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Common conversation in emergency department

1. Introduce officer name

- Halo my name is …..
- I’m doctor on duty today

2. Primary survey
The Primary Survey, or initial assessment, is designed to help the emergency
responder detect immediate threats to life. Immediate life threats typically involve the
patient's ABCs, and each is correct as it is found.
Life threatening problems MUST be identified first. This is to be completed in an
order of priority to ensure the most important steps are undertaken in a logical order
ensuring nothing is missed.

Fully conscious patient Unconscious patient

A (Airway and neck protection) Ask permission with to relatives/police
- Please do not move your neck, I officer/person who delivers patient for
will putting a neck collar on your doing primary and secondary survey.
- Could you please open your - I need to perform a primary survey
mouth? and secondary to the patient.
B (Breathing) :
- Do you feel any difficulty when
you breathing?
- Do you feel any pain on your chest
when I tap your chest?
- Can you take deep breath?

C (Circulation and control bleeding)

- Do you feel any bleeding around
your body?
- I need to put a pressure on your
wound to stop bleeding.
- I need to measure your blood
pressure and take blood sample for
blood check.
- I need to put IV catheter on your
3. Collect patient information/measure level of consciousness of patient while doing
secondary survey.

Fully conscious patient Unconscious patient

Auto anamnesis (with patient directly) Hetero anamnesis (relatives/police
officer/person who delivers patient)

- What is your name? - Do you know this patient name?

- What is your date of birth? - What and how this problem
- Do you know where are you now? happen?
- What and how this problem - When the started to problem
happen? happen?
- When the started to problem - Where the problem happen?
happen? - Why the problem happen?
- Where the problem happen? - Is there any history of medical
- Why the problem happen? conditions with the patient?
- Do you have any history for an - Is patient take any regular
allergic with any medication? medication?
- Do you take any medication or - When the last time patient take a
drug before problem happen? meal?
- Do you take any regular medication
or chronic health issues?
- When the last time you take a meal
before problem happen?

4. Secondary survey
The purpose of the secondary survey is to identify significant injuries. This involves a
complete head-to-toe examination; examine all areas including front, back, sides,
under and over. This examination involves a second review of the airway and lung
examination. Throughout the evaluation, standard precautions for blood or fluid-borne
infections should be observed.

Fully conscious patient Unconscious patient

Head-Face -
- Please open your eyes widely.
- Move your sign left and right, up and
- Please open your mouth widely.

- Please take a deep breath.
- Do you feel any pain when I put a
pressure on your chest?
- Do you feel any pain on your
- Do you feel any pain when i tap this
side of your stomach?

- Do you feel any pain on your pelvic
- Do you feel any pain when I put a
pressure on your pelvic?

- Do you feel any pain on your
lower/upper limb?
- Can you move/lift your lower/upper

5. Inform concern for supporting examination :

a. Radiology :
- From our physical examination, we suspect you have …….., we need your
permission to do ……… to confirm our physical examination results.
b. Pathology anatomy :
- We need to take your blood sample, for a check to make sure you do not have
any ……..
- We need to take your blood sample, to confirm our diagnose so we can choose
a right treatment for your problem.
6. Inform concern for procedure/hospitalize :
- We need to do ……. to threat patient condition.
- Patient condition now is stable, but we need to hospitalize the patient for the
further treatment.

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