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1977). The survey was done by private firms for in Medicine and Surgery, Statutes of United A. Codman, Surg.

A. Codman, Surg. Gynecol. Obstet. 18, 491

the Social Security Administration. Kingdom, Great Britain, and Ireland, 22 Victo- (1914); H. R. Kuehn, BuUl. Am. Coll. Surg. S8, 7
3. Theodosian Code, C. Pharr, translator (Prince- ria, chap. XC, pp. 299-312 (1858); An Act to (1973).
ton Univ. Press, Princeton, N.J., 1952) 13.3.1- Amend the Medical Act (1858), Statutes of Unit- 23. C. C. Havighurst, Duke Law J. (1975), pp. 1256-
19, pp. 387-390. In late Roman law, some physi- ed Kingdom, Great Britain, and Ireland, 23 1263; J. O'Connell, Ending Insult to Injury
cians and certain other professionals were ex- Victoria, chap. LXVI, pp. 259-262 (1860). (Univ. of Illinois Press, Urbana, 1975), pp. 97-
empt from public obligations, including pay- 13. See generally R. H. Shyrock, Medical Licensing 111; American Bar Association, 1977 Report of
ing taxes and military service. See also Justin- in the United States, 1650-1965 (Johns Hopkins the Commission on Medical Professional Liabil-
ian's Digest (Central Trust Co., Cincinnati, Press, Baltimore, 1969); R. C. Derbyshire, ity (American Bar Association, Chicago, 1977),
1932), 27.6.2, vol. 3, p. 123; and 50.6.6, vol. 5, p. Medical Licensure and Discipline in the United pp. 99-100.
235. States (Johns Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1969), 24. 0. W. Holmes, Common Law (1881) (Harvard
4. Nottingham Eyre (1329), folio 218 (Egerton pp. 13 -45. Univ. Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1963), p. 89.
manuscript No. 2811, British Museum). Also A. 14. T. M. Logan, Trans. Am. Med. Assoc. 23, 46 (9 25. The American Surgical Association took an im-
K. R. Kiralfy, A Source Book of English Law May 1872). portant step in this direction in its "Statement
(Sweet and Maxwell, London, 1957), p. 184. 15. Minutes of House of Delegates,J. Am. Med. As- on professional liability" [N. Engl. J. Med. 295,
5. Stratton v. Swanlond, Year Book Hilary, 48 Ed- soc. 74, 1319 (8 May 1920). See genemlly C. B. 1292 (1976)].
ward III, plea 11, folio 6 (Hilary, 1374). Two re- Chapman and J. M. Talmadge, Pharos 34, 30 26. J. D. Blum, P. M. Gertman, J. Rubinow, PSROs
lated cases are Year Book Michelmas, 43 Ed- (1971). and the Law (Aspen Systems, Germantown,
ward III, plea 38, folio 33; and Year Book Trin- 16. Pratt et al. v. British Medical Association et al., Pa., 1977), pp. 1-17.
ity, 46 Edward III, plea 19, folio 19. All three British Ruling Cases 9, 982-1021 (1915). 27. 42 U.S. Code Annotated, No. 501, chap. 7, sub-
are in C. H. S. Fifoot, History and Sources of 17. United States v. American Medical Association chap. xi, 1301-1320, pp. 309-333 (public law 92-
the Commpn Law, Tort and Contract (Stevens, et al., 110 Fed. Rep. 2nd ser. 703-716 (1940). 603) (1972); see also Fed. Reg. 38 (part 2),
London, 1949), pp. 81-83. The corresponding See also M. Fishbein, A History of the American 34944-34951(20 December 1973).
plea roll is in A. K. R. Kiralfy, A Source Book of Medical Association (Saunders, Philadelphia, 28. P. Caper, N. Engl. J. Med. 291, 1136 (1974).
English Law (Sweet and Maxwell, London, 1947), pp. 534-550. 29. H. E. Simmons and J. R. Ball, Univ. Toledo
1957), pp. 187-188. 18. The AMA is today often severely criticized on Law Rev. 6, 739 (1974), p. 763.
6. G. Clark, History of the Royal College of Physi- the ground that its interest was not in improving 30. E. J. Levit, M. Sabshin, C. B. Mueller, N. Engl.
cians of London (Clarendon, Oxford, 1964), vol. the training of doctors, but was rather in pre- J. Med. 290, 529 (1974), p. 545.
1, pp. 14-18. See also S. W. P. Holloway, serving monopoly and discouraging competition 31. The incidence of compensable injury is probably
History 49, 299 (1964). by limiting the size and number of American higher than it should be. Pocincki et al. esti-
7. Privileges and Authority of Physicians in Lon- medical schools. The criticism is easy to lodge, mated that such injury (due to negligence) oc-
don, 4 Statutes at Large, 14 Henry VIII, chap. difficult to refute, and impossible to sub- curs in about 2 percent of all hospital admis-
V, p. 155 (1522-23); An Act Touching the Cor- stantiate. sions, but that only I in 17 of those injured file
poration of the Physicians in London, 6 Statutes 19. Plato, The Statesman, H. N. Fowler, Transl. claims {L. S. Pocinki, S. J. Dogger, B. P.
at Large, I Mary, chap. VI, pp. 15-17 (1553). (Heineman, London, 1967), pp. 147-157. Schwartz, in Report of Secretary's Commission

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8. Dr. Bonham's Case, 8 Coke Rep. 114-121 20. E. Freidson, Profession of Medicine (Harper on Medical Malpractice [DHEW (OS) report
(1610); College of Physicians Case, 2 Brownlow & Row, New York, 1970), pp. 4245. No. 73-89, Department of Health, Education,
and Goldes. 256-266 (1609). See also 2 Brown- 21. Dissatisfaction with professional performance is and Welfare, Washington, D.C., 1973], appen-
low 255-267 (1675); 128 Engl. Rep. 928-934 inherent in a number of studies, many done by dix, p. 50}. In a more recent study it was found
(1609). Bonham was sent to prison on 7 Novem- members of the profession: R. H. Brook, M. H. that "potentially compensable events" occurred
ber 1606, but was out within a week. There was Berg, P. A. Schechter, Ann. Int. Med. 78, 333 in 4.7 percent of admissions to the hospitals they
a second action against him in late 1608. For the (1973); C. W. Eisele, V. N. Slee, R. G. Hoff- studied, but that in only about a fifth of such
Royal College's view, see G. Clark, History of mann, ibid. 44, 144 (1956); H. M. Somers, Mil- events would claims have been successful [D.
the Royal College ofPhysicians of London (Cla- bank Mem. Fund Q. 55, 193 (1977); B. C. Payne, H. Mills, Ed., Medical Insurance Feasability
rendon, Oxford, 1964), vol. 1, pp. 208-214. J. Am. Med. Assoc. 201, 126 (1967); J. P. Bun- Study (Sutter, San Francisco, 1977), pp. 96-
9. 8 Coke Rep. 119-120. ker, B. A. Barnes, F. Mosteller, Costs, Risks 105].
10. 8 Coke Rep. 118. and Benefits of Surgery (Oxford Univ. Press, 32. B. Bledstein, The Culture of Professionalism
11. See generally S. E. Thorne, Law Q. Rev. 14, 543 New York, 1977); R. Stevens, American Medi- (Norton, New York, 1976), p. 334.
(1938); T. F. T. Plucknett, Harvard Law Rev. cine and the Public Interest (Yale Univ. Press, 33. J. L. Berlant, Professionalism and Monopoly
40, 30 (1926-27); J. W. Gough, Fundamental New Haven, Conn., 1971); 0. L. Peterson, J. (Univ. of California Press, Berkeley, 1975), p.
