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Julia Grace F.

AS 5 Eng 104 (Technical Writing) 1:30 – 3:00 PM M/TH

Main Idea: The Department of Education records a 25% decline in the enrollment rate for the
school year 2020-2021.
 Major Detail 1: Due to the ongoing pandemic, some students have withdrawn from
enrolling due to fear of contacting the corona virus.
 Minor Detail A: Some parents fear that crowded areas such as schools may expose
their children to COVID-19.
 Minor Detail B: They are also wary of the sanitization management policies within
public educational institutions.
 Major Detail 2: Unemployment due to community quarantine policies caused families
financial difficulties that subsequently affected their decision to enroll their children.
 Minor Detail A: Unemployed parents of students could not afford school tuitions and
other academic requirements.
 Minor Detail B: Low income families therefore prioritized spending for basic
necessities over education.
 Major Detail 3: Lack of accessibility to the implemented Online Learning Method.
 Minor Detail A: Slow internet connection, or a lack thereof, for students living in
rural areas hinder their proper access and participation to online classes.
 Minor Detail B: Students from low income families without adequate gadgets for
online learning cannot keep up to classes.

Answer the following questions briefly:
1. The outline is being compared to a human skeleton? Why?
The outline is being compared to a human skeleton because it is the foundation that gives
the shape and structure of any written piece. Likewise, to how the human skeleton is the
framework that provides structure to the rest of the body and facilitates movement.

2. How does the writer prepare for the actual act of writing?
The writer prepares for the actual act of writing by recalling all the interesting and
important ideas, being in a comfortable place to write, relaxing their minds and then freely
writing all their ideas as much as they can in order to capture all the thoughts they have in that
flash of inspiration. After penning the first draft, they now detach themselves from their own
written piece to assume the role of a reader.
3. Does the writing process end with the post-writing stage? Explain.
No, the writing process does not end with the post-writing stage as it is a cycle which as a
process, theoretically, does not end. When a writer has finished the post-writing stage and is in
the act of reviewing and revising his piece, he may feel unsatisfied and further revise it
continually until he is either completely contented with his work or his deadline is up.
4. What are some tools you can use in the pre-writing stage?
The tools that you can use in the pre-writing stage are brainstorming, which is the writing
down freely of ideas; clustering which is the listing down of words that associate with the given
theme or idea; research which is the gathering of information and expanding of knowledge on a
particular topic; and outlining which is the process of organizing the ideas to provide the
structure of a written piece and determining the introduction, body and conclusion.

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