Emergency Reposne Plan

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Private Engineering Ottice pelo geunbigh caSelt AL KHOR EXPRESSWAY (16-031) EMERGENCY RESPONSE PLAN 29 APRIL 2017 Doc. No. AKE-PHO-TEK-PLN-HS-00003 _Rev.C1 Prepared by: B eee are arn eee gS oe KEOW recommen SoS KEOM —KEO ACTION Document Revision Hstry | fo AKE-PHO-TEX-PLN-HS-O0003_CST Description f Rein | mmm | re we tho A\p” a oe [ooo eee oso ellie ll ‘Doe Re ARE PRO TOCPOERS DO Rewer Ie ‘Table of Contents Purpose s 2 scope i 2. REFERENCES: 5 4. DEFINITION & ABBREVIATION s 5. RESPONSIBLITES 6 51. Project Manager, 6 52 Construction Manager 6 53. HSE Manager / Deputy HSE Manager. 6 54 HSE Chef /ffcer 6 535 Site Engineer /Supensor / Foreman 7 ‘5 Emergency Response Teams 7 8 8 8 in 3 3 ° 9 9 9 9 5.7 Emergency Response Team Commander (RTC) 58 Emergency Response eam Members [ERTM) 5.10 Muster Point Contoler/ Checker (MPC) 5.12 Search & Rescue Team Leader 5.12 Fire Fighting Team Leader 513 ire Warden 5. First Alder 5.15 Spi Control Team S48 Security Team, 5.7 Medical Team (Ste Medical Doctor / Muse, 5.8, Employees / Visto 66. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION 10 6.4 Organlzation scture 10 7. POTENTIAL EMERGENCY SITUATIONS 1 3. EMERGENCY PLANNING au 9. EMERGENCY PREVENTION & CONTROLS 1 92 fre n 9:2 Workplace incident 2 93 Severe Westher 2 934 Splage of Hazardous Matera 2 95 Communicable Diseases, 2 10, EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS B 10.1 Emergency Response Resources B 30.2 Inspection and Maintenance of Emergency Response Resources 4 Page do TS oD0oE ——-o-—~ 8. Ee 11, EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION AND REPORTING u 11.1 Emergency Hotine Number, 1 11.2 Emergency Reporting 35 12, EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES 35 12.1 General Emergency 16 122 atalty 6 123 Fire & Bpleson 16 124 Incident inwohing Hazardous Materials v7 125 H25 Hydrogen Sulphide) Leakage ” 126 Excavation Cllapse e 12.7 Confined Space Incident / Entrapment 18 4128 Fall from Height 8 329 Road Trafic Accent (RTA) 18 132.10 Electre Shock 29 12.11 Heatvelated Emergencies 29 12.12 Natura Disaster 20 £213 Ch Unrest, 20 13, EVACUATION PROCEDURE 20 131 Planning & Preparation eeeeeee ies Hite etna ie TE ETE 123 Assisting the Mobily mpaed i pit inn nn i 185 Secunty ThreatGvecuatlon {EMERGENCY REPONSE TRAINING aoa. 415. EMERGENCY Ons ExERCIsE __2 36. RECORDS, 2 17, REVIEWING AND REVISING ERP 2 18. APPENDICES _ 2 APPENDIX A Project Site Boundaries, 23 APENOOC - Emergency Response Teams 26 APPEND C- Fist Aider Us —__# [APPENDOCD Location of Medical Cnc & Frst Ai Station, 30 APPENDOCE—TEKFEN Office Emergency Evacuation Layout Plans 3 Toe No, REPRO TAPS 00003 Fan PapeaaaT KEON Ee 1. PURPOSE ‘The purpose ofthis plan sto furl the gules forthe person wort at Khar Expres projec for eeoning (her ahacenes an preparedness aaring emergencies nd to rset postly to mirimiee loses ana recover 2 score ‘is lan applicable to all employees wortng on the A Khor Expressvay Pot Ind al subonractors teloyes wo sat be ivove i his projec and the vistors to the proj. This document encompases the Feldene comps ste ote, woishep warehouses an al any cher wok estes aes. 3. REFERENCES. + Qatar constuction Sandor (QC 2024) 1 Projet TEFEN HSE Pan [AE PHO-TER PLCS. 0003) + PEO ASHGHAL HSE Rquvements + conn space Ey Procedure + Contrction Evironment! Management Pan (AKEPHOCEKPLN-N C0001) 4. DEFINITION & ABBREVIATION ‘cunt #e0 Puc se coureacton ccs 2014 coo ee come ceecency oe No, REP TER PAHS 0003 Ren Pvate Engineering ofce x0 nternaonal Contant (ata censtuetion Speciation 2018 eat, Safety are Enironent (atar Ci Defense Deparenent Emergency Response Ran Emergency Response Commander ‘Operation Scene Commands Musor Pint Conor CorstructionEniconmental Management Pan ayers eau ston: a unexpected ane sussen eve ‘hates be dea when ey unlanne event chan of events, wich have o ould ave coud npr oie anor damage [s) 0 ashe, {heenuronment tha pety/portes ater Safety ta sheet FaesboaT Seo) 5. RESPONSIBILITIES ‘employes and emergency Response Tessa be emi wth hee now toate an emerge Roles fd responses ay personal ince of an eergency ae essed hereunder, 5.1 Project Manager ‘The Projet Managers ‘+ crsurehat e saety anatemergeney pln i eommunite to and implerentes bythe eonstreion ‘Uncartan hee safety ane emergency ln Cooperate wth the recommendation ofthe Emergncy Response Team Commander Netinertre withthe aeons of te emergerey sees. Help the emergency serves cing a ncn Ensure that adequate resources ae nplace oat out the requirements ofthe