Law in English Constitutional History (Claren- Med. Educ. 31, 1 (1956); D. G. Warren, J. Leg. 307.
don, Oxford, 1953), pp. 30-47. Med. 21, 23 (1974). 34. E. Freidson, Doctoring Together (Elsevier,
12. An Act to Regulate the Quality of Practitioners 22. E. W. H. Groves, Br. Med. J. 2, 1008 (1908); E. New York, 1975), p. 249.

Definition of Criteria and Standards

For this article I shall assume that the
object of assessment and monitoring is
medical care itself, which is the inter-
action between the physician and his (or
her) client. This interaction is itself divis-
The Quality of Medical Care ible into two domains. One is that of
technical performance. Here, the heart
of the matter is the application of medi-
Methods for assessing and monitoring the quality of cal knowledge and technology in a man-
care for research and for quality assurance programs. ner that maximizes its benefits and mini-
mizes its risks, taking account of the
preferences of each patient. The other
Avedis Donabedian domain is the management of the person-
al relationship with the patient in a man-
ner that conforms to ethical require-
ments, social conventions, and the legiti-
We have granted the health profes- need have no fear of exploitation or in- mate expectations and needs of the pa-
sions access to the most secret and sensi- competence. The object of quality as- tient.
tive places in ourselves, and entrusted to sessment is to determine how successful For purposes of assessment the defini-
them matters that touch on our well- they have been in doing so; and the pur- tion of quality must be made precise and
being, happiness, and survival. In re- pose of quality monitoring is to exercise operative in the form of specific criteria
turn, we have expected the professions constant surveillance so that departure and standards. Here one encounters a
to govern themselves so strictly that we from standards can be detected early and fundamental problem. If quality consists
corrected. But, first, we must specify in a precise adjustment of care to the par-
The author is professor of Medical Care Organiza- what it is that is being assessed and mon- ticular requirements of each case, is it
tion at the School of Public Health, University of
Michigan, Ann Arbor 48109. itored. possible to formulate detailed specifica-
856 0036-8075/78/0526-0856S02.00/o Copyright 0 1978 AAAS SCIENCE, VOL. 200, 26 May 1978
tions of what constitutes quality that ap- sample of the cases in any given class (3). complete, inferences may be drawn con-
ply to groups of cases? Most physicians Most students of the subject would cerning "process" by examining either
would answer in the negative. They agree that explicit criteria formulated in "structure" or "outcome" (4). By
would insist that a definitive assessment this manner are useful for identifying "structure" I mean the material and so-
of quality must be based on a knowledge cases that are suspect because of non- cial instrumentalities that are used to
of all the particulars in a case, so that an compliance, and that the degree of com- provide care. These include the number,
assessor recognized to have superior
skill can reconstruct in his own mind the
conduct of care that he would have rec- Summary. This article classifies the major approaches to the assessment of the
ommended under the circumstances. process and outcomes of medical care. The apparent need to safeguard and enhance
Such assessments, which use what are the quality of care has led to the institution of mechanisms that subject care to con-
called "implicit" criteria, are, of course, stant review so that deficiencies may be found and corrected. The article reviews the
time-consuming and costly. They also developments that led to the involvement of the federal government in this activity
tend to be unreliable unless performed through its sponsorship of professional standards review organizations (PSRO's).
by extremely competent and motivated The major features of the PSRO's are described and their possible effects discussed.
physicians who are also skilled in doing It is too early to say how the PSRO's will fare, but should they fail to accomplish their
assessments. Besides, the qualifications objectives the pressure for more radical solutions will be difficult to resist.
of any assessor may be challenged. For
these reasons, those who propose to
keep medical care under constant super- pliance is a rough measure of quality. mix, and qualifications of the staff; the
vision have resorted to the formulation However, most physicians will insist manner in which the staff is organized
of "explicit criteria" that are supposed that a definitive judgment in any given and governed; space, equipment, and
to represent at least acceptable practice case cannot rest on compliance with cri- other physical facilities; and so on. The
(1). At one extreme, these criteria and teria that are meant to apply to the "av- assessment of structure is a judgment on
standards represent what leading ex- erage case." It is still necessary to sub- whether care is being provided under
perts, using the best scientific evidence, ject each case of questionable care to a conditions that are either conducive or
consider to be the best practice. At the judgment by expert physicians who are inimical to the provision of good care.
other extreme they may be derived from given all the relevant facts and expected Since the relation between structure and
the average practice of physicians in a to use not only the explicit criteria but process is poorly understood, inferences
community. Obviously, the stringency also the much larger set of internalized drawn from the former can be seriously
and presumed validity of these two for- implicit criteria which governs the care challenged. There are stronger grounds
mulations would be expected to be very of individuals in all their complexity. for using "outcome" to indicate the
different and, in practice, an attempt It follows that most systems for mon- quality of antecedent care.
may be made to accept something inter- itoring the quality of care employ a two- The outcomes of care are primarily
mediate. stage approach: one that identifies cases changes in health status that can be at-
The issue of validity is particularly that do not conform to explicit criteria tributed to that care. A broader view
vexing, no matter what kind of criteria is and another that submits these cases to includes changes in the health-related
used, because not everything in medical detailed review by colleagues, that is, knowledge, attitudes, and behavior of
practice is universally accepted or fully "peer review." Reviewers from outside the client (5). Health status can itself be
substantiated by "scientific" evidence. may be used in addition to or instead of viewed rather narrowly as physical or
This means that there is a wide margin of colleagues when the initial judgment is physiological function or, more broadly,
doubt about some of the criteria and contested, when an outside agency has to include psychological function and so-
standards in almost any formulation, and initial or supervisory responsibility, or cial performance (6). In fact, there is
provides another reason why physicians when research is being done. This com- much current research into ways of com-
resist being judged by criteria and stan- bination of initial screening followed by bining all these elements into a single
dards other than their own. With pre- detailed review, either internal or ex- measure that not only reflects survival
formulated explicit criteria there is the ternal to the organization that provides but also gives an indication of the quality
additional difficulty that the criteria can- care, meets the objectives of monitoring of life (7). If successful, such measures
not easily take account of the variability whenever there is the will and the ability would express the quality .of care in
among different cases. This is handled by to use it properly. It does not, however, terms of its contribution to the duration
subclassifying cases into reasonably ho- fully meet the more rigorous require- and quality of life. More precisely, the
mogeneous classes and by dividing the ments of a valid and reliable judgment on quality of care is proportional to the ex-
criteria into two types that one might call the quality of care. For that it is neces- tent to which possible improvements in
"categorical" and "contingent." The sary to specify in detail the appropriate the quality of life are attained as a result
categorical criteria are lists of proce- strategies of care as judged by their ben- of that care, with the assumption that
dures that must be performed in every efits, risks, and costs. cost is no object.
case belonging to a class, or never per- In recent years this formulation has
formed in such cases (2). The contingent gained a large following, and it has in-
criteria are lists of procedures that Approaches to Assessment tensified the controversy between those
should be performed, or may be per- who emphasize the assessment of pro-
formed, in some cases but not in others, It may be inferred from the above that cess and those who swear by outcome.
