Module 2 - MIL (Final)

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Grade and Section:____________________

Learning Module No. 2

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What is this module all about?

The following topics are included in this module:
(1) The evolution of Traditional to new Media and Information literacy
a. Prehistoric Age
b. Industrial Age
c. Electronic Age
d. New (Information) Age

What do you need to learn?

In this module, you are expected to meet the following competencies;
(1) Identify traditional media and new media and their relationships;
(2) Editorialize the roles and functions of media in democratic society; and
(3) Search the latest theory on information and media. (DepEd-MELC, DICES)

Before we proceed to the discussion of each lesson, let us first assess your prior knowledge about
The Evolution of Traditional to new Media and Information literacy.

A. Directions: Study the media forms indicated in the first column on the table below. Put a check mark on the
corresponding cell identifying whether the media form is traditional or new.
Media forms Traditional New
Online video games
Web video portals

Refer to the Answer Key on the last page of this module to check your answers.
Day 1

Concept Notes:

The Evolution of Media: From Traditional to New

The Marshall McLuhan Mantra

Marshall McLuhan, who is famous for the phrase “the medium is the message” and is the proponent of
the media theory on technological determinism, believed that society is driven by changes in media and
communication technology. McLuhan (2007) explained that society adapts to advances in technology, thus,
changing cultural, political, and even historical aspects of that society.

Take for instance the case of a mobile phone and a computer. How did these two gadgets change the way
people live their lives today? Some of you might think that it is almost unimaginable to revert back to the old
times where these two did not exist. People who agree with the technological deterministic idea believe that the
media and communication have and will always significantly affect and change our way of life.
For detailed explanation, refer to your book, Media and Information Literacy on pages 19-21.

Fig. 2.3 McLuhan’s Media Map of History Adapted from 300

Activity No. 1.1
Directions: Answer the following question below. Write your answer on a LAS (Learning
Activity Sheet). Be guided by the given rubric.

What media forms do you usually use to convey a message to another person? What messages do you
usually want to get across to your intended receiver?
Rubric for scoring:
Anchors 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
The output shows
The output shows
excellence with regard The output shows a
complete The ideas needed are
Content to the completeness of little completeness in
information and not complete at all.
essential information the presented ideas.
ideas needed.
The output shows The output shows The output at least The idea in the
excellence with regard unity in terms of the shows unity in the output shows no
to the unity of the ideas presented. message or unity at all.
message of the output or presentation.
presentation that is
highly visible.
Day 2

Concept Notes:

Milestones in Media Evolution

For McLuhan (1962), the three most significant inventions in communication would be the phonetic
alphabet, the printing press, and the telegraph. Each of them linked one period to another. As mentioned earlier,
the most recent forms of media carry the features of the older media.

For detailed explanation, refer to your book, Media and Information Literacy, on pages 22-23.

Activity No. 2.2

Directions: Answer the following question below. Write your answer on a LAS (Learning
Activity Sheet). Be guided by the given rubric.

Does technology shape society, or does society shape technology? Defend your answer.
Rubric for scoring:
Anchors 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
The output shows
The output shows
excellence with regard The output shows a
complete The ideas needed are
Content to the completeness of little completeness in
information and not complete at all.
essential information the presented ideas.
ideas needed.

The output shows The output shows The output at least The idea in the
excellence with regard unity in terms of the shows unity in the output shows no
to the unity of the ideas presented. message or unity at all.
message of the output or presentation.
presentation that is
highly visible.

Day 3

Concept Notes:

Traditional vs. New Media

In the beginning of this lesson, you were asked to identify which of the media forms stated are
considered “traditional” and which ones are “new.” What were your bases for answers?

For detailed explanation, refer to your book, Media and Information Literacy, on pages 23-24.

Activity No. 2.3

Directions: What happens when the following human communication experiences are performed
through new media? Identify how new media can be applied in each scenario, as well as the new
media categories in which these applications would fall.

Human Communication New Media Application New Media Category

1. This weekend, Glenn and
his group mates are
planning to discuss their
plans for the final project.
2. Jayser is applying for a
position at a pharmaceutical
company and has been
invited for an interview.
3. The final requirement for
Faith’s English class is a
library research paper on a
topic of her choice.
4. Macro misses playing
Scrabble with his auntie,
who now lives in the US.
5. Marietta, a working student,
wants to shop for clothes,
but she has no time to do so.
She has so many tasks to
complete at work and in


A. Matching Type
Directions: Choose the letter that best describes the statement in each number. Answers may be

_______1. Cave paintings convey that the human race has a rich a. Electronic Age
_______2. Mathematicians use computers to help them calculate b. Ice Age
large numbers.
_______3. People can access online newspapers using an iPad or c. Industrial Age
a tablet.
_______4. The production of newspapers was made faster during d. New Age
this era.
_______5. The early computers used to be bulky and heavy as e. Prehistoric Age
their internal parts were bigger.

B. Check Your Understanding
Directions: Answer the question below. Be guided by the given rubric.

1. What are the differences between face-to-face communications and mediated interpersonal
communication? Which one do you prefer? Explain your answer by citing examples.
Rubric for scoring:
Anchors 4 points 3 points 2 points 1 point
The output shows
excellence with regard The output shows The output shows a little
The ideas needed are
Content to the completeness of complete information completeness in the
not complete at all.
essential information and ideas needed. presented ideas.
The output shows The output shows The output at least The idea in the output
excellence with regard unity in terms of the shows unity in the shows no unity at all.
to the unity of the ideas presented. message or
message of the output presentation.
or presentation that is
highly visible.
You have successfully accomplished your 2nd module!
I hope you have gained all the learning competencies on this module. Good job, Batang DICES!


Here are the answers in the Pre-test. Please look at this New Web video portals
part only after accomplishing the module and the tests Traditional Radio
included. Remember, be honest! Please check your New Online video games
answers and determine how much knowledge you have Traditional Television
attained. Then, you may go back to answering the rest of Traditional Magazines
this module.
Key to correction:

How many items did you get correctly?

Let’s now continue with our lessons to better understand the topics.


Sayuno, C.M.M., and Liquigan, B.C. (2019). Diwa Senior High School Series: Media and Information

Literacy (Second Edition) Module. Diwa Learning System Inc., 4/F SEDCO 1 Bldg.

120 Thailand corner Legazpi Streets. Legaspi Village, 1229 Makati City, Philippines.



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