te sat and emergency pn 5.2. Construction Manager ‘The Construction Manage shal ‘tse that he re safety ns emergency pln communicated to and implements bythe construction Understand he rest ane eegency ln ‘ooparte wit ne ecormendtons of he Emergncy Response Team Commanse. Notinerfere wth he actions ofthe emergency setvies elp te emergency servis uring an incident Ene tha eg reser aoc ut beget of say andere pan 5.3. HSE Manager / Deputy HSE Manager ‘Te HSE Manager sol Develop upente and msitin the ie set ana emergency 8 Ensre that competent Emergency Response Team Commander appointed Ensure the emergency responce procedures are Ket up Understand the fire soe andemeteeny lan ‘Guide tre econmendstons ofthe Emerancy coordinator Notintrer with the cons ofthe ererpeny sevens Ensure tat adauat rescues arn pace to ctr au the requeents ofthe ke sbetyandemergeny pian. + Cont and monitor the imalementaon ofthe plan and its contents ensuring any nen-comane Is reported tothe Project Manager 5.4 HSE Chief / Officer ran emergency sat Report on defines of emerenay euler + Goornate seery pracceas (eg. Cea erst pats, aces to Tustttack equipment and diosa ef ‘obi traughout thee are of esponsy end raining and emergeney siercio, 3 ogee Toe No, REPRE PAE DER Papeete eee eee ® ensiosen Be KEOW ‘Tear CONSTRUCTION eS Se 1+ Ensure personal deactivate emergency Senes perannal ypon ttl an type, !Eape ah locaton othe emergency a he tts of he evbuation na herent ct the node ‘on heating aur oF 08 beaming sare of n meron, the folowing acon: Implement te emergency response procecures forthe aes Ensue thal the ERT has Seen note. Fallow the naructons ofthe Fie Safety an Emergency Plan Proceed tothe Assembly point. regency vacation Rates, ident Cal Pint & Assen. Fost enerzency “+ ompils report fe actos taken dung ne emergency for debriefing 55. Site Engineer / Supervisor / Foreman Ensure thatthe wort ares ree rom hazard to alow othe emergency to be dea. Ceara operatione within work reanclaing Sing epestion, Provide use ofthe rane t asi wth he emergency ‘As required prepare any rescues atthe work are, sor the ste nurse st aders ad emergency senicsio othe were at equa 5.6 Emergency Response Teams Eneceency Response Team Personne sl tae trained in the lowing Advanced Fist i sect sreating Apparatus (8A Confined pace ty seo basa stretcher to evacustan red person seat Gas detectors ‘peratasytem of commands an racedure in reponse to acanfnadspace incident ore Frerentre Fadl communication. ‘Thay act asthe emergency response tear under the corination of emergency controle, tend regular raining. Practice use specaleedeaupment Maintain species eupmort 5 gr manufacturers spectestions Ensure that the persons pctctie equipments rainained an aval sre personal Rt entation aaiabe Preemergency slang. ‘ond and emergency enerces, ot reque, ‘Memes th salary out ets 2 se euln te regency response posed pte folowing Respond othe margeney a dete by (RTC) + communatette tis of te stuaton with (ERIC) {Hand ver ard rie Emergency erdces on ara ‘Doc Ro: ARE PRO TECRONNSOOO Rew Sg eoemnnene GDN ose cnnnts @ Post eergeey 1+ Geanand service used specie eqlpent ‘Replace pecalzed equpment as neces. 5.7 Emergency Response Team Commander (ERTC) ‘+The ERTC wit provide immesiste support to OSC and to ERT oulnng stateny and acing as 2 ‘teouphout. cranes al prsns are accounted for ates he stuaon and asl the inet, ently and eaten stata gat and objectives, det sectans to OSC 1+ manageshe nln rganzator;aproveequstion nd release of emergency esponse resources ‘+ incre wth cet ana Senor Management anak co orate emergeny Inert acts with local agencies make declsons or te ned to eatle the whol area 5.8 Emergency Response Team Members (ERTM) Incas of ay regen, the des of the Emergency Response Tears rs fotow: ‘+ Upon notikcaton ofan emergency et prepared for immediate move: ‘+ tecessary nite the re alarm ac bag te evacuation of re bldg: ‘rset everyb05y hast the Muster Pint/Assembiy Point ‘Tendo the nr or neapactateé parsnnel fist; 2 Reporte status tothe ERE of your ren. 5.9. Operation Scene Commander (OSC) 1 0scshatass he EnTCin Mandir the eeigency and comericatng with llth epee in thai areas. ‘+ oscwilbe responsible persons wo willbe at tenant cane. ‘+ Infocm en, assess the stuation pu lets 0 ERT member ‘nay conte wth he ERC ara update him about he usin an rece reports rom MPC ad inform FRCof any missing personnal, ‘5.10 Muster Point Controller / Checker (MPC) + moc atergrieprsoanel yan aval atthe Muster Asemy Pon ‘Ensure thatthe muster Asembly Point safe ard dec the people tothe correct location proceed tthe deigate Muster Pont 1+ Gount te number of pasensreparg tothe Muster /Aearby Pon, here i azropaney between umber on ste and total numbers scouted for the nae of pean at muster pone soul hen Be tater conten ming persone! 