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Quijano St., San Juan, San Ildefonso, Bulacan

Contact No. 0931-044-2955 Email Add: mdsi.2002@gmail.com School ID No. 400920
Government Recognition Nos.: Preschool, E. 103, s.2002; Grade School, E. 091, s.2003; JHS, S.003, s.2004; SHSP, 810, s. 2016


 Subject: Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person
 Time Frame: 2 Days (Week 4/ Quarter 2)
 Topic: Inter-subjectivity
 Grade Level: 12 (STEM, ABM, HUMSS)


Accepting and showing love is easy to give for those people who loved and accept you but how about
accepting and giving love to those who ignore and hurt you? In this kit we will briefly talk about the how’s and
why’s of building a good relationship not just to the people around you but, also to those people you will meet
in the future.


 Learning Competency:
o Realize that intersubjectivity requires accepting differences and not imposing on others. (PPT11/12-IIc-
o Explain that authentic dialogue means accepting others even if they are different from themselves.

 At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

o Differentiate the subject and object.
o Explain the authentic dialogue means one’s ability to accept others even if they are different
from him or her.
o Recognize the importance of the phenomenological method in understanding human inter-


A. Let’s Get Involved

Directions: Explain the given quotes below.

Do you agree or do not agree with the statement?

“People need people.”

B. Let’s Explore

Directions: Answer the following questions.

 As a student or as an individual what comes first in your mind when you hear the word “unconditional”

 As a student or as an individual what are your ways in showing love to people that shows good and bad
things to you?

 As a student or as an individual how do you accept the good and bad things that is happening to your
C. Let’s Clarify Things

Subject vs. Object

o It is the condition of man, a subject, among other men, who are also a subject.
o It refers to the shared awareness and understanding among persons.
o It is made possible by the awareness of the self and the other.

Social vs. Inter-human

Social refers to the life of a group bound together by common experiences or reactions.
Inter-human refers to the life between and among persons; it refers to the interpersonal, that is, a life of

Dialogue- it is a deep and genuine relationship between persons and it happens when two persons truly
acknowledge each other’s presence and treat each other as equals.

Kinds of Dialogue and or Relationship

-Ich-Es (I-It) Relationship- it refers to the world of experience and sensation where there are objects.
⋆ The beings do not actually meet. Instead, the “I” confronts and qualifies the idea, or conceptualization,
of the beings on its presence and treats that being as an object.
⋆ An individual treats other thing, people, etc., as an object to be used and experienced. Essentially, this
form of objectivity relates to the world in terms of the self---how an object can serve the individuals
⋆ It is in fact a relationship with oneself; it is not a dialogue but a monologue.

-Ich-Du (I-Thou) Relationship- it refers to the world of encounters and relationships when there are persons.
⋆ It is a concrete encounter without any qualification or objectification of one another.
⋆ It is a dialogue.


Seeming Being
Speechifying Personal making present

Imposition Unfolding

Seeming- it is a way of approaching the other governed by the image one desires to impress on the other and it
involves deliberately playing up or hiding aspects of your-self to appear more desirable or impressive.

Being- it precedes not from an image, but from what one really is and it is an acceptance of the other in the way
that it is also an acceptance of the self as it is.

Speechifying- it refers to one’s talking past another and it is hearing without listening to what one says.

Personal making Present- it is the process of fully opening oneself to the other.


Analytical thinking when we break person into parts
Reductive thinking when we reduce the richness of a person to a schema, a structure,
and/or a concept
Derivational when we derive the person from a mixed
thinking formula
Imposition- it constitutes holding one’s own opinion, values, attitudes and oneself without regard for those of
other. It is telling the other how he or she should act, behave and react to things.

Unfolding- it constitutes finding in the other the disposition toward what one recognizes as true, good and
beauty. It involves seeing the other as a unique, singular individual capable of freely actualizing himself\herself.
The Art of Loving

 We give more importance to being loved that to loving.

 People think that to love is easy and what is difficult is to find the right person to love or be loved by.
 We confuse the initial falling-in-love with the permanent state of being-in-love.


Escapism Use of drugs, rituals, sex, and alcohol to
find one’s self
Conformity with Joining group, organization, club or
groups fraternity

Creative and Planning, producing and seeing the result

productive of a hobby, pastime or passion
work or activity

Loneliness- One of the most basic experiences of the human being because of self-awareness.


Love is historical because the other is a concrete particular person with his/her own being history

Love is total Because persons are indivisible.

Love is eternal because love is not given only for a

Limited period of time.

Love is sacred because in love, persons are valuable in


D. Let’s Reinforce Learning

Directions: Analyze and answer the situation below.

Your brother or sister comes to you with a frown face, and he/she grumbles against your mother. What
will you do so that your sibling and your mother will enter into a genuine dialogue and solve their differences?

E. Let’s Evaluate

Directions: Explain the following questions below.

1. What is inter-subjectivity?
2. Differentiate the social from the inter-human.
3. Differentiate I-It from I-thou relationship
4. What is dialogue?
5. What are the obstacles to authentic dialogue?
6. How do people address loneliness?


Textbook: Introduction to the Philosophy of the Human Person, Pages 120-130

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