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Sai Pooja | 13 Sep 2020

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Test Name::


Finish State: Auto Submit Test Taken on: September 13, 2020 05:09:28 PM IST

Sai Pooja

ID card Number: 714408457135

Section: A

Profile Picture Snapshot Identity Card Snapshot

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Overall Summary

0 Marks Scored
out of 50 0% 97 percentile
out of 229 Test Takers 2h Time taken
of 2hr

Performance Category: Poor

Marks Scored

Marks percentage percentile

Section #1 0

Total 0

Attempt Summary
Distribution of questions attempted in a total of 4 question(s).

Correct 0 Ques 0/0 Marks

Incorrect 4 Ques 0/50 Marks

4 Partially Correct 0 Ques 0/0 Marks

Total Questions
Not Attempted 0 Ques 0/0 Marks

This shows the correctness of questions attempted by

the test taker

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Section-Wise Details

Section 1 question(s) Time taken Marks Scored

Section #1 4 Q. 2h (Untimed) 0 / 50

Marks Scored

Marks percentage

Speaking section





Attempt Summary
Distribution of questions attempted in a total of 4 question(s).

Incorrect 4 Ques 0/50 Marks

Total Questions

This shows the correctness of questions

attempted by the test taker

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Question-Wise Details

Section 1 4 2h 0/50
Section #1 question(s) Time taken Marks Scored

Question 1 Time taken: 36m 32s Marks Scored: 0/15

This video is Tinder India's latest advertisement - The song 'Raahi'. The advertisement received a lot of flak from the LGBTQIA+ community for the following reasons:

a) Ritwiz, a cis-gender heterosexual singer featured in this video instead of an LGBTQ singer
b) Frivilous portrayal limited to the 'glamour and glitz' of the community
(c) Pink washing, which is the promotion of gay-friendliness of a corporate that downplay aspects that are considered negative
(d) The presence of Nakshatra Bhagwe in the video, who has in the past allegedly humiliated and derogated transgender people

Tinder India decides to respond to this flak. Prepare a communication plan for them to address this criticism.
Draft a social media response (Twitter and Facebook) for Tinder India.

Read the article here for clarity -

The video is attached herewith for reference


We from Tinder, would like to respond on the issues raised against the release of the new musical campaign launched in order to promote Tinder as a safe
platform for LGBTQIA+ community.
First of all, we would like to apologise for any kind of wrong message or idea that we have promoted through the video. We agree that the song was featuring
the glamour and glitz of the community, but it was a mere attempt to have a cheerful mode on, but not an attempt at hiding the struggles faced in reality. The
idea was to motivate and encourage the LGBTQIA+ community to overcome the current hindrances and come out with innovative ideas and ways to celebrate
the Pride month. We assure you that it is not at all our intention to downplay the community and we do not have any negative opinions. The presence of
Nakshatra Bhagwe was also a mere coincidence and not in any way a deliberate act to make anyone uncomfortable. We apologise that the content of the video
was focusing on just the online aspect of the celebrations and did not really succeed in forming deep connections and associations. We hereby promise you
that any future content on this subject, will definitely have substantial inclusions of the LGBTQIA+ community members in every aspect. We really appreciate all
the criticism. We endeavour to improve and present just the best.

Words : 234

Word Limit : 500

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Question 2 Time taken: 32m 41s Marks Scored: 0/10

Given below is a print advertisment

You have been instructed by your client to make a short PPT (3-6 slides) explaining
(a) Target audience
(b) Cultural insights
(c) Persuasive appeal(s)

Make the presentation keeping visual and design elements in mind. Please upload this presentation as (.pptx) or (.pdf) format only.


266.23 KB Click to Download

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Question 3 Time taken: 46m 1s Marks Scored: 0/15

This video is a negotiation situation between two characters - Lou and Nina from the film 'Nightcrawler'. Lou wants to sell a record of a crime scene to Nina (a TV
news manager). Analyze the situation and apply the circle chart negotiational framework to better understand and solve the problem.