1+ Reportany ising pascal 0h OSC. 5.11 Search & Rescue Team Leader ‘+ Acompetant person rom the staf sabe chasen who shall be amir wth lhe se sce routes na Shale gen reper vane. 1 Theseare and rerve tear salle eid and edad about EP. {the leacer of search ane escue tam sabe corte rt ir ‘Contact OSC and confirm the neces of ese opeaion. ‘Goa Re AEPROTER PUNE DOOD ev moo GY nese BD KEON TeXFEX CONSTRUCTION = SE ‘+ Search forthe man lost and canyout eu operation withthe hla of team members. ‘+ Gaeintaration OSC abet the stuatoraregur inten 5.42 Fire Fighting Team Leader ‘Contact os¢ and conti the neces of fetighting + Gary outtretgningaperatin wth then of tam membre {res unontralsie fr OSC and take futher sbtions. 5.33 Fire Werden 1+ -Aireteam warden sabe selected ad stabi efighting team ‘Are Fier inthe team sal be quate fre Fgnters who have undergone Base Fue Fighting course 1 Fre wardens ae responsble to cise the alam, cuca the bln and then extinguish the re he Shortest mein deton of Se. 1+ Were fire waren arunabeto manage he ee, he party asitance wil tend 5.16 First Alder These Fes Ager shal: + betaine to administer is at ‘in an rcéont setup 2 age point neaoy 10 the shaft ext rota casuates for tetment ond 4 Betrained to are for casas awating emegeney evzeuaton /hasptalzavon, + Assistemegeney serces on request {Coordinate any rondervs pant and ast in evecuston of mar ata, 5.15 Spill Control Team ‘Aang sllge Sots rnesaey od ting all pose intatves toto pile, ft sae to gos ‘Containing sltage by costuctng bung around the spl ob peat inert absorbent prevent farther send 1+ Recovering spilled chericaly substances, wher practable *Gzaning of Silage st a soon ae practicable and stone contanates slldrt ht an appopete ‘Assisting eternal emergency agnce, as equied or request 5.16 Security Team * Corning of the emareany tea to peven seas of any unuthorize perton sting the Emergency Response Coornator an external emergency agence, 3 eqveted 5.17 Medical Team (site Medical Doctor / Nurse) ‘Toadninisr to pasrdng resent regres + Tocarefrcsuates aig emergency evacunton/ oss. sit eregane eres on request. Provide ne opeopit evel fat ted parsons unt emergency sis hve ated 5.18 Employees / Visitors “+ Befarar ith the work ste’ emergency vacation pln. 1 tow te pathy wo at east two ater ve ot om ever are the workaoc, Tae Toe No, ARE PHO THD 0008 Rev rnc te ® pense KEOW ‘TeXFEX CONSTRUCTION =! EE 1 Recogie the sounilnalng method of te efevacustion alarms know venta contin an emergeney dow to coat tem {The person et svar ofthe emergency tal sound alan employes /vstos an ssperm after the OSC Secaes he termination of mere. 6. EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT ORGANIZATION 6.1 Organization Structure rest anager i Senate I T ese oon : 7 : ey Fe cone Tut som conte Sect om 62. Key Personnel Contact Mehmet Rm Korat! Proje Manager| Telon Construction sasoos28 oi ewer semanager | _TelfenContrcton oss1270 Naveed Hussin Deputy HSE Manager | Tefen Construction anes Samar Zaoor Emvicnmert| | seen contraction sosoouz Marae dana omete Toe ARE PRO TEN PONS 000 Rev EE Fear oor en mom ® enti B KEOW SEE AN 7. POTENTIAL EMERGENCY SITUATIONS. ‘The foming merous possible energancy may encounter onthe project Tlf stl asurethat Iyer ‘Senin are cette oral woxtiaces ana eereenyaangenents te plat. van ran ssoano09 Fe and epson Wordle ncn leading to ates, marines rit heath Natural elsaserseartauats,cyones hunts / andor Outbreak ef eas / neon (il disturbance, terri an war; (Gtasropnifalure of pan and/or equpment vionmertalincidnts Release of hazardous materials and substances |, EMERGENCY PLANNING Teen shall apy risked approach to emergency planting Potential emergency eens hat may affect roe ster oatyshatlse eared trough 3 hes anal or ie szzement ong nt consderton one flow ‘eograhia action nonmetal snes the te racing te eae ars commun strotresreundng or alacen tthe stor fy Sraicinetace Actes uae tobe unceaen Pant and eoupment ured orto be ues ‘azadous substances and dangerous goo stored and used orto be stored and used Etniecomposton ofthe workforce Eergeny events that ny potenti afet projet site shall b erie as part fhe projec HSE sk asesment ‘arid oui the cormmencement any roe Slr process stallb applied older the pote enerpeny ‘evens hat any Tefen ity maybe suet ‘The outzomes fhe above rik astssment shal be use fr identi the preventive messes an tering the ‘The emergency planning proces shal be repented afer ny malo or atasvophemergeney event norder 0 aces {he adeauae and effectivs ofthe resources and emergency resporse ales alocted 2 project ste oral. Hower a: pat of Tetfers commitment to “ter ham ema sal be even to the prevention of emergency ‘ven by implementing prosctve atone. 