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Chapter 3:Visit To Tatsunagi Mansion

Aichi was walking to the school. Suddenly someone called him.

"Aichi Sendou!"
It was Rekka.
"So there is something we need to talk.",Rekka continued.
"Kourin has been really off mood lately do you know?"
"Kourin-San? Well she hasn't been visiting club. We thought that she is been busy."
"We are always busy!We are idols afterall!",Rekka flattered about herself and Ultra rare.
"But.Kourin is really being off mood lately and also upset.You should know why right?I thought
you liked her?"
"What!",Aichi got surprised. "Well I think you have heard about the rumors from Kourin-san. Well
you see there is nothing like that. To me Kourin-san is only my friend like everyone else."
When are these rumors going to end?,Aichi wondered.

Misaki-San did say to me that they have been existing for a long time. I hope this ends soon. I
don't want others to mistake mine and Kourin-San's friendship as some sort of love
relationship.I don't want to people to have the wrong idea about something that has never been

"What!! So you just friendzoned Kourin!! She is an idol you know? Lots of people are crazy for
her along with us. I don't get why you are not attracted to her?",Rekka asked a bit angrily.
It hurts to know someone whom the Ultra Rare Kourin has liked doesn't really like her that way.

"I know Kourin-San is an idol but I have always seen her just as a teammate rather than
something else. Plus why should feel different for her compared to others. Kourin-san is a nice
friend and I respect her as a cardfight. To be honest there is seriously nothing else though
",Aichi replied.

"Ok I get it!",Rekka said annoyingly.

"So if Kourin is your friend can you visit her? Its true that she has been upset lately.",Ushimaru
walked out from the driver seat of Rekka's car.

"Well fine then.",Aichi said.

If Kourin-San is really upset maybe I should tell the others, Aichi thought.

So Aichi told the other three club members of about what Rekka and Ushimaru told him about
Kourin.Hearing Kourin is sad about something Naoki insisted that they should all go to visit her.
Misaki also got worried about Kourin and agreed with them,Shingo too agreed to go.

Rekka and Suiko looked out of the window as Aichi,Misaki,Naoki,Shingo entered the Tatsunagi
"What seriously!Aichi brought his other three friends with him!!I thought he would come
alone!",Rekka said ,being a bit irritated.

"Well they are all Kourin's friends. Maybe seeing the club will cheer her up.",Suiko replied
calming Rekka.

Ushimaru led Aichi,Naoki,Misaki,Shingo to Kourin.

"What are you all doing here?"
"Well Rekka and Ushimaru said to Aichi that you have been sad about something and you
haven't been visiting the club either so we came.Will you like to play vanguard?I bet that can
make you happy .",Naoki replied.
Kourin wondered.
"Fine!But it's me vs Aichi.You are ok with it?",She asked Aichi.
"I won't mind to have a match with you Kourin-San.",Aichi replied.

They started the vanguard match.


You are amazing Aichi.,Kourin thought on her own.

But you have so many friends and I know you will only look at me as a friend forever. Somehow
I am missing the IF world now. Even though it was distorted I at least got to stay with you the
most there. A part of me still wants things to be like that even if it was wrong. Even if you didn't
seem to care of me and thought of me as only your slave there but at least of all your friends I
get to stay by your side the most. You probably had no idea back there you were referring to me
only by me name though it was because you thought lowly of me but still I somehow liked that.
But when the real you is surrounded by friends being happy playing vanguard I seem like I
really have very little space in it.

It was Aichi's turn.

"Well Aichi why do you refer me as Kourin-San? Naoki calls me Kourin though. If we are friends
you should also try to do the same."

"Huh!",Aichi got a bit shocked at what Kourin said.

"But I also call Misaki-San ,Misaki-san.She is also my friend.",Aichi replied.

"Well forget it.",Kourin said knowing that Aichi can never understand her feelings and even if he
does he will only act nicely to her because it's like of Aichi not to hurt his friends' feelings.
Aichi can never be really in love with Kourin.

What was Kourin trying to say right now?,Misaki wondered

Could it be? No I am not thinking right. Plus it's like of Aichi to treat Kourin as a friend .I am
letting the rumors get better of me.
"Blaster Blade attacks the vanguard.",Aichi said as Kourin checked her 6th damage.
Aichi had won the fight.

Kourin sighed,"Well nice fight."

"Ok fight me",Naoki said excitedly.

After spending time with Kourin seeing that she has gotten over whatever was bothering her
they left Tatsunagi Mansion.

Kourin watched them leave.

Well I guess this is how it is supposed to be like.
"Hey you look a bit better though not much. Don't tell me you are fine with the way things
are!",Rekka said.

"Well I am. I guess as long as I can keep the memories I made with Miyaji Academy Cardfight
Club and as long as you two are with me I am fine with Aichi not liking me . Even though it
hurts but it's fine cause everyone likes him. I can never selfishly keep him for myself. Oh
and considering me and Aichi are just good friends I would rather like you two to us that
way .You can't treat us as a couple okay cause we are not. So I hope you would stop
teasing me about Aichi considering …."

"Considering what?",Suiko asked.

"Considering that he will always be seeing me as a friend and can never be in love with
me.",Kourin said a little sadly.She felt weird that even if she is an idol and boys are crazily in
love with her,the one whom she likes isn't.Guess you can't get everything in life.

"Well I am fine.Afterall I have friends like Naoki,Shingo,Misaki,Aichi and you guys."

Suiko smiled.

Rekka though still salty about the whole situation said,"Ok if that makes you happy then fine.
And I am definitely not going to tease you about Aichi anymore. He isn't your type ."

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