Flash Drive Donation Station - Pics

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Posted by u/KevlarYarmulke 4 years ago  3

Flash drive donation station

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n4t4sh4g33 · 4 yr. ago

Um, ok, but I would definitely erase it first before donating.

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MitchNoob · 4 yr. ago

Yeah ive got way too many nudes on mine

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soingee +1 · 4 yr. ago

God forbid some North Korean see my lab report from college.

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Nehemiah92 · 4 yr. ago

Yeah, I don’t want people to see my collection of every single Mort across the multiverse
from All Hail King Julian.

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planethaley · 4 yr. ago

Right? I was looking for like the asterisk saying we will first download your content, sell
online, and use money to buy more thumb drives :p

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cocoabean · 4 yr. ago

Should read up on how BTK was caught, you'd like it.
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left_right_left · 4 yr. ago

I didn't realize that that many people in N Korea had access to a computer ...

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TuckRaker · 4 yr. ago

Yeah. My first thought was this seems like a great idea. Then I wondered how many North
Koreans have a home computer. My understanding was many don't even have a tv. Even if
they did, how are these people proposing to get these USB drives in to NK without having
them confiscated and destroyed?

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MiataCory +2 · 4 yr. ago

Lots do have access, especially in population centers.

However, NK does have it's own custom OS that they run. "Red Star OS". It used to be WinXP
with a skin, but now it's run on Linux.

You can get a copy here: http://www.openingupnorthkorea.com/archives/325

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akhorahil187 · 4 yr. ago

I watch a video on this years ago. I think it might have been Vice. I couldn't find it but I did
find a portion of it being used in this article.

They don't just smuggle usbs, but also the players and radios.

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toothless2324 · 4 yr. ago

This is from DefCon (cybersecurity convention this past weekend in Vegas)

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wathapndusa · 4 yr. ago
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it only takes one pc and one printer to fill a lot of minds...

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[deleted] · 4 yr. ago

I changed my location to North Korea on Tinder.... There is a lot of girls that have access.
One even asking how she can get to Bangkok for holiday.

I posted this somewhere else as well but it just gets ignored.

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Kaddy03 · 4 yr. ago

They have computers in public libraries and computer classes, All heavily restricted of course
but you would be able to put a USB stick into it!

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L-Ron_Musk · 4 yr. ago

Plenty of people have access to computers, but you get in trouble if caught with foreign
media/movies/music/etc, definitely if it’s American but especially if it’s South Korean

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Ardal · 4 yr. ago

Good way to get a shitload of free USB's though.

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Dud30WTF2 · 4 yr. ago

I was going to say the same thing! Also, I'm surprised to only see 2 microcenter USB sticks.

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Namelock · 4 yr. ago

You'd be surprised; Apparently North Korea is very capable in terms of hacking and

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Derperlicious · 4 yr. ago

60% of the 20-50, own a cell phone

very few have net access restricted or not, or PCs

and the phones are locked down to prevent viewing of unsanctioned files through the USB.
and can be randomly inspected.

and sounds like the lock down works well, im not sure how effective this USB donation drive
will be. unless it auto bypasses the lockout

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zedonk · 4 yr. ago

I remember seeing a documentary about people smuggling CDs, cassettes, and USBs in
North Korea. I’ll see if I can find it.

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BeefSerious · 4 yr. ago

When does a flashdrive become unneeded?

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ase1590 · 4 yr. ago

when you have 30 512MB sticks.

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beautyanddelusion · 4 yr. ago

When they hold less than 1GB.

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MrHaxx1 · 4 yr. ago

I've got 20 2 GB drives that I don't use 🤷🏻‍♂️
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Aquahawk911 · 4 yr. ago

I have a few and haven't used any of them aside from a windows install a couple years ago

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nn711 · 4 yr. ago

When you learn Google Drive is a thing

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ToxicSquirrelX · 4 yr. ago

When you have like 10 usb 2.0's u got for free from public events. That u never use because
u already have the big 2tb drive at home and the 2 fast usb 3.0 drives u actually use.

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clevername-here · 4 yr. ago

When you have 30 of them from a mixture of work/school events with various advertisers on
the sides

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MyPassword_IsPizza · 4 yr. ago

When you're at defcon and every other person is handing them out like candy anyway

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Fenrir549 · 4 yr. ago

Well, from my own experience, when you lose it. You buy another one, poof, there is the stick
you presumed lost. Those two vanish somehow again, after a while. You buy a new one, they
basically grow on trees anyway. Now you look where you always looked and find the two
drives. You have three now. Rinse and repeat.

And don't get me started on cleaning your house and pulling the desk aside for a moment.

Shit, I can't download enough OS Installers than I'd need to fill all these damn pendrives!

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Skeleteor · 4 yr. ago
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when you get a 6 GB one as a symbolic award

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Metalsand · 4 yr. ago

When standards change and suddenly 4 GB is not that much.

