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Academic Burnout Among Undergraduates Nursing Students

Tati Sumarni, Ati Surya Mediawati, Henny Yulianita

Faculty of Nursing, Padjadjaran University


Academic burnout is a condition when someone got fatigued continuously due to load gained during learning.
Nursing students are a group which risk of experiencing academic burnout. Previous research has shown that
nursing students experience mild to severe burnout. Even so, it has known that location will have different
effects on burnout. This study aims to determine academic burnout in undergraduate students at the Faculty of
Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran. The design of the research used descriptive quantitative. The population was
910 nursing students. Proportional stratified random sampling used for chosen sample, so there were 278 samples
collected. Data were collected using Maslach Burnout Inventory - Student Survei questionnaire. Process data
results by univariate analysis. The result showed that all respondents (n=278) had academic burnout. A total
of 25,2% respondents experienced the mild category, as many as 74,1% respondents experienced moderate
academic burnout and 0,7% respondents experienced the severe category. Most of the students had moderate
exhaustion (83,8%), more than half of the respondents had low cynicism (56,8%), and moderately reduce
professional efficacy (70,1%). The nursing students had a moderate category of academic burnout. Therefore,
it is recommended to monitor the level of academic burnout regularly and provide consultation facilities.

Keywords: Academic, Burnout, Nursing Students

JNC - Volume 4 Issue 3 October 2021 255

Tati Sumarni: Academic Burnout Among Undergraduates Nursing Students

Introduction in Laili Suseno, 2016).

Burnout is an adverse condition that can Nursing students are one of the groups
occur in someone who works. Leiter Maslach of students who are prone to experiencing
(1988, in Nusalam, 2015) defines burnout as academic burnout. There were because
emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, nursing students face a lot of high stressors
and decreased personal achievement in in the long term. Stressors experienced
working individuals. Meanwhile, Bährer- by nursing students can be in the form
Kohler (2013) defines burnout as a condition of academic demands, lack of free time,
that occurs due to prolonged work that does difficulty in adapting, feeling less competent,
not provide satisfaction, causes emotional and worries about making mistakes when
exhaustion, depersonalization, and decreased practicing (Aliftitah, 2015).
long-term achievement. Therefore, burnout Several international studies support
had three dimensions, and this is the theory the incidence of academic burnout among
of Laiter Maslach (1997, in Khairani Ifdil, nursing students. Research by Iorga, Muraru,
2015) which states that burnout has three Ciuhodaru (2017) in one of the developing
dimensions, namely exhaustion (fatigue), countries states that the majority of academic
cynicism (cynicism) or depersonalization, burnout rates among nursing students are
and ineffectiveness (ineffectiveness). at low (33.7%) and moderate (33.7%). %)
Burnout conditions are different is at a high level. This research is in line
from stress conditions. Burnout is more with Khokhar, Chaudhry, Ashraf, Bakht,
specifically associated with work, while Alvi, Mohyuddin (2016), which also stated
stress was influenced heavily by factors that most nursing students experienced
outside of work (Informed Health, 2020). mild academic burnout 35.7%, while the
In addition, stress can still have a positive other 22.6% experienced moderate burnout,
impact on triggering enthusiasm for work, 6% experienced severe burnout, and 1.2%
while someone who experiences burnout has experienced extreme burnout. Academic
lost enthusiasm and tends to avoid it (Pines burnout research found in Indonesia.
Keinan, 2015). Although stress and burnout Research conducted by Alimah, Swaswati,
are different, Pines Keinan’s research (2015) Ekowati (2016) at a campus in Central Java
states a correlation between the magnitude of shows that most nursing students experience
the stress event experienced and the burnout moderate academic burnout. The research
incident. The higher the stress experienced, by Arlinkasari Akmal (2017) conducted in
the more likely a person is to experience Jakarta shows that the majority of students
burnout. experience academic burnout at a high level.
Research shows that the type of work is In general, international and national
one of the factors that can cause burnout. research shows that academic burnout is
Carod-Artal Vazquez-Carbera (2013) states common among nursing students. However,
six risk factors for burnout, namely negative there has been no similar study on students in
job characteristics, job factors, organizational West Java, whereas regional differences can
factors, demographic variables, individual have different effects on academic burnout.
traits, and work attitudes. Rahmatpour, This condition is due to differences in places
Chehrzad, Ghanbari, Reza, Ebrahimi (2019) that will result in different types of people,
in his research stated that students were one types of communication, and social support
of the jobs that are prone to burnout. Burnout received (UGM Public Relations, 2019).
among students is better known as academic Plantiveau, Dounavi, Virues-Ortega (2018)
burnout. Laili Suseno (2016) states that also mention that each environment will
academic burnout is defined as a condition provide other social support, and the size of
when a person feels tired, burdened, and social support in an environment will impact
unable to carry out his role as a student. job satisfaction and burnout.
Academic burnout has three dimensions, Academic burnout research in West
exhaustion, cynicism, and reduce of Java was crucial, especially at the Faculty
professional efficacy (Schaufeli et al., 2002 of Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran . It is