9, EMERGENCY PREVENTION & CONTROLS ‘Tefen anogerent sammie to prevent the occurrence fay emageny event on Tekln procter aces ‘hat ean cause fatal, ry, property damage or damage tthe envrnment. nine wth ts commitment, Teen ‘talimpemen the folowing scons sted agaist ach potential emerteny event: 94 Fire ‘+ storageof ammableand combustible substancesn secured estos and aay from any source ofenton Toe Re REPRO TECPUCHE O00 eS manson GY) ost enson : B KEOW EE ‘+ Remorl f al fanmabe and combustible substances rom hot work eas proto commencement thot, wrt + Use rebankets andre retardant serene sound the hot wrk areas ‘+ nescion on szss to hjrecarbono ter farmable substance silage fess ‘Routine msntnance and ispecon of power generators, elec dtroution panels and other electra Instalaions and components “+ Resin cn smoking sie the of and sense oes of contraction sites ‘+ estallaion an maintenance ef smoke alarms inbulngs ware Reuse, Ichens, and ose storage areas ‘+ Pacementard maintenance of epropiate typeof fee etingshers an fire blankets alee having re potenti ‘+ Routine nspecion fhe prevention he detection ar eighting arrangements 9.2 Workplace Incident ‘Ste nducton foal employes and subcontractors ‘raning of employes in eleva WS procedures Dai Presta aft Breng for communion of work-related haart an equiedconol ination or contol ot iene woksac azar, 53 mater of init Contvoofhaardous work processes by a Permits Wark system Route safety ané environmental inspection cf Stes an faces by heath, soe and envionment Rove slety and ernment cmlians inspection by Ernst ona Supenort Routine taloxtalsonemesingsaetyisues and sts Route inspection of pint na equpment Requirement for wearing approprte PPE 9.3. Severe Weather ‘+ continous mentoring of Humidex (elaive huni and atmosphere temperature) dung summer wren rangement for rest breaks per recommended pracices ‘Stoppage of eterna works during entree hot weather (5 cr Catr Government Reultion) Provision foc adequate ining uso the workers Provision fr frst ail faites on constuction Stes fer vesting heat stoke patents 9.4. spillage of Harardous Materials Storage of ydocrbons nd hazard cerilsn aprender areas Handing of hazardous substances by ase employes and wth ncesary precautions to aod spllge Routine maenanc of pln, equipment ad veces or avidin leakage of el ana ubriants| -voianc of lingo lar andvehiclon ste, asf as procicable ‘Communicable Diseases Premployment eat creeing of employees Heath surveliance of erployes exposed hazardous substances ovine inspection a ltout carp anthers for health ana hygiene conetons Ibistion rd apprecation medal watnent of any employee sullen rom cormuricble ese ‘Thelmplementation of th sow ainsi monitored bythe heath sty sd environmental profesor and ‘he consucion personne! on agua bat ‘Toe Wes AREPROTER POCRETODOS Rew CR —-o-—~- 8. ‘TEAFEX CONSTRUCTION sot Se 10, EMERGENCY PREPAREDNESS Preparedness indus al the measures taken to minimise the haaréur outcomes fan emergency fan emergency occurs eats atin rangement to overcame that emergency nae manne. Preparation of erergorey response procedure, relevant documentation or procedures and cammuncaten to all emporees Provsion forgone response squpment(e4sensor alas, eefehtng rangement, megachones oF spears, (2) an astablshment ofan Enettacy Response Team ‘Tranngs to all employes Incung Emergency Response Team on safe work practies and how to reat in an Ccarying out ertegency respense és provision of supportive facies which can provide mmedate ald In an ceergency (east 6 carer, paramedie staf, transportation tte, and coordination wh ester emeretny ‘responders Pale, Ambulance, en Cl Defense Fore forte asstancan the evento an emergency Tohande al nds of merges in a profesional manne, TEXFEN shal provi neces eoures andere ‘hata mployes are proper traits ta raspne Io Emergency. 