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ACTIVITY 9.1: “The Near Future and the Deep Future”

Direction/s: Using the threshold card below, supply the appropriate answer for each question
or category. Provide concise answers and explanation.

FONT: Calibri FONT SIZE: 12 PAPER SIZE: 8.5 X 11 (letter)

Activity: Name: Andrew G. Carreon

“The Near Future and Course: Aeronautical Engineering
the Deep Future” Year & Section: 1AE-102 Schedule: (TTH)
1.Two things/events a. I would like to see peace and harmony among all countries, all
you wish to happen in religions.
the NEAR Future b. Face to face classes


We are all human. We should respect and enjoy our differences. No

one should feel superior to another. The hatred and violence must
stop. Every life is valuable. The torture and bullying is appalling. The
terror, horrendous.

I am admitting that I am really having a hard time studying which is

this kind of learning because I am not used to it. Through I am
learning, but not as the same knowledge that face-to-face is giving
me. If there Two things/events you wish to happen in the NEAR
Future, I will wish to disappear COVID-19 and bring the back the old
not this new normal.

2.Two things/events a. Clean and Healthy Environment

you wish to happen in b. There will be no wars

Cleaning the environment is the key to existence and survival of life

on planet earth. Maintaining a clean environment reduces pollution,
preserves our biosphere, protects endangered species, and also helps
preserve the earth's natural resources. In society, the state of
cleanliness of a society represents the mindset.

Violence is always a big no for me. I always wish for peace in each
corner of the globe. Not only for the relationship of our country and
to other country, but also with the countrymen. With wars, citizens
are the one who fully affected.
3. How do you intend Don’t compare yourself. Your own wisdom and experience will have
to live as a human uniquely shaped you for wherever you need to be and wherever you
person? are heading. Be grateful for what you have – even the lumps. You
never know the person you might be without it.
4. Give one Present define our future. It is in our hand what will happen in the so
importantrealization called “future” depending on our doings and decision. Thus, thinking
you have learned in before acting is a great lesson.
this lesson.

My Commitment: I promised to do good things such as respecting, loving, and being

kind to others as well as in the nature. To attain the future I’ve
imagine in my mind.
Signature/Affirmation: Andrew G. Carreon

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