256 JNC - Volume 4 Issue 3 October 2021

Tati Sumarni: Academic Burnout Among Undergraduates Nursing Students

because the faculty of nursing, Universitas that academic burnout is most likely to occur
Padjadjaran, spread over two areas in West in nursing students because disappearing
Java. Therefore, regional differences will without explanation and resigning is one
have a different impact on academic burnout indication of academic burnout. Based on
among students. Another thing that supports this background, researchers are interested
the importance of this research is the data on in researching the description of academic
student development from the Department burnout in undergraduate students at the
of Advocacy and Student Welfare Student Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran
Executive Board of the Faculty of Nursing, as a Nursing Faculty located in West Java.
Universitas Padjadjaran [Adkesma BEM
FKEP Unpad] (2020), which shows that some Research Method
students at the Faculty of Nursing, Universitas
Padjadjaran complain of feeling tired and The research method used in this research
not feeling well able to study. Furthermore, is descriptive analysis. The purpose of
data from the Academic Sub-Section of the descriptive analysis research is to describe
Faculty of Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran the incidence of academic burnout in
[SBA Fkep Unpad] evidenced some of the undergraduate students of the Faculty of
results of Adkesma’s data. For example, data Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran. Therefore,
SBA Fkep Unpad on December 2, 2020, the variables in this study are independent in
there were nine students without explanation, the form of academic burnout.
and eight students withdrew. That indicates
Table 1. Operational Definition
Variable Operational Measurement
Sub Variable Instrument Scale
Research Definition Result
Academic burnout 0
is a feeling of Maslach Not Burnout
continuous Burnout Inventory- 1-48 Mild
fatigue, Student Burnout
Burnout pessimism, feeling Survey (MBI-SS) 49-96 Ordinal
Akademik burdened, and (Laili, 2014). Moderate
inadequacy Measurement using Burnout
during the lecture a Likert scale 0-6 97-144
process. Severe Burnout
Exhaustion is 1-16
when the Mild
individual feels Maslach 17-32
that he has spent Burnout Inventory- Moderate
all his energy Student 33-48 Severe
Exhaustion carrying out Survey (MBI-SS) The mean Ordinal
activities, so he (Laili, 2014). shows the
feels physically Measurement using average
and a Likert scale 0-6 burnout
psychologically dimensions
exhausted that contribute
to the level of