40.4 Emergency Response Resources To prevent potentials of fe and damage to propery and the environment Telfn managament conmiteto provide and maintain easeratle emergency sponse equpmantn popes 0 MPS ‘Sra faclites sal Ince ara micimunh, Emergency rangement and Eauipment 1+ Emergency & Evacuation Layout an + Emagen tpg + Assemby point 2 bjewath aaton + Fist Ai Medea Faces Fe and Alen Systane: 1 Se Hest Detectors Flrefhng Equipment + Frenyare + Fret Rel Rese auipment: seating parts Betas baer ‘Decne: KERHD TECRUNNSOOOR_RewE Cag Dane BD KEOM ‘EAE CONSTRUCTION ee Eine pod Feb Sytem Lighting / Tener Communion spl Response Equipment + soits 2 nar beertonte 102 Inspection and Maintenance of Emergency Response Resources ‘Al enargancy response equipment sn fost shal be sbjet ort inspection an maintenance. The Project HSE Manger ullesre tat ucnequpment a faites, ineludng tre emergency ests anaes bait are inspected trout teal and martial renal. Fo Teen foes, uch ascfies,the Nanas in-charge of uch fects sal eae the sme Records of uch nections ard any mahenanee shallbermatained 11. EMERGENCY COMMUNICATION AND REPORTING 411.1 Emergency Hotline Number Tehlon established 2 project tine umber to ensure canazed reporting stam incase of any emergency. Dedented competent porion sab arena ttle al te cls and rly th formation tothe RT Poetry Hin Maer So Peet 5050-0911 ‘cx \ Seti eget Mann ctr Wate Depaimet so Bane eae — 261 tly coe soo (GT a rage aaerse ino aan tabetha me fee 228 eau esto fmm ataroninedrecarycon/eata-emeence-cunbes ‘Decne ARERR TERI _Rew ir meme GD) sera KEON ‘TEXFEN conSTAUCTION soca EE 41.2 Emergency Reporting Tekan employees, sbscontactos and wos are caspnsble for reporting an amwgency event 16 the es gratedERTCas Soon they nto enzunter a emergency potent erergeney unk The protcaler ‘eparing al emergenay oven summoned ou 412. EMERGENCY RESPONSE PROCEDURES Te implementation ef pening ad repareines dung 2 ess enargency response. mplenentationineudes the fecson, actors end appeaton of escrces used to migat he carsequences an energy. ‘Theressonse te an emergncy must be promt snd asuat te ha the emergency nn sppoprite manner ‘The ERT must actuate mediately ad ile the aval arrangements for migation ofthe energene. To enhance cammanication inhaling an emergency, to conal the station by he caret pszola ate, any employe shal ‘eautharaes tora an emergency em blancs, mel staf re eam, reserve, ther emargeny Series salle ealeonequrement Al peso! ‘allmuser at he decree sembly pot ‘Toe No AE PRO TECPURE ODODE Re —-@-— _B « SE ‘Thedesgnated members ofthe SE tam shal provide guidance and assistance oreachtheassenbl pln Emergency onaet umber and st speci tacuon ans shal beni tal employers ndistos free, camp ane 12.4 General Emergency Look at the stuaton quik ang careful, ses wha kindof hells requd, frst ald cent shallbeestblshee Inthe conseucton tes and pronan of ered et det \tanincgent oars which requires medial attention, he dectorfrurse sous be immiteyinformed ant Inthe vent of an near invahing rs, the folourg genes procedures shal be alowed Calter! asians 1+ Do not atts to move ayrawtnred pan ures theres animinen est oe ad nb 11183 safe and you are trained to dos, amine meta fst aid apie the ABC rie (away rating and Creston, 1+ tsar telnhredperon were comfortable wie wating fer mada astancy, taney oat wi MeDEvRcreauves. 322 Fatality ‘+ dots regres of cause sal wohou exception, be raported tthe oc ote neatly ‘Respective region! WR represtriatives hl be the rain interface withthe lel authori, in decedent Mars peson ding deceased person tll pot movethe decease, rot the Locale securetheare, srrequredremainat the sere ul subarea, +s son 2 possible, respecive company HA represenztne notes respecte Embassy ofthe deat. ‘Comp wat al gucence gen by Eras Consulate nthe evento fatal, the‘elwngacons shall betken by ERC 1+ 2 person is beeved tobe decease, as detrined by Coe, after al atts have bean made 10 ‘ee, he boy shouldbe ef unturbas unl he pole bvestaion canglee ar ads 10 so + exsuretha th scane sft unesurbed, ariaded ff th scene, do not dtr ay equpment or other Imai 2: tis may be ud evens. Keep al prsonnel away fom the scene “Notte HSE Manager nd Project Manager soon as possible. “+ Inthe event of death of expatriate parson, arrangements would be mado to repeat the body home dey receing hospital mrt. TEXFEN Prec Manager sal ba response ocorrmuricats with Ima. Nobody tom TERN re evacontactors wile alowed to talkto marca pecans ones others sutras 32.3 Fire & Explosion ‘employee na torso he ate mus be fail wth the acon to ake event 99 re or exlesen Upon noting eo explosion the flowing poceire sab alowed: + Opecnetne neoest esa el point Fag or ——-S-—~ 8 oO Ee + cathe project tote number ‘Fahne fei safeané aineto do soo otherwise eave the bulling or welace by the nearest 1+ Donotsetu the bling to caet persona toning unl autharsed 9200 + Donotasetnelit case of reo exon 124 