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Date: 01/11/2021 Emp. #.


Passport No. S2616054

Subject : Letter of Employment -Mission Visa

We are pleased to advise that you have successfully passed our employment requirements and pleased to offer
you employment with the Company. You will be employed by the company subject to approval from the Labour
& Immigration Authorities in the United Arab Emirates.


Basic Salary : AED 1400 + OT
Gross Salary : AED 1400
Project : GASCO / ENOC
Job Location : Anywhere in UAE Region.
Food : Provided by the company during the site deployment
Accommodation : Provided by the company during the site deployment
Project Duration : Minimum 01 Month and extendable depending upon the requirement.
Air ticket : Return air to Home Town, provided by company on Carrier/Route chosen by

Terms and Conditions

Company has full right to assign employees in multiple projects in during their tenure with emdad services/
Intergulf general contracting. In case any employee requested for early departure or refuse to work then the
company will have the full right to deduct the expense incurred for the mobilization including visa, ticket and
training cost

All other terms and conditions of your employment will be in accordance with your UAE Labour Contract.
We welcome you to the Company and look forward to a long and fruitful working relationship.

Yours sincerely,

Anish Jain

HR Operations Manager

Signed in acceptance: ____________________ Date: ______________

TMF-8207-HR-0001 © Emdad Services LLC & Intergulf General Contracting LLC 15 April 2014
Revision No.0 This document is the property of Emdad Services LLC & Intergulf General Contracting LLC. Page 1 of 1
This document must not be copied or reproduced in any way whatsoever, and must not be passed on to
any third party without written authority from Emdad Services LLC & Intergulf General Contracting LLC.

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