JNC - Volume 4 Issue 3 October 2021 257

Tati Sumarni: Academic Burnout Among Undergraduates Nursing Students

Cynicism is the Maslach Moderate
behavior of Burnout Inventory- 33-48
avoiding people in Student Severe
Cynicism the workplace by Survey (MBI-SS) Ordinal
The mean
being uncaring, (Laili, 2014). shows the
cynical, even Measurement using average
rude. a Likert scale 0-6 burnout
that contribute
to the level of
Reduce of Not
professional 1-16
efficacy is the Mild
emergence of Maslach 17-32
feelings of Burnout Inventory- Moderate
Reduce of inadequacy which Student 33-48 Severe
professional ultimately makes Survey (MBI-SS) The mean Ordinal
Efficacy a person (Laili, 2014). shows the
experience a Measurement using average
decrease in a Likert scale 0-6 burnout
achievement in dimensions
the educational that contribute
process. to the level of
The population in this study were Yogyakarta”. The instrument has been tested
undergraduate students of the Faculty of for validity and reliability. The validity test
Nursing, Universitas Padjadjaran. The was declared valid by rational analysis or
total population is 910 registered students, professional judgment. The reliability test
consisting of 246 class 2017, 253 class 2018, in this study used Cronbach’s alpha with a
167 class 2019, and 244 class 2020. They result of 0.963. These results indicate that
are to be the research population because this questionnaire reliable for use.
they had never been a research population on The research has ethical clearance, the
academic burnout. This study was adopted number 117/UN6.KEP/EC/2021 and research
a proportional stratified random sampling permits with the letter number 1082/UN6.I./
technique because the population in this TU.00/2021. The process of distributing
study was stratified. A sample of 278 students questionnaires is done online in the form of
was obtained, As a result, a sample of 278 Google Gorm. Distributed questionnaires
students was obtained, consisting of 75 class through the class group with the help of the
2017, 77 class 2018, 51 class 2019, and 75 class leader. The researcher also personally
class 2020. After that, a random selection is contacted several respondents who were less
made by entering the NPM into the Decision active in the batch group. The data collection
Roulette application to determine the NMP of process in this study was carried out for
students who will be respondents. thirteen days, starting on Monday, February
The process of measuring burnout is carried 22, 2021, until Saturday, March 6, 2021.
out using the Maslach Burnout Inventory- This study applied several research ethics:
Student Survey (MBI-SS) instrument which 1.Autonomy: In this study, the researcher
was adopted from Laili (2014) in his research has given the freedom to the respondents to
entitled “Pengaruh kesejahteraan spiritual agree or not to become research respondents
terhadap burnout pada Mahasiswa Pendidikan through the consent form.
Dokter di Universitas Islam Indonesia 2.Justice: In the process, researchers continue

258 JNC - Volume 4 Issue 3 October 2021

Tati Sumarni: Academic Burnout Among Undergraduates Nursing Students

to uphold the principle of justice by not is to only present research data in the form of
discriminating in the treatment of respondents group data.
based on age, education level, GPA, campus The process collected data was coding,
location, and others. data editing, data entry, data cleaning, and
3.Beneficence: Researchers seek goodness analysis. The analysis process uses univariate
and prevent things that are not safe for analysis. The process of univariate analysis
respondents by avoiding data exploitation in this research is to find the frequency
(using data for their interests). The process distribution of the existing data.
to avoid data exploitation is carried out by
researchers by providing benefits in increasing Results
respondents’ knowledge about academic
burnout and increasing the experience of Identification characteristics of the
students who are respondents in this study. respondents in this study were to determine
4.Confidentiality: One of the efforts to the background of the research respondents,
maintain the confidentiality of respondents their identification based on the class level,
is by not providing data access to outside nursing campus area, gender, and cumulative
parties and providing a password for the achievement index. The following describes
folder containing the research data. Another the characteristics of all respondents.
effort made to maintain data confidentiality
Table 2. Description of the Characteristics of Undergraduate Students of the Faculty of Nursing
Characteristics Results Frekuensi Percentage (%)
Class 2017 75 26,98
2018 77 27,70
2019 51 18,34
2020 75 26,98
Campus Jatinangor 241 86,70
Pangandaran 37 13,30
Gender Male 25 8,99
Female 253 91,01
Cumulative Achievement Index <2.75 9 3,24
2,75-3,00 25 8,99
3,01-3,50 177 63,67
>3,50 67 24,10

