God God's Love For The Lost S Love For The Lost: 11 September 2022 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C

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Liturgical Leaflet for an Active Participation in the Celebration of the Eucharist

11 September 2022 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time Year C


God’ s Love for the Lost

very human being is most precious in God’s sight. Created in His
image and likeness, we are invited to be with Him for ever in
Unfortunately, sin has always threatened to thwart such a beau -
ful plan through the wrong use of our freedom. That is why our loving
Creator has become also our Good Shepherd who, not only leads His
flock to verdant meadows and refreshing waters, but also seeks out
and brings back to the fold the sheep that have gone astray. He does
so through Jesus Christ, the Divine Good-Shepherd-made-man.
Every Eucharist is both a memorial of the suffering which the car-
ing Shepherd endured in order to save the lost sheep, and a joyful
celebra on of the frui ulness of his search.
Let us par cipate in this Eucharist with gra tude, for we, too, may have been among the
sheep that got lost and who were rescued by Christ’ self-sacrificing love.

God’s mercy to us and realize All – Amen!

how much we need His mercy
even now. (Pause) Gloria
Entrance Antiphon P –Lord Jesus, we are the sheep All – Glory to God in the high-
(To be recited only when no who have fallen into the ra- est, and on earth peace to people
Entrance Hymn is sung.) vine of sin and have been of good will. We praise you,
victimized by the devil. we bless you, we adore you, we
Give peace, O Lord, to Lord, have mercy! glorify you, we give you thanks
those who wait for you, that All – Lord, have mercy! for your great glory, Lord God,
your prophets be found true. heavenly King, O God, almighty
Hear the prayers of your ser- P –Lord Jesus, we are the pre-
cious coins that got lost; Father.
vant, and of your people Israel. Lord Jesus Christ, Only Be-
and to retrieve you searched
diligently till you found us. gotten Son, Lord God, Lamb of
Greeting God, Son of the Father, you take
P –May the caring love of Je- Christ, have mercy!
All – Christ, have mercy! away the sins of the world, have
sus, our Good Shepherd, be with mercy on us; you take away the
you all! P –Lord Jesus, you share with sins of the world, receive our
All – And with your spirit! your saints and angels the prayer; you are seated at the right
joy you experience at the hand of the Father, have mercy
Penitential Act conversion of every sinner. on us. For you alone are the Holy
P –The three liturgical read- Lord, have mercy! One, you alone are the Lord, you
ings of today remind us of how All – Lord, have mercy! alone are the Most High, Jesus
mercifully the Lord deals with P – May almighty God have Christ, with the Holy Spirit,
those who go astray. Let us recall mercy on us, forgive us our sins, in the glory of God the Father.
with gratitude the many signs of and bring us to everlasting life. Amen!
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Collect (Opening Prayer) Remember your servants Beloved:
Abraham, Isaac, and Israel, I am grateful to him who
P –Look upon us, O God, Cre-
and how you swore to them has strengthened me, Christ
ator and Ruler of all things, and
by your own self, saying, ‘I Jesus our Lord, because he
that we may feel the working of
will make your descendants considered me trustworthy in
your mercy, grant that we may
as numerous as the stars in appointing me to the ministry.
serve you with all our heart.
the sky; and all this land that I was once a blasphemer and a
Through our Lord Jesus
I promised, I will give your persecutor and arrogant, but
Christ, your Son, who lives and
descendants as their perpetual I have been mercifully treated
reigns with you in the unity of
heritage.’ ” because I acted out of igno-
the Holy Spirit, God, for ever and
So the Lord relented in the rance in my unbelief. Indeed,
punishment he had threatened the grace of our Lord has been
All – Amen!
to inflict on his people. abundant, along with the faith
The Word of the Lord! and love that are in Christ Je-
All – Thanks be to God! sus.
This saying is trustwor-
Responsorial Psalm Ps 51 thy and deserves full accep-
1st Reading Ex 32:7-11.13-14 tance: Christ Jesus came into
God hates sin but is always R –I will rise and go to my Fa- the world to save sinners. Of
ready to forgive sinners as to- ther! these I am the foremost. But
day’s episode from the Book of for that reason I was mercifully
Exodus shows. Indeed, the Lord treated, so that in me, as the
God is always ready to show his foremost, Christ Jesus might
merciful disposition, especially display all his patience as an
when human intercessors like example for those who would
Moses, plead with His merciful come to believe in him for ev-
heart. He does not hesitate to erlasting life.
give sinners the chance to begin To the King of ages, in-
a new life, and make amends for corruptible, invisible, the only
the wrongs of the past. God, honor and glory forever
R –A proclamation from the and ever. Amen!
* Have mercy on me, O God,
Book of Exodus in your goodness; in the great- The Word of the Lord!
The Lord said to Moses, ness of your compassion wipe All – Thanks be to God!
“Go down at once to your peo- out my offense. Thoroughly
ple, whom you brought out of wash me from my guilt and of Gospel Acclamation 2 Cor 5:19
the land of Egypt, for they have my sin cleanse me. R. All – Alleluia! Alleluia!
become depraved. They have * A clean heart create for God was reconciling the
soon turned aside from the way me, O God, and a steadfast world to himself in Christ
I pointed out to them, making spirit renew within me. Cast and entrusting to us the
for themselves a molten calf me not out from your presence, message of reconciliation.
and worshipping it, sacrific- and your Holy Spirit take not Alleluia! Alleluia!
ing to it and crying out, ‘This from me. R.
is your God, O Israel, who Gospel Lk 15:1-10
brought you out of the land of * O Lord, open my lips, and
The parables of the lost
Egypt!’ my mouth shall proclaim your
sheep and of the lost coin, are the
I see how stiff-necked this praise. My sacrifice, O God, is
