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Stenography, commonly known as shorthand, is a method of quick writing that uses symbols in place of
letters, words and places. It is used to make note taking easier in classes, lecture, and business meetings
and specially in court hearings. It is still being used to take notes even with the Advent of personal
recording devices. Learning shorthand is a requirement for stenography, and knowing shorthand is
useful in many circumstances and jobs. Shorthand is still used today when stenography machines are
not available.

In Bachelor of Science in Office Administration , stenography is one of the major subjects being offered,
and Gregg Shorthand is being used. Gregg Shorthand was invented by John Robert Gregg and was first
published in 1888. Since then many different versions have appeared, including some for languages
other than English. Gregg Shorthand is still used nowadays, specially by many professionals. Gregg
Shorthand is phonetic: it records the sound la of speech rather than the spelling. Its main goal is to
educate the students to write Steno or Shorthand by the used of different strokes and techniques that
enable them to grasp easily what has been dictated.

On the other hand, Steno Machine is a specially designed machinewhicj is used for taking Shorthand.
Many courts reporters used stenograph machines to quickly and accurately record testimony and the
devices are also used by students to take notes.

Students find difficulty in Steno since they just met this subject in college. Unlike other subjects, they do
not have an idea about it. Students are having a hard time in dealing with Shorthand and it requires
effort, attention, skill and focus to this matter. It is like that you are an elementary student familiarizing
new letters and words. Not not just with Gregg Shorthand, students also find difficulty in steno machine.
At first glance, a Steno Machine looks like a regular keyboard. But once you will use it for shorthand , it is
really difficult since there is no letter written on the keyboard. It is very far from a computer keyboard. It
needs familiarization of strokes and also constant practice.

Office Administration students are expected to work in many establishments specially in courts as
stenographers. But before dealing with those, BSOA students must first learn, understand and have a
good performance in Steno in order to get hired. They must acquire all the skills and motivations to
achieve such goals.
Therefore, the researchers find interest to investigate the Gregg Shorthand and machine shorthand
performance of Bachelor of Science in Office Administration third year students in terms of speed and
accuracy to find out if they can write dictated words and phrases with speed and transcribe it
accurately. An action program shall be proposed for the improvement of their performance.


The general notion has been that shorthand is a difficult subject.Its difficult nature can only be
compared with that of mathematics according to students belief.A good number of students believe
that shorthand is beyond human comprehension and as a result in the studying of the course.

Some student due to the previous fear they have for shorthand even before the dictation start,begin to
shiver thereby putting their outlines wrongly and find it difficulty to be able to transcribe well.Taking
cognizance of this negative attitude developed by student in this topic as a solution to their problem of
poor performance in shorthand.(https//>factor...web results Factors Affecting
Students.....iproject free)


This research worked along the following null hypothesis:

1. There are no significant differences on the learning proficiency level of student when they are
grouped according to the following: gender, type of classes

2. There are no significant differences on the learning proficiency levels of students along their
interventions when they are grouped according to following:

2.1 Gender
2.2 Age

2.3 Type of classes

3. There are no significant differences on the learning proficiency of students in the different learning

4. There are no significant differences on the learning proficiency levels of the respondents when their
performance is grouped by the learning approaches used?

Significance of the Study

This research work will be of a great advantage to the entire students of secretarial studies to be aware
of the factors that affect them in learning shorthand and produce adequate solution to these
problems.It helps them to develop good attitude towards shorthand that help them in increasing their
knowledge of the course in order to meet up.(>factor...web results Factors
Affecting Students.... iproject free)

Consequently,the project work will help the students to identify their areas of weakness in the course
and try to make immediate remediation,that is those lacking behind to cheer up.
(>Factors Influencing Students Performance in Shorthand)

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