Based on table 4.1, most respondents came from the Jatinangor campus, namely 241 students
(86.70%). The class with the highest percentage of respondents is the 2018 class, with 77
students (27.70%). When viewed based on gender characteristics, most of the respondents were
women (91.01%). As for the IPK, more than half of the respondents (63.67%) are in the range
of 3.01-3.50.
Table 3. Description of Academic Burnout in Undergraduate Students of the Faculty Nursing
Academic Burnout Frequency Percentage (%)
Not 0 0
Mild 70 25,18
Moderate 206 74,10
Severe 2 0,72

JNC - Volume 4 Issue 3 October 2021 259

Tati Sumarni: Academic Burnout Among Undergraduates Nursing Students

Based on table 4.2, all respondents experienced academic burnout. More than half of the
respondents experienced moderate academic burnout (74.10%).
Table 4. Description of Academic Burnout Sub Variables for Undergraduate Students Nursing
Faculty (n=278)
Sub Variable Result Frequency Percentage (%)
Exhaustion Not 0 0
Mild 33 11.87
Moderate 233 83.81
Severe 12 4.32
Cynicism Not 1 0.36
Mild 158 56.83
Moderate 118 42.45
Severe 1 0.36
Reduce professional efficacy Not 1 0.36
Mild 81 29.14
Moderate 195 70.14
Severe 1 0.36

The research results listed in table 4.3 show that in the exhaustion dimension, 233 respondents
are in the medium category (83.81%). More than half of the respondents were in the mild
category of cynicism (56.83%). As for reducing professional efficacy, more than half of the
respondents (70.14%) are in the medium category.
Discussion severe academic burnout (Arlinkasari Akmal
(2017). Nevertheless, this study is in line
Academic burnout is a condition when a with a study in Central Java which showed
student feels tired, burdened, and unable to that most academic burnout among nursing
fulfill his role as a student (Suseno, Laili students was moderate (Alimah et al., 2016).
2016). Nursing students are one group of These conditions can occur because
students who experience much academic differences in places will affect the support
burnout. As in this study, all nursing student system (UGM Public Relations, 2019). In
respondents experienced academic burnout, addition, the education system can also affect
most of which were in the moderate category the level of academic burnout (Muhson, 2011,
(74.10%). These results can occur due to in Khairani Ifdil, 2015). The higher education
several factors, including because the lecture system in Indonesia refers to the Ministry
system is too busy. As initial data shows, all of National Education No 045/U/2002
batches have a busy lecture schedule (SBA concerning the core curriculum of higher
Fkep Unpad, 2020). Therefore, in line with the education. Therefore, when referring to the
Jones, Hansen, Kaddoura, Schwab-Mccoy, similarity of the curriculum, the results of
Tocchini’s research (2018), the longer study academic burnout research in Indonesia are
time will increase academic burnout. likely to have the same level. However, based
These results are different from most on the existing conditions, it is known that the
international studies, which show that most level of academic burnout in this study and
academic burnout conditions in nursing the research in Central Java is different from
students are in a low category (Khokhar, the level of academic burnout in the Jakarta
Chaudhry, Ashraf, Bakht, et al., 2016; Iorga, study. There can happen because Jakarta is
Muraru, Ciuhodaru, 2017; Jones et al., 2018) the capital city of Indonesia which allows
Furthermore, the results of this study are there to be more characteristics of the people
also different from a study in Jakarta, which in it. UGM Public Relations (2020) stated
showed that most students experienced that heterogeneous communities provide