depending on the nature and circum- quality assessment is a judgment on the In my opinion this controversy arises
stances of the cases. A further refine- process of care provided by practitioners from a misconception. Quality assessment
ment is to specify for each procedure the either individually or as a group. When is not clinical research which is designed
frequency with which it is expected to direct information concerning the pro- to establish the relations between process
be performed in a "representative" cess of care is not available, or is in- and outcome. It is a judgment on the
26 MAY 1978 857
process of care that uses what is already ness of practice to such observation is, in sis of medical records is less obtrusive
known about those relations, given the fact, a major safeguard, and a cogent ar- and more easily subject to checking by
limits of current medical science. It is gument in favor of organized forms of several judges, but it suffers from the lim-
true that process elements can be used as practice. It is interesting, therefore, to itations in the completeness and veracity
indicators of quality only if there is a val- find the first important use of direct, for- of the record, especially in office prac-
id relation between these elements and mal observation with a view to assessing tice. This has led to criticism of this
desired outcomes. It is equally true that the quality of care in a study of rural gen- method for being an assessment of re-
specific outcomes can be used as in- eral practice, that most isolated and se- cording rather than of care. This has
dicators of the quality of care only to the cret corner of medicine-land (8). The been countered by the argument that rec-
extent that there is a valid relation be- method used was to have a qualified phy- ording is an important element in care
tween the two. Thus, validity resides not sician, with the permission of his host, and that there is an association between
in the choice of elements of process or observe the latter as he cared for patients the quality of recording and the quality
outcome but in what is known about who were making the first visit for a new of care (11).
their relationship. If a valid relation ex- illness. In this way it was possible for the The analysis of the record of care
ists, either may be used, depending on observer to make a judgment about the varies greatly in breadth and detail. At
which can be more easily and accurately completeness of the examination, the ap- one extreme all that is sought is informa-
measured; it not, neither can be used. propriateness of further investigation, tion about a small number of critical ele-
and the suitability of treatment. As a re- ments that are important in themselves
sult, 25 percent of practitioners were and which may also be taken as repre-
Studies of the Quality of Care rated superior or good, whereas 44 per- sentative of aspects of care that are not
cent were judged to be below an "aver- directly observed. These critical ele-
Each study of quality can be cate- age" or acceptable level. The better ments or indexes can be formulated so
gorized in so many ways, and the clus- practitioners were more likely to be that they are applicable to all patients or
terings of attributes are so indistinct that younger, to see patients by appointment, to subgroups of patients characterized
it has been impossible to devise a satis- and to have access to laboratory ser- by age, sex, diagnosis, and the like. For
factory simple classification. In this ar- vices; but, above all, they were more example, in the records of office care one
ticle I ignore studies that rely mainly on likely to have had a period of training in can look for the frequency with which
evaluations of structure and use the internal medicine subsequent to gradu- blood pressures are measured; rectal and
classification given in Table 1 for the re- ation from medical school. All these are vaginal examinations are done; the eye-
mainder. A brief review of selected stud- structural characteristics conducive to grounds and ears examined with the ap-
ies drawn from this classification can il- better care, though they do not assure it. propriate instruments; infants are immu-
lustrate and raise questions about specif- Other studies using the same approach nized; children with sore throats have a
ic methods of assessment, as well as pro- suggest that general practice in other throat culture for streptococci; pregnant
vide information about some factors that countries may suffer from similar charac- women have their urine tested; seda-
influence performance. But, because teristics and handicaps (9). tives, tranquilizers, and antibiotics are
some of these studies are old, and almost That the observation of practice is a prescribed; and injections are given
all have examined highly circumscribed method with wider applicability is shown when the drugs could have been taken by
situations, the only conclusion that can by a study of the interaction between mouth (12). Hospital records offer op-
be drawn about levels of quality in gener- nursing personnel and randomly sampled portunities for the construction of much
al is that whenever the quality of care patients in selected hospitals in the De- larger lists of such indicators with great-
has been examined, serious and wide- troit area (10). More interesting than the er assurance that the necessary informa-
spread deficiencies have been found. levels of performance revealed were the tion is in the record (13). A favorite type
This may be a characteristic of all human findings suggestive of differences related of sleuthing is to locate reports of abnor-
endeavor-that is, if sufficiently strict to the characteristics of patients. As- mal laboratory findings which physicians
standards are used we shall all be found pects of nursing care tended to be less agree require attention, and to determine
to have failed in some degree. It is cer- satisfactory for nonwhites, for patients how often these go unnoticed, are ig-
tainly so for the performance of physi- in wards with many beds, for those who nored, or are dealt with inadequately.
cians. had cancer with a poor prognosis, for For example, in the general clinic of one
As to the prevailing levels of quality in younger females and for older males. Be- university hospital about a fifth of such
the United States or elsewhere, we have cause of the nature of this study these abnormalities were not followed up (14);
to rely on gross measures of longevity, findings cannot be accepted as conclu- and in one community hospital more
mortality, morbidity, the use and distri- sive, but they do illustrate a problem of than half of the abnormal findings were
bution of services, the frequency of sur- great social significance: The extent to either ignored or inadequately handled
gical operations, and the like. But these which the quality of care may differ ac- (15). In general, when the results of in-
phenomena, though important, are influ- cording to the social or economic charac- vestigations that attempt to characterize
enced by so many unexamined variables teristics of clients either because the critical elements of practice are assem-
that it would be foolhardy to use them sources of care are different or because bled, it is astounding how variable prac-
for confident assertions. the same sources are guilty of discrimi- tice is found to be, and how often it
natory behavior. seems to depart from standards of sup-
The direct observation of practice is, posedly good care.
Studies of the Process of Care of course, costly and time-consuming. It Developments in data acquisition and
may also alter the behavior being ob- processing have stimulated the use of
The reputations of physicians among served, except that those who have used this approach to assessment and mon-
their colleagues arise to a large extent it say that very soon the presence of the itoring, and greatly amplified its useful-
from the opportunities that they have to observer is forgotten and the subject ness. Data from records of ambulatory
observe each other at work. The open- lapses into his usual routine. The analy- care, abstracts of hospital charts, and the
858 SCIENCE, VOL. 200
claims for payment that are submitted to was normal or not clearly diseased; and was 71 percent of what would have in-
insurance companies and government this proportion was the same whether dicated perfect compliance with the cri-
programs can all be fed into the comput- the patients were on welfare or were pri- teria. Unfortunately, a frequency distri-
er to be rapidly processed and collated vate patients who paid for their own care bution of scores is not given, nor can we
with other, prestored information about either directly or through an insurance judge whether 71 percent is good, bad, or
the patient, the practitioner, or the hos- plan. In the community hospitals, the indifferent. An application of the same
pital and its subdivisions. In this way ab- proportion of appendectomies with nor- method to an admittedly biased sample
errations in practice can be identified, lo- mal or near-normal tissue was higher, of office care in Hawaii yielded a dis-
cated, and subjected to more detailed and it varied according to how the pa- tinctly dismal score of 41 percent of full
scrutiny if their frequency or importance tient paid the hospital and physician. It compliance, judging by the information
justifies it. was 40 percent for welfare patients, 42 in the record (18).
Besides being an instrument that may percent for patients who paid for their In my opinion, a final judgment of the
expose and embarrass the physician, the own care, 50 percent for those who had quality of care in each case cannot rest
computer can also be a friend and ally. It insurance other than Blue Cross and 55 on compliance with explicit criteria
is possible to develop a system of infor- percent for those who had Blue Cross. alone. It must be based on a review of all
mation that alerts the physician when A more complete assessment of surgi- the known facts by one or more experts
some predetermined critical events have cal and medical care is obtained by an who use the entire range of their own
occurred so that he may intervene if he elaboration of the critical indicators of knowledge and experience to arrive at a
sees fit. Since inattention rather than ig- care so that they blend into the longer di- judgment. An example in this tradition
norance appears to account for many agnosis-specific lists of explicit criteria was the study of the quality of hospital
"errors" in care, computer-aided man- to which I have already referred. The care received by members of the Team-
agement could be a major safeguard of percentage of compliance with these cri- ster's Union in New York City. Each of
the quality of care (16). teria, with equal or different weights at- two eminent physicians was given the
One step up in the progression from tached to component items, can be used entire record of each case and asked to
presumptive indicators of quality to as a summary measure of the quality of rate it using as a criterion how he himself
more inclusive and definitive assess- care. A study of a sample of hospital would have managed the case. As a re-
ments of the quality of care is the justifi- cases in Hawaii which used this method sult, 43 percent of cases were judged to
cation of surgical intervention and of is particularly notable since it provides a have received less than "optimal" medi-
other major procedures. The justification rare view of an important segment of cal care (19).
of surgery can itself be arranged into a care in a large population in its natural In both the Hawaii and the Team-
progression. Even before surgery oc- habitat. The overall performance score ster's studies some attention was given
curs, the initial recommendation can be to finding out what factors are associated
subjected to verification by one or more with the quality of care. By taking some
consultants, a procedure that is now re- Table 1. A classification system for use in liberties a composite picture may be
quality assessment. drawn (20). The most important single
quired by several insurance plans (16a).