My oldest flash storage was 512 MB. My most recent flashdrive purchase was a 120 GB flash
drive with max speeds at entry-level SSD's.

Safe to say, the 512 MB has been neglected.

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Sibby123 · 4 yr. ago

Thinking about it, I don't think I've used one since I finished college.

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dividezero · 4 yr. ago

i only use microSD cards and not many anyway so they can have any i find around here. lots
of give aways. not sure why they're swag still

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Cosmonaut52 · 4 yr. ago

When you have a drawer of free ones from events

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EdmontonChic · 4 yr. ago

In North Korea, you can be publicly executed for minor offenses like watching media not
approved by the government. Even movies from South Korea are banned. I've heard that when
they are planning a raid, they will cut the power, to ensure that the disk you were using is stuck
inside the player, so people will have two machines. One to use, one to act as a decoy if the
government/police raid your house.

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ertebolle · 4 yr. ago

ensure that the disk you were using is stuck inside the player
Don't they have
r/pics paperclips inReddit
North Korea?
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MondayToFriday · 4 yr. ago

Manual ejection pinholes would seem to be an essential feature. Are those also prohibited?

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Truthamania · 4 yr. ago

Came in here to ask if there were consequences for being caught with these flash drive. So
this well meaning and kind spirited campaign could inadvertently be leading to deaths?

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PresidentRex · 4 yr. ago

That wouldn't pose a problem for USB either way, but most Blu-ray and DVD drives have a
little pinhole you can use to eject the tray or disc. Not that they're likely all that popular, but
even the Xbone has a power-off eject.

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daperson1 · 4 yr. ago

It's worth noting that basically all disk drives have a tiny circular hole you can push a needle
into to manually open them.

For example, on this device there is a small circular hole in the bottom right of the image,
slightly up and to the left of the eject button. Push a paperclip or needle into this and it'll
unlatch the drive and allow you to open it when unpowered.

DVD players also typically have this feature.

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Dorandel · 4 yr. ago

Got a source for this? I'm asking because Westerners tend to push a lot of misleading
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DirtbagLeftist · 4 yr. ago

In North Korea, you can be publicly executed for minor offenses like watching media not
approved by the government.


Spoiler: there isn't one. I'm no fan of the DPRK but I'm so fucking sick of this frankly
ridiculous cold war era propaganda.

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ChipAyten · 4 yr. ago

Let's get these people some UPS batteries.

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LegoPaco · 4 yr. ago

I watched a doc on a NK survivor who was able to sneak out. She said her neighbor bragged
about reporting someone for watching a SK drama show

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oddestowl · 4 yr. ago

My first thought was how dangerous this must be for citizens caught with one in their
possession. I can only assume the citizens willing to use this and look at the content are the
ones already doubting their country.

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RexMundi000 · 4 yr. ago

I've heard that when they are planning a raid, they will cut the power, to ensure that the
disk you were using is stuck inside the player,

What do they not have paperclips in North Korea?

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EuropoBob · 4 yr. ago

So they have 2 laptops, and we're sending them things?

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Spartan2470 +3 · 4 yr. ago

Here appears to be the source of this image. Credit to the photographer, Imgur user
CatDoaawwg. There they provide the following caption:

Taken at DEFCON this year. I’m an InfoSec recruiter. DM me if you you’re in the industry and
looking for a new job! (Preferably in the Washington DC area) also if you’re a hiring manager
and need help finding talent!

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MrTechnonaught · 4 yr. ago

By the end, this thing was completely full too. Kinda cool.

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r4dical0verride · 4 yr. ago

Sounds like an amazing way to harvest a ton of personal data from poorly sanitized
removable media. I mean, it is DEFCON after all.

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ShadowsOfTheFuture · 4 yr. ago

This is at every defcon not just this one.

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dannielr · 4 yr. ago

I want to be in the industry :(

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ibecharlie · 4 yr. ago

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Dr-Plumbus · 4 yr. ago

Reddit formatting huh

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ribeyecut · 4 yr. ago

Here's a link to the very good Frontline episode on North Korea:


DVDs, thumb drives, laptops, and radios are smuggled into North Korea from China. There's a
thriving black market apparently. From a transcript of the episode:

JEONG KWANG-IL: [through interpreter] The men prefer watching action films. Men love
their action films. I sent them Skyfall recently. The women enjoy watching soap operas and
dramas. They like that kind of film. Now they're sharing thumb drives a lot. Even officials
have one or two. North Korea is trying to hunt them down because the thing that changes
people's mindsets is popular culture. It probably has the most important role in bringing
about democracy in North Korea.

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aboutthednm · 4 yr. ago

We're sorry, but this video is not available in your region due to right restrictions.