260 JNC - Volume 4 Issue 3 October 2021

Tati Sumarni: Academic Burnout Among Undergraduates Nursing Students

less social support than homogeneous burnout is gender. Khairani Ifdil (2015)
communities. Therefore, the smaller the states that male respondents are more likely
social support, the higher the incidence of to experience academic burnout than female
academic burnout. (Plantiveau, Dounavi, respondents. However, the results of research
& Virues-Ortega, 2018). The results of this on undergraduate students at the Faculty of
study are also different from research abroad Nursing, Padjadjaran University, showed
because of differences in social support, that there were no significant differences in
curriculum, and even some developed the category of academic burnout based on
countries have complete supporting facilities gender characteristics. This is same with the
so that the burnout experienced is in a low research of Topal et al., (2017) which shows
category. that there is no significant difference in the
This study also found that there were category of academic burnout based on the
students who experienced severe academic gender of the respondent.
burnout (0.72%). This condition is in line In addition to showing an overview of
with the results of preliminary data from academic burnout in general, this study
Adkesma Fkep Unpad (2020), which states also presents academic burnout dimensions.
that some students complain of fatigue and The results showed that in the exhaustion
choose to avoid lectures by being absent, dimension, most of the respondents were
taking academic leave, and even disappearing in the medium category (83.8%). The
without explanation. Thus, the signs and exhaustion dimension has a more significant
symptoms previously shown are an indication percentage than the other three dimensions,
of someone experiencing severe academic so the exhaustion dimension plays a more
burnout. Furthermore, Veninga Spradley’s prominent role in influencing the incidence of
research (1981, in Edwards, 2017) states that academic burnout. Initial data from Adkesma
one of the signs of severe academic burnout Fkep Unpad (2020) also states that some
is an increasing avoidance mentality. students complain of experiencing fatigue
Several factors have influenced the due to the density of lectures and the heavy
incidence of severe academic burnout, burden. Another support is most students’
including differences in place and learning answers in the statement of exhaustion
perfectionism. Based on the characteristics of dimensions which show that students feel
the respondents, the result shows that there are tired and lack focus in doing assignments.
two campuses, Jatinangor and Pangandaran. The tight schedule of lectures and the
These differences allow the influence of lack of effective communication between
other social support so that some students students caused the high exhaustion value of
experience severe academic burnout. As the respondents. Such as previous research
Plantiveau, Dounavi, Virues-Ortega (2018) stated that the more satisfied the division
research states that a place lacking social of tasks and communication, the lower the
support will result in more severe academic incidence of exhaustion (Topal, Yalnizoğlu,
burnout events. In addition, another factor Inar, 2017). Furthermore, when the division
that allows the occurrence of severe academic of tasks becomes more precise, a person
burnout is learning perfectionism. The IPK can focus more, and the time used will be
of most students is in the range of 3.01-3.50. more effective to avoid fatigue and boredom
Some even have an IPK >3.50. The higher (Ritongga, 2016).
the GPA level, the more likely a person will In the cynicism dimension, more than
experience a higher level of burnout, as Kerr half were in the mild category (56.8%).
(2009) shows that students with higher IPK This condition shows that students already
tend to have high perfectionism. Pourseyyed, have some signs of cynicism but still have
Motevalli, Pourseyyed, Barahimi (2015), in an awareness of the importance of learning
their research stated that perfectionism in to handle it. The majority of students in
carrying out tasks is one of the factors that the cynicism dimension stated that they felt
increase the likelihood of academic burnout. less enthusiastic in learning but were not
Another respondent characteristic that can absent because they were still aware of the
have an influence on the category of academic importance of lectures. As Kaya and Arioz

JNC - Volume 4 Issue 3 October 2021 261

Tati Sumarni: Academic Burnout Among Undergraduates Nursing Students

(2014) research stated that one of the factors Conclusion

that influence the dimension of cynicism is
the awareness of the importance of learning. Most of the respondents experienced
The student will show a severe cynicism moderate academic burnout. That can happen
attitude when can no longer cope with fatigue because the lecture system is not optimal.
(Marques et al., 2017). Based on the sub-variable of academic
As for reducing professional efficacy, burnout, the dimension that has the highest
most of the respondents are in the medium percentage is exhaustion, while the lowest
category (70.1%). Topal, Yalnizoğlu, & Inar percentage is on the cynicism dimension.
(2017) states that the reduction of professional That shows that burnout can focus more on
efficacy is closely related to experience and students’ exhaustion and optimizing things in
age. The younger and more experienced, the the student’s cynicism dimension.
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