As to those already operated upon, I. Studies mainly of structure factor associated with the quality of hos-
two steps are available in the progression II. Studies mainly of process pital care is the nature of-the hospital it-
to more rigorous justification. The first is A. Direct observation of practice self. Care is best in large, urban, uni-
B. Studies based on the medical record
to determine whether the tissue removed 1. The presence or absence of se- ersity-affiliated hospitals and worst in
is sufficiently diseased to justify its hav- lected critical elements of care proprietary urban hospitals and other
ing been removed. The simplicity and 2. Justification of surgery and other small hospitals, whether urban or rural.
usefulness of this procedure has made it major procedures Physician specialization is also a factor,
3. Audits using explicit criteria
standard practice in any well-run hospi- 4. Audits using implicit criteria although its salutary influence is weaker,
tal. In part, its validity depends on the III. Studies mainly of outcome and is felt only when practice is confined
skill and integrity of the pathologist, who A. Morbidity, disability, mortality, and to the area in which the physician has
serves as the conscience of the hospital, longevity in communities and popu- specialized. Once he steps outside his
holding as he does the mirror that reveals lations domain the specialist may do worse than
B. More refined measures of morbidity,
its failures. But no matter how expertly. disability, mortality, and longevity the generalist. The importance of the
the tissue removed is judged, the justifi- 1. Preventable adverse events hospital in safeguarding quality is most
cation of surgery cannot rest on this 2. Preventable progression of dis- important for the generalist, while out-
alone. The decision to operate depends ease side the best hospitals the specialization
3. Diagnosis-specific outcomes
on weighing the risks of operating unnec- 4. Postoperative mortality and mor- of the physicians is the important safe-
essarily against those of not operating bidity guard. Physicians in the larger group
when necessary; and the best judgment C. Assignment of responsibility for ad- practices provide better hospital care,
is likely to be attended by the removal of verse events but this appears to be mainly due to the
some normal tissue. Therefore, a defini- 1. With prior specification of ex- use of specialists by the groups. In office
pected outcomes
tive judgment on any operation must go 2. Without prior specification of ex- care, group practice has a small edge
an important step beyond the condition pected outcomes over solo practice, but the data are not
of the tissue removed and include addi- IV. Studies that combine process and out- reliable. Perhaps more important than all
tional circumstances of the case. Several come to show system effects these associations is the observation that
A. "Trajectories" a large part of the variation in perform-
of these issues are well illustrated in a B. "'Tracers"
comparison of appendectomies in the V. Evaluation of strategies ance remains unexplained, which sug-
teaching and community hospitals of A. Criteria maps gests that our measurements may be
Baltimore (17). In the teaching hospitals, B. Testing of strategies faulty and that there is much about the
which presumably typify the best prac- 1. By modeling determinants of performance that we do
2. By clinical trials
tice, about a third of the tissue removed not understand.
26 MAY 1978 859
Studies of the Outcome of Care hospitals as in others (25). I suspect that means of a combination of process and
even these large differences do not tell outcome measures. The first, which may
The incidence and prevalence of ill- the full story because it is not certain that be called the "trajectory" method, se-
ness and disability, the incidence of mor- in situations of high risk the benefits of lects one or more diseases or conditions,
tality, and measures of longevity are ob- operating are always higher than the and follows patients from the time they
vious indicators of the health of a popu- risks. come for care to some time after their
lation. But medical care makes only one When outcomes are used to monitor care presumably ends. In this way it is
rather small contribution among the care in an institution or program, every possible to examine the successive steps
many social and biological factors that major adverse event and a sampling of in a progression that is, too often, a trag-
determine such outcomes. Considerable other "critical incidents" require careful ic odyssey of accumulated failures, and
refinement is needed to reveal the effects analysis so that future performance can to document the final effect of this expe-
of the quality of care. be improved (26). Physicians may be- rience on the health of the patient. In one
Outcomes can be made more sensitive come more aware of the consequences of such study the originators of this ap-
and specific measures of the quality of their actions if they can be persuaded to proach found that of a group of patients
care by careful selection so that they per- specify ahead of time precisely what im- who came to the emergency room of a
tain to specific categories of patients, are provements in health they expect for pa- city hospital with gastrointestinal symp-
preventable or attainable by good medi- tients in specified categories, so that toms 33 percent did not show for all rec-
cal care, and are measured only after their achievements can be compared ommended examinations, the exami-
corrections are made for characteristics with their expectations (27). But whether nation was not adequately done in 12
that influence the degree of success that the expected outcomes are specified in percent, and in 15 percent there were
even the best medical care can be ex- advance or not there is no escape from abnormal findings that were not treated
pected to achieve. Recently, a large list the responsibility to review and assess appropriately-all of which adds up to a
of measures considered to be responsive the care itself. Such "retrospective" as- failure rate of 60 percent. When the ef-
to medical care have been offered as sessments can also be a primary research fects of treatment were taken into ac-
indicators of the quality of care in com- tool. Notable exemplars are the early count, the patients' encounters with this
munities (21). It has also been suggested studies of maternal and newborn mortali- particular institution were judged to have
that the stage at which diseases first come ty by the New York Academy of Medi- had a salutary effect in only 27 percent of
under attention, or patients are admit- cine. In 1930 to 1932, 66 percent of cases (31).
ted to the hospital for the first time, tells deaths of women in childbirth were If one begins with a mental map of the
us something about how easy it is to gain judged by a "conservative" estimate to medical care system that subdivides the
access to care and how good that care is be preventable, and of these 61 percent system into domains of function and re-
(22). It is also possible to specify for se- were ascribed to the physician because sponsibility, it is possible to select a
lected diagnoses and conditions the most of errors in judgment or in technique number of diagnoses or conditions as in-
useful outcomes to measure, when to (28). In 1950 to 1951, 42 percent of dicators of the quality of care in each
measure these outcomes, and what pa- deaths in the newborn who were not pre- subpart. Each diagnosis or condition
tient characteristics to take into account mature were judged to be preventable; functions as a "tracer"; and the set of
so as to isolate the contribution of medi- and in about 80 percent of preventable tracers can be considered to provide
cal care to the selected outcomes. It is deaths there were errors of medical judg- what is analogous to a set of carefully se-
much more difficult to specify the extent ment or technique (29). In both studies lected soundings of an unexplored ter-
to which variations in the quality of care the type of hospital and the qualifications rain (32). This attractive notion has been
will be reflected in these outcomes (23). of the attending physicians had an impor- tested partially by using as tracers the
The study of postoperative mortality tant bearing on outcome, which was life occurrence and the management of
and morbidity can be taken to represent itself. These deeply disturbing findings anemia, ear infection, hearing loss, and
the class of more specific and refined resulted in the introduction of many con- visual defects to assess medical care for
studies of outcome. It has long been trols, including regular reviews of all ma- children from 6 months to II years old in
known that there are large differences in ternal and infant deaths, that have been selected areas of Washington, D.C.