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TopScruffy · 4 yr. ago · edited 4 yr. ago

They're not actually "brainwashed" though. I'm sure they love the USBs for entertainment
purposes, but they're fully aware of how fucked up NK is. What keeps the country in that
state is a forced tattletale culture where everyone has to pretend to be brainwashed. (e: what
I mean by "forced tattletale" is they all have an assigned group which meets at assigned
times. If you don't have anything to tattle about, you're punished, so to avoid punishment
everyone is constantly looking for things to tattle about)

So if you ask someone "did your great leader invent the hamburger?" They don't say yes
because they believe it, they say yes because someone else will tattle if they say no.
When they r/pics
cheer at propaganda like the US getting bombed they're only cheering because
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someone will report if they didn't cheer enough.

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richardrasmus · 4 yr. ago

Honestly I don't care if they have democracy (everyone tolerates arabias monarchy) I just
want the place to be open and calm

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niton · 4 yr. ago

Here is a news story on this specific movement:

"The citizens do not care about state propaganda but increasingly watch illegally
imported South Korean movies and dramas," a high level defector told CNN.
"Over the last decade, entertainment has really saturated the North Korean society," he
says. "So it's very ubiquitous — common — for people to sit and quietly, secretly watch
movies and entertainment."

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GRat9717 · 4 yr. ago

Anyone have a flash drive shaped like a dick?

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PhDropOut_real · 4 yr. ago

“Suck my disk!”

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nn711 · 4 yr. ago

here you go

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cigarilllo · 4 yr. ago
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Who decides what information is sent?

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famousevan · 4 yr. ago · edited 4 yr. ago

North Korean defectors working with the foundation.

Edit: https://flashdrivesforfreedom.org/ Check it.

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zebra-in-box · 4 yr. ago

When you find out this is actually KJU's scheme to get free computer chips

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Kasiuula · 4 yr. ago

Aren't North Koreans executed for watching american films?

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LabCoatGuy · 4 yr. ago

Any foreign media. Only the lower echelons of NK society get executed apparently because
I’ve heard most people watch South Korean media in NK. Also their leader watches
basketball so 🤷‍♂️

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eoswald · 4 yr. ago

that's ok! death is welcome.

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TopherVee · 4 yr. ago

This seems like a fantastic way to get people executed.

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DViceCrim · 4 yr. ago

There's no way that this isn't a con . . .

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GhostalMedia +2 · 4 yr. ago

Totally. These mother fuckers just want to use unerase software to open and copy your old

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Fuegopants · 4 yr. ago

This is a real organization. This picture was taken at DefCon this year by their booth and they
return every year collecting donations.

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undercooked_lasagna · 4 yr. ago

Good thing I filled mine with dick pics first.

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byyourleavesir · 4 yr. ago · edited 4 yr. ago

This was at defcon this year. I didn't trust it.

Edit: I didn't trust it because the devices were not secure and they were on the public side of
the booth on a packed vendor hall. Not saying people are all malicious but considering the
venue and "forthelulz" there was a non zero chance some drives got swiped.

I did however like their Kim Jung Un ice skating poster.

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mourning_starre · 4 yr. ago

Get your information stolen and get a North Korean father of seven starving kids executed in
one move!
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the4ndy · 4 yr. ago

It's from a con....a conference, defcon. The world's largest hacking conference. I know the
folks that help out with this program, it's very good and actually quite successful

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______Passion · 4 yr. ago

yep, it's a def-con =)

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what_he_has_had · 4 yr. ago

Your average North Korean with a computer isn’t brainwashed, they just know the
consequences of wrong think.

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TheOneLandon · 4 yr. ago

Wouldn't that also be a form of propaganda?

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Gig472 · 4 yr. ago

Pretty much.

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nick_umd · 4 yr. ago · edited 4 yr. ago

Holy Smokes!!! We made the front page (:

If you guys want to get involved you can donate your old flash drives to the cause. Head on
over to https://flashdrivesforfreedom.org/ and grab their address.
Also if you want you can force
to donate a drive on your behalf. Just tweet 
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#FlashDrivesforFreedom to @usbmemorydirect and tell us to "Donate a drive for me" and we
will donate a flash drive for you.

For more information you can check out our blog about the campaign:

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KingInky13 · 4 yr. ago

Question, why would you only donate drives if someone specifically tells you to over Twitter
instead of just doing it if you have drives available?

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CocaineKaty · 4 yr. ago

What's the punishment for NK citizen if they're caught with a USB drive full of U.S. Propaganda?

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Mark7A +1 · 4 yr. ago

probably a stern talking to and perhaps docking a day's pay.

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fcfcchelsea · 4 yr. ago

The punishment is execution for those who distribute large amounts of propaganda. I would
imagine it is less severe for the many citizens who view it.

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Ngoscope · 4 yr. ago

But isnt this, in itself, propaganda?
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qwertymanr88 · 4 yr. ago

Yes it sure is

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[deleted] · 4 yr. ago

How about we free ourselves from our own propaganda machine while we're at it?

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alsismypenis_ · 4 yr. ago

This is so wonderful.

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