nonverbal, in which the encoded message is conveyed.
A. Feedback C. Message
B. Speaker D. Channel
5. It is the process of converting the message into words, actions, or other forms that the speaker understands.
A. Speaker C. Encoding
B. Message D. Channel
6. It is the information, ideas, or thoughts conveyed by the speaker in words or in actions.
A. Receiver C. Message
B. Decoding D. Channel
7. It is the process of interpreting the encoded message of the speaker by the receiver.
A. Decoding C. Channel
B. Receiver D. Message
8. These are the reactions, responses, or information provided by the receiver.
A. Channel C. Receiver
B. Decoding D. Feedbacks
9. It is known as the mother of all communication models, and is also considered as a linear or one-way process of communication.
A. Shannon-Weaver Model C. Schramm Model
B. Transaction Model D. Dance Model
10. It is another model of communication that is considered as a two-way process.
A. Shannon-Weaver C. Schramm Model
B. Transaction Model D. Dance Model
11. It is one of the functions of communication which intends to control behavior.
A. Information dissemination C. Motivation
B. Control D. Emotional Expression
12. It is one of the functions of communication which facilitates people’s expression of their feelings and emotions.
A. Social Interaction C. Emotional Expression
B. Motivation D. Control
13. It is one of the functions of communication which allows individuals to interact with others.
A. Social Interaction C. Emotional Expression
B. Motivation D. Information Dissemination
14. It is one of the functions of communication which motivates or encourages people to live better.
A. Control C. Motivation
B. Social Interaction D. Emotional Expression
15. It is one of the functions of communication which convey or spread information.
A. Social Interaction C. Emotional Expression
B. Motivation D. Information Dissemination
16. It is essential to the quality of the communication process in general. Hence, communication should include everything that the receiver needs to hear for him/her to
respond, react, or evaluate properly.
A. Concreteness C. Conciseness
B. Consideration D. Completeness
17. In an effective communication, it does not mean keeping the message short, but making it direct or straight to the point.
A. Concreteness C. Conciseness
B. Consideration D. Completeness
18. To be effective, the speaker should always consider relevant information about his/her receiver such as mood, background, race, preferences, education, status,
needs, and among others. By doing so, he/she can easily build rapport with the audience
A. Clearness C. Concreteness
B. Courtesy D. Consideration
19. Effective communication happens when the message is concrete and supported by facts, figures, and real-life examples and situations. In this case, the receiver is
more connected to the message conveyed.
A. Correctness C. Concreteness
B. Clearness D. Courtesy
20. During communication, the speaker shows respect to the culture, values, and beliefs of his/her receivers. Being courteous all the time creates a positive impact on the
A. Concreteness C. Clearness
B. Courtesy D. Correctness
21. In communication, it implies the use of simple and specific words to express ideas. It is also achieved when the speaker focuses only on a single objective in his/her
speech so as not to confuse the audience.
A. Concreteness C. Clearness
B. Courtesy D. Correctness
22. Correctness in grammar eliminates negative impact on the audience and increases the credibility and effectiveness of the message.
A. Denial C. Minimization
B. Defense D. Acceptance
23. It is the stage in the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity, where the individual does not recognize cultural differences.
A. Denial C. Minimization
B. Defense D. Acceptance
24. It is the stage where the individual starts to recognize cultural differences and is intimidated by them, resulting in either a superior view on own culture or an unjustified
high regard for the new one.
A. Denial B. Defense
C. Minimization D. Acceptance
25. This refers to communication that centers in one person where the speaker acts both as the sender and the receiver of message.
A. Small group C. Interpersonal
B. Dyad communication D. Intrapersonal
26. This refers to communication between and among people and establishes personal relationship between and among them.
A. Intrapersonal C. Dyad
B. Interpersonal D. Small Group
27. This refers to communication which occurs or involves between two people.
A. Intrapersonal C. Public
B. Interpersonal D. Dyad Communication
28. Tis refers to communication that involves at least three but not more than ten people engaging in a face-to-face interaction working to achieve a desired goal.
A. Mass communication C. Public
B. Small group D. Intrapersonal
29. This type refers to communication that requires you to deliver or send the message before or in front of a group.
A. Mass communication C. Public
B. Small group D. Interpersonal
30. This refers to communication that takes place through television, radio, magazines, newspaper, books, billboards, internet, and other types of media.
A. Mass communication C. Public
B. Small group D. Interpersonal
31. This style is private, which occurs between or among close family members or intimate individuals. The language used in this style may not be shared in public.
A. Consultative C. Casual
B. Intimate D. Formal
32. This style is common among peers and friends. Jargon, slang, street language, gay language or vulgar words are used.
A. Formal C. Consultative
B. Frozen D. Casual
33. This style is the standard one. Professional or mutually acceptable language is a must in this style.
A. Intimate C. Consultative
B. Formal D. Frozen
34. This style is used in formal settings. Unlike the consultative style, this is one-way.
A. Casual C. Formal
B. Consultative D. Frozen
35. This style remains unchanged. It mostly occurs in ceremonies.
A. Casual C. Intimate
B. Frozen D. Formal
36. It is an utterance that a speaker makes to achieve an intended effect.
A. Speech style C. Speech act
B. Speech context D. Speech choir
37. It is a type of speech act which refers to the actual act of uttering.
A. Perlocutionary act C. Locutionary act
B. Illocutionary act D. Performatives
38. It is the social function of what is said.
A. Perlocutionary act C. Locutionary act
B. Illocutionary act D. Performatives
39. It is the resulting act of what is said.
A. Perlocutionary act C. Locutionary act
B. Illocutionary act D. Performatives
40. It is a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses belief about the truth of a proposition.
A. Commissive C. Directive
B. Assertive D. Declaration
41. It is a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker tries to make the addressee perform an action.
A. Directive C. Assertive
B. Commissive D. Expressive
42. It is a type of illocutionary act which commits the speaker to do something in the future.
A. Directive C. Assertive
B. Commissive D. Declaration
43. It is a type of illocutionary act in which the speaker expresses his/her feelings or emotional reactions.
A. Directive C. Declaration
B. Assertive D. Expressive
44. It is a type of illocutionary act which brings a change in the external situation.
A. Commissive C. Assertive
B. Directive D. Declaration
45. In this strategy the speaker collaboratively and productively establishes a topic.
A. Restriction C. Nomination
B. Turn-taking D. Topic shifting
46. In communication, this strategy refers to any limitation you may have as a speaker.
A. Topic control C. Turn-taking
B. Restriction D. Termination
47. This strategy pertains to the process by which people decide who takes the conversational floor.
A. Repair C. Nomination
B. Termination D. Turn-taking
48. This strategy involves moving from one topic to another. In other words, it where one part of a conversation ends and where another begins.
A. Topic control C. Repair
B. Topic shifting D. Termination
49. This strategy refers to how speakers address the problems in speaking, listening, and comprehending that may encounter in a conversation.
A. Topic control C. Repair
B. Topic shifting D. Termination
50. This strategy refers to the conversation participants’ close-initiating expressions that end a topic in a conversation.
A. Topic control C. Repair
B. Topic shifting D. Termination

Prepared by: Mrs. Chessa V. Tanudtanud

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