Incident involving Hazardous Materials Inthe event fen indent ialving hazardous materi he folowing procedure shal be flowed 1+ late ERP, move nor-essentl pesca! to pice of sey, aking wird rection and ow Characteristics consideration 1 Inform the ERC of rate of andes af nen, ently the matrtaitved nd ata the SOS or ‘ensure response prsonnel are wearing sporopriote PPE fr apeosching the kien frm an voi “pwd gestion, 1+ \fpesonal are nard/comainated request medial asitance ndcary ot et is er the SOS. 1+ spiape has ocumedatzmpt to prevet ures contamination by containment aig slit 1 freis ives, apy froin eaubmentoutined in S08 + tore than one mater is inva bo aware ofthe posit of chemical reaction andseok specialist ‘ie, fl decontamination of ll equipment and personel sal be required, request assistance of SE Manager 1+ Dont put eons tear its the ara unl the material ved hasbeen ant, the SOS hat boon caine and appropriate preavns putin lace 1+ shut down or eng al sures of ton (opan ames, eater elecies power ad engines, investigate th stustion nd evaluate ay potental haar te pesonel and othe acts Cone ‘hata gas oro leakhasocited and itt aporepate cont measures, Le, perform eauprant and eperatonal shutdowns, ensre tht al potent sourens oF gion have Seen shut dm {otra perioral have bean seared fr anata pertannel are mustered pun the elas ‘fos, 26s al ire pars, and preserve he cane ofthe ine 1 seonvo methods prove netfee, ake steps toinglement pctlecomplet ste evacuation 1+ Resplatory protection and g3s monitoring equipment requ whe attempting to onl a gas rela parson ae ated andr autaraed a do. 4125 H2S (Hydrogen Sulphide) Leakage ‘nen he 2 montr ges alr, the following sequences tal bfolowed 1 suc ofa ergnes ana top wor, hak the wind rection aienng wine and move bry e058 the win Inthe absence of wince he wind econ may be ascertained by throwing sans dustin the arf poultry to esape neh. ‘Dee ARE PRD TECPIN RS ODO Rew irr et me ae tof the nearest stitlon operator about the leakage, Tae further dracon from the stan contact emergency hline number aa info tas Before tying t ese the HS affected icine, ensue that you are pope rane tod 0 and weneng the beaburgaparatuso! he regu capact,eherts do ot putyou Me a ik 126 Excavation Collapse ‘on noting someone buried na cave, o not attempt to rescue tem youre never enter the Notte supervisor oral projet hate number by proving the emergence action of the ‘neideat and te number of eters Iles ‘Shut down l hay equipment and move oter workers aay ro te area. Montr the stuaton eneve a cra wr hanson se, Plot weed eon ety wat foetal mens. ‘ets eid the quali rt ier to erinnel removed rom the excavation. Sit there or further medal estan. 42.7 Confined Space incident / Entrapment Into vont of an incdert/acciéantocusn conned space © work eatin, the watch person sha comnmunieat the Indentation (sc instruct he rescue procedures, eaeate the wapped parsons as er conn space ent and arrange the emergency mesial serce Stop the ates, late he conned space re, and do nt alow anyone tery unt authored rode 32.8 Fall from Helght Inte event of al tom heghtincdent, dv to structure colopse fire or adverse wether contin [ExT asgned forthe iecaton to actvate command the team members reseepan at arene or emergency mes serve fr tenured peso, rescue personal cannot each to kate locaton Inmet request i Dense and Local Poca ‘ett on the locaton shal be nae, ole the seated work loation wil the investigation Corlees an carrectve nears mpemented fr Safe wrk 32.9 Road Trafic Accident (RTA) ‘he flowing procedures toe ftwed in the event of veil accident resin in dare othe vice and/or involved nan azide resulting parsanal ny priate property emage: ‘Tee Re REPRO TCP S_Rewe rr mnetmeemn GY asstensne BY KEON ‘TeXFEN conSTRUCTION et EE + recat ca 98910 requestappleabie response Lea Poe, Hamad Emergency Response Team, sre Dtene. + sss pasos, rove ei if supported known or aed + Dont move eis) nists ove dangerous to lave where ti erected by cl defense ortow enorement agencies od 2 + Drvrsinvedinminor sedan wih na serous inure should movecuto te sid ofthe roasand out of he way of oncoming tafe ‘+ Protect yous andthe vehicle fom further ij or damage, if physical pose (Dec walle arune cident scene; move vehicle ro roadway, when dete, poston yous way fom ‘hil, eile cent be moved te) 1+ tfacar cannot be moved vers ang passengers shoul reman nthe crs with seats fastened for ‘reryone'ssfty unt ep ares Mak sure totum azarae et out cones, ashing hgh cr waring tangles if posse + contact your mediate superar by ging the deta of he accident 12.40 Electrle Shock ‘+o notisng person tected slat shock, neue your oun sey before aproaching the person ‘nvavesinthe meget. 