postoperative mortality among hospitals. credited with at least some of the re- From this exploration a dismal picture
In one notable instance a 25-fold dif- markable improvements that have oc- emerged of much unrecognized, pre-
ference was observed among 34 medical curred since. But a recent review of ventable, and improperly treated pathol-
centers. Corrections for differences trends in maternal mortality in Michigan ogy. For example, 12 percent of 4- to I1-
among medical centers in factors such as from 1950 to 1970 shows that, in spite of year-old children need glasses but do not
type of operation and the patients' age spectacular declines in mortality, the have them. Of those who have glasses 31
and physical status reduced the spread to percentage of deaths judged "pre- percent do not need them, 37 percent do
a sevenfold difference in some opera- ventable" has increased markedly from not have adequate correction, and in 5
tions and a threefold difference in others about 60 percent to about 80 percent percent the glasses make vision worse
(24). So disturbing were these large and (30). As standards of care are raised, per- rather than better (33).
unexplained differences that another fection seems to become even more diffi-
study was conducted in which every at- cult to achieve.
tempt was made to correct for patient Evaluation of Strategies of Care
characteristics that might have account-
ed for the differences observed. Real and Process and Outcome Combined Patient care is a planned activity that
significant differences remained, sug- involves the choice of specific elements
gesting that the chances of experiencing Two methods of assessing the quality from a potentially large pool of such ele-
serious complications or death following of care can be put in a separate category ments, and the proper sequencing of
the same operations, in similar patients, because they are designed to dissect ele- these elements in order to achieve speci-
can be two or three times as high in some ments of a system that delivers care by fied diagnostic and treatment objectives.
860 SCIENCE, VOL. 200
A plan of action, as well as the pattern of goal, since "assistance" or "enhance- the conceptual apparatus, the methods,
actions that result, can be called a strate- ment" is the most that can be hoped for. and the technology of quality assessment
gy. In my opinion, the essence of quality Of course, the quality of care depends on and monitoring and their incorporation
or, in other words, "clinical judgment," many factors, including the selection of in several prototypes in actual practice
is in the choice of the most appropriate students and their education, training, (39). All these, working together, set the
strategy for the management of any giv- and socialization into young profession- stage and provided the instruments and
en situation. The alternative strategies als; opportunities for continuing educa- opportunity for a bold legislative initia-
that a physician might reasonably con- tion and renewal; the availability of the tive which was part of the 1972 amend-
sider can be specified in the form of a de- instrumentalities and financing that per- ments of the Social Security Act (40).
cision tree which indicates alternative mit the application of the full potential of
courses and their consequences. To each medical science; and the professional
of these a probability can be assigned and financial incentives that influence Professional Standards Review
based, preferably, on demonstrated fact the behavior of physicians. The mon- Organizations
but, when this is not available, on expert itoring of the physician's work is meant
opinion. The balance of expected bene- to generate one additional incentive to The legislation provides for dividing
fits, risks, and monetary costs, as eval- appropriate performance. the country into areas which may be
uated jointly by the physician and his pa- Traditionally, the professions have states or parts of states in each of which
tient, is the criterion for selecting the op- been largely responsible for regulating a Professional Standards Review Organi-
timal strategy for that patient (34). The their own conduct in the interest of high- zation (PSRO) must be set up. This is en-
construction and use of models that in- er standards, with government assuming visaged as a new organization endorsed
corporate existing knowledge can be a supportive and reinforcing role. In gen- by a majority of physicians in the area
very helpful in arriving at a more defini- eral, medicine has a proud record of and open to all of them. Only when the
tive specification of quality because the achievement in this respect. But, in re- local physicians are unable or unwilling
best course of action suggested by in- cent years, the feeling has grown that it to respond may other arrangements be
tuition may not be the best indicated by should either do more or relinquish some approved. In addition, the legislation
more formal decision analysis. More- of its prerogatives by accepting super- provides for statewide professional stan-
over, such models, by revealing critical vision from the outside. Many factors dards review councils and a National
deficiencies in existing knowledge, stim- have contributed to this state of affairs. Professional Standards Review Council,
ulate research so that, in the end, the Most important has been the far-reach- with the Secretary of Health, Education,
specification of optimal management ing change from individual to collective and Welfare at the apex of this organiza-
may be firmly established. financing of health care through private tional pyramid.
The results of such developments are health insurance programs. For many It is the responsibility of the local
beginning to be felt in the field of quality years, the private health insurance com- PSRO to begin by monitoring hospital
assessment. Perhaps the first step has panies and organizations, as well as the and nursing home care provided under
been the construction of "criteria maps" representatives of the larger groups of specified government programs, primari-
as a substitute for the more usual lists of purchasers of insurance, have been un- ly Medicare and Medicaid; but later it
explicit criteria. Mapping represents a happy about the increase in the costs of must enlarge its scope to include ambula-
stepwise scheme of actions taken to care without assurance of the needful- tory care as well. Such surveillance may
make a diagnosis, search for complica- ness and the quality of the services re- be exercised directly by the PSRO, but it
tions, and select a mode of treatment and ceived. However, there was little that may also be delegated to individual hos-
implement it. It recognizes that there are they could do, or wished to do, beyond pitals who assume responsibility to re-
alternative acceptable ways of meeting questioning the most obvious abuses. view their own care, provided they are
each requirement (for example, of a valid But when the federal government itself found capable of doing so. As a basis for
diagnosis), and that succeeding actions became the largest payer of all by insti- these review activities the PSRO must
are conditional on prior findings. Such tuting Medicaid and Medicare, there was formulate explicit criteria, norms, and
criteria maps are now being used in qual- the means and eventually the will to as- standards that cannot differ significantly
ity assessment on a trial basis (35). The sert that he who pays the piper can call from their more widely applicable re-
next step will be a linkup with the work the tune. The sharpest goad to action gional counterparts which are promul-
that is now going on, independently of was no doubt the enormous drain on the gated by the National Council, unless the
the activities of quality assessment, in federal treasury; but there was also con- differences can be justified.
modeling and testing strategies of care cern for the quality of care, and a need to A wide range of monitoring activities
(36). The empirical testing of such strate- establish accountability of the programs is envisaged for and required of the
gies with careful clinical trials will, of to Congress and of Congress to the elec- PSRO when it is fully operational. For
course, provide the bedrock on which all torate. And the electorate was now bet- example, either before admission or
quality assessment, in fact all of clinical ter informed and more demanding. within a day of admission to the hospital
medicine, must ultimately rest (37). Antecedent to and parallel with these a "coordinator" to whom this function is
developments there were several others. assigned, usually a nurse, must review
First was the gradual concentration of a the particulars of each case and deter-
The Context for Monitoring critical section of care in the hospital mine whether the admission is justified
which emerged as a dominant center of or possibly not justified according to the
That the content of medical practice organized practice. Second was the in- criteria in force. If the latter is the case, a
must be subjected to constant surveil- creasing recognition of the hospital's re- physician "adviser" must reassess the
lance is an idea that has finally emerged sponsibility for the supervision of its situation. If admission is found to be jus-
as a principle supported by law. The os- physicians by the public, by hospital tified, the patient is assigned a specified
tensible purpose is "quality assurance," trustees, and by the courts (38). Third number of days in the hospital based on
although this is perhaps too ambitious a was the development, piece by piece, of approved standards that vary according
26 MAY 1978 861
to diagnosis. If at the end of this period by an appeal to the courts. Besides, the zation of local physicians that is bound
the patient is still in the hospital, the jurisdiction of the PSRO is at present to be controlled by the local medical so-
process of review is repeated and an ex- confined to inpatient care, and only to cieties, in spite of legislative provisions
tension approved or denied. At first, beneficiaries of specified government meant to avoid that outcome (42). Health
every admission must be subjected to programs. Beyond these limits the phy- professionals other than physicians are
such detailed review, but later, based on sician may practice in the ordinary man- equally outraged by the all-physician
evidence of prior performance, some ner, except that the standards of the membership of the PSRO and its seem-
categories of cases may be exempted PSRO are likely to be adopted by other ing hegemony over all practice, including
while attention focuses on others which insurance programs to apply to their that of nonphysicians. And others, who
are considered less likely to conform. clients, and by the hospital to apply to all distrust professionals of any stripe, ve-
Besides watching over the appropri- its patients. Under such conditions the hemently protest the fact that consumers
ateness of admission and length of stay, physician could not escape their reach. have virtually no influence over the
the nurse and physician in charge of PSRO, which they regard as one more
monitoring in each hospital are expected instrument of professional dominance in
to review a sample of the records of hos- Implications of PSRO Legislation the market for medical care (43). In fact,
pital patients in order to determine it is difficult to find anyone who has
whether the content of care conforms to Although bold in concept and awe- something good to say about the PSRO,
the criteria and standards of the PSRO. some in scope, the PSRO legislation fol- least of all the practicing physician who
In addition to these activities, the hospi- lows a traditional pattern in delegating must work under its unblinking eye.
