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Evolution of Philippine Taxation

Historical Periods Taxation Policies Implemented Implications

 Paying taxes for the protection from
the datu
 Not paying taxes is punishable Taxes are payed in the form of service. Only
 Chieftains family members are the Higher class enjoyed the luxury of life.
exempted in paying taxes
 Timawa class could acquire
properties and other necessities and
have to pay taxes.
 Oripun do not pay taxes for they
cannot acquire money for their
 Priestly class is tasked to keep tract
and record tributes and taxes
Spanish  -The Principales, alcaldes, The Implementation of taxation appeared
gobernadores, cabezas de progressive but the disparity between the
barangay, soldiers, mambers of the less taxed principals and the heavily taxed
civil guards, government officials peasants, made the rich richer, and the poor
and vargants were exempted in poorer.
paying tributes.
 Tribute/ buwis
 Cedula Personal is required from
every resident.
 Two direct taxes : Urbana and
industria tax
 Everyone over the age of 18 was
obligued to pay tributes.
 -Chinese paid discriminatory Cedula
which is bigger than the Filipino.
They are also obliged to pay Urbana
or industrial taxes.
 The Polo system rise, where the
Filipino males was obliged to serve
the spaniards
 Industrial Tax - levied on business The americans aimed to make the economy
company self-sufficient by running government with
 Land tax- levied on both urban and smallest possible sum revenue. The
rural state. Spanish system tax was followed with some
 Commonwealth Act No. 965 - modifications, Including the implementation
mandating the imposition of a base of land taxes. However, the appraising of
residence tax of fifty centavos and land value in rural areas was influenced by
an additional tax of one peso based political and familial factors. And the
on factors such as income and real government revenue decrease resulting in
estate holdings the lack of government budget.
 Residence Tax
 Income tax
 Inheritance tax
 Underwood-Simmons Tariff
 The Internal revenue law - passed
as a reaction of collecting land tax.
 Commonwealth Tax system still in Foreign trade fell and the main sources of
effect taxation came from
 Japanese armed forces are amusements,manufacturs, profession and
exempted in paying taxes business lincences.
Japanese  Foreign Trade Tax- main source of There is a difficulty in collecting of taxes and
tax from amusements, additional incomes of the government were
manufactureres, profession, and deprived from the sales of National
business liscenses sweepstakes and sales of government
Periods of Philippine republic Quirino, Magsaysay, Garcia, and
Macapagal Collection of taxes remained poor; tax
 Higher Corporate Tax Rate structure was still problematic; and much of
 Creation of Tax Commission (1959) public funds were lost to corruption resulting
- ensure an efficient tax collection to the incapability of the government to fund
scheme projects towards development.
 Omnibus tax Law
 Indirect taxation- Contributed Three
quarters of tax revenue Tax system was still heavily dependent on
Marcos indirect taxes.
 Indirect Taxes - Made up 70% of Tax system remained unresponsive. Taxes
total tax collection grew at an average annual rate of 15%
 Tax collection in gross domestic generated a low tax yield.
Tax collection and tax audits were
Corazon Aquino intensified; computerization was introduced;
 Tax Reform Program (1986) corruption was relatively reduced.
 VAT law (1986) Tax and revenue effort rate increases from
 Executive Order 127- Intensified tax 10.7% in 1985 to 15.4% in 1992.
collection and tax audit

Fidel Ramos
 Comprehensive Tax Reform The VAT base was broadened.

Joseph Estrada

Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

 Expanded Value-Added Tax (E-VAT) - Expanded the VAT base, subjecting to VAT
subjecting to VAT energy products energy products such as coal and petroleum
 VAT Tax rate increase products and electricity generation,
transmission and distribution.
VAT tax rate was increased from 10% to
Benigno Aquino III 12%.
 Sin Tax Reform- Excise tax in liquor Government revenue from alcohol and
and cigarettes tobacco excise taxes increases.
There was an Increase of budget in the
Department of Health and free health
Rodrigo Duterte insurance premium for the poor people
 Income Tax enrolled in Philhealth also increases (from
 Tax Reform for acceleration and 55.2 million in 2012 to 515.4 million in
Inclusion ( TRAIN) Law 2015.)

Expected lower income tax rates will be

shouldered by working Filipinos.
It is expected that the country's tax policy
will result in much desired economic
development that will be felt even by the
lowest classes in the society.

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