4+ tlt the power source, ree the person rom the sours of contact sng dry weaden push stick push Slcks ot eval, ue some other non-condictr of ety avllten the premiers. ‘+ Donotty to pullerion with bare hang, use hand gloves to prevent ransmision of elec curen. ft Isothgh lage, do nt go too dot before aston + tenet cl project emergency hone number. 1+ Provide immediate stad retest tind to do 0 (Muscle contrac and subsequent stoppage of hears the major arate tele bythe frat cer). saa i \f workers repr or supervsors aber sens symptoms of het ret ines, opacity immed. ‘et ule wating for hep. HEAT STROXE ISA MEDICAL EMERGENCY, CAL 99 mmadatl Ma woke shams ny gs of eat stoke salated Emergencies Incase of Meat Soke whe wang fo ep prod isl Pace were shady, cores eosen lth, ema outer eothing Fan ao wore od pads in apis ‘Wt worker mith cool wat pp epee, cool compresses, ref aatable Provide is preterely water as son as posse ‘Say wah works unt np sve Incase of Hen Eehation provi ist at Fear isos mormon GY reece EB KEON ‘Teer coxsTaucTion eee Se Have workers ore dina oo shady a0 Ge werkr ley of water a ote oo overages to ik 1 Cootworker with elscompresiesice packs {Take ta ic or emergency room for mesial evaluation o reste figs o symptoms worsen a 89 ot improve win 60 mite. Incase of Heat ram, provide st ad 1 ave worker resin sas, cot area + Wortr soul eink wter or other cot beverages + Waitafen hous before allowing worker to retur to strewous work 1 Haveworter sea mesa atertion tramps dort ao aay Incase of eat ramp, provi fst a + Trytomorein a cooler ess humidenranment whan posse + Keeptneatected ea oy 12.32 Natural Disaster ‘Any pesome!esrrng ofan unusual weather or ether potently hamful natural ocurenee that mht ‘raarger personnal or fet the sae ana oF Eres, programmes operation al immed {2 the OSM or uravaiabl HSES Manager. Babe quince, tural caster /Sovere Weather cout ‘use, sek sheer ighteingsininent do not shelteunder es, bubdins st option, veils Zr ay ‘nthe ground in residence, rin fe, remain sid, Contact the OSC or unvatable he Bacsp OSC and ovis reor neue Your leat, 12.13 Civil Unrest (hl or Pttical unrest develo he folowing guidelines sha be inpleented If eaughe outside ina ortet, emanation or ater form ofthe unrest donot tins, ake ie or {nthe inforation. iy theroleothetoursandmmedatly depart the ara esas out ake every ‘tr nat oeraw attention to yous, do nt take photos othe zy, and do ne ak tothe mel. tin ‘eines, ofee or oterbullg rman inside unes the bling whete You we tig halter iectiy Inv, een then staying side ace room maybe the safes option. Nott acl ste authority, conte the OSC a i unmaabe the HSE Manager and oie atts eort Inclug you latino not go Stee redence to ecue wae, ete eran nse out f She donot watch atty rom our ef tp or wins he bung whee shtenng comas dec under testo ‘there invaved. Relocate tanner rom that rows maximum protection (batho tole) between Se and the unrest shatter m plac Re-4s OSC or Sahup OSC of status and malin euler Tekfen pesomte! shall never take any action 1 endargethemsees oF ony ater peson Pole, lary Deronnlareralond to handle sao of isnatureandvalbe contacted inmeitel Wout the ee, ‘uly ana que eavetne area and moet seein. 113, EVACUATION PROCEDURE 13.1 Planning & Preparation Panning and preparation for eacution a thi projects gh ia Th preg ASminstration Manage sng HSE Manager shal be members of EXT ané shal be flowee te 4 gudeine for evcitin and flowing ‘Doc Ra: ARE PRO TERPONHS00003 Rew SE 132 Site Evacuation ft considered necessary to evacuate the ste o arote the fey a perenne he foloning roceire sa be mplementas ‘+ the05c sal repo to ERC the numberof persons tobe evacuated and mustered ine sofe ae. * Estalah muster numbers vis the Muster checkers este any mising parsonelupeste mustered etionnel on metodo sracuation and action equce by them, there tne adit at 20, {he OSC Sal canst ating ey personnal to ary ot the otouing actors to make te te 6 Secure and pret asl, close computa renave ay vluble or ani matress Islte ower and services, loc and remove keys fom any plant or venics.lt fel Tanks ompresed gas otis nd pose scare areas they ae nb locking ates, 07 ee, Inform ERE whens pesonnl area leaving these 13.3 Assisting the Mobility Impaired Pesans hang any mebity mpsrmant shal be cnsieed fst for evacuation. eta of sue atsn must ‘emaintane and ifr to OS, Vstors tthe prj shal be tied to evaastion meter pot, Waders Shal aston motity impaired pope ear the