In this video, it is is observed that Lou successfully negotiates with Nina and manages to meet his end requirements. This negotiation can be understood in
terms of the circle chart negotiational framework as follows:

Step 1. Problem (In the real world)

The problem in the present scenario is that Nina is not giving Lou the credit for his work, which he expects from her. He has gone very low from his prior stated
price for the footage, in hope that they will be able to meet at a mid point. But inspite of efforts, Nina fails to meet him even at his lowest price. Lou wants his
work to be taken seriously, and to be given some consideration and credit as well.

Step 2. Analysis (In theory)

Judging from his bringing up of their personal relationship in between a professionall negotiation,it is very clear that Lou has some anger carried forward from
their personal encounter. Nina might not be taking Lou seriously, partly because of their personal relationship as well, which is evident in a few of his sentences.
She definitely thinks that Lou has no other option but to sell his footage to her, until he mentions that he has a standing offer from another party. There might
also be the reason that Nina has only $15,000 for her monthly budget and cannot really afford to pay up everything to Lou for one footage.

Step 3. Approaches (In theory)

So in order to overcome these problems, Lou talks to her with a tone that suggests seriousness on his part and he also tells all his requirements as part of the
negotiation one by one, without giving Nina a chance to respond. This takes her by surprise as it was really unexpected. He addresses both his problems and
also suggests probable solutions to Nina's concerns. He uses non verbal cues along with strong verbal communication in order to get through his ideas to her.

Step 4. Action Ideas (In the real world)

Lou expresses his absolute seriousness and the gravity of the situation by saying that he wants to be introduced as the owner and President of Video
Production News to her whole team, the station manager, the director and the anchors as well. He also says that he infact wants to start meeting that very
morning. He convinces Nina by telling her how to leverage the video footage into a full fledged running story with updates everyday and he also offers to give
her the coverage for another interesting story for free as she mentioned that she couldn't give away the entire month's budget to him for one story.

We can see that the framework is quite useful in analyzing and solving real life problems as well.

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Words : 459

Word Limit : 500

Question 4 Time taken: 4m 46s Marks Scored: 0/10

You live in a housing society where most of the residents are not following basic COVID protocols like wearing masks, maintaining social distance and regular
hygiene. You decide to give a speech in the monthly Resident Welfare Association (RWA) meeting, encouraging people to adopt behaviours that would prevent the
spread of COVID. Use Aristotle's persuasive appeals (Ethos, Pathos and Logos) to make a convincing argument.
Note: Record a 1.5 minute speech using all three appeals. Ensure that your speech has a proper structure and flow. You will get preparation time of 60 seconds.

Video Link

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Test Log

13th Sep 2020

03:05 PM Audio/Video quality was confirmed during system check

03:08 PM Started the test with Section #1

03:08 PM Candidate gave us right to the following feeds

- camera
- microphone

03:13 PM Away from test window

03:13 PM Away from test window

03:15 PM Away from test window for 01 min

03:24 PM Candidate Looking Away from Screen

03:24 PM Away from test window for 07 mins

03:24 PM Away from test window

03:27 PM Candidate Looking Away from Screen

03:27 PM Away from test window

03:27 PM Away from test window

03:31 PM Away from test window

03:31 PM Away from test window

03:34 PM Away from test window for 02 mins

03:35 PM Proctor (Govind Shukla) : Show me your I card

03:35 PM Candidate Not Present

03:35 PM Proctor (Govind Shukla) : ok thank you

03:35 PM Proctor (Govind Shukla) : carry on

03:38 PM Away from test window

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04:50 PM Away from test window

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04:58 PM Away from test window for 02 mins

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05:05 PM Away from test window

05:05 PM Away from test window

05:06 PM Away from test window

05:06 PM Away from test window

05:06 PM Away from test window

05:08 PM Proctor (Govind Shukla) : upload in time wherever require

05:08 PM Candidate : Sure thankyou

05:09 PM Test ended due to time over

Profile Picture Snapshot Identity Card Snapshot

Images of Test-Taker

03:08 PM 03:18 PM

03:24 PM : Candidate Looking Away from Screen 03:27 PM : Candidate Looking Away from Screen

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03:29 PM 03:35 PM : Candidate Not Present

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