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Annex A
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For,A$encies !si{f} Fronfrins Ssrvice$


Gity of CabuYao, Lagu*na

Firrsi:&r]i {r ,?epuhli*..4r'i ?485. r{ri .Act i,r I*,'g:r-*i;e,. trt{iriency i* 1,1+ S*r'ir,ei3'cf G*'u+rulri:reni ller'nlc*
to the Public by Reducing Bureaucratic Reci Tape, fueventing Graft and
Corruption, and Providing Penalties Therefor

l, ARNOLD G. VALENCIA, of legai age, General Marlasqr of the CABUYAO WATER DISTRICT,
R*ie tV *f its lmplenreprting Rules anci Rlgutations, hereby declare anci certify the foliowing facts.
1) The Cabuyao Water District including its five (5) collection offices has established its service
standards known as the Citizen's Charter that enumerates the following:
a Vi*iarr anei n';is*ian *{ tir* agency
b. Frontline services offered
c Step by stea procedur* in availing of frontiine services
d. Employee responsible for each step
e. Time needed to complete the procedure
f. Amount of tees
g. Required documents
h. Pr**eriu;* f*r filing ccmplainis

2) The Citizen's Charter is posted as information billboards in all the services of Cabuyao Water
District tl'rat deliver" frontllne services.
3) The Citizen's Charter is positioned at the main entrance of the office of at the most
conspicuous place of all the said service offices.
4i Th* Citiaen s Chart*;" is wriltefi eiiher in EnEii*h, Fiiipir"lo *r in the l*cai dialect arid published
as an irrformation materiai (e.9. booklet or brochure).
5) The Citizen's Charter is uploaded in the agency's website and accessible to the public.
Aj The agen*y ha* unCert*k"e.ri self-asse$sffisili anC reprrtinE o{ irriprov*ntsr":1.s in iis *xiql,ng
Citizen's Charter.
7) The Citizen's Charter shows the process improvements, specifically on the streamlining of
proceciures and shortened turnaround tinre, on the most availed frontline services:

Frontline Process lmprovement Action Taken to lmprove ResultslBenefits

$eruice Froeess
[:inance Lr'tiiizatrcn of advance Use of payment systern Snorten queuing time
Section technology that generates for customers
cornpr:te rizeci ieiectronic
./\;f,^, -. i L\
vrrir,er i \cuSill

Commercial Utilization of advance Use of program that Provide immediate

Section technoiogy m+nitors the status cf feedback to customer
tusi*rnei"'s **rvii+
request and/or complain
lmprove processing time Conduct on-site New service appiicants
l^,- :-.-.,- .J^^
tui I-.-.".
rgvv DEl vtuc processing e{ appiicati*;: -.r-.

application including inspection and immediately

mandatory orientation

This certification is being issued to attest to the accuracy of all the foregoing based on available records
and iniormation that nan tre verified.

' ",. 2020

lN WITNESS HEREOF, lhave hereunto set my hand this _ OlVlo|'l'I('_ in the
with affiant exhibiting to me his issued on

f,r{:n *rre r
ia 1q. :iJ5L,

Cabuyao Water District

NOIAfrI ruo.201 9..19
Doc. No. llasl V/dLID UI{TI l_.t c[]dPrR 3{, 2422
FTH No. 1 ?516S? C {Elnao
Page irio. "*_ .q5 0, .0s.2020
**;k tuc I1i MCLE COr,,gp1y4q3 CE l,trr. Vl
Series of .4lea\ VALIII Ui\71 L ADR'L 14,2A22 3Ee
IBP l-!FETrAjli_ F;i) i: j
: 1 CI: it,$ Ll f,ln. {.?08?

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