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March 4, 2020


The Teacher and the Community, School Culture and Organizational leadership



Sector of education as the second on the highest allocation of budget with 553.31 billion
pesos. Education is the key to one’s success, it is a tool which provides people with knowledge,
skills, technique, information and education is an important aspect that plays a vital role in
empowering the society and the community as well as its members.

Education empowers everyone and it does play an important role in the society and in
the community regardless of which country or region of the world you’re living in. One of the
main reasons why it is important is because education teaches the members of the society
about its norms and values hence bringing a positive outcome.

Education can improve one’s social economic status, educated people has a lot of
chances and opportunities of having a better career and business options compared to those
who have none or lesser education, in fact, most of the government and private sectors prioritize
those who have a college degree and for many reasons, including long-term financial gain, job
stability, career satisfaction and greater chances on finding a better job.

Education eliminates crimes and terrorism, as it is a tool used to shape the mind of
people to distinguish between rights and wrongs. Hence, educated people are more likely to
avoid on committing crimes or falling into propaganda proliferated by terrorist. Educated person
cannot be easily persuaded by any beliefs because they think critically before creating a certain

Education contributes in economic progress, an educated person is an asset to the

country, because it attracts a lot of job and business opportunities inside and outside of the
country hence it lessens the unemployment rate of the country. Furthermore, educated people
don’t become a burden to the community and do not need a dole or full support from the
government, instead educated people with stable jobs are a taxpayer which also contributes to
the country’s economy.
Education plays an important role in the society and in our community, as it allows
people to provide a better lifestyle for their families, helps the people to take appropriate
decisions in life, it opens an opportunity the people to directly or indirectly help the country’s
economy. Education paves a way for people to create a new thing that help to improve lives.
This may be a cliché quote, but truly “Education is the key to success”, this is an inevitable truth
and funding a lot of money in the sector of education is absolutely necessary.

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