Experiment of Potassium Fertilizer Under Iron Toxicity Stress of Ex-Situ Conditions and Its Effect To Fe Content in The Grain

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Experiment of Potassium Fertilizer under Iron Toxicity Stress of Ex-situ

Conditions and Its Effect to Fe Content in the Grain

Article  in  Jurnal Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan · August 2020

DOI: 10.21082/jpptp.v4n2.2020.p1-8


4 authors, including:

Yudhistira Nugraha
Indonesian Agency for Agricultural Research and Development


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Penelitian Pertanian
of Potassium
Under Iron Toxicity Stress .... (Unoki et al.)
Vol. 4 No. 1 Agustus 2020: 1-8 DOI: http//dx.doi.org/10.21082/jpptp.v4n2.2020.p1-8

Experiment of Potassium Fertilizer under Iron Toxicity Stress of Ex-situ

Conditions and Its Effect to Fe Content in the Grain

Pemupukan Kalium pada Kondisi Keracunan Besi Secara Eksitu

dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Kandungan Besi pada Biji Padi

Saeka Unoki1, Trias Sitaresmi2, Hirosi Ehara1, and Yudhistira Nugraha2

Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences,
Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
Indonesian Center for Rice Research
Jl. Raya 9 Sukamandi, Subang, Jawa Barat, Indonesia
International Center for Research and Education in Agriculture,
Nagoya University, Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya 464-8601, Japan
Corresponding E-mail: yudhistira.nugraha@gmail.com

Naskah diterima 25 November 2019, direvisi 25 Mei 2020, disetujui diterbitkan 29 Mei 2020

ABSTRAK control and iron toxicity stress conditions using 3000 ppm of
manufactured FeSO4 combined with three level potassium, namely
Pada lahan sawah yang keracunan besi, hasil padi sangat rendah 0 kg/ha, 50 kg/ha and 100 kg/ha. The best time for appearance of
bahkan tidak jarang gagal berproduksi. Keracunan besi umumnya bronzing score was at 32 day after transplanting, where it could
terjadi pada lahan sawah bukaan baru di daerah yang belum memiliki differentiate among level of tolerance of tested rice varieties.
infrastruktur memadai. Oleh karena itu, penelitian keracuanan besi Cilamaya Muncul and Inpara 8 did not respond significantly to the
pada lokasi hot spot sulit dilakukan karena tempatnya terisolasi dan level of potassium under iron toxicity condition. The tolerance of
tidak mudah diakses. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui sensitive variety, IR64 was increased with the 100 kg/ha of
respon beberapa genotipe padi terhadap keracunan besi pada potassium treatment. This study also found that iron content in
kondisi ex-situ di rumah kaca. Bahan tanaman menggunakan tiga brown rice of grain correlated with level of bronzing symptom. This
varietas padi yang memiliki toleransi berbeda dan ditanam pada pot study has proofed that experiment on iron toxicity under ex-situ
berisi media tanah sawah (Alluvial). Perlakuan yang diberikan berupa condition, using treated soil for manipulating iron toxicity stress is
kontrol dan stres keracunan besi menggunakan 3000 ppm FeSO4 possible to be done.
yang dikombinasikan dengan tiga tingkat dosis pupuk kalium masing- Keywords: tolerance, ferrous, oxidation, EDXRF
masing 0 kg/ha, 50 kg/ha, dan 100 kg/ha. Waktu terbaik dalam
penampakan gejala bronzing adalah pada saat tanaman berumur
32 hari setelah tanam (HST). Toleransi varietas IR64 meningkat
seiring dengan perlakuan K dengan dosis 100 kg/ha. Hasil penelitian
menunjukkan kandungan besi dalam beras pecah kulit meningkat
seiring dengan meningkatnya kandungan Fe dalam tanah. Penelitian
juga membuktikan percobaan keracunan besi pada kondisi ex-situ Iron toxicity is the most widely distributed nutritional
dengan perlakuan keracunan besi buatan memungkinkan untuk disorder in the tropical lowland rice production
dilakukan. (Dobermann and Fairhurst 2000), it can be found in the
Kata kunci: toleransi, ferro, oksidasi, EDXRF old weathered soil or oxisols soil and high accumulated
iron in sulfate acidic soil at swamp-coastal area (Becker
and Asch 2005; Rumanti et al. 2018). Iron toxicity is caused
by excessive uptake of Fe 2+ from roots and its
translocation into leaves and plant bodies (Briat et al.
On the affected of iron toxicity of low-land rice, rice productivity is 2007). Excess amounts of Fe2+ can generate more free
considerably low, while in acute case farmers fail to harvest. Iron radicals and itself also can act as free radicals (Hendry
toxicity can be found in new opened paddy field where there is no
and Brocklebank 1985). These free radicals are
appropriate of infrastructure. Conducting experiment on iron toxicity
of rice in “hot spot” area is quite difficult to manage because of responsible for the damage due to the iron toxicity (Oliveira
isolated and difficult to access. We studied responses of rice et al. 2013). The visual symptom of iron toxicity is the
genotypes to iron toxicity under different potassium level in ex-situ “bronzing” of leaves, that can affect the physiological
of the greenhouse condition. Plant materials consisted of three
process as well as the grain yield of rice (Audebert and
varieties different level of tolerance to iron toxicity, grown in the
pot containing paddy soil (alluvial). The treatments consisted of a Fofana 2009; Sahrawat 2004; Nugraha et al. 2016).

Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Vol. 4 No. 2 Agustus 2020: 1-8

Overcoming the damage of rice production by iron other hand, oxidations during soil transportation they
toxicity can be done spontaneously by using tolerant reduce the availability of ferrous ion. Here, we study
variety as well as by culture practice. Some genotypes greenhouse experiment for iron toxicity experiment
were reported as tolerant to iron toxicity, which mostly using ex-situ soil as planting media and various
they are traditional variety (Sitaresmi et al. 2013), but combination of different application potassium to know
recent modern rice varieties also had been identified as the respond of growth of the selected rice genotypes.
tolerant to iron toxicity stress (Nugraha and Rumanti We also studied the effect of iron toxicity condition on
2017). Some studies also reported that fertilizer iron content in rice grain to find out the mechanism of
application can mitigate iron toxicity effect (Benckiser tolerance among tested genotypes. High iron
et al. 1984;Claassen et al. 2002). Potassium is known as concentration in the shoot without resulting any effect
important nutrient for activates many enzymes that to the plant growth is important for developing rice
involved in photosynthesis and respiration, starch and genotypes with high iron content in the grain (Masuda
protein synthesis, stomatal movement and stress et al. 2012). Through our experiment, the ex-situ
alleviation (Marschner 2012). Potassium also involved in experiment in the green house is possible to be done
anion-cation balance, electrical regulation and pH and mechanism of iron transfer to the grain as an effect
maintenance across biological membranes (Hopff et al. of potassium fertilizer is revealed.
2013). The application of potassium in iron stress field
was reported to reduce the iron toxicity symptom and
to produce better grain yield (Gao et al. 2014; Yamauchi MATERIAL AND METHOD
1989). Potassium Fertilizer Experiment under Iron Stress
Conducting experiment in the targeted area is a Using Pot in Green House
constraint, because most of the iron toxicity field can be
found in swampy area or newly opened paddy field The experiment was done in green house of Sukamandi
where most of them are difficult to access. Managing Experimental Station at Indonesian Center for Rice
the research with lack of research infrastructure and Research Sukamandi Subang from August 2019 to
human resource is a problem. Therefore, some scientist January 2020. The plant materials based on previous
use in-house experiment by hydroponics solution to studies were used, namely, IR64, Inpara 8 and Cilamaya
manipulate the iron stress condition as if in the field Muncul varieties (Table 1). Seed of rice materials were
condition. However, the hydroponic culture is also sowed on Sukamandi alluvial soil (Table 2) in the 10 L
limited by the duration of media culture which is needed plastic trays. In the same time, the media plastic pot sized
to be refreshed with new media and it is also very 7 L was also prepared. One third of volume of the pot
vulnerable to the change of pH, oxidation, and was filled with paddy soil the same soil for sowing as the
precipitation of iron (Suhartini and Makarim 2009). first layer of media. The second layer was filled with 3000
Hydroponic method is suitable for initial screening to ppm of FeSO4 (manufacturer) placed evenly just above
identify robust rice tolerance to iron toxicity in seedling the first layer. The third layer was the paddy soil mixed
stage (Nugraha et al. 2016). On the other hand, with 100 kg/ha urea and 5 t/ha fresh farmyard manure
information on identification of rice genotype at the (Figure 1).
whole growth stages under ex-situ condition (green The plant materials were transplanted using 19 days
house) is still limited. Some scientists use soil from iron old seedling. Top dressing was done with 75 kg/ha urea
toxicity “hotspot” area and carry out to the experimental two times (26 and 36 days after treatment). Each selected
research station or green house to conduct pot genotype was given by different of the treatments. There
experiment (Sikirou et al. 2016). However, this method were four treatments based on potassium and iron
is also not effective because the cost of transferring soil stress combination and the control. Control was 50 kg/
from iron toxicity area is costly and laborious. On the ha KCl based on soil test kit without iron stress, Fe + K0

