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Reading Part 2 Questions 6-10 Foreach question, choose the correct answer. ‘The people below al want tovisi a studio where films are made, On thenest page there are descriptions of eight film studios that people can visit. Decide which film studios would be the most suitable forthe people below. 1 ‘Tom wants to look around the studio at his own speed, and vist the actual sets where films were made, His mum wants to see online what the studio slike before she buys tickets. Ingrid interested in seeing costumes that famous actors have worn, and she'd 7 also like to ride on a vehicle that originally appeared in a film. Ingrid’s mum wants 9 souvenieto remember thee trip. Roberto wants to visit a studio where famous films were made many years ago, and 8 ‘buy something that appeared in one of the fis. His dad wants o book online before they go. ‘Simone likes science ition films, and prefers looking a digital displays about how 9 special effects are achieved to reading information. Simone's dad wants to get a igital guide. en isinterested in how scenes from famous cities are created in studios. He'd also ike 10 to visit film locations outside the studios, accompanied by a guide who can answer his questions Film studios A Grand Studios ‘These studios have beon the home of epecial effects for years! There's plenty to look st and read, ‘0 allow lots of time for your visit And our friendly ‘guides around the studios are ready to help direct ‘you to the most interesting sights. I's best to book online in advance, c Waverley Studios ‘These studios are huge, with plenty of space for displaying the scenery and stages where big stars acted in scenes from famous films. Check the website to see exactly what the studio offers inside ‘And hecause youte not shovwn around i groups, you can spend as much time there as you want! E ‘WestWays ‘To visit this studio, gat tickets in advance through the ‘website, to avoid long queues it's very popular with people who love top movies from the 40s, many of Which were filmed hare. The studio also has great selection of items from various movies, now on sale as souvenir! a Star Studios ‘See 2.260" online tour ofthese studios before you ‘come ~they/'e huge! And during your vis, ride through what look ike London and Paris streets, fn original Buses used In old fim, and even try on costumes from flms made here. Digital displays wil ive you plenty of information! B Movieworld ‘You'l find the best movies ever here set far into the future! Use te interactive videos on our computers, to see how actors are turned into on-screen monsters, using amaring make-up, costumes and ‘ming techniques, and models of dinosaurs are ‘reated to look as though they're alive! There are ‘video activities, and ‘ours’ of the studio to download. > Screen World ‘Many famous movies from the last century were made in these studios, and you can sil see the costumes wor in them, and the original sets used inthe fms. “There's a seul digtal guide you can buy here, so {youll ind your way through these studios really ucky! F FilmFun Come and visit amazingly realistic sets, from the stroots of NewYork to the historical sites of Rome and walk around them|The tour sleo includes @ bus ride to placas in the eurroundlng area which have appeared in films, with a staff member to te ‘you whatever you'd ke to know. 4 FilmPark FilmPark has an amazing collection of old cars once used in films ~ and they stil work! So, have a erip in one and see the studios as youre driven around its huge city street scenes. There's aso a collection of original clothes thar stars were dressed in for their movies. Visitors get fee photos of themselves as they leave, Reading Part 3 Questions 11-15 For each question, choose the correct answer. Our Great Ocean Road adventure by Donna Waverley ‘My fomily and | recently went to Australia, fo see my grandparents. But before wwe visited them, we went sightseeing ability 26 A totaly B absolutely © completely D fully Readina Part & = Reading Part 6 Questions27-32, For each question, write the correct word. Write one word foreach gap. HiAnna, \vejust been to the museum in our city. That was my first vist, believe it or (27)...._.....! wanted to collect some information for our class history project. We have to hand it (28) .....soon, don't we? | went to the Ancient History section, (29)... the museum keeps alli ancient Egyptian stuff. It was «cally interesting! There were some amazing statues of various animals, so I drew some pictures of them and then (30)... some research about them online when | got home, Fve stil got some work to do on my project, s0 ll need to go back to the museum again some time soon. In fact, (33) don’t we go together? | don’t think you've been there before, (32) -o--w- You? m sure youll find something that you could use for your project. ‘Seeyousoon! sally

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