fe ext farther say rom he fe. fe canton poses 3 sonal test, the fre wardens or person assisting all ener the et wth the parsons) needing Spec stance and wat forthe Qatar Cl betes re Department, 13.4 Repatriation If the Emergency has detested to wch lav ht the he of frig nationale ate tvestened oF 3k feregn Governnonts may yf sanga an evacuation, Fr ts ease, kl esentl tha al personnel shale repsteree wth te embscsier of ter respactve counties Emergency Response Commande shal take ‘precautions as necesry fo protect pasonnel and property Inease gutding and phys protecion, Immediately form te Projet Manager, ecury Manager ans SE Manager assess he sever of the 'Surton Prgartoecene Poco ther autores nse ado sally stop operations fended, ck al {2s and ervanes othe ate, work with bass / author an reve sey sur ne ret rae ‘movements tis necessary to eacte he ste, luis and confidential formaton shoul be taken or at Teast pce in ced abies, computers shouldbe shut down 135 Security Threat Evacuation Tre need fran vacation fam Qatar is considered uly however pti ar ures an aoe ai ‘he OSC or bscup OC shal canst th PMCISC Forsch an event Fallot up for persons halle ater feney remainin her aceormosaionsoasemble at previous desgratedlecaton de il be restores thin :U4, EMERGENCY REPONSE TRAINING Suflent traning sal be provided to Emergency Response Team to enable thm to perform the function in 3 ‘cametent maner. Such traning maybe provided iteraly or hough tid party wang rs Ades sal attend an tema recognies trang course provided by accede Fest Ad / Medea! Tang Center 6, HAMAD Internation! ring Cote) “ener staand sito operates shal cee instruction on documented emergency eangements Ths may be v9 ‘aieing or formalinducton. Suh nstucton saline deta on ating emergency / he ses an emergency Persons tring tous emergancy ese equipment inuingralevant RE PE shal receive wall hed party rang Init ate an mintenance where erat, ‘Tot No, REPRO TERRORS DOS Rew me Gane BKM ‘TeArE CONSTRUCTION Sse Sen 45, EMERGENCY DRILLS EXERCISE TEKFEN& subeonracor HSE tom shal conduct announced an unannounced support Gs oF eereses, i au of emergency ers, Fre or smer aural aster inthe l Khor Expessay project ens on quarter Bass ane provise trang for tha personal Emergency il shal be caved outa eglr intervals. These dis are necesary to make the employees are of how torent in an mergency. Ever drfeneese shal have escenario ane reper ofthese isonet shal be ‘ep nd wale submits te PMEISG ‘The olowing emergency evacuation dis wl be conducted or employees worn ol or Expressway Boke. + Fre eracuton dit Medes! emergency + eionmenta sige During emergency evacuation di local emergency Services shal be ive to partipate nthe emergency ils to Improve general communication and cooperate, ergany il shal be ocumented aed maitsned oords ‘The period ofthe ils shal be cared ot every month aim, 16, RECORDS + eargency rt Reports 4 enerpney Response Team Tearing Records + Emergency Response Equipment inpecton Records 117, REVIEWING AND REVISING ERP Project ERPs be upssted on 2 G-monthly bas, ules thave ate sicat changes eg. the delivery of ge ‘uanties of harardous substance rm aces alterations aflectng emergency outs and assenbiy pois ERP sal be updated folowing» il raul emergency event soul the arrangements have proven nefcent or Impratale 18, APPENDICES Aopen Projet Ste undies ‘Appendix 8 Emergency spon Tear ‘pana Fist ices ‘Appndn = Loestion of Medel Cline st station ‘Append €~Emerseney Evacuation Pan —-8--- 8. a Se APPENDIX A — Project Site Boundaries ‘Doe Re REPRO TEPER D008 Rew i Sen oo @ ee BO EE ‘Doe Re AREPHOTER POURESOOOS Reve SSSSSCSC RE APENDIX B - Emergency Response Teams ‘Doe Ns ARE PRO TECPONRSO0003 Rew ge EE ‘Murat ONAR Rear hen tae 150800125, as (eset sonora ci — = = aah a7 ota etn ote gS esa Be re Ee APPENDIX C - First Aider List ‘Tor Wo, ME PROTERPUNHS OOOO Rew a ® erect te B KEOW Ee 2_| Noveed Husain “raseN M7057 3 _| wajahar state earEN men + [ie kas “eareN 518057 S| peta ocagat earen une © [smenocts aEWOO ssa1s76¢ 7 [weer aEWOO 759528 | pete vatene azwoo 95756 9 | ramesniws acwoo arse 10 [pane (ws) Daewoo) 73 12 | aeyanis) DAEHOO "eee 12 | wsnou sna Nece sosse226 13 _ | Reyalde sacra oom 76 14 | Prem rata 00M aaaeis Do No RE PD TOPOS DDR Rave rage oT RE LN APPENDIX D - Location of Medical Clinic & First Aid Station PALS PLP eee PEO / KEO OFFICE Block-L APPENDIX E — TEKFEN Office Emergency Evacuation Layout Plans ‘TEKFEN OFFICE EMERGENCY ESCAPE ROUTE ‘eROUND FLOOR PLAN TEKFEN OFFICE EMERGENCY ESCAPE ROUTE

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