Table 1. Plant material used for the pot experiment. Sukamandi, West Java, Indonesia.

Variety name DAS PH GYP RIT Reference

(day)* (cm) (t/ha)

IR64 110 115 5.0 Sensitive Suprihatno et al. 2012, Nugraha et al. 2016
Cilamaya Muncul 125 105 6.0 Tolerant Suprihatno et al. 2012, Nugraha et al. 2016
Inpara 8 115 107 4.7 Moderate Rumanti et al. 2016, Nugraha et al. 2016

DAT= Day after sowing; PH= Plant high; GYP= Grain Yield Producitivity; RIT= Reaction to Iron Toxicity

Experiment of Potassium Fertilizer Under Iron Toxicity Stress .... (Unoki et al.)

Tabel 2. Sukamandi soil characteristics for pot experiment.

Sukamandi, West Java, Indonesia.

Soil characteristics Quantification

Texture (%) Water

Sand 21 Urea, SP36
Dune 45 →
Loam 34
C (%) 0.56
Soil +Manure
N (%) 0.05 FeSO
C/N 11 4 →
P2O5 (ppm) 45
Ca (cmol/kg) 7.22
Mg (cmol/kg) 1.62 Figure 1. Composition of pot experiment for iron toxicity condition.
K (cmol/kg) 0.13 Sukamandi, West Java, Indonesia
Na(cmol/kg) 0.45
KTK 12.58

Source: Indonesian Center for Rice Research (unpublish)

Bronzing Symptom
was 3000 ppm of FeSO4 without KCl, Fe + K50 was 3000 During the early growth seedling rice plant developed
ppm of FeSO4, and 50kg/ha of KCl, Fe + K100 was 3000 normally, because the plant root development could not
ppm of FeSO4.7H2O and 100 kg/ha of KCl, Hence there reach the ferrous layer posision at the middle of the pot.
were 12 combination of treatments replicated three It was indicated in Table 1 that the development of
times, in a randomized block design. bronzing symptom at 12 day after transplanting (DAT)
Water was maintained to 5 cm during the whole was unidentified. The best time for appearance of
growth of rice plant to prevent ferrous oxidation. bronzing score was at 32 DAT, where there was obvious
Bronzing score was measured at 12, 32 and 40 day after among varieties, where Cilamaya Muncul (scored 1 to
transplanting (DAT) using the SES developed by IRRI 3) reacted less bronzing compared to Inpara 8 (scored
(IRRI 2014). The score was measured at 50% of tiller 3 to 5), and IR 64 (7 to 9). Fertilizer application of K50 and
flowering. The tiller number was measured by number K100 also affected in reducing the development of
of tiller per hill. The plant high was measured from base bronzing score in Inpara 8 and IR64, but it seemed
stem to the tips of panicle. The yield attributes were unaffected for the tolerant variety Cilamaya Muncul
determined by harvested any bearing panicles and (Figure 2). However, the bronzing scores of sensitive and
drying them thoroughly under the sun, then oven-dried moderate varieties decreased to 1-3 level after 40 DAT.
at 70°C to constant weight for determining grain yield. This indicated that the level of iron stress was reduced
because of oxidation of ferrous iron following the time
Fe Content Analysis or/and the tolerance level increased because of the age
of rice plant.
Fe content was measured in The Laboratory of Rice
Breeding Division at Indonesian Center for Rice Research Agronomic Performance
Sukamandi. The grain of each treatment was prepared
as much as 50 g with water content 14% and cleaned Iron stress also affected the duration of rice plant,
using vacuum cleaner. The grains were dehulled using became longer compared to control (Figure 3), except
dehuller rice machine (JLGJ 4.5 West-Tune) for obtaining for tolerant variety, Cilamaya Muncul. The longer
their head brown rice. The brown rice samples were duration in sensitive and moderate varieties under iron
weighed to 3 g for Fe0, Zn0, Fe and Zn respectively for stress suggested that those varieties needed a time for
each sample treatments. These samples then were recovery after being exposed to iron toxicity in the earlier
milled using rice milling machine (JGMJ8090 Pinyang growth. Interestingly in IR64 (sensitive), enhancing level
Tech) with milling duration of 80 second resulted of 100% dosage of K had significant effect on reducing the
milled rice. The milled rice samples were analyzed for Fe duration of flowering compared to the K0, indicating
content using energy-dispersive X Ray Florescence that K fertilizer helped rice plant for fasten their
Spectrophotometry (EDXRF Oxford Instruments X- recovering. But, the effect of K to Inpara 8 was non-
Supreme 8000). significant in reducing of days to flowering.

Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Vol. 4 No. 2 Agustus 2020: 1-8

Normal Fe+K100 Fe+K50 Fe+K0

Figure 2. Appearance of three varieties treated with different iron conditions under different
potassium application amounts. Sukamandi, West Java, Indonesia.

The iron stress enhanced production of the number of grain complied to that of control. In the sensitive variety,
of tillers compared to the control in all varieties. It was IR64 it was found that 100 kg/ha of potassium was
related to phenomenon of duration for recovering and comparable with the control (Table 3).
oxidation of iron in soil media. During early stress of For grain yield, Inpara 8 had the highest grain yield in
iron, the number of tillers was inhibited but when iron iron toxicity treatment with or without K fertilizer. It seen
stress was lesser following a time, it induced the that this variety had mild suffer with iron stress on its
production of more tillers during their recovering period. early growth, but could adapt well after less iron stress.
In IR64, enhancing the dosage of K100 seemed In sensitive rice varieties, IR64 iron toxicity stress inhibited
significantly to increase the number of tillers compared agronomic performance at the whole growth stages and
to that of K50. its yield. But, the application of K fertilizer with dosage of
Increasing the number of tillers in the iron stress 100 kg K/ha to IR64 resulted in a comparable grain yield
media was also related to the total number grains per with that in the control. This suggested that potassium
hill in Inpara 8 (1200 to 1500 number of grains), while in in this dosage could mitigate the toxicity of iron where
Cilamaya Muncul the addition of K fertilizer combined farmers cultivate sensitive varieties.
with high iron affected a significantly different of number

Experiment of Potassium Fertilizer Under Iron Toxicity Stress .... (Unoki et al.)

Vertical lines in the figure indicate S.E. (n=3).

Figure 3. Day to flowering, tiller number per hill, number of grains and grain yield per hill of plants treated with the iron toxicity stress under
different potassium applications. Sukamandi, West Java, Indonesia.

Table 3. Bronzing score of three rice varieties in pot iron stress Fe Content in the Grain
treatment. Sukamandi, West Java, Indonesia.
We used Fe content analysis in the grain to explain
Variety Treatment 12 DAT 32 DAT 40 DAT
........LBS (score)........
whether iron was accumulated in the body of rice plant.
With assumption that before entering the grain, iron
Cilamaya Muncul Control 0 0 0 should be translocated from rhizosphere by the root
Fe+K50 0 3 1 and should be allocated through xylem into the grain.
Fe+K50 1 3 1
Fe+K100 1 1 1
We found that Cilamaya Muncul and Inpara 8
accumulated less of the iron in their paddy, compared
Inpara 8 Control 0 0 0
Fe+K0 2 5 5 to sensitive variety, IR64 (Figure 4). IR64 accumulated
Fe+K50 0 5 3 two-fold of iron in paddy treated with FeK0 and FeK50
Fe+K100 2 3 3 compared to control. But interestingly the treatments of
IR 64 Control 0 0 0 FeK100 showed comparable data with the control. This
Fe+K0 1 9 7 means that application of K as much as 100 kg/ha could
Fe+K50 1 7 5
Fe+K100 1 7 5 prevent the root from leaking due to iron toxicity, or
within this dosage of K it could maintain root
DAT= day after transplanting, permeability to select ion movement from rhizosphere
1-3= tolerant, 5-7= moderate, 7-9= sensitive (Source: IRRI 1996) to the root. In the brown rice, the iron content in the
grain depleted significantly compared to that in paddy

Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Vol. 4 No. 2 Agustus 2020: 1-8

in all treatments due to mostly the iron was accumulated in the from ferrous (Fe2+) to Ferric (Fe3+) which resulted
in aleurone, not in the endosperm. But, the iron content in toxic condition for rice plant. Our study showed that
in all iron treatment was still significantly higher the best time for appearance of bronzing score was at
compared to that with the control treatment. 32 DAT, where it could differentiate tolerance, moderate,
Table 4 showed that LBS score at 32 and 42 DAT and sensitive rice variety. But after 42 DAT the bronzing
were correlated positively with iron content in brown scored were changed became more tolerant probably
rice and paddy. This phenomenon explained that iron due to oxidation of ferrous ion. Oxidation of iron is main
had been transported to the grain but the pattern in the problem to be consider for doing experimental on iron
translocation was more obvious in husk and in its toxicity rice in the green house conditions (Elec et al.
aleurone of rice grain rather than in the endosperm. 2013; Nugraha et al. 2016).
This result showed that it will difficult to develop rice To examine the effect of K on iron toxicity, the
variety accumulate-iron in endosperm of rice grain. bronzing score was used as reference, because it is the
Scientist use transgenic approach by over expressed most important parameter of appearence of iron toxicity
gene related to iron up take in root, iron loading in the symptom followed by agronomy characters and grain
xylem, and iron-storing ability in the endosperm yield. Our study showed that in tolerant and moderate
(Connorton and Balk 2019; Sperotto et al. 2012). Hence, variety the effect of K had not any significant in the
these requirements can be undertaken by the includer- performance of agronomy and the grain yield but
type of high accumulation in plant tissue, like IR64 but combining iron excess with K resulted better grain yield
the tolerance to iron toxicity should be consider to be compared to control. This suggested that there were
fixed. positive interaction of iron with other nutrient (Sledlecka
Experiment on iron toxicity mostly relied on a 1995), especially during intoxic condition after 32 DAT.
“hotspot” area. However, this area is mostly found at This argument were also have been reported in field
swampy or rainfed agroecological zone where experiment of lateritic soil in Orissa State India that report
experiment is difficult to manage because in the remote about application of 132 kg/ha K fertilizer under iron
area and limited to do because it’s can only be done in stress condition resulted more higher yield compared
one season per year. Some researchers had used pot or to non-iron stress condition (Sahu and Sandha 2001).
cement tanks filled with soils for evaluating iron toxicity We found that moderate tolerant variety, Inpara 8
tolerance in rice (Abifarin 1989; Sikirou et al. 2018; Sikirou had best grain yield and agronomy performance under
et al. 2016). However, those all experiments were done excess iron compared to tolerant variety, Cilamaya
using soil taken from hotspot area which also Muncul (Figure 3). This can be explained that Inpara 8
considered inffecient and costly where research site was had been design for targeted in swampy agroecologicall
far a way from the research station. In the technical point zone where iron toxicity is main problem (Zarwazi et al.
of view, based on our experience removing iron affected 2016; Rumanti et al. 2016). This finding is also strengten
soil into the the pot and transported to the green house with our experience that cultivating of Inpara 8 in farm
will make oxidation and changing the chemical reaction level of iron hot spot zone of swampy area at South
Sumatera also showed mild reaction of leaf bronzing,
however this variety able to out-yield other swampy rice
varieties. IR64 seem a good model for sensitive rice
varieties where bronzing score appear very distinctly
compared to the tolerant and moderate variety. Instead
of bronzing symtomp in IR64, iron toxicity stress could
inhibited the agronomical growth at whole grow stage
and its yield (Figure 2). This variety also responded to K
fertilizer compared to other tested varieties.

Table 4. Correlation coefficient between iron concentration in

paddy and brown rice.

Fe Fe Brown LBS LBS

Error bar is SE with n=3 Paddy rice 32 DAT 42 DAT

Figure 4. Fe content in paddy and brown rice of three rice varieties Fe Paddy 1 0.833** 0.351 0.412
treated with the iron toxicity stress under different Fe Brown rice 1 0.780** 0.778**
potassium applications. Sukamandi, West Java, Indonesia.

Experiment of Potassium Fertilizer Under Iron Toxicity Stress .... (Unoki et al.)

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Penelitian Pertanian Tanaman Pangan Vol. 4 No. 2 Agustus 2020: 1-8

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