tal or the PSRO must, at intervals, con- the supervision of medical practice to the The fear of being found wanting by the
duct detailed studies of important seg- physicians themselves, with legitimacy PSRO is only the beginning of the physi-
ments of care, for example of certain dis- and support provided by the govern- cian's woe. By law, the patient must be
eases or procedures, in order to detect ment. It is also traditional in decentral- notified when a determination that af-
and correct prevalent or localized weak- izing the actual supervision of care so fects him is made, and the physician is
nesses. Furthermore, the PSRO is that it rests primarily with the local left with the task of placating a dis-
charged with maintaining a statistical PSRO, with further delegation of many gruntled patient who may be asked to
system for collecting information about functions to the individual hospitals. pay the bill. Besides the irritation and
aspects of the care of all patients under Moreover, it accepts the system of medi- embarrassment caused by such encoun-
its jurisdiction and to compile tabula- cal care as it is, merely adding to it a ters, it is feared that they will contribute
tions (called "profiles") by patient, by mantle of surveillance, which is itself a to the already high tide of malpractice
physician, and by hospital so as to identi- consolidation of many preexisting ele- suits (44). The vulnerability of the physi-
fy situations that deviate from usual or ments, most of which were devised and cian to being sued may be further in-
expected practice. put into operation by physicians and creased if the criteria and standards used
The legislation recognizes the vulnera- their professional organizations. But in by the PSRO become generally known or
bility of practicing physicians to erro- spite of these familiar features, the if the PSRO is forced to divulge the per-
neous actions by the PSRO and makes PSRO's appear to have risen as Levia- formance profiles of physicians and hos-
provision to redress the balance. No ob- than from the depths, casting a shadow pitals under its sway. Against these fear-
served deviation in practice is assumed across the medical landscape in whose some eventualities it is small comfort
to be an error, nor is any decision by a darkness each may nurse his private that the legislation protects the physician
functionary of the PSRO considered to fears. against liability arising from his adher-
be final. In each instance, the physician Those who fear government control ence to PSRO standards, provided in all
may appeal to a committee of his peers point out that never before has the feder- else he has been blameless.
that will hear him and examine all the de- al government, or any government, set Knowing that the PSRO would stand
tails of a case before it passes a judg- out to influence and control so per- up to every attack if it were to show
ment. Even when it rules against the vasively and in such minute detail the promise of improving quality and con-
physician, the PSRO has no authority to most intimate operations of medical taining costs, its critics have been most
prevent admission to the hospital or to practice in this country. Their alarm is insistent in discounting these ex-
compel the patient to leave. All it does is intensified by what they consider the un- pectations (45). As to quality, the lists of
to refuse to certify the appropriateness seemly haste with which the federal bu- explicit criteria that the PSRO's use to
of care, which usually means that the reaucracy has begun implementing the define quality have been attacked as du-
government will not pay for the care, or legislation through grants, contracts, and biously valid in that they pay no atten-
that the physician may have to return instructions which appear to bypass the tion to aspects of care beyond those that
payment that has already been made. In orderly process of formulating regula- are purely technical, are insufficiently
unusual circumstances, for example if tions. Nor are their fears assuaged by de- adaptable to variations among individual
the physician is found to be repeatedly at centralization and delegation, for they patients, are conducive to a stereotyped,
fault, the PSRO may recommend tempo- see the reins ultimately gathered in the unthinking form of "cookbook" medi-
rary or permanent exclusion from reim- hands of the Secretary of Health, Educa- cine, inhibit innovation and progress,
bursement for the care of patients under tion, and Welfare, who only has to pull and divert attention from the outcomes
its jurisdiction. But, depending in part on them to impose his will (41). of care in favor of emphasis on process.
the nature of the ruling or penalty, the Paradoxically, there are others who The PSRO's are, of course, aware of
physician is protected against ill-consid- dream a different nightmare. According these criticisms which, they believe, do
ered or arbitrary actions by a variety of to these, the federal government has not reflect the more recent refinements in
safeguards including due notice, hear- weakened the influence of state agencies their criteria or the judicious flexibility
ings by the local PSRO, the statewide on programs which they formerly con- with which they are applied. Never-
council and the Secretary of Health, trolled, and has handed over its own theless, some critics have argued that the
Education, and Welfare and, ultimately, powers and responsibilities to an organi- university medical centers be excluded
862 SCIENCE, VOL. 200
from the jurisdiction of the PSRO in the The likely effect of the PSRO on costs ments are only provisional, since the evi-
interests of teaching, learning, and re- is hard to predict. The certification of ad- dence concerning the accomplishments
search (46). Others have asked that the mission and length of stay if properly of the PSRO's is in the process of being
health maintenance organizations be also done is bound to reduce charges for in- assembled. In my opinion, if the PSRO's
excluded lest they be handicapped in patient care, but there is reason to be- conscientiously implement their man-
their attempts to provide effective care at lieve that the savings will be small and date there is bound to be an improve-
lower cost by the dead weight of in- that they will be offset by the cost of the ment in quality, in cost, or in both.
sufficiently proven criteria (47). Unless certification procedure itself (49). One Should they fail to do so there could
we are very careful, it is also argued, the should also be aware of the problems be pressure for more vigorous policing
local norms of the PSRO will eventually that patients will face if the hospital stay by agencies outside the medical estab-
conform to the regional norms, and the is not approved for payment, or if the al- lishment including the insurance car-
regional norms to the national norm, so ternative services mean a financial drain riers, the state health department, or an
that a deadly and mediocre sameness because they are not fully covered by in- agency of the federal government itself.
will settle across the land. surance. PSRO activities that are meant Alternatively, it may be concluded that
To others this outcome would be de- to improve the content of care have an what is needed is a radical change in how
sirable since it could mean that at least even more ambiguous effect on cost. To services are organized and physicians
minimum standards would be enforced the extent that unnecessary procedures employed and paid, so that the incen-
everywhere. What is feared, on the con- are discouraged costs will be reduced. tives to professionally appropriate be-
trary, is not that the PSRO will be overly But many believe that the line of least re- havior are strengthened. The reliance
confining but that it will not be effective sistance will be to do for all patients would then be primarily on creating the
enough; or, worst of all, that it will suc- everything that the PSRO criteria require proper conditions for good practice
ceed in its weaknesses and fail in its or allow, markedly increasing cost with- rather than on the fear that unsatisfac-
strengths. There are many justifications out commensurate benefit to health. The tory practice will be discovered and dis-
for holding such views. Physicians are a picture becomes gloomier when the approved. However, even under the best
highly privileged group and each one of dubious prospects for savings is com- conditions, constant monitoring will
them is vulnerable to error that may have pared to the certainty of the costs of in- have to be maintained, for without it
disastrous consequences. As a result, stitution and running the PSRO program medicine cannot see itself, nor know
physicians are united in their mutual de- itself, which has been estimated to re- where it is going.
fense and reluctant to criticize each oth- quire a yearly expenditure of $1.25 References and Notes
er, especially if this is seen to be in the billion if it were expanded to cover all 1. B. C. Payne, in Utilization Review: A Handbook
service of outside interests or profes- inpatient and ambulatory care (50). Al- for the Medical Staff(American Medical Associ-
sionally dubious goals. This tendency is though the federal programs are obli- ation, Chicago, 1965).