a contrite spirit; a heart con- first to prepare the ground for
people is,” continued the Lord the culmination of the revelation
to Moses. “Let me alone, then, trite and humbled, O God, you
will not spurn. R. of God’s mercy in the parable
that my wrath may blaze up of the merciful Father. They all
against them to consume them. emphasize God’s concern for the
Then I will make of you a great 2nd Reading 1 Tim 1:12-17
St. Paul was an extraordi- salvation of those who “get lost”
nary recipient of God’s patience and the rejoicing over their being
But Moses implored the
Lord, his God, saying, “Why, and mercy. Thanks to these, he found.
O Lord, should your wrath was transformed from being a P –The Lord be with you!
blaze up against your own persecutor of the Church into its All –And with your spirit!
people, whom you brought out most enthusiastic supporter. P – A proclamation from the
of the land of Egypt with such R – A proclamation from the holy Gospel according to
great power and with so strong First Letter of Paul to Timo- Luke
a hand? thy All – Glory to you, O Lord!
GLOSSARY: • Pharisees: Members of a religious sect in Israel. They were characterized by a very strict interpretation and
observance of all the precepts contained in the section of the Bible called “The Law.” • Scribes: People who were very knowl-
edgeable of the Scriptures.
11 September 2022
Tax collectors and sinners Spirit was incarnate of the Vir- may they enjoy the support of the
were all drawing near to lis- gin Mary, and became man.* whole community. Let us pray!
ten to Jesus, but the Pharisees For our sake he was crucified R.
and scribes began to complain, under Pontius Pilate, he suf- C –For all grandparents may
saying, “This man welcomes fered death and was buried, and they impart wisdom and uncondi-
sinners and eats with them.” rose again on the third day in tional love to their grandchildren
So to them he addressed accordance with the Scriptures. as they enjoy their respect and
this parable. “What man He ascended into heaven and is care-filled concern, let us pray!
among you having a hundred seated at the right hand of the R.
sheep and losing one of them Father. He will come again in
would not leave the ninety-nine glory to judge the living and the C –For all of us: May we be-
in the desert and go after the dead and his kingdom will have come ever more a community
lost one until he finds it? And no end. that cares for all its members,
when he does find it, he sets it I believe in the Holy Spirit, especially those who have gone
on his shoulders with great joy the Lord, the giver of life, who astray, and rejoices in their com-
and, upon his arrival home, he proceeds from the Father and ing back to the home of the Fa-
calls together his friends and the Son, who with the Father ther. Let us pray! R.
neighbors and says to them, and the Son is adored and glori- C –Let us pray in silence for
‘Rejoice with me because I fied, who has spoken through our personal intentions. (Pause)
have found my lost sheep!’ the prophets. Let us pray! R.
I tell you, in just the same I believe in one, holy, cath-
way there will be more joy in olic and apostolic Church. I P –Lord God, we thank You
heaven over one sinner who confess one Baptism for the for Your boundless love and
repents than over ninety-nine forgiveness of sins and I look patience with us whenever we
righteous people who have no forward to the resurrection of go astray. Keep us ever closer
need of repentance. the dead and the life of the world to You and make us eager to
Or what woman having to come. Amen! cooperate with You in bringing
ten coins and losing one would about the conversion of others.
not light a lamp and sweep the Prayer of the Faithful You who live and reign for ever
house, searching carefully un- and ever.
P –The Lord’s tender love and All – Amen!
til she finds it? And when she concern for those who “get lost”
does find it, she calls together in the marshes of sin is for us an
her friends and neighbors and encouragement to approach Him
says to them, ‘Rejoice with me with full confidence. Let us pray
because I have found the coin for the needs of all mankind and
that I lost!’ our own as we say: Preparation of the Gifts
In just the same way, I tell
you, there will be rejoicing All – Caring Shepherd, hear us! P – Pray, brethren . . .
among the angels of God over All – May the Lord accept the
C –For the Church, the univer- sacrifice at your hands, for the
one sinner who repents.” sal sacrament of God’s merciful praise and glory of his name,
The Gospel of the Lord! love: May she constantly seek the for our good and the good of all
All – Praise to you, Lord Jesus conversion of sinners and lead his holy Church.
Christ! them back to God’s embrace. Let
us pray! R. Prayer over the Offerings
Homily C –For the Holy Father and all P – Look with favor on our sup-
spiritual leaders: May they ever plications, O Lord, and in your
Profession of Faith more inspire us to be merciful kindness accept these, your ser-
(Nicene-Constantinopolitan Creed) and compassionate to all. Let us vants’ offerings, that what each
All –I believe in one God, the Fa- pray! R. has offered to the honor of your
ther almighty, maker of heaven C –For parents, teachers, and name may serve the salvation of
and earth, of all things visible others who are responsible for all.
and invisible. young people: May they never Through Christ our Lord.
I believe in one Lord Jesus lose hope when the young go All – Amen!
Christ, the Only Begotten Son astray, but rather seek their sal-
of God, born of the Father be- vation through patient dialogue Preface VIII
fore all ages. God from God, and sincere understanding. Let
Light from Light, true God from P –The Lord be with you!
us pray! R. All –And with your spirit!
true God, begotten, not made,
consubstantial with the Father; C –For our catechists, religion P –Lift up your hearts!
through him all things were teachers, and all those involved All – We lift them up to the Lord!
made. For us men and for our in teaching the Catholic faith to P –Let us give thanks to the
salvation he came down from our youth and children: May all Lord our God!
heaven, (bow)* and by the Holy their sacrifices be fruitful and All –It is right and just!

24th Sunday in Ordinary Time (C)

P – It is truly right and just, O God! The children of men
our duty and our salvation, al- seek shelter in the shadow of
ways and everywhere to give your wings.
you thanks, Lord, holy Father,
almighty and eternal God. Prayer after Communion P –The Lord be with you.
For when your children were All – And with your spirit!
P –May the working of this
scattered afar by sin, through the heavenly gift, O Lord, take pos- P – May almighty God bless
Blood of your Son and the power session of our minds and bodies, you: the Father, and the
of the Spirit, you gathered them Son, and the Holy Spirit.
so that its effects, and not our
again to yourself, that a people, All – Amen!
formed as one by the unity of the own desires, may always prevail
in us. P –Go in peace, glorifying the
Trinity, made the body of Christ
Through Christ our Lord. Lord by your life!
and the temple of the Holy Spirit,
might, to the praise of your mani- All – Amen! All – Thanks be to God!
fold wisdom, be manifest as the
And so, in company with the
choirs of Angels, we praise you,
and with joy we proclaim: by Jess P. Balon
All –Holy, holy, holy . . .

Memorial Acclamation W e are precious to God because He has created us in His image and
likeness, and has destined us to share His life for ever. And the
proof of how dear we are to God is in what He does when we run the risk
P –The mystery of faith! of getting lost.
All –We proclaim your Death, When this happens, He does not give up on us, nor does He find
O Lord, and profess your consolation for our loss in thinking that, after all, He still has so many other
Resurrection until you people who remain close to Him . . . . We are UNIQUELY PRECIOUS to
come again! Him and He loves each of us as if he/she were the only one who exists.
Both parables in today’s Gospel passage emphasize His passionate con-
cern even for just ONE getting lost.
That is why, when we make a wrong choice, God does not want
that we should suffer the consequences for it. This is the reason for the
Incarnation. This is the reason for all that Christ did and endured in order
All – Our Father . . . to find the “lost sheep” and bring them home to the safety of the Father’s
P –Deliver us, Lord . . . house. There is no greater sign of how precious each of us is to God than
All –For the kingdom, the the incarnation, suffering, and death of His Son.
power, and the glory are The reaction of the shepherd and the woman when they lose what
yours, now and for ever. they hold so dear is one of ANXIOUS CONCERN and ACTIVE SEARCH
in view of finding that one lost item. God’s LOVE for sinners does not just
Sign of Peace wait patiently for them to come back. Instead, it goes in search of them,
as if nothing else mattered.
Breaking of the Bread The case of Paul’s conversion in today’s excerpt from the First Let-
All – Lamb of God . . . ter to Timothy is a practical example not only of God’s immense patience
with sinners (see v. 16), but also of how mercifully and generously He
Communion deals with them. (See v. 14.) Each of us could tell the same story, for all
of us have experienced God’s merciful love not just once, but number-
P –Behold the Lamb of God, less times.
behold the loving Shepherd who Today’s parables also tell us that when God manages to rescue a
carries upon his shoulds the sins sinner, He REJOICES and CELEBRATES with His “friends and neigh-
of the world. Blessed are those bors.” Love rejoices and celebrates and invites others to be part of it! It
called to the Supper of the Lamb. is the pure rejoicing that replaces the past sorrow and overflows on all
All –Lord, I am not worthy those who shared the pain of the loss. It is just right that all the friends
that you should enter under of God should rejoice. They are part of His “family.” We should feel part
my roof, but only say the word of the family!
and my soul shall be healed. So the two parables do not just tell us how precious every human
being is to God, but also how much we should share in His appreciation
Communion Antiphon and love for each human person. Hence, we should also participate in
His concern over those who are in danger of getting lost, and be one
How precious is your mercy, with Him in rejoicing over the finding of the lost brothers or sisters.

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• Editorial Team: Fr. S. Putzu, Fr. B. Nolasco, M. Vibiesca, V. David, R. Molomog, D. Daguio
• Illustrations: A. Sarmiento, B. Cleofe • Circulation: R. Saldua

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