2. C. M. Jacobs, T. H. Christoffel, N. Dixon, Mea-
reinforced by the need that physicians gated for their share of this cost, ulti- suring the Quality of Patient Care: The Ratio-
nale for Outcome Audit (Ballinger, Cambridge,
have for the respect and goodwill of col- mately the added burden will fall on all Mass., 1976), p. 51.
leagues in order to establish a practice, taxpayers and consumers. 3. V. N. Slee, Ann. Intern. Med. 81, 97 (1974).
4. A. Donabedian, Milbank Mem. Fund Q. 44, 166
gain admission to hospital privileges, en- Much of this assessment is, of course, (1966).
gage in consultations, and exchange re- pure speculation. It is too early to know 5. P. J. Sanzaro and J. W. Williamson, Med. Care
6, 123 (1968); B. Starfield, Milbank Mem. Fund
ferrals. Add to this the cement of person- how the PSRO's will perform in actual Q. 52, 39 (1974).
al friendships, of a similarity in social practice. The experience of the much 6. [. Breslow, Int. J. Epidemiol. 1, 347 (1972).
7. S. Fanshel and J. W. Bush, Oper. Res. 18, 1021
origins and experiences, of a shared ide- more limited programs that preceded the (1970); R. L. Berg, Ed., Health Status Indexes
(Hospital Research and Educational Trust, Chi-
ology, and of a common threat, and the PSRO has been very mixed, showing cago, 1973); J. Elinson, Ed. Int. J. Health Serv.
result is a social organism not easy to success in some cases and failure in oth- 6, 377 (1976); several authors, Health Serv. Rep.
11, 332-528 (1976).
manipulate. In this light, it is easy to un- ers, with the reasons for either not clear- 8. 0. L. Peterson, L. P. Andrews, R. S. Spain, B.
derstand why the system of monitoring ly understood (39, pp. 122-151; 51). A re- G. Greenberg, J. Med. Educ. 31, Part 2 (1956).
9. K. F. Clute, The General Practitioner: A Study
has delegated responsibility for review cent reassessment, which included infor- of Medical Education and Practice in Ontario
to local physicians and even to individ- mation about the early experience of the and Nova Scotia (Univ. of Toronto Press, To-
ronto, Canada, 1963); C. C. Jungfer and J. M.
ual hospitals; if the enterprise were seen PSRO's that are already in operation, Last, Med. Care 2, 71 (1964).
10. E. Janzen, "Quality nursing care assurance:
to be indigenous, it might accomplish suggests that the utilization control pro- Initial survey," paper read at the annual meeting
through persuasion what it could not grams of hospitals do occasionally report of the American Public Health Association,
New Orleans, 23 October 1974.
through external pressure. But this strat- savings, but that these tend to be over- 11. L. S. Rosenfeld, Am. J. Public Health 47, 856
egy could also fail, if the shared interests estimated because of improper account- (1957); T. F. Lyons and B. C. Payne, Med. Care
12, 714 (1974).
of local physicians united them in efforts ing assumptions. It is still not clear what 12. A. Ciocco, H. Hunt, I. Altman, Public Health
to subvert and emasculate the PSRO by audits of the quality of hospital care have Rep. 65, 27 (1950); H. Anderson, Am. J. Public
Health 59, 275 (1969); S. N. Rosenberg, C. Gun-
going through the motions of compliance accomplished. The review of claims for ston, L. Berenson, A. Klein, ibid. 66, 21 (1976);
R. H. Brook and K. Williams, Med. Care 14,
while its actual intent is nullified (48). ambulatory care has been found to be Suppl. (December 1976).
The system of medical care as it now ex- cost-effective, but this is mainly or en- 13. C. W. Eislee, V. N. Slee, R. G. Hoffmann, Ann.
Intern. Med. 44, 144 (1956); see also Slee (3).
ists has built-in incentives that work tirely due to the administrative com- 14. R. R. Huntley, R. Steinhauser, K. L. White, T.
against many of the purposes of the ponent as distinct from professional peer F. Williams, D. A. Martin, B. S. Pasternack, J.
Chronic Dis. 14, 630 (1961).
PSRO. Should education and persuasion review. All these "savings" when they 15. J. W. Williamson, M. Alexander, G. E. Miller,
fail to bring about the desired effects the do occur are to the financial inter- J. Am. Med. Assoc. 201, 938 (1967).
16. C. J. McDonald, Ann. Intern. Med. 84, 162
PSRO can resort to policing; but policing mediaries. The social costs and savings (1976); G. 0. Barnett, R. Winnickoff, J. L. Dor-
sey, M. Morgan, in Assessing Physician Per-
is precisely what the local fraternity of could be different because of the various formance in Ambulatory Care (American So-
physicians is least likely to impose upon ways in which costs can be shifted. As to ciety of Internal Medicine, San Francisco,
1976), pp. 140-156.
itself. If this is so, the PSRO's will have the effect on the health of people almost 16a.E. G. McCarthy and G. W. Widmer, N. EngI.
imposed an onerous and costly burden nothing can be said (52). J. Med. 291, 1331 (1974).
17. J. F. Sparling, Hospitals 36, 62 (16 March 1962);
with little to show in benefits. Let me emphasize that these assess- ibid., p. 56 (I April 1962).
26 MAY 197hl~ 863
18. B. C. Payne, T. F. Lyons, L. Dwarshius, M. of recomputation in order to get mutually exclu- Fielding, W. Jessee, Med. Care Suppl. (April
Kolton, W. Morris, Quality of Medical Care: sive categories. 1975).
Evaluation and Improvement (Hospital Re- 32. D. M. Kessner, C. E. Kalk, J. Singer, N. Engl. 41. D. E. Willett, N. Engi. J. Med. 292, 340 (1975).
search and Educational Trust, Chicago, 1976). J. Med. 288, 189 (1973). 42. L. E. Bellin, Med. Care 12, 1012 (1974); M. A.
19. M. A. Morehead et al., A Study of the Quality 33. D. M. Kessner, C. K. Snow, J. Singer, Assess- Morehead, Man Med. 1, 113 (1976). See, in par-
of Hospital Care Secured by a Sample of ment of Medical Care for Children (Institute of ticular, discussions of Morehead's paper by L.
Teamster Family Members in New York City Medicine, Washington, D.C., 1974), pp. 174, E. Bellin and S. E. Goldsmith.
(Columbia Univ. School of Public Health, New 186, 188. 43. A. Gosfield, in Proceedings: Conference on Pro-
York, 1964). 34. B. J. McNeil, E. Keeler, S. J. Adelstein, N. fessional Self-Regulation-Working Papers in
20. This includes information from further analysis Engl. J. Med. 293, 211 (1975); N. Pliskin and A. PSRO's, June 1975 (undated), pp. 50-7.
of the data from Payne et al. in S. Rhee, Medical K. Taylor, in Costs, Risks, and Benefits of Sur- 44. D. E. Willett, Bull. Am. Coll. Surg. 59, 7 (May
Care 14, 733 (1976). gery, J. P. Bunker, B. A. Barnes, F. Mosteller, 1974).
21. D. D. Rutstein, W. Berenberg, T. C. Chalmers, Eds. (Oxford Univ. Press, New York, 1977), pp. 45. For further discussion of this issue, see C. E.
C. G. Child, 3rd., A. P. Fishman, E. B. Perrin, 5-27. Welch, N. Engl. J. Med. 290, 1319 (1974); K. L.
N. Engl. J. Med. 294, 582 (1976). 35. S. Greenfield, C. E. Lewis, S. H. Kaplan, M. B. White, West. J. Med. 120,338 (1974); T. Caplow
22. J. S. Gonnella and M. J. Goran, Med. Care 13, Davidson, Ann. Intern. Med. 83, 761 (1975). and H. M. Bahr, in Proceedings: Conference on
467 (1975); J. S. Gonnella, D. Z. Louis, J. J. 36. See, for example, A. S. Ginsberg, Decision Professional Self-Regulation-Working Papers
McCord, ibid. 14, 13 (1976). Analysis in Clinical Patient Management with on PSRO's June 1975 (undated), pp. 8-24; C. G.
23. R. H. Brook, A. Davies-Avery, S. Greenfield, L. an Application to the Pleural-Effusion Syn- Havighurst and J. F. Blumstein, Northwest Uni-
J. Harris, T. Lelah, N. E. Solomon, J. E. Ware, drome (Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, versity Law Rev. 70, 6 (1975); R. H. Brook and
Jr., ibid. 15, Suppl. (September 1977). Calif., 1971); W. B. Schwartz, G. A. Gorry, J. P. A. Davies-Avery, Quality Assurance and. Cost
24. L. E. Moses and F. Mosteller, J. Am. Med. As- Kassirer, A. Essig, Am. J. Med. 55, 459 (1973); Control in Ambulatory Care (Rand Corporation,
soc. 203, 422 (1968). B. J. McNeil and S. J. Adelstein, N. Engl. J. Santa Monica Calif. 1977).
25. W. R. Scott, W. H. Forrest, Jr., B. Wm. Brown, Med. 293, 221 (1975); B. J. McNeil, S. J. Hessel, 46. J. Kavet and hi. S. Luft, J. Med. Educ. 49, 321
Jr., in Organizational Research in Hospitals, S. W. T. Branch, L. Bjork, S. J. Adelstein, J. Nu- (1974).
M. Shortell and M. Brown, Eds. (Blue Cross clear Med. 17, 163 (1976); R. K. Tompkins, D. 47. C. G. Havighurst and R. Bovbjerg, Utah Law
Association, Chicago, 1976) pp. 72-89. C. Burner, W. E. Cable, Ann. Intern. Med. 86, Rev. 175, 381 (1975).
26. SOSSUS Subcommittee on Quality of Surgery, 481 (1977); also several examples in J. P. Bun- 48. E. Freidson, in Proceedings: Conference on
in Surgery in the United States (Amencan ker, B. A. Barnes, F. Mosteller, Eds., Costs, Professional Self-Regulation-Working Papers
College of Surgeons and the American Surgical Risks, and Benefits of Surgery (Oxford Univ. on PSRO's, June 1975 (undated), pp. 33-38.
Association, Chicago, 1976), pp. 2132-2155. Press, New York, 1977). 49. R. R. Averill and L. F. McMahon, Med. Care
27. J. W. Williamson, J. Am. Med. Assoc. 218, 564 37. A. L. Cochrane, Effectiveness and Efficiency: 15, 158 (1977).
(1971). Random Reflections on Health Services (Nuf- 50. Institute of Medicine, Assessing Quality in
28. New York Academy of Medicine, Committee on field Provincial Hospital Trust, London, 1972). Health Care: An Evaluation (National Academy
Public Health Relations, Maternal Mortality in 38. M. Shain and A. E. Southwick, Public Health of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 1976), p. 79.
New York City: A Study of All Puerperal Rep. 81, 581 (1966); W. J. Curran, Am. J. Public 51. D. B. Maglott, B. D. Atelsek, F. D. Hair, in Pro-
Deaths, 1930-1932 (Oxford Univ. Press for the Health 61, 1977 (1971). ceedings: Conference on Professional Self-Reg-
Commonwealth Fund, New York, 1933). 39. A. Donabedian, A Guide to Medical Care Ad- ulation-Working Papers on PSRO's, June 1975
29. , Perinatal Mortality in New York City: ministration, vol. 2, Medical Care Appraisal- (undated), pp. 4-7.,
Responsible Factors (Harvard Univ. Press, Quality and Utilization (American Public Health 52. Institute of Medicine, in Assessing Physician
Cambridge, Mass., 1955). Association, New York, 1969). Performance in Ambulatory Care (American
30. W. Schaffner, C. F. Federspiel, M. L. Fulton, 40. U.S. Congress, Social Security Amendments of Society of Internal Medicine, San Francisco,
D. G. Gilbert, L. B. Stevenson, Am. J. Public 1972, Pub. Law 92-603, 92nd Congress, H.R.I. 1976), pp. 57-84.
Health 67, 821 (1977). 30 October 1970. See "Professional Standards 53. This article is based in part on work supported
31. R. H. Brook and R. L. Stevenson, N. Engl. J. Review," Part B, Title XI, pp. 101-117; an ex- by the National Center for Health Services Re-
Med. 283, 904 (1970). Some of the figures cited cellent description of the earlier stages of imple- search under grants 1-ROI-HS-02081-01, 5-ROl-
differ slightly from those in the original because mentation is in M. G. Goran, J. S. Kellogg, J. HS-02081-02, and 3-ROI-HS-02081-02SI.

individual against the cost of care and

the equity question of making adequate
medical services available to all.
2) In spite of the current intellectual
fashion of arguing the contrary, national
health insurance assumes that medical
National Health Insurance: care is worth having. Although it is use-
ful to examine how effective some
Comments Selected Issues on personal medical services are-and,
indeed, whether some of them do more
harm than good-the desirability of
Robert M. Ball having medical services available is
not open to serious question. By and
large, even the most skeptical critics
of American medicine seek medical ser-
National health insurance has been de- seem obvious but it needs to be repeated vices for themselves and their families
bated for so long now, and there has because in recent years other important, and so confirm the widely held belief
been so much talk about the politics of but nevertheless subsidiary, objectives that such services are useful in the pre-
national health insurance and the details have almost stolen the show. In dis- vention of disability and premature
of one plan versus another, that it seems cussing national health insurance today death, the relief of pain, the reassurance
to me it might be helpful to go back to we hear almost as much about the objec- of those who are ill, and the promotion
fundamentals-to review the bidding. tives of cost control, the improvement of and restoration of health. Overall, ge-
What is national health insurance all the quality of care, and changing the sys- netic and environmental factors and per-
about? tem to make it more responsive to pa- sonal habits may have more effect on
1) The most important objective of na- tients' needs as we do about removing health than medical care services, but
tional health insurance is to make sure the economic barriers to the receipt of that is not inconsistent with the con-
that everyone can get good medical care care and the protection of the patient's clusion that medical care frequently does
at a price he or she can afford. This may pocketbook. The subsidiary objectives make the difference between sickness
are of great importance, but I doubt if we and health and life and death. And it is
should be talking about a national health this conclusion that makes ability to pay
The author is a Senior Scholar, Institute of Medi- insurance program unless we are con- an unacceptable way to ration medical
cine, National Academy of Sciences, 2101 Constitu-
tion Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20418. cerned principally about protecting the care in a democratic society and leads to
864 0036-8075/78/0526-0864$01.50/0 Copyright () 1978 AAAS SCIENCE, VOL